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    School Day Chapter 4
    By aragorn_8

    DAY 2

    ~ CHAPTER 4 ~

    The Next Day Of School

    The next morning, kids were arriving at the school pretty much the same way they had on the first day of school.
    Cars were pulling up and parking on the side of the road, some almost too close to others, bikes were being locked up at the bike rack, skateboards being ridden and people coming to a stop when they see their friends, and people walking. Everyone getting there at different times, conversations taking place.
    Tons of students and staff were entering the school. There were many kids around the school, inside and out, having both, nice conversations, and not so nice ones.
    Among these, Jeff, Edward, and Mike were pushing through the people. Jeff looked as though he was super-tired and he was yawning every couple of minutes.
    “Late night last night?” Mike asked.
    “Yeah.” Jeff yawned. He thought about telling them about his run in with Dillon, but decided against it, because he’d also have to tell them about him and Allison going out for coffee.
    “So Jeff, when are you moving back to Newfoundland?” Edward asked as they walked through the steel doors and into the halls of the school.
    “When I graduate.” Jeff responded as they started heading for their lockers. “So next summer probably.”
    Edward smiled and started joking around. “Guess you’ll be sad when you move.”
    “Why?” Jeff asked. “I hate it here.”
    “You’ll have to move away from Allison.” Edward chuckled.
    Jeff suddenly went off into thought as he considered that. He had never thought about it before, but he wasn’t going to let one person hold him back. He had been trying to get back to Newfoundland for years, and now that it was guaranteed that he was moving back, he wasn’t going to let one person stand in his way - not even Allison.
    They continued to walk down the halls as a teacher walked by in front of them, across the hall.

    The teacher walked across a hall of students, avoiding walking into any of them, and opened up a door, walking into the room and closing the door behind her. The room she walked into had sofas, a water machine, and a coffee machine as well as a table with magazines on it, a closet filled with coats, and a TV. This was the Teacher’s Lounge.
    Different teachers were sitting on the sofas and couches, steaming coffee mugs in their hands as they had various conversations.
    “So what do the rest of you think of our new school?” The Industrial Arts teacher asked as he sipped on his coffee.
    “I think it’s excellent.” One of the teachers voiced her opinion. “It has top security without having cameras and police guards around the school.”
    “I don’t know.” Another teacher spoke up. “I don’t like the idea of having fire axes. It’s too easy for a student to brake the glass, take the axe, and kill someone.”
    “Well there’s definitely a huge trust factor here.” Mr. Fink said. “There’s also the same risk of a teacher doing the same. So the students have to trust us as much as we trust them.”
    One of the other teachers stood up and walked over to the sink and turned the tap, causing water to rush out. “Well I’m off to my class so I can get some marking done before the bell rings.” He said as he rinsed his empty mug and placed it up in a cubbard. He turned and walked out into the hall, closing the door behind him.
    “What do you guys think of Mr. Johnson, the new Principal?” Mrs. Wolfington asked.
    “I’m not sure.” One of the other teachers answered. “He just recently moved here, and we haven’t really gotten a chance to get to know him. He never came to our staff meeting before school started yesterday, and he never hangs out in here at all. He just locks himself away in his office. Part of me is glad that some student gave him AIDS. It’s probably the most we’ll see of him all year.”
    “Ain’t that the truth!” The Industrial Arts teacher answered. All the teachers chuckled as they continued on with their coffee.

    Later on in the morning, after the bell rang, all the students went to their first period classes, ready to either learn or sleep. In English, Jeff and Edward sat next to each other as the rest of the class took their seats.
    The class started talking, and Jeff looked up to the front of the class to see that their teacher was late for some reason. Jeff looked around the class and saw Steven sitting in his usual spot, sleeping, and then saw Allison sitting with Leticia and Candice.
    Allison caught his stare as she talked to Leticia and she smiled slightly, then moved her gaze back to her friend as she continued talking.
    Jeff shook his head and turned to face Edward. “What?”
    “You were staring off into space.” Edward explained. “You know the only way you’re ever going to get her, is if you just ask her out.”
    Jeff sighed. “I know. It’s just that I had a friendship go bad because of something like this, and I don’t want that to happen between me and Allison.”
    Edward shook his head. “Anyway, as I was going to ask, want to play Bloody Knuckles until the teacher comes?”
    “You know that we can get suspended for that, right?”
    “I know. We just won’t get caught, that’s all.”
    “Alright, I’m in.” Jeff smiled.
    Bloody Knuckles is a game where a quarter is spun around on a table, and the people each take turns flicking it. Whoever causes it to fall over, has to get the quarter flicked at their knuckles. After a few times, their knuckles start to bleed and the skin starts to get torn away.
    Edward reached into his pocket and he pulled out a quarter, which he laid on the table, standing up. He held it with one finger and flicked it with his other. Him and Jeff watched it spin around the table like a mini-tornado.
    Jeff tired to lightly flick it with his finger, but he put too much force into it, and it clattered down on it’s side, coming to a stop. Jeff placed his fist down on the table, knuckles pointed out, as Edward took the quarter and placed it under his thumb, moving his index finger and middle finger apart.
    Edward pulled back on his thumb and brought it forward with as much force as he could, sending it flying across the table towards Jeff’s knuckles. It hit on one of them, tearing some of the skin away, causing the color of Jeff’s knuckle to go from white to red.
    As they continued to play for the next few minutes, Edward got some of his skin taken away from his knuckles, but Jeff’s knuckles got torn open and he had to go up to the front of the classroom, and take some paper towels off the paper towel rack to wipe some of the blood away from his knuckles.
    Allison watched as Jeff wiped the blood away, wishing he would stop playing before something happened.
    “You guys shouldn’t be playing that.” Jesus said in his squeaky voice as everyone broke out in laugher. “It’s dangerous and you could get suspended.”
    Savanna hit him over the back of the head and he quieted down, going back to reading a book he had.
    Just as Jeff took his seat, and him and Edward were going to continue, the door opened and Mrs. Furankee walked in. Jeff and Edward quickly turned to face the front, Edward putting the bloody quarter back in his pocket.
    “Sorry I was late.” Mrs. Furankee apologized. “I had to go get your books for you.” she went back out into the hall and came back a second later, pulling a metal trolley with stacks of hardcovered books on them. “When I call your name, come up and get a book.”
    Jeff sighed as he rubbed the paper towel over his knuckles again.

