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    Star Wars fans might recognize the redwood forests Ian & Co. walk through in TLW as Endor from ROTJ -- the same Northern California forests were used. (From: 'Vader')
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    December 15, 2000
    Pics from Universal
    Some new images of the Universal backlot from CountingDown.com, where you can see the black tarp that is now up over the cliff set, as well as a peek of water on the other side. (Thanks 'Savior')
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    Leoni, Macy on Leno
    Téa Leoni will be on Leno next monday (the 18th), maybe Jay will grill her about her next project.. (Thanks Steve). Update: In addition, 'Gallimimus' sends word that William H. Macy will be on the Tonight Show as well, on Thursday (the 21st).

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    December 13, 2000

    Macy Interview
    Cinescape.com points us this evening to indie film news website iFMagazine, who apparently got a chance to talk to JP3 star William H. Macy (can't seem to find it on their site, however). According to Macy, "We've seen about 45 minutes of cut footage, and it rocks. Joe Johnston is directing it. It is intense and tight. So much so that they might put some air in it just to make it palatable for the younger kids. But there are some new dinosaurs, and I am not allowed to tell you, or a spinosaurus will have to come kill you... I am running from dinosaurs. Action, action. It's very intense." Tight. (Thanks 'GoldblumRules')
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    An anonymous informant sent Corona some info, that according to "someone at ILM, the raptors [in JP3] have feathered head crests." Obviously, since this is Corona, you may want to salt this one to taste... (Thanks 'Utah Raptor' for the heads up)

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    I put a dollar in the soda machine..
    And the machine rejected my dollar! Does that mean my dollar bill can no longer be counted as a dollar? Uh.. no, if I went to a bank, they'd give me 100 pennies for my dollar. They wouldn't say, "Sorry, but this dollar bill was rejected by a soda machine which has been approved by state and federal agencies." My dollar is still a dollar, despite the fact it was rejected by a machine. The Supreme Court has made an unwise decision, and now George W. Bush is our president, a man who neither the majority of the country, nor the majority of the state of Florida, voted for. We know it, Bush knows it, the Supreme Court knows it. Illigial partisan politics by the Justices won this election.

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    December 12, 2000

    More About Davis
    John Williams Central has some information about last week's announcement that Don Davis will be composing the score to Jurassic Park 3. According to the article, it was John Williams himself who reccomended Davis for the assignment, who has "made his sketches for the first two films available to Davis and the plan is to use Williams' Jurassic themes extensively." However, says Davis, "there may be a necessity for a few new themes to be written.... I can't say if this is my most difficult assignment until I've begun working on the music - I suspect, though, that I will have a freedom of style that I haven't had before". (Thanks Glen).
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    December 10, 2000

    Neill Interview
    'Savior' sent along a link to this interview with JP3 star Sam Neill on the website of the Aussie newspaper, "The Age". "I don't like to be caught acting," says Neill, who goes on to discuss his roles in various films. Towards the end, he drops a few tidbits about his current project:
      Jurassic Park 3, directed by Joe Johnston, has taken up much of this year and will be keeping Neill busy for some time.

      The irony about action films, because they involve stunts and special effects, is that they can be "excruciatingly" slow.

      "This is going to take between five and six months to finish," Neill says.

      While he can't give too much of the plot away, Neill's character Dr Alan Grant has returned to Jurassic Park against his will. A plane crash sees Dr Grant and "a bunch of people I don't necessarily want to be with" dumped right back in dinosaur country.

      "Of course our lives are in danger from the moment the plane crashes, up until when some of us survive. Of course, some of those people will be eaten - that's a given," Neill says.

      "We've got dinosaurs you haven't seen before, and it's action pretty much from the beginning. There's a lot of running in terror. I'm pretty fit at the moment."

