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    A major Christian group called TLW a "vote for evolution" and an "attack on Christianity" when it came out in 1997.
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    At 3:03:07 AM on 12/11/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Horner, and he's an idoit. Rexes hunted, the end. Nothing is deisgned liek that jsut tos care off others. What if they didn't back down? That'd be one screwed rex.

    At 5:30:49 AM on 12/10/2000, jp_tlw said:
    i dont know where i read it, but some1 said rexs r scavangers cause it had short arms (it cant hold onto its prey). but it had short arms cause it had a huge skull, if its arms where big it would fall flat on its face.

    And the fact is there r no total predetors and no total scavangers, if there was something already dead a rex wouldnt give up a free meal, but its not going to what for something to die so it can eat.

    At 4:05:58 PM on 12/9/2000, spinoking said:
    also hammond-rulz spino ain't in a desert in the movie

    At 4:01:02 PM on 12/9/2000, spinoking said:
    in JP1 there' s a METRICANTHOSAURUS embryo
    in the LOST WORLD some (STUPID) hunters hear a roar which i think is a SPINOSAURUS. in the
    movie it's right in the tall puke green grass after
    the REXES destroy the trailer

    At 11:45:28 AM on 12/9/2000, fuzzbubble said:
    i really wanna know what the lake scene will be. and as for the fight between the spino and the t-rex, it'll be pretty damn close!!

    At 7:41:52 AM on 12/9/2000, JP3MAN said:
    Well actually a complete spinosaur skeleton was never found. Just about a fourth of an entire skeleton. The thing could of been anywhere from 30 to 60 ft long. That is why you never really hear about it. They made it 60ft long because they needed something reall big and bad to kill a rex.

    At 2:22:20 AM on 12/9/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Where did you find confirmation on JP3 being called extinction? Spino was never a better hunter than T-rex.

    At 10:59:30 PM on 12/8/2000, Jurassiclaw said:
    First of all, we can't take for example JP or TLW to make us a good idea of the third movie, because JP3 will not be a Spielberg movie, a Joe Johnson's.Okay, i did'nt even saw a film by Johnson, but i can say for shure that JP3 will be totaly diferent from the two firsts, so forget the T.rex.

    JP was a very good film
    and tooked the best parts of Chriton's book.It was the big-gest box-office of all time for tree years.

    TLW had a quick start and the first scene was stu-pid.I don't know what happen-ed to Spielberg or what he ate the day he chosed the script.He tooked JP's best parts and modiffied it enough to make it look diferent (exept for the San Diego part).Then, he putted more dinos and some exagerated death scenes(The hunters be-ing killed by the raptors). They where about 20 and the dinos killed em all in less than one minute.

    JP3 will probably be longer, more violent and with more action than the two firsts.

    Just check to cast list, they are about 20 casts.If 20 persons get on one of the two islands, the survivors will be count on the fingers of one hand, believe me.

    The Spino is faster, larger and a better hunter than the T.rex.He's 60 feet long, and the rex is 45.

    In JP, the scientific facts where fallowed close-ly, not in TLW.Fallowing the scientific facts, the rex will get scrapped, as simple as that.He can only attack with his jaws and the Spino has powerfull arms and a bigger skull.But not to wor-ry, i read somewhere (i don't remember where) that all the dinos will get killed becau-se of some sort of "virus". So, not to worry the Spino to will meet his end.That's why JP3 is called "EXTINCTION".

    As i was saying this is maybe the last JP movie, but Spielberg will probably find an idea for JP4.In a true trillogy, the first and the third movie always got a stronger connection that with the second think, Scream, Die Hard, Alien, Batman...And the third movie is always the best...