    At morning break, Jeff, Mike, and Edward were walking around the halls. The one hall they were walking down was lined with lockers on either side of the hall, most without locks on them.
    “Onto Mrs. Wolfington’s science class.” Mike sighed.
    “I wonder what’s going to be on the test today.” Jeff said. “We didn’t really learn anything yesterday.”
    “It’s probably going to be on stuff about the school.”
    ‘Well I’d love to stay and discuss the tortures of your science class,” Edward said. “But I have to get off to Math, so I’ll catch you guys later.”
    “Bye.” Jeff and Mike said as Edward turned and walked back down the hall. Edward wanted to get to Math early, so he had time to talk to Jamie before class started.

    Allison, Savanna, Candice, and Leticia were walking down a hall. “I get to miss next class.” Savanna bragged.
    “What for?” Allison asked.
    “Try-outs for cheerleading was moved from after school to after morning break, because the teacher had an important meeting or something after school.”
    “Lucky you.” Candice said.

    Outside the school, in the small forest behind the school’s field, Amy, David, Nick, Jill, and Rob were skipping school, smoking, sitting on a giant rock just off of the trail.
    “Why isn’t Angela here?” David asked.
    “She’s decided to go to school for the first week, then skip after that.” Amy answered as she breathed out.
    “She’s drifting away.” Jill said. “She’s been acting differently lately. She hasn’t been hanging out with us as much, and she’s been leaving for fifteen, twenty minutes at a time, coming back without explanation as to where she was, or what she was doing.”
    Amy stood up for her friend. “She told me she was dropping off resume’s to different stores. That’s why she couldn’t tell us.” When they had first all become friends, they agreed that they didn’t need jobs to get by in life, and they were going to prove it.
    “See what I mean!” Jill yelled. “She’s already breaking our one rule.”
    “Leave her alone, man.” Nick said as he breathed in on his cigarette. “She’s trying to change her life around. Let her.”
    “No one double crosses us and gets away with it.” Jill snarled as she turned and glared at Nick. When he caught her glare, he fell back over the edge of the rock.
    “Jill, calm down.” David said in a soothing voice.
    Nick started looking around the ground behind the rock, for his cigarette that had fallen from his grasp when he fell. Then, just as he had spotted it, and made a grab for it, a black boot stepped down, as if out of nowhere, and crushed the burning cigarette, putting out the danger of causing a fire.
    Nick looked up and saw the figure. “Hello?” he said as if it was a question.

    “What?” David asked, turning around. “What did you say Nick?” as he turned his head, he looked down behind the rock, but Nick wasn’t there. “Nick?”
    “What about Nick?” Jill growled.
    “He’s gone.” David said, searching around the rock. “He was just here, and now he’s gone!”
    “Probably went to warn Angela.” Jill said. “Oh well. Better for her if she has warning.”
    “God!” Amy shouted. “You can’t beat her up! She’s one of us!”
    “Guys!” David yelled. “Where the hell did Nick go?”
    Suddenly something flew out from behind a nearby tree and hit David in the head, knocking him back, and off the rock, onto the dirt trail. Once his eyes cleared, he looked up and saw the girls screaming and running away, down the trail.
    “Where are you guys going?” David called out. He looked back and saw a body onto of the rock. “What’s that?” he asked as he stood up, holding a hand to his aching head. Pain seared through his head with every step he took.
    Once he reached the rock, he looked down at the body and saw that it belonged to Nick! The throat was slit, and blood was staining his shirt.
    “Oh God!” David shouted. He turned to run, but as he turned, he hit someone. He backed up and saw the person he had hit was dressed in a cloak, with a hood down over the face. In one of his hands was his scythe.
    All David could do was get a look of disgust on his face and then it was all over when Grim Reaper slashed his weapon down.

