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    In a scene in the kids film "We're Back, A Dinosaur Story" the characters parade by a movie theater listing 'Jurassic Park' on the maruqee. (From: SmartRaptor)
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    At 3:15:49 PM on 12/7/2000, Seige_6 said:
    I don't know what could fill it in. Just something. They could have done TLW sooner. Why wait 4 years to do research on dinosaurs on an island that was there even before the original JP was built?

    At 12:00:32 PM on 12/7/2000, Carnotaur said:
    There seem to be several conflicting lists of dino's that are set to appear in the new film. The confirmed dino's that ARE to be (according to Winston) are: T-Rex, Raptors, Spino, Pteranodon, Trike, Anklyosaur, & Brachiosaur. Winston also described there are to be 10 different species, so that leaves room for 3 more, my guesses are Compy's, Para's, Pach's, OR Gallimimus. Sadly there is no dilophosaures in this film, again confirmed by Winston....BUT What about an elasmosaur OR tylosaur??? cmon write em in!!!

    At 7:35:07 AM on 12/7/2000, tyrannosaurus rex said:
    hey you T REX IS THE KING THAT %@)#&
    spinosaur $!!@ sucks

    At 4:21:01 AM on 12/7/2000, Utahraptor said:
    There wasn't anyhting going on to fill in that 4 year gap. What do you think could have ahppened?

    At 1:35:34 AM on 12/7/2000, Tango said:
    Ugh. Horner likes to state theories as fact a LITTLE much it seems. As far as size goes, the actual order from largest to smallest is: Giganotosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus. It is potentially possible for ALL OF these animals to be larger than what we currently know, but so far from what we do have collected, this is the official order of the largest carnivores. A 60 foot long Spinosaur? There is no fact behind that at all, only speculation and possibility.

    At 11:25:45 AM on 12/6/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    Is it
    Not I sit

    At 11:25:21 AM on 12/6/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    I've noticed that Bob from HMT has been keeping rather quiet recently.
    I sit because he's realised that the spoilers he has been giving us for the last 6 months have been mostly rubbish.

    At 11:23:19 AM on 12/6/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    T-rex will definetly win.
    It will be a triumphant (If not obvious) ending to the trilogy.
    I want it to and it will.

    At 11:22:12 AM on 12/6/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Yeah, but it would fill in that nice four year gap.

    At 3:30:33 AM on 12/6/2000, Utahraptor said:
    You cna't go forward witht eh saga by going backwards. A prequel will kill the franchise. Spino was at a different part of the island the whole time. what,y uo think ti likes stalking T-rexs and raptors?
    Eric is off parasailing,a nd a Pteranodon attack strnad shim on Sorna, where, if he's still a dino fan, is having the time of his life wtahcing T-rex and Spino duke it out.

    At 10:12:16 PM on 12/5/2000, alexloops said:
    I don't understand the story, grant go's to rescue a child? Why? How'd the kid get there? Lets hope this one has a better story than the LW.

    At 6:19:30 PM on 12/5/2000, VelociYoshi said:
    I have no idea where Horner got that 60 foot Spino idea from, but I remember reading that the Spinosaurs was about as long as the T-rex, but not nearly as bulky or as tall. Yeah, the T-rex will, sadly, probably get killed, but perhaps the now fully grown baby will get revenge and slay the Spino, since I'm assuming the Rex would still dish out a ton of damage. Sounds a little corny, but hey, dino's were supposed to have been intelligent, so who's to say one wouldn't go for revenge like some modern day animals do? Besides, it would be a perfect dramatic touch, having both the first and hopefully the last JP movies finish with the Rex triumphetly declaring he is the king. Call it sappy, but it would work.

    At 6:07:09 PM on 12/5/2000, Carnotaur said:
    What about the water beast? Months before any Spino. rumors started to float around everybody was excited bc they were going to introduce an aquatic species?? What happened to that? NOBODY even mentions it anymore!!