    At 7:09:42 PM on 12/8/2000, Tyrannical King said:
    Wow. I post one night, the next day I come on after school, and Mr. Hammond is having PMS over my theories and opinions. And the things I missed to place up there with my post, was what Allosaur said. Which I thank. And, isn't there a vulgarity thing on this site or somethin? Oh well, on to my next post.
    I believe that the Spino will have a good win in the movie. But as I said before, there are THREE TYRANNOSAURS on ISLA SORNA. That means it'll be a two on one if the Spino kills one of the three. So, Hammond. I can tell you dislike the Tyrannosaur by your tissy fit. But face it, buddy. Even if they don't put it in the movie, your beloved Spinosaurus would get his spinned butt torn to shreads should he kill one of the three.

    At 5:19:49 PM on 12/8/2000, Carter said:
    Correction - a larger animal than itself.

    At 5:12:52 PM on 12/8/2000, Carter said:
    From some of the stuff I've been reading, it could'nt kill (or would really struggle to kill) a larger animal in self. Its body doesn't seem designed to attack anything bigger than itself.

    At 4:25:46 PM on 12/8/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    Just cause Spinosaurus was a fish eater doesn't mean it wouldn't kill a larger dinosaur in self defense..

    At 3:06:04 PM on 12/8/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Oh yeah, and why couldn't the spino be both a fish eater and a small mammal eater? God knows it could kill both rather easily, with jaws like that and forearms like it also has.

    At 3:04:12 PM on 12/8/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Thats not nice Carnotaur. And I still think the Rex will pull it out at the end.

    At 2:48:18 PM on 12/8/2000, RaptorRex said:
    Do you guys think that the same controverseys that we have been descussing here will be braught up in JP3? That would be intoresting!

    At 1:32:33 PM on 12/8/2000, Carnotaur said:
    TWO words for Utahraptor:

    At 3:17:11 AM on 12/8/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    ugh! I'm getting so tired of these T-rex is gonna win T-rex is gonna win.. I hope the Military guys come in at the end of the movie and Nuke the whole entire island.. that way the T-rex will get what it deserves.. even though all the other dinosaurs will be getting a shitty deal with it.. at least they'll be in peace.

    At 3:06:43 AM on 12/8/2000, Utahraptor said:
    T-rex will win. Why, because most people love them to death. i guarantee you a goo size portion of JP3 viewers willc heer immensely if Spino wins. However, the majority will complain big time. And it will be enough to destroy the JP franchise. That oen scene could amke many people refuse to se eit.
    And a sothers said, there wasn't a desert back then, big fish, and fossil evidence. Then there's whales, whoa re super huge as far as mammels go, and they survive on krill, the smallest of all sea life. Now, amybe they could attack the corcodiles they compete with,a nd eat them too, but I doubt oen could realisitcally defeta a well, adult T-rex. Nor do I see Spielberg letting artistic licensing go that far.. Big difference between giant Raptors, posionous, frileld Dilos, and predator Spino. And aligator/crocdiles jaws weren't the best at upward motions form what I saw on Discovery channel. hence wrestlers always wrapping their snouts. But dang that bite atatck. Soem thing good old gonna win T-rex had weak lift, very powerful chomp. And the chomp si all that counts.

    At 11:46:15 PM on 12/7/2000, ih8wasps said:
    and by the way hammond, crocodiles DO HAVE STRONG JAWS, an average adult american alligator has a bite pressure of 3,000psi(pounds per square inch).

    you should really consider trying to learn somthing other than you name and the alfabit.

    At 11:43:29 PM on 12/7/2000, ih8wasps said:
    hammond's posts are so moronic that i feel no need to reply to him. besides, many of you have already corrected him.

    he has made it painfully clear that he knows nothing about dinosaurs, and to top it all of he is rather combative. what i want to know is were the hell do idiots like that come from?

    all i have to say to you hammond is shut up, and read some damn books.