    Amy and Jill were running down the path in the forest, trying to get to the exit. Amy tripped on a root to a tree, and she sprawled to the ground, getting cut up from a couple of sharp rocks.
    Jill stopped and looked back at her fallen friend as her heart thumped. Amy reached a hand up. “Help.” She pleaded in a whisper.
    Jill was going to help, and made a move towards Amy, but then saw a shadow coming down the path. “Screw you.” She said to her friend, and so she turned and ran down the path, leaving Amy behind.
    Amy coughed as she pushed herself up onto her knees, unaware of Grim Reaper approaching her from behind. All she felt was a sharp pain in her back as the scythe rammed through her back, killing her instantly.

    Jill saw the end of the forest, and saw the school just across the field. Then Grim Reaper stepped in front of the exit, blocking Jill’s path.
    Jill screamed as she tried to come to a stop, but she had been running too fast, and before she could fully stop, Grim Reaper grabbed her by the neck, and using both his strength, and her speed, slammed her head into the closest tree, a sickening crunch causing birds to take to the air and fly away.

    Back in the school, Angela walked in late from her class and quietly took her seat. She took out her notebook and started copying down the notes that were on the board, as the teacher wrote them out.
    She felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around. There was an 18 year old boy sitting behind her with wavy black hair. “What do you want, Ryan?” She sighed in a whisper.
    “I see you’re taking notes.” he said.
    “Yeah so?”
    “You’ve never taken notes in your life. Are you actually starting to crack down and try to pass?”
    “Maybe. Depends on how I like it. What’s it to you?”
    “Well,” Ryan smiled. “I can help you pass this course. I’m really good at it, and I know you’re going to have troubles in it, so I can help you pass.”
    Angela looked at Ryan and sized him up. “What’s in it for you?”
    “Nothing.” Ryan whispered, putting his hands up in a defensive position. “You want to pass, and I want to do something out of the kindness of my heart.”
    “Yeah, we’ll see about that.” Angela said. Then she smiled back. “But it’s a deal.”
    “Ok, great.” Ryan wrote something down on the corner of his page, and ripped it off, handing it to her. “This is my address. Come sometime after school and we can start.”
    Angela took the scrap of paper and turned back around to face the front.

    Edward was sitting in his Math class, doing some work from the book. He hadn’t got the chance to talk with Jamie, because she had walked in late, but now that they were doing work from the book, they were aloud to sit in groups, so him and Jamie were sitting together.
    “So how was your first class?” Edward asked her as he started solving one of the problems.
    “Sucked.” Jamie answered. “But that’s what I get for going into French.”
    Edward laughed. “I’ve never been good in French. My highest mark in that class was fifty-fice percent, and that was in Grade 6.”
    “It is pretty hard.” Jamie agreed. “I’m thinking about dropping out.”
    “Well you don’t want to do that.” Edward said, turning from his work to look at her. Wow. He forgot how beautiful she really was. “French is good to know. It gives you more job opportunities and if you drop out, you’ll need to take another class to get your credits up.”
    “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Jamie agreed, rubbing Edward’s shoulder. “Thanks.”
    Edward smiled back as they looked into each other’s eyes.

    Savanna was in her shorts and t-shirt, standing on the freshly polished gym floor, waiting in a line of other girls that were just as athletic as she was. As she watched the other girls try out, she doubted very much that she would get accepted, but she still hoped she did.
    Within half an hour, she was the front of line, and all the girls that were behind her were thinking the same thing she had been a half hour before.
    “Ok, let’s see what you got.” The teacher said as she wrote Savanna’s name done on a pad of paper.
    Savanna got a running start, and then flew across the gym floor in a mixture of somersaults, twirls, hand stands, flips, spinning, and jumping. At the end, she was supposed to do the splits, but her shoe slipped on the floor, and she fell back, landing on her back. She quickly jumped back to her feet, biting her tongue not to scream out, and put her arms up in the air and turned around to face the teacher, who was marking something down.
    As Savanna walked over to the bench, she watched the student that used to be behind her, try out.

    When all the other students had tried out, the teacher approached the bench of girls. “Check on the outside of the Gym doors in five minutes to see if you got in.” She announced. “In the meanwhile, go get a shower.”
    All the students stood up, tired, and walked to the girls’ changeroom to change.
    When Savanna had changed, she started her walk towards the gym doors, frightened but at the same time excited to see the list on the other side. She reached the doors and opened them, going out into the halls, seeing all the students who had the first Lunch, walking around the halls.
    She peered on the back of the door, and saw the white piece of lined paper with a column of names. Her eyes darted through the list, and her heart sank when she didn’t see her name on it. She decided to look again, more slowly this time, and about half way down, she saw ‘Savanna Luk’.
    She jumped up and down with excitement and turned and ran off down the hall, eager to get to class to tell her sister and friends.