    At 4:59:52 PM on 12/5/2000, Carter said:
    The Rex isn't the biggest meet eater ever to walk the planet, but it is the King because out of all the big therapod's it was by far the most powerful. I'd still like to know where Horner cam up with this sixty foot Spino theory, any thoughts. There is know way it could get that big. Can it?

    At 4:21:38 PM on 12/5/2000, Carnotaur said:
    Now correct me if Im wrong....but isnt the T-Rex SUPPOSED to be larger than the Spino? Why is it the Spino all of a sudden the bigger one? I mean comon old rex is the king!

    At 3:16:43 PM on 12/5/2000, Seige_6 said:
    I think the spino will win the fight. I really wouldn't, or don't, want it to but I think it will win. The way everyone (especially Stan Winston) seems to be talking about the spino, and the way they're making it, it seems as though they favor the spino. That's really sad too, because in my opinion T-Rex pretty much made the franchise what it is today. But hey, nothings been confirmed yet right?

    At 1:45:30 PM on 12/5/2000, Rancor said:
    After reading Horner's comments on T. rex and Spinosaurus, I lost any respect I had for the guy. What's he on?!?

    At 11:09:29 AM on 12/5/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    It seems as though hammond must have died shortly after the events of TLW.

    At 11:06:43 AM on 12/5/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    + I knew it
    The Spino IS turning into some sort of a crap Godzilla.
    Lets just hope that Winston can deliver some of his famous magic and turn it into something special.

    At 11:05:32 AM on 12/5/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    I do not bloody believe it. The only way forwrd for these movies was to make number 3 a prequel. And now they have ruined that.
    What the hell was the Spino supposed to have been doing during TLW, sleeping??? Joe Johnston better watch his back, because when he least suspects it he'll find a knife there.

    At 3:59:18 AM on 12/5/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I can't believe Grant has a backup hat. He goes there because after the San Diego Incident, everybody who's been with the dinos talk, does the talk show circuit, book deals, etc. So naturally, Paul learns Grant knows real dinos, and is the wrld's leading expert on dinos. Why wouldn't he ask Grant?
    No Hammond sucks. it's a sequel. He can be at the end, hearing what happened, and cursing his dumb idea of bring back the dinos (the guy's responsible for many human deaths, endangering his grandchildren, the trouble at Sna Diego,a nd now another kid being in jeopardy.)
    There's no reason for other cast memebers to be out. Least of all a cameo. Is till hold out for Lex though. With Grant soeaking at a college (thus Paul learning of him?), there's no reason a college aged Lex can't be there, and drop by her old crush to say hi. And one would think Tim would be with Grant, at the time. Blinky the Turkey Boy was younger and at a dig, surely Tim would be hanging with Grant.
    T-rex will win. We know Spino puts up a terrific fight. Never wa sit claimed it wins. With Horner's claims of Spino being a predator, and T-rex a sissy, I believe it's really the reverse. I don't trust that loon. T-rex a scavanger only my eye.
    Sound sliek Spino show sup very early. I'd hate to see an hour before it happens. and this should put tor est that moronic Grant and Ellie split. It's Paul and Amanda.
    Now, maybe JP4 will be a movie version of the event sof the JP series, and things go haywire when someone brings a raptor or 12 to the set. JP4: scream Harder.
    PS - Sequel Sequel Sequel.

    At 3:25:39 AM on 12/5/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    It's a sequel to TLW!

    At 3:18:52 AM on 12/5/2000, IngenAgent said:
    WAIT! Sam Niel was quoted saying that jp3 was a prequel to The Lost World. And he has read the script several times and is the friggin star of the movie! What gives with stan winston telling us it is a sequel to The Lost world???? I am confused and I hope this is only a mistake. I very much want JP3 to be a prequel to TLW. Thoughts?

    Preston Todd

    At 12:38:03 AM on 12/5/2000, PeteDogg007 said:
    No Dilophosaourus?! No Malcolm?! No Hammond?! Oh my!!!