    At 9:15:29 PM on 12/7/2000, Allosaur said:
    First of all Hammond the Spinodsauridae have many features that lead many to believe they were piscivores. There are a number of crocodilian like features in the skulls of spinosaurids: including the elongate snout, conical teeth, secondary palate (so it could breath through it's nostrils, even while the mouth is closed, a mamalian feature not shared by most reptiles), and more. These features have been associated with the adoption of a piscivorous diet in crocodylomorph evolution. There is also the very nature of their teeth. Spinosauridae teeth are only slightly compressed laterally, with poorly developed cutting edges and weak or no serrations. Comparied to the Tyrannosaurs and Allosauridae which have stout and well serrated teeth. And as far as available food sources, the paleoenvironments from which known spinosaurids come all support diverse communities of fish, some of which were very large. There is currently no evidence that these were seasonal communities, and would seem likely to be permanent residents. Thus, we have very large packages of fish meat not otherwise easily exploitable by theropods, although they would have been in competition with contemporary giant crocodiles. The could have hunted much like contemperary birds do by standing on the shore or even in the water waiting for a prey fish come within striking distance. All of this information was locared in the several collage level Paleontological reference books we have available in the library where I work.

    At 8:54:36 PM on 12/7/2000, Hammond Rulz! said:
    Listen, We can all sit here and play the blame game or we can all agree that Spinosaurus was a hunter and not a fisher.

    At 8:20:56 PM on 12/7/2000, SuchomimusInJP3 said:
    Keep in mind...Desert Africa today..was different then it was the whole water irrelevant...also...MANY animals sit in the water waiting for fish to come into grabbing range..and there were VERY large fish in the Spinosaur's fishing areas...up to 8 feet long...I believe....AT LEAST 5 do believe that the Spino was a carnivore too...I think the Baryonyx were the Cretacous equivalents to modern day Kodiak bears...

    At 7:43:08 PM on 12/7/2000, BenDogg said:
    Hey all, I just wanted to say that I was kind of shocked at how rattled a couple of you guys are getting over this whole thing. No worries people just relax. The spino sounds pretty cool. I still hope the T-Rex takes it out though. Peace.

    At 7:32:36 PM on 12/7/2000, #1Samfan said:
    Is the webcast supposed to be clear or blurry?

    At 7:31:53 PM on 12/7/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Whoa, Hammond. Calm down. It's nothing to get so worked up about.

    At 6:55:33 PM on 12/7/2000, Hammond Rulz! said:
    AND CROCS DONT HAVE STRONG JAWS YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! they grab onto there prey, drag them into the water and drown them.

    At 6:46:57 PM on 12/7/2000, Hammond Rulz! said:
    ok listen Tyran, you have no idea what the fuck your saying. The Spino cant fish in the desert because THERE IS NO WATER! and if it could find fish in the desert it would not be enough to satisfy its hunger. AND HOW THE HELL WOULD IT CATCH FISH! STICK HIS HEAD INTO THE WATER AND HOPE A FISH WILL SWIM UP ITS MOUTH!!! the poor spino would be there for days maybe weeks. Honest to God if you think the Spino would eat fish then why not T-Rex! The Spino was built to kill other dinos AND NOT FISH! IT WAS A 30ft FISH EATER??? THATS JUST FUCKING IDIOTIC!!!

    At 6:08:32 PM on 12/7/2000, SeTH said:
    I am glad they did not use a t-rex for the main dino. They overused that damn thing. I am not saying that I want it gone for good. I am just saying give us a break and let the spino have the spotlight. Perhaps in JP4 the rex could take back what was his to begin with.

    At 5:46:30 PM on 12/7/2000, Tyrannical King said:
    Hmm. Well, my turn to say something. For starters, the Spino is a large animal, yes. But fish were probably not the ONLY thing. It probably did it's own hunting, such as picking off the smaller animals and larger animal's young. And, looking at the T-rex, and looking at what I've seen of Spinosaurs in models, pictures, and Discovery channel, I'd say that the Spinosaur wasn't readily built for active, full power, tooth-and-claw hunting. It seems more like a fisher. I believe Tyrannosaur was a more powerfully built hunter, with or without the forarms. Because look at crocidiles. Do they actually scavange other kills? No, they can kill on their own without their arms. They use their strength and their jaws. Simply put, Tyrannosaur possibly did that much as well. And if he found a dead hadrosaur or a dead triceratops...or anything else that it found edible, the King (or Queen) would munch that shiznet up.
    So, with that, I believe there will be one nasty of a fight between this Spinosaur and the Tyrannosaur. And remember, there's three of them on Isle Sorna. A male, female, and a baby. Four years later, that baby'll be at least three quarters full grown. So you have three large, powerful Tyrannosaurs lose on Sorna. Which means if at least one goes down, sure enough, the other two will be there to revenge. Because if they'll push a trailer off a cliff, and if Poppa will run through a city to get his baby (And I'm sure Momma's the same way), then you know that Spino will get his taste at least by the end of the movie.