    Edward and Jamie were walking around the halls of the school, passing away time. They were holding hands as they walked, glad to be going out.
    “After Lunch I won’t be seeing you anymore today.” Jamie sulked.
    “I’ll call you tonight.” Edward promised. “And I’ll probably come to your locker after school.”
    “Ok.” Jamie stopped, causing Edward to stop, and she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. “I better get going. The bell’s about to ring to start the next Lunch, and I still have to get my books.”
    “Alright, see you later.”
    “Bye.” Jamie and Edward kissed once again before going in separate directions.

    A few hours later, after school ended, the students were walking out of the school, and among these students were Allison, Savanna, Candice, and Leticia.
    “Catch you guys later.” Leticia said. They were about half way across the grassy lawn, when Leticia left them, running across the lawn to a car waiting on the side of the road. As she got to it, she opened the passenger side door and a women, in her late twenties, sat in the driver’s side, wearing a police uniform.
    Leticia’s older sister had recently got out of training to be a cop, so now she was a full fledged Police Officer, and she had just got back in town and promised to pick Leticia up at school that afternoon. They were going to be going to the mall and spending the rest of the afternoon there.
    Allison and Candice waved to Leticia’s sister, who waved back. They continued walking across the lawn, away from the school.

    Dirisha and her friend Andrea were two of the other people who were leaving the school. Dirisha would usually take one of the school buses, but had moved to a house closer to the school recently, just down the street from her friend, so they walked together.
    “Winter might come early this year.” Dirisha said as they walked. And she was right, the air was already starting to feel more cold and nippy then it normally did in September.
    “I know. The weather forecast says that we might be having snow sometime in the next couple of days.”
    “Oh my god!” Dirisha sighed. “I hate snow.” because with snow came cold weather and with that came what she always got every winter - a cold. And she usually had it all winter, being sick all the time and she hated it.

    Jeff and Edward walked to the parking lot to their cars, which were parked next to each other, side by side.
    As they get closer, they both saw that the front windshield of Edward’s car was busted in. Edward ran over, Jeff not far behind.
    At first, Edward was thinking, or more like hoping, that it wasn’t his car, but as he got closer, he knew it was. He peered in through the shattered window, he saw a brick laying on the front seat within a pile of shattered glass, which was all over the place.
    "What the hell?" Edward shouted. Then Dillon and Steven walked out from around the corner, laughing evilly, a glare in their eyes. At that moment, Edward knew they were the culprits. Dillon had skipped school for the day, but met up with Steven when school was let out.
    "I heard you used my name to Mr. Stuart earlier on!" Steven said to Edward. “You got me a demerit that I didn’t deserve and you did!” Steven had been walking by the office during Lunch when he was stopped by one of the secretaries that knew Steven’s dad, and she had said ‘Steven, You have a demerit on the first day? That’s a new record.’
    Steven then, of course, asked what was going on, and she told him that she was putting the demerits in the computer for the first couple of days, and saw his name next to Lateness, and then Steven knew something was up, and asked for what class, and when he found out, Mrs. Furankee clarified that he was indeed on time, but Edward and Jeff were late, and Jeff was marked down, but Edward wasn’t, so Steven found out that Edward had used his name.
    The secretary cleared everything up, and gave Edward the demerit, and not Steven, but Steven wanted more so when he met up with Dillon, he found a brick and hurled it through Edward’s car’s front windshield, making a loud crash noise, and when the few students outside looked over, Dillon and Steven ran behind the corner, laying in wait.
    "You did this to my car, didn't you?" Edward asked through clenched teeth, anger flaring in him, not caring what Steven was saying.
    Dillon and Steven laughed harder as they rushed Edward. Dillon and Steven started punching and kicking Edward, who tried his best to defend himself from both advasaries, and while this was going on, a crowd quickly got drawn over to the fight.
    Jeff watched, eyes wide, not knowing what to do. He wanted to stop the fight and help Edward, but he didn’t want to get bet up.
    Suddenly Jamie walked around the corner, humming a tune, and she looked up, her eyes going wide as well, seeing her new boyfriend getting the crap bet out of him. She dropped her bookbag on the ground and rushed over up behind Dillon and Steven, hitting them over the back and the back of the head.
    "Leave him alone!" Jamie shouted at them. At first they didn’t listen, so then she backed up and swung her foot forward, kicking Steven right in the butt, and then she did it to Dillon. They both jumped up and whipped around to see their new attacker. They were both visibly surprised to see it was a girl and they turned and ran off, snickering as they went.
    “I hope you learned your lesson, Boy!" Steven called back as him and Dillon ran off.
    Dillon also called back to Jeff, “As for you, stay away from Allison. I'm getting her."
    Jamie went over and bent down to help Edward up, who was a bloody mess on the ground, curled up into a ball. He took Jamie’s hand and when he stood up, Jeff saw he had a black eye and his nose was bleeding, maybe even broken, and he was covered in bruises. He started feeling bad for not helping him.
    "This is the second time you've helped me!" the beat up Edward said to Jamie. They looked at each other in the eyes and smiled as they held each others hands. Edward and Jamie leaned in and they kissed, causing the watchful crowd to cheer before braking up and going about their own business again.
    When Edward and Jamie finished, Jeff turned to Edward. “Come on, I'll give you a ride home, man." Jeff suggested.
    "Thanks." Edward agreed. Him and Jeff walked over to Jeff’s intact car, and Jeff climbed in the driver’s side and closed his door. Edward opened up the passenger side, but before he got in, he looked back up at Jamie, who had got her bookbag back and she was walking in front of Jeff’s car.
    “Told you I’d see you after school.” Edward joked and tried to smile, but wasn’t very successful.
    Jamie laughed. "Remember," Jamie said as she started walking away, backwards. "Call me tonight."
    "I will!" Edward said after her as she turned around and walked away. He got inside Jeff’s car and within minutes, Jeff had started it up and they were driving away.