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    December 8, 2000

    JP3 to be Featured by Honda Racing
    Universal Studios and Honda Racing will team up in 2001 to promote various Universal franchises, including JP3, with specially themed motocycle bodies, according to this press release. JP3, says the release, "will be featured on the 2001 Honda Racing Teams." All three Honda racing teams: Supercross, motocross, and street road racing will drive with the special bodies. This story may sound familiar, as it is similar to a deal Univerasl inked in 1997 with Jeff Gorden's NASCAR racing team, who drove a "pre-historic" TLW race car in several events.
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    December 7, 2000

    Webcast Archived
    Spoke too soon! If you go to JurassicPark.com and click the JP3 logo in the lower-right, you can view the complete 54 minute webcast with Stan Winston that took place on Monday. So for anyone who missed it, download RealPlayer and enjoy. If you want a quick summary of what Stan said, click here. If you're watching the clip, the big action happens at about 23 minutes in, when Stan reveals the "tarp monster". At 28 minutes, Stan begins to field questions from the Internet. Here's some info I missed before:
      [About shooting near water and their effects on the animatronics:] "In The Lost World, I asked Steven .. please..lets keep us out of the rain.. instead of keeping us out of the rain, we had to go through a waterfall.. and in JP3 we're in a lake. So, we can't win."

      [About the internal workings of the dinos in JP3:] "We do have technical advances.. they're not huge, but there are technical advances... We have new aerospace hydraulic hosing, which allow more pressure and flexibility, which allows our animals to act more fluidly.."

      [About the spino:] "The most awesome feature of the spinosaur are it's forearms.. the t-rex has small forearms that don't do a lot.. the spino has huge forearms.. the forearms are virtually the size of a raptor... so huge, massive killing machine, that is connected to a very big dinosaur with a long, nasty snout that is somewhat dragon-esque or alligator-esque in its look."

      [About the rex + spino battle:] "I'm certainly not going to give away the most dramatic scene in the movie.. The t-rex killed a lot of things in previous movies, should t-rex get his comeuppance (punishment)?

    (Thanks Jon Zietz)
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    More News from Universal
    Another quick update from 'Scififann': In soundstage 28, the metal catwalk that was attached to a smaller version of the cliff set back in November has been removed, with the cliff being pushed back "and seems to to have been extended length-wise." In addition, there is "a black canvas/cloth against the side door to obscure any light, chances are that this will be a night scene.."

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    Leoni on Access Hollywood
    Tom pointed out that JP3-star Tea Leoni will be on Access Hollywood tonight, no doubt talking about her new film, The Family Man. As Tom says, "I do not know if she will talk about jp3, but you never know."

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    December 6, 2000

    Filming Completed at Universal Cliff?
    JP3 production may be wrapping up, as word comes from our source at Universal Studios, 'Scififann', that the "the steel frame work around the cliff set is coming down and is in it's early state of deconstruction. No word on when the cliff itself will come down."
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    Pics from the Webcast
    Well, looks like AOL actually won't be archiving the webcast, so if you missed it.. well, sorry. Read the summary below for the details of what we learned. I've also added some pictures to the story from the webcast, thanks to JP Unleashed.

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    Crichton Working on New Book
    Not really JP3 related, but nonetheless probably of interest to JP fans -- this weekend's Parade magazine had a snippit about Michael Crichton, who now resides in New York and is reported to be working on a new book. Don't get too excited just yet -- at the speed Crichton writes, it's probably safe to say we won't be seeing it for at least a year.

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    December 4, 2000

    JP3 Composer Named
    One new important piece of information from our Countingdown.com reporter, who provided the answers to some of our questions yesterday (story): The much-anticipated composer of JP3 has been announced.. Don Davis will be filling John Williams' shoes on the third movie. Davis has composed music for dozens of films and tv shows -- most recently he's done memorable scores for The Matrix and House on Haunted Hill. (Pic thanks to Official Don Davis Webpage, where you can download mp3's clips his Davis' work..)
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    December 3, 2000

