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    JP 4: Breed Of Demons
    By jvelociraptor

    Jurassic Park 4: Breed of Demons

    Dr. Alan Grant lay on his chest on the hot desert sand of the Badlands in Montana, carefully excavating what he thought to be an infant Tyrannosaur less than 10 ft. away from what they thought could be a Tyrannosaur nest. If so, it would be a magnificent find, considering most Tyrannosaurs were not primarily found in the northern United States.

    He bent lower,, wiping the sweat on his forehead. It looked like the right ankle-bone was twisted outward as if it had been twisted while the infant was trying to walk prematurely. Maybe the mother had abandoned the nest, leaving the babys to fend for themselves, and this one had stumbled out of the nest looking for food. Or the mother could have been killed by a Spinosaurus, which he knew all to well was possible after his last incident on one of John Hammond's crazy dream islands.

    What was really interesting, was that the teeth were-
    "Alan! Alan, come 'n' see this!"
    "I'm coming, Billy."
    Billy Brennan was a close friend and was like a son to him. They had been decieved into going to Isla Sorna by a supposedly rich couple, the Kirbys. The family had gotten back together and Paul Kirby had gotten a better job, and the money coming in from them was almost out. That, and funding from a university in New York, for which he was doing some research. But the money was running out fast, and they only had enogh to keep them going for another month or so.

    "I think you're gonna like this.",said Billy, "This is a Tryannosaur nest, all right. I did some computer scans andthey match up almost exactly with other proven nest sites.
    "Very good, Billy.",said Dr. Grant, "Hopefully this'll get us some much needed recognition and funds.
    "No", replied Billy, "This is a very small one. Very unimpressive. Maybe get us a couple hundred, maybe less."
    Grant sighed.
    "We're gonna need some money soon or we're gonna have to shut down.
    "I know it",said Billy, "This has been a hard year for us."


    "Are you sure you've got it down?",asked John Hammond.
    It looked to Mike Sanchez that eighty something year old Hammond lay on his deathbed, and here he was making arrangments to pay Alan Grant a million dollars to go to Isla Nublar, find the can of embryos Nedry had stolen, and try to hatch them!! Crazy! Mike thought that by now, he would have learned that it couldn't be done without half the team getting killed. But, what could he do? After all, Hammond was paying him handsomely for going with them as a supervisor.
    "Yes, sir, Mr. Hammond. I'll deliver the fax and check right away."
    "Good , my boy. I know I'm on my deathbed, there's no denying it, and I'd like the world to see the beauty of my creation."
    So this was it. The fourth, and hopefully the last, attempt to get onto one of those damn islands. Sanchez left, got into his car and drove to the post office.
    "Alan! Alan!" called Ellie Sattler from the trailer. " You've got a fax coming through! Cover sheet says it's from John Hammond. Looks important."
    Ellie was on a visit with her husband and two kids. Her son, Charlie was getting a kick out of digging for bones. Ellie would put some un needed bones a couple of inches under the ground and tell him where to dig.
    Grant walked away from the nest site and towards the trailer. Billy followed.
    "I wonder what the old kook wants now. Better not be asking me to go to one of those damn islands again. Maybe he forgot to pay me some money.",he muttered to himself.
    He swung open the trailer door and saw Ellie staring at the fax sheet with her mouth open.
    "Oh, my god, Alan. He's going to pay you a million dollars!"
    " What? I can't believe this!A million bucks!! Wow."
    He picked up the fax sheet. It said: Dr. Grant, I know I'm very close to eternity. But I'd like for people to see the beauty of my project. I'm paying you a million dollars to go to Isla Nublar again. And you can't say no, because the cash is already in the mail. It should be there tomarrow.
    " I guess I don't have any choice, then. I really don't want to do this, but if this place is going to survive,I'll have to do it."
    "What do you mean?",asked Billy.
    "The cash is already in the mail, so I can't say no. He said it should be here tomarrow. It also says to call him after I get this so he can make arrangements for the helicopter to come. The number's here."
    He walked over to the phone on the other side of the trailer and dialed the number. It rang twice, then the phone was picked up.
    "Hello" came a voice over the phone. It was Hammond.
    "Yeah, John, it's me, Alan Grant."
    "Oh, delightful. You've got my message. Do you think you can make it?"
    "Yes, I think so. Now, explain this to me. What exactly are we going to go there for?"
    "Well, do you remember that overweight man, Dennis Nedry?"
    "Yes I think I caught a glimpse of a fat guy walking by us once.Why?"
    "He stole an embryo for each species. I think that Biosyn had something to do with it. He arranged for the cameras to be shut off, but he didn't know that they had batteries in them in case the power ever went out. They worked, but they didn't turn or zoom. We saw everything he did after we thought we had gotten the park running again. By that time, it was too late. He had a can of shaving cream, on which the bottom unscrewed, and was the perfect little hiding place with holders for the embryo containers."
    "Pretty slick,"commented Grant.
    "I know. Cost us millions of dollars, the filthy thief. After he stole them, he left, probably heading for the dock to give them to BioSyns' representative, Louis Dodgeson. He got lost and was killed by a Dilophosaur. Took us awhile to figure out what the hell happened, after Harding and some crew found his Jeep and what was left of him. The Jeep should still be there, and the canister should be very close by. I'm sending a team, headed by you, to find that can and bring it here to San Diego. From there it will go to a genetics lab, where they will try to hatch only the herbivore species and put them in my presently unfinished ampitheater here. Construction has already begun on it. This is important to us that people can finally see the beauty in these creatures. I mean, you were awed by them, weren't you?"
    "Yes, I was, until they tryed to eat me. They're very...there's no words."
    "Yes, yes," Hammond laughed, "Now imagine millions of people feeling like that. It would be perfect. This was my dream, and I want to see it happen."
    Ellie, who was listening on the intercom, said,
    "What about the embryos'? Would they still be good by now? That was ten years ago."
    Hammond replyed, "These were engineered not to go bad. So they're still good. we kept them in a freezer anyway, as a precaution. Nedry obviously didn't know that. Now, is anyone else going to go with you? Ellie? Billy?"
    "I'll go," replied Billy.
    "I don't know,"said Ellie.
    "Good, good, now the rest of the team. We have a helicopter pilot who will be going with you, Douglas Bennet. The helicopter will be staying on the island just in case you need to... leave in a hurry.
    Now, enough delay. I'll get the chopper over there right away. You'll meet the rest of them soon enough. It will pick you up in Choteau, same as last time. Goodbye, and thank you again."
    Grant hung up and sighed.
    "Let's get packed." he said to Billy.
    "Ellie, will you make sure they cover up the Tyrannosaur nest and infant? I don't want anyone touching it until I get back."
    "Sure," said Ellie.
    "Deja vu," said Grant, "Now where have I done this before?"
    Chapter 2 coming soon!

    1/12/2003 1:40:14 PM
    (Updated: 1/14/2003 1:29:14 PM)

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