    Allison, Candice, and Savanna were walking down the street when suddenly a jeep drove passed them and stopped by the side of the road, right next to them. All three of the girls turned and Allison knew right away who’s truck it was. She had a run-in with it the night before.
    “Go on home.” Allison said sternly through clenched teeth to her sister. “Tell Dad that I'll be there shortly."
    "Ok." Savanna agreed, starting to get some kind of idea as to who was in the truck. She turned and walked down a side dirt road, heading to her house. After she was out of view, Allison turned to the truck, putting on a fake smile. She hoped this would go smoothly and quickly. She didn’t know how long she was able to keep a fake smile on her face.
    The truck’s window rolled down and Dillon leaned out the window, smiling. He didn’t know the night before that Allison was in the car with Jeff at the time he tried to run him off the road, and he still hadn’t found out.
    Allison brushed her hair back behind her ears and smiled back as she looked at Dillon, squinting her eyes because the sun was right in them, making it hard to see, which Allison was thankful for. "Hey, Dillon."
    "Hi." Dillon said. "Look, Allison," He was sounding sincere, even though he wasn't really. He had a crush on her, but that main reason he wanted to go out with her, was to make Jeff mad. "I've had a crush on you for a long time now and I've decided that I'd take my chances in asking you out."
    Allison couldn’t believe this! After all the events of the day, with people rushing up to her and bugging her about Jeff liking her, didn’t Dillon know when to give a girl some space? "Look Dillon..." she started, but was rudely interrupted by her friend.
    "Why wait till Jeff asks you out?" Candice asked. "There's a perfectly good_looking guy right here." she honestly didn’t understand Allison. She probably would have given it a try if she didn’t fin out about Jeff. She would have last year, even if she didn’t really like the person, she’d At least try it, but since she’s found out Jeff’s liked her, she’s been acting different. Not like her at all, and Candice didn’t understand why.
    "No offense, Dillon," Allison said, trying to find the right words so that it would go over easy with him. "But you're not my type. I really am sorry."
    She turned to walk away, but before she could even take one step, Dillon shouted out to her, “You Skank! I'm respected! I can start rumours and people will listen to them! You’ll never have a life in this town again!"
    Allison felt that Dillon had crossed the line and she knew her face had turned red. She was going to show him a lesson. Allison whipped around, angrier then ever before.
    "You think that's going to change my mind? If anything, that just makes me not like you even more, you inconsiderate prick! Well Screw you!" Allison then flipped him the finger and turned and ran off down the street, cutting across people’s backyards to get away from Dillon faster. Candice was running after her to catch up, feeling concerned. She had never seen Allison like that before.
    Dillon watched them run off with a cold, evil look, before starting up his jeep to drive away.

    Allison had slowed to a fast walk, allowing Candice to catch up.
    "Why'd you say no?" Candice asked. When Allison stopped and turned to face her, for the first time in a long time, Candice saw tears streaming Allison's face.
    "For the first time Candice," Allison said, turning back around and walking fast, tears falling. "Shut the hell up! Dillon is a retarded loser!"
    Candice stayed in her spot, letting Allison go and blow steam off. She figured now was a bad time to bug her, but in the morning, when Allison had time to cool down and relax, she was going to ask again, hopefully with better results.
    She watched Allison storm down the street, until the bright sunlight blocked her from view. It was then that Candice turned around and walked the other way, towards her own house.

    The door to Allison's house flew open and banged off the wall, allowing enough time for Allison to storm in, before bouncing off the wall and slamming shut on it’s own.
    "Don't slam the doors!" Allison's father shouted from the living room, a note of drunkness in his voice. Allison ran up the stairs, crying, feet thudding, ignoring her father. She was too upset to respond back to him, and even if she said something back, the outcome would probably be bad anyway.