    Stan Reveals All!
    Well, not really, but it's a good headline, isn't it? The chat with Stan Winston at AOL Live just ended, and actually turned out to be quite interesting.. Probably the highlight of the hour event was the unveiling of the Spinosaur from under the "blue tarp." There was some blood on the head of the spino, the source of which Stan would only say coyly, "I'm not going to sit here and tell you what happens.. but [see the] blood? Guess who's? This guy (the spio) is going to meet that guy (the t-rex)." As for the spinosaur model itself -- it's huge. "The t-rex was 9 tons.. spinosaur: 24,000 pounds.. 12 tons of dinosaur.. the biggest creature character ever made for a movie," he said. "At one time we could say that about the t-rex, now we can say it about the spinosaur." The spino is so big, in fact, that they had to tear open one of the garage doors at Stan Winston Studios to get it out. "Dinosaurs are cheap," Stan said sarcastically. "It's tearing the building apart that's expensive." Mr. Winston then went on to answer some questions from the online audience, telling us that the raptors will be back in JP3, though he can't say how much screentime they'll get until he sees the final edit of the film. "I can tell you they're back and they're bad.. and have gone beyond the raptors you've seen in jp and tlw.. with subtle changes to their look." Site reader 'Gladiator6k' got one of his questions answered, with Stan saying that the dilophosaurs will not return in JP3. What was it like working with Joe Johnston? "Joe is wonderfully creative [and a] teriffic artist. He [worked on] one of my favorite movies last year, October Sky, [and] he actually designed the robot in Iron Giant the cartoon.. what a wonderful movie that was." As for the other dinos we'll see in JP3, Stan hinted at the pteradon, saying the new dinos will be "flying in your face." Thankfully someone asked about the logosaurus, which Stan confirmed once and for all is a Spinosaur. And finally, Mr. Winston also put to rest the "prequel" rumor, saying that JP3 will not take place before TLW. Phew! I'm sure I missed something important in there, since my internet connection was crapping out every so often, so I will update this report when I learn something new. (Pics courtesy of JP Unleashed)

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    Report From the Set
    Your questions have been asked, and the answers from the set of JP3 are beginning to trickle in! A very special thanks to the gang over at
    Countingdown.com, who provided the link to the set for us here at DansJP3Page.com. The big news is that we now have a good idea about the plot of the film, though it seems as if some details are still being closely guarded:

      (Highlight to read) "JP3 takes place 4 years after the Lost World and is set on Isla Sorna. Dr. Grant (Sam Neill) is hired by a divorced couple (Tea Leoni and William Macy), and asked to help rescue a boy who has ended up there. This search and rescue mission turns into an extended stay courtesy of the newest dino - SPINOSAURUS. The Spinosaurus makes quick work of the plane when the rescuers attempt to leave, and thus the adventure begins for the group."
    As for the questions about Ian or Hammond:
      "Neither Richard Attenborough nor Jeff Golblum appear in the film."
    Which dinosaurs will we see in JP3?
      "The dinos I can solidly confirm are T-Rex, Velociraptor, Pterandon (with a 40ft wing span), Brachiosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Triceratops, and of course the brand new Spinosaurus. According to some material handed to us, there are a total of 10 dinos we'll see in JP3.
    Finally, some details about the Spinosaurs from our intrepid Countingdown.com reporter:
      "While there I got a chance to see the animatronic version of Spinosaurus and this guy is incredible! He's awesome, he¹s huge, and he¹s bigger then T-Rex! He comes in at about 20-25 feet tall/43 feet long, has a long narrow snout similar to that of a crocodile, arms the size of Raptors (approx. 6 feet long), and a fin on the back much like a Dimetrodon. According to Creature Supervisor, John Rosengrant, 'It's taken us ten months to go from the 1/16 scale model to what you're going to see on the screen, a 44-foot, 11-ton lizard that we¹re told would have been a medium-sized version of this creature.' Little information is available on the Spinosaurs. Paleontologist James Horner says, 'It was a theropod that was approximately 60 feet long, weighing 15,000 lbs. It roamed North Africa, but was related to Spinosaurs from Europe and South America. No eggs, nests or babies are known. All available information on this Middle Cretaceous creature is based on isolated bones discovered by Germans back in 1915.' Horner also comments that the Spinosaurus 'was a true predator. Many people think that the T-Rex was a predator, but he was actually a scavenger.' When you see the two next to each other this makes sense. The Spinosaurus has long arms that it could actually grab things with; T-Rex of course has those tiny little limbs that really couldn't do much. Most of his attack was with his mouth. Believe it or not you've actually seen part of the new dino. Have you caught that one picture with Stan Winston standing next to a large claw? That is the Spino's arm. He's fast, he's powerful and he's going to be wreaking some major havoc on the island."
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    Webcast Preview
    Over at the AOL WebCast page they've got a teaser for tonight's event, with some quotes from two of JP3's stars and Stan Winston (who's really a star in his own right). Make sure you've got RealPlayer, and head over there around 8 pm Eastern to watch the whole thing. (Thanks KC)

      Neill: We've got a new story.. a new director.. a different dyaminc. And I think it'll be substantially different than what we did the first time and certainly the second..