    At 10:37:13 PM on 12/4/2000, Carnotaur3 said:
    Well, I love the rex. everyone who loves JP does too. And the spino is a very good new addition and will rock. But we need to have some good scenes with the rex too. Maybe, when the rex and spino fight, the rex kills him like he does in JP with the raptors and it shows that he's still the king. He also saves the group in the process. This will show that their is a simuliarity in JP and JPIII. This movie will rock guys. And I have to admit that Sam Neill's cloths are a good change and it still shows the Alan Grant.
    Even though JPIII is not out, i give it ****. The same I give JP!

    At 9:42:21 PM on 12/4/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    OK well it makes sense Hammond would be dead by this time. But a funeral needs to be in it. We need closure to Hammond's character. And it would be totally awesome if Tim and Slex came back for the funeral scene... i like the touch about the amber being put on Hammond's grave. Of course if we saw Hammond's funeral, Malcolm would HAVE to be there, look closely they're friends you know. And Malcolm's not in it. Oh well, ya win some trilogies and ya lose some. Let's hope Laura Dern's stuff is knockout.

    At 9:30:40 PM on 12/4/2000, PoloMan said:
    One thing we sort of forgot to ask about this whole revelation is why Grant of all people is going to Sorna? He was never there......unless they make up some excuse during the movie to have Grant go there I don't know of any explanations for him to go....oh well, maybe it's just me. And that''s a major bummer that Hammond won't even have a cameo, hopefully they'll explain as to why he isn't there.

    At 8:10:38 PM on 12/4/2000, Rancor said:
    A pteranodon with a forty-foot wingspan?!? Why am I suddenly very afraid.

    By the way, Spinosaurus sucks. A T. rex could tear if apart with its lower jaw tied behind its back, and anyone who thinks it would lose to one just because it's "old news" is deluding themselves.

    At 7:38:41 PM on 12/4/2000, Carter said:
    Three Rex's V's Two Spino's, hey its possible. That would be some fight.

    At 7:30:15 PM on 12/4/2000, Gladiator6k said:
    if its on sorna i bet that spino will kill one rex, than the other will waste on whats left of spino... and what about the baby rex, he is probably mid sized now

    At 7:28:10 PM on 12/4/2000, Rexoraptor said:
    I hope the T-Rex IF there is a fight, that the rex wins cause the Rex showed us in JP when he killed the raptors and knocked down the Rex skeleton and roared in victory, the HE is the king!

    At 7:26:15 PM on 12/4/2000, Rexoraptor said:
    NO HAMMOND! amn that sucks, i knew Malcolm wouldn't be in it but Hammond, they have gone too far.

    At 7:18:11 PM on 12/4/2000, JediAdmin said:
    Glad you all liked the article. Just so you know there were many, many, more questions asked. In fact nearly everything that I had down for questions was answered. The answers to them will come out in my future articles highlighting the interviews with the crew. The only questions that weren't answered were those for Kathleen Kennedy. Due to scheduling conflicts we were unable to meet with her. There are reasons that not everything was said all in this one report, but rest assured you'll find out the whole story. I'm a fan like all of you and wanted to find out as much as they'd tell me. Spino is one big bad dino and is going to be exciting to see brought to life on the big screen. Make sure you tune into the webcast tonight as I was told Stan will reveal part of the Spino.

    Christopher Tellez

    P.S. Yes it was totally exciting to see everything at at times it was a challenge holding back that fan-boy part of me.

    At 7:11:15 PM on 12/4/2000, Gladiator6k said:
    i think at the end we should find out he had like a heart attack or something and we see his funeral... than we see his grand kids and stuff... and right before it ends grant lays a amber fossil on it and says... i dunno, something jpish

    At 7:06:07 PM on 12/4/2000, Carter said:
    Aaahhhhh we all new it was a sequel we were all just having you on Goldblumrules. You see it was all part of the master plan to make you think we were thinking one thing, when we were really thinking of thinking about another thing, that would make you think that we were thinking of something else when we were all thinking it would be a sequel. You see, we all new. Oh I give up.