    Allison's father was sitting down in a chair, holding a beer in one hand, watching the news on TV. There was an empty chip bag on the floor, along with a bunch of crumbs. The beer in his hand was almost empty, and on the table beside him, were two empty bottles, and one unopened one.
    The news on TV was showing a weather report. A man dressed in a dark blue tux was talking, an image of a white and gray blob with swirls, heading towards Heartfield.
    "Citizens of Heartfield, beware! There's a killer storm coming your way and should be there by noon tomorrow. Our satellites show that this could very well be the biggest storm in the history of Heartfield, so parents, don't be surprised if your kids get sent home from school early..."
    That was all Allison’s father heard before his eyes drooped and sleep overcame him.

    Up in Allison's room, Allison stormed in and swung her door back with so much force, half the house shook and part of the door frame cracked.
    She went over to her bed and laid down on it, looking at the ceiling, wiping tears from her eyes and sniffling. Soon after, the door opened and Savanna walked in, looking at the door, which was a bit loose from it’s hinges.
    She came in the room all the way and went over to Allison and sat beside her on the bed.
    "What happened? You're crying."
    Allison sighed. I suppose it would help me feel better if I talked about it to someone. "Dillon asked me out and I said no, so now he's threatening me and he said that he was going to be spreading rumours about me.”
    "Don't worry about it. I can talk to Jeff and get him to talk to Dillon."
    "No!" Allison shouted, sitting up and suddenly looking concerned. "He'll kick the crap out of Jeff! He'll probably do that now anyway, because he knows I like Jeff. God!” Allison laid back down really fast.
    "Ok." Savanna patted her sister on the head. “I’ll leave you alone now, but if you ever need to talk, just come to my room.” Savanna stood up and walked back out of the room, quietly and softly closing the door behind her.
    Allison turned over, facing her pillow, and started crying again. She really didn’t see anyway out of this situation.

    Back at the school, Mrs. Stuart was walking around the empty halls, looking for her husband. Besides from the janitor, that was on some other floor, she was the only person in the school. "Frank?" She called out, but as always in these types of stories, there was no answer.
    Even Mrs. Stuart, as strong and brave as she was, had to admit that this school was really scary when it was empty. The eerie silence gave even her goosebumps up and down her arms and legs, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
    She kept calling out his name as she walked down the lonely hall, but after a few minutes, she reached onto her belt and unclipped her walkie_talkie.
    She held it up and pressed the ‘talk’ button. "Frank Stuart, come in." She said. "This is your wife." No answer. Just static. She waited a couple of seconds and during that time, the static filled the quiet hallway. She turned it off and put it back on her belt.
    “He’s probably already gone.” She said to herself as she turned and headed in the direction of the main doors.
    Suddenly she heard the echo of squeaky footsteps coming from down one of the halls.
    Mrs. Stuart turned back, thinking that maybe it was her husband, and started peering down the hall, squinting to see in the darkness.
    "Is anyone there? Hello?" Again, no answer. She continued searching with her eyes, but not a thing moved, so she shrugged it off. After all, the janitor was still working, so it was probably him.
    She turned and finished her journey to the front doors, which she exited, heading back to her house.

    At Brad's house, Brad was eating his supper. His house was filled with expensive china all over the place. He was waiting for Jeff to arrive, who agreed to come over and watch a movie. Brad also told him to bring some of his stories.
    Brad was eating alone at a huge wooden table, covered in a table cloth. The smell of macaroni and cheese filled the house as he used his fork to eat.
    Suddenly, just as he was about to take the first bite, a knock sounded through out the house, and Brad knew it came from the door. Jeff must be here! He got up, laying his fork down, and walked to the door, opening it when he got to it, reveal that it was indeed Jeff, wearing his Jean jacket. Outside, behind him, the sky had started growing dark, the sun fading away.
    "Come in." Brad offered. "My parents are gone to some dinner thing.”
    As Brad moved out of the way, Jeff walked in. Brad moved behind him to close the door as he took his shoes off.
    "Nice house." Jeff said, looking around at all the shining china.
    "Wait till you see my room." Brad exclaimed.
    "Why?" Jeff looked at Brad and saw him smiling. Oh no.