      Macy: We land on the island, and wham.. and we're running.. running until the end of the movie.. it's intense. This is phenemonial filmmaking and it's simply astounding to be a part of.

      Winston: If you can imagine anything bigger and badder than the t-rex, we have bigger and badder than the t-rex..

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    December 2, 2000

    List of Dinos in JP3?
    'Velociraptor101' sends word that according to page 56 in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly (with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt on the cover, which will probably hit newsstands Monday), "Among the leading dinosaurs [in JP3] will be: Spinosaurus, (spoilers!) Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Compsognathus, Pachycephalosaurus, Pterosaur," (I assume they mean Pteraondon) "and Ankylosaurus." No word as to where EW got this information..
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    Webchat Location
    Several people emailed me with the URL of the live JP3 Webchat on Monday: It's http://aolsvc.aollive.aol.com/entertainment/main.html, and you can submit questions now by sending messages to JParklll@aol.com. The chat will begin at 8PM eastern.

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    November 30, 2000

    Jackie Chan Jumps Out of the Way of JP3
    Looks like JP3 will have opening weekend (7/20/01) pretty much to itself, as now Jackie Chan's Rush Hour 2 has been pushed back two weeks to 8/3/01, according to Upcomingmovies.com. You'll remember that Sony's Final Fantasy has already yielded to JP3s' dinosaurs. The only competition JP3 will face now is Disney's The Princess Diaries.
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    80-year-old Actress Joins JP3 Cast?
    Interesting rumor from the strangest source this morning -- TheForce.net -- which is reporting that 80-year-old actress Alethea McGrath, due to play a "Jedi Librarian" in Episode 2, has recently finished work on JP3 in Los Angeles. (Thanks 'Zeta Gundam'.. Pic courtesy of StarWars.com)

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    November 29, 2000

    Guide to the JP3 Online Event
    There's been some confusion about the "JP3 Online Event" which will take place on Monday: As you may have noticed, on JurassicPark.com, they now list two different events, a "Live Webcast" at 8-8:30pm EST, and a "Live Chat" from 8:30-9pm. Now, the first webcast will apparently be open to anyone on the web via the Entertainment section of AOL.com. The second chat, however, will be accessable by a) anyone on AOL via keyword "AOL Live", or b) anyone with a DVD-ROM and the JP or TLW DVD's. This also has nothing to do with the "Ask the JP3 Crew Your Questions" thing, which is something completely different. :) Thanks to Simon at Universal for helping to clear everything up.
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    Téa Leoni Interview in "Allure"
    The December 2000 issue of "Allure" has an interview with JP3 star Téa Leoni, where she makes a few offhanded references to JP3, pointed out to me by my lovely girlfriend Julia. "My agent is always really puffed up about the fact that my contract says I get to keep the wardrobe," she says in the interview. "Like the khaki shorts from JP3, of which there are 45 pairs." [About her new hair-do:] "When I knew I had to spend 18 weeks running through the jungle being chased by dinosaurs that weren't there, I thought, Gee, what a tangled mess my hair could be. So I said, 'Do you mind if I cut it all off?' And they were game for it."

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    November 28, 2000

    Date Change for Winston AOL Chat
    A source at Universal Home Video dropped me a line to say that the date listed for the AOL chat with Stan Winston (which is only for AOL users, by the way) was incorrect -- the chat will actually occur next Monday, December 4th at 8pm EST. The AOL Live section of AOL has been updated with the new time. Don't have AOL? Don't worry, a full transcript will be posted here immediatly following the chat.
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    [News from Nov 14nd through Nov 27th]

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