    At 5:28:55 PM on 12/7/2000, EVA01 said:
    I think the Spino kills the Rex and then one of the other Rexes comes and avenges/saves the day.

    At 4:13:08 PM on 12/7/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    Yay!!!! Stan answerd my question about the internal workings of the dinosaurs!!!

    At 4:09:33 PM on 12/7/2000, Tanystropheus said:
    The T-Rex deserves to suffer..

    At 3:07:31 PM on 12/7/2000, Seige_6 said:
    Calm down Hammond_Rulz!, it's just something to keep us busy. I think it's good that we're arguing, I for one have always loved debating (and yes debating and arguing are the same thing to me). Now to get my two cents worth in, I think the spino will hurt the T-Rex and tyhe Rex will go down, but then it will somehow et up and kill the spino. Just my thoughts.

    At 2:31:58 PM on 12/7/2000, Hammond Rulz! said:
    God Dammit you people make me angry. I_8 wasp would you stop with your stupid theory about the Spinosaurus eating only fish. HOW THE HELL IS A ANIMAL THAT BIG SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE ON FISH! it would have to eat tons of fish per day to satisfy its hunger, AND HOW THE HELL IS HE SUPPOSE TO FIND FISH IN THE DESERT!!! would you stop arguing about who will win, you sound like a bunch of dorky 9 year olds!

    At 1:04:19 PM on 12/7/2000, ih8wasps said:
    first i will say that scientists agree that spinosaurus ate FISH and other SMALL PREY, yes spinosaurus_aegyptiacus is big, but it is not a predator on the level of the great T-REX.

    if you could somehow bring back dinosaurs in real life, and put spinosaurus in a death match with a t-rex, T-REX would mop the floor with spinosaurus.

    the thing that interests me is Stan's comments about a lake scene. Spinosaurus WAS A FISH EATER, and my have taken other small prey(humans go nicely on this list) so we may see somthing reminicent of the raft scene in JP the book, but with spinosaurus instead.

    At 1:03:18 PM on 12/7/2000, ih8wasps said:
    first i will say that scientists agree that spinosaurus ate FISH and other SMALL PREY, yes spinosaurus_aegyptiacus is big, but it is not a predator on the level of the great T-REX.

    if you could somehow bring back dinosaurs in real life, and put spinosaurus in a death match with a t-rex, T-REX would mop the floor with spinosaurus.

    the thing that interests me is Stan's comments about a lake scene. Spinosaurus WAS A FISH EATER, and my have taken other small prey(humans go nicely on this list) so we may see somthing reminicent of the raft scene in JP the book, but with spinosaurus instead.

    At 12:57:34 PM on 12/7/2000, jp_tlw said:
    i think the rex deserves to beat the spino, sort of to redeam himself, after all the people he ate.Plus he earned it, in the first to he didnt do anything good, nows hus chance (and t-rex's rul!!)

    At 12:42:22 PM on 12/7/2000, ornithoraptor said:
    i think t rex ass are gonna being whip out by the spinosaur...oh well...theres go our beloved rexo...i guess after this ppl. start to talk about spino instead of trex like the previous movies...

    At 12:09:04 PM on 12/7/2000, Jurassiclaw said:
    I think to rex will get killed by the Spino, pretty shure.

    At 11:06:54 AM on 12/7/2000, Evilgrinch said:
    T-rex is going to whup the Spino.

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