    The door to Brad's room swung open as Brad led Jeff in. Jeff's mouth dropped open as he looked around. There were all kinds of knifes in cases and out of cases, hanging on his walls and closet doors, others on his dresser. He had some behind glass and others sprawled on his floor. This guy was a freak!
    Jeff looked at Brad's bed and on the wall, above his bed, were two scythes, pointing at each other.
    "Wow!" Jeff said. Even he had to admit that it looked pretty neat. "You really do like collecting different types of knifes!" Jeff never realised how freaky that sounded until he had actually said it out loud.
    "Yep!" Brad smiled, proud of himself. He liked impressing people.
    Jeff pointed to the scythes. "How'd you get those? I haven’t seen them in use for a long time."
    "My uncle's friend works on a farm and he had a couple of old ones he didn't use anymore.”
    "Yeah, I know it's weird, but still, I love collecting knifes and horror movie things."
    “Horror movie things?” Jeff asked.
    Brad walked across his room to his closet and slid the door open sideways and inside were tons and tons of posters for horror movies. Some were posted up on the inside of the door, or on the wall, others were rolled up with elastic bands around them, keeping them folded.
    "Cool." Jeff said softly as he looked on.
    Brad closed his closet door just as Jeff reached into his bookbag and took out a big stack of paper and handed them to Brad. "These are my stories you wanted me to bring."
    Brad accepted them with both hands, and walked over and laid them on his night table. “What are some of these about?” He asked.
    Jeff answered, “Well there’s a two-part series in there about a killer that dresses up as a Goblin and kills teens in this small town. He uses cryptic notes to communicate, almost like how the killer from Scream talked on the phone. Then I have a four part series called Terror In The Tunnels. The first one’s about alligators under New York, then there’s the three sequels. I also have one about a prehistoric shark that’s discovered in present times and a team is hired to track it down and kill it before it kills anyone else. I have a bunch of more in there, but I can’t really remember which ones.”
    Brad then turned around to face Jeff with a smile on his face.
    “What?” Jeff asked, completely clueless as to why he was smiling.
    Brad waited a moment before answering. "I heard you like Allison."
    "Will everyone just shut up about that!" Jeff yelled. It was really starting to get on his nerves, with everyone coming up to him throughout the day and annoying him about it. Others were spreading rumours that him and Allison were secretly going out, and it was making Jeff mad.
    Brad chuckled softly at Jeff’s inner torture. He finds this amusing! Jeff thought to himself. The little creep!

    At Mike's house that evening, as the sun was starting to go down, in the backyard, Mike's mom was planting seeds for plants. The house was a regular two-story house, with a garage and backyard. This backyard didn’t have a fence around it, but at the end, was the back dirt road, signalling the end of the yard.
    There were two trees in the yard, and an old swing set that had years of rust on it, not even being considered for use for the last 8 years.
    Suddenly, Mike’s voice came from inside the house. "Mom! Dad says you should come inside and see this!"
    "Alright!" Mike's Mom laid her planting tools down and got up, taking off her soiled covered gloves, and brushing dirt off of her pants. Then she turned and walked up the steps of the back patio and inside.

    Mike’s mom walked into the living room where Mike and his dad were sitting on a couch next to each other, watching the TV. As she walked into the room, she wondered what was so important, but then once she saw the T.V., she knew.
    "They're calling for a big blizzard tomorrow!" Mike announced with a tinge of excitement in his voice. "Hopefully school well be closed. I hate school."
    "Only a fool hates school." Mike's mom scolded. "Don't say you hate school." Mike’s mom worked on with the School Board, so she was really strict about school and schoolwork, which Mike hated, because he never had any free time. Mike’s mom always wanted Mike to bring home homework every night, even if there was none assigned, and the only thing he was really allowed to do that wasn’t part of school was be on the Hockey Team, which his dad busted his butt, talking to his mom, to try to convince her.
    "Sorry." Mike apologized in a low tone. He turned back to the T.V. as did his mother.
    The reporter was continuing on with the report. "The storm well hit hard, so expect a lot of delays and closures. There is a small chance that the storm well miss us, but that's only a small chance. If the storm does hit, it will be the worst one in the history of Heartfield."
    Mike’s mom reached over onto the counter and grabbed her purse. "Well I have to go out to the grocery store I guess. Just incase we get snowed in or something, we want to be prepared."
    "I'll go with you." Mike suggested, standing up.
    "Did you do your homework?"
    "Mom! I didn't get any. Remember, it's only the first day! Just because you're one of the top people on the school board doesn't mean you have to be super_strict!" Mike snapped.
    "Don't talk back to your mother, son." His father said calmly, not taking his eyes off the T.V.
    "Sorry." Mike grumbled.
    “Grab your jacket.” Mike’s mom said. “You can come if you want.”

    In Edward's house, after the sun had gone down, he was in the bathroom, sitting on the counter, next to the sink and in front of a mirror, his shirt off, watching and letting his mom patch up some of the bruises and cuts. She put some iodine on a small cotton ball as she used the cotton ball to lightly crush over the cuts and bruises. a couple times, Edward winced as pain shot through him.
    "I'm sorry this happened to you." His mom said, apologetic.
    "Don't be. It wasn't your fault." Edward said back.
    "Still. That Steven kid shouldn't be picking on you. You want me to talk to your principal?"
    "No mom, It's ok. I'll stand up to him one of these days."
    His mom continued to clean him up, already making him look improved since the fight. "Are we almost done yet?" Edward asked impatiently.
    “Why are you in such a hurry?”
    “Well I've got a girl to call."
    Edward’s mother continued cleaning and as she did, she asked, "Tell me about this girl."
    "Her name is Jamie. She's a white girl, but very attractive. I like her a lot. She's saved me from Neil, her ex_boyfriend, and its because of her that I didn’t get beaten up worse by Steven and Dillon."
    "I'm glad she makes you happy. I like it when you’re happy." She finished cleaning him up and kissed him on the head. "All done."
    Edward pushed off from the counter and jumped back to the floor. He reached over and picked up his shirt, pulling it back the right way, and put it on over his head, straightening it up once it was on.
    "Thanks Mom." He started to leave the bathroom, but turned back once he reached the doorway. "You've done a great job raising me." He smiled.
    Edward’s mom smiled back as Edward turned and left.