    At 6:58:18 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    we already know about the raptor boat..

    At 6:57:14 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    I'd say they'll show Hammond's funeral.. it'd be silly not to. And yeah you guys were right it's a sequel. :-P

    At 6:55:44 PM on 12/4/2000, Paul Kirby said:
    now if we only knewabout the raptor boat

    At 6:39:54 PM on 12/4/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Well what can I say... and I guess I'm speaking for Utahraptor too when I say this... I was right and you were wrong!!! It's a sequel!!! Now on to the news itself... some good news and some major bad news. While it sounds like the action will certainly rock big time, as well as the dinos and effects, and the plot can go farther than a LW prequel ever could have.... we do not have Hammond or Malcolm in this. At all. Not even a chintzy cameo. Believe it or not I could have survived without Malcolm being in this, even though I think he's very integral to the JP saga. Hammond... no. Unless it has his funeral in it and at least acknowledges him in an honorable way, not "oh he died a couple years ago", this is a major blow to the quality of JPIII. This is like cutting Han Solo and Obi Wan totally out of Jedi.

    At 6:37:02 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    Maybe Hammond's ashes will be thrown over Sorna or Nublar..

    At 6:36:47 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    My Hammond's ashes will be thrown over Sorna or Nublar..

    At 6:34:23 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    T-Rex is old news.. the Spinosaurus is now the King of the Dinosaurs!

    At 6:34:06 PM on 12/4/2000, Anklyosaurus said:
    again, YES, YES, YES, I can not wait for the web cast, I'm gonna ask Stan Winston all I can about the dinos.

    At 6:33:26 PM on 12/4/2000, Carter said:
    Was that thing really 60 foot long. This seems almost unreal.

    No Hammond, thats sucks. Well at least a Trike will make an appearance there my second favourite dino.

    At 6:33:19 PM on 12/4/2000, Boricua Prowler said:
    NOT A PREQUEL... =o)

    At 6:26:21 PM on 12/4/2000, EVA01 said:
    Hopefully we get a GIANT Spinosaurus toy like bigger than the T-rex!

    At 6:24:57 PM on 12/4/2000, Aqua_raptor said:
    okay the spino might be good, but hello, does anyone remember just ahow cool the rex is???? he featured in your last 2 favourite films, give him some credit, one mention of something new and you are all over it!, not very loyal are you!

    At 6:19:54 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    Spinosaurus just turned into my favorite dinosaur! THE T-REX IS GOING DOWN!

    At 6:18:54 PM on 12/4/2000, Ultraraptor said:
    All this is great, but I'm just a little upset about the lack of dinosaurs. There is no stegosaururs, gallimimus, dilophosaurus, parasauralophus, or pachycephalosaurus. It hardly shows any dinosaurs. But that may change by the time the movie comes out.

    At 6:13:54 PM on 12/4/2000, Gambler Ruined said:
    So no prequel...i wonder if Hammond dies...and the Spino, well...im scared. Very scared.

    At 6:12:12 PM on 12/4/2000, Gallimimus said:
    Is this all the questions you've asked? I though there would be more...but still that is wonderful to get a final point on our questions concerning Jurassic Park 3.

    At 6:12:12 PM on 12/4/2000, Gallimimus said:
    Is this all the questions you've asked? I though there would be more...but still that is wonderful to get a final point on our questions concerning Jurassic Park 3.

    At 5:59:49 PM on 12/4/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    yeah the Spinosaurus is gonna show the T-rex whose the boss.. Spinosaurus is the Boss that's who!

    At 5:47:32 PM on 12/4/2000, JP3MAN said:
    Thats awsome . The spinosaurus will Rock! If there is a fight between the Rex and Spino the spino will kick ass!!!!

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