    A few minutes later, Edward was laying on his bed, his cordless phone to his ear. He had one hand behind his head, creating a pillow. He would have used his regular pillow, but that was under his bare feet, keeping them warm.
    His room was a bit on the small side, just enough room for a dresser, closet, and bed, then a small amount of walking space. He had posters all over his walls of different bands, some he liked, others he didn’t, and there were clothes all over the floor, as if a tornado and earthquake had hit at the same time.
    "Thanks for helping me out back there." Edward was saying to Jamie. "It showed me that you really cared about me and I appreciate it."
    "Of course I care! Something about you turns me on. I think it's your eyes." Jamie said. Edward smiled when he heard that, but his smile quickly faded.
    "Well now they're both black."
    "Ha ha.” Jamie laughed, sarcastically. “Hey, if it doesn't snow tomorrow, after school, wanna get together and have some 'fun'?" she asked in a sexy voice.
    Edward suddenly started to get excited. He couldn’t believe this! "Sure! Jeff's going to be so jealous!"
    "Who's Jeff?" Jamie asked.
    "My best friend. He’s the one that was at the fight earlier today that gave me a ride home. You'll probably meet him again tomorrow. I’ll properly introduce you guys. I told him all about you in the car."
    "Know what's weird?" Jamie asked, suddenly changing the topic. Edward wasn’t sure if it was on purpose, or if it was just something she had to get off her chest.
    "What?" Edward asked.
    "Neil's not home yet. His parents called here not too long ago looking for him. And I told them about what happened in school, and that when he gets home, to tell him that I’m dumping him and not to bother to call, because I just wouldn’t pick up."
    "He probably just ran away or something." Edward spat. He really hoped that Neil wouldn’t return, because if he did, and found out that Jamie dumped him for Edward, then Edward would have more then just Dillon and Steven after him. He’d also have Neil and any of his jock friends as well.
    They continued on with their conversation, enjoying each other’s company.

    Angela walked up to a house, looking at the address on the piece of paper she held, then looking back up at the house. She dropped the paper, letting the light wind blow it away as she walked up the front steps to the house.
    She pressed her finger on the round doorbell, creating a ding dong! noise to sound through the house.
    A minute later she heard thumping footsteps from inside, and the door opened as Ryan welcomed her in. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.” he smiled as Angela walked inside, taking her shoes off.
    “What time to you have to be home by?” Ryan asked.
    “Whenever.” Angela said. “I live on my own. My parents kicked me out of the house a long time ago.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that.”
    Angela shrugged. “Do you want something to eat or drink?” Ryan asked.
    “No.” Angela answered. “Let’s just get on with the studying.” Then she added as an after thought, “Boy, never thought those words would ever come from me!”
    They both laughed as Ryan led her to the kitchen table, where he had the text books laying.

    Back in the school, Mr. Butler, the janitor, was the last person left in the school. He was moving a mop back and forth, cleaning up the blood that was located in the bathroom. He really hated being a janitor and he was thinking of retiring. He hated how he always had to work long into the nights, just to clean up messes caused by bratty kids. They were never going to learn respect or responsibility if they never looked after themselves.
    "I really need to find myself a new job! I'm too old for this type of stuff. Damn kids, making pranks that I have to clean up." he mumbled to himself as he moved the mop back and forth, water spilling onto the floor, cleaning away the blood.
    As he finished, and the last tint of red was gone, he turned and saw some of the blood going up the wall and out the window, in a line, as if someone or something was dragged.
    "What the hell?" he laid the mop against the wall and walked over to peer out the window. He opened it up, allowing the night’s cool breeze to come in, and he stuck his head out, looking.
    As he scanned the area, his eyes saw something in the bushes, but he couldn’t tell what it was due to the darkness. He just saw an outline to something.
    “What is that, some kind of dead dog?” Mr. Butler asked out loud, again to himself.

    Minutes later, Mr. Butler now with a flashlight in hand, was walking along the outside wall of the school towards the bushes outside the bathroom.
    He had a brown leather jacket on and the beam from the light was shining across the ground as he walked, the only sound being his feet crunching dead leaves, and the light whistle and howl of the wind.
    He got to the bush and as he shined the light on it with one hand, he moved some of branches away, some of them pricking his fingers, and he shined the light through and it fell on the object he had come out to investigate.
    His eyes went wide and his mouth gaped open as he looked at the dead and mangled body of a teenager! This of course was Neil, but names mattered not to the janitor. But if that wasn’t enough, he also saw all kinds of bugs crawling on it and in and out of the mouth and nose, as if it was a playground for all the creepy crawlies of the world.
    "Holy crap! What the hell's going on?" Mr. Butler shouted. He started to stumble back, afraid, and he backed up right into someone, feeling the soft stomach of someone behind him.
    He slowly turned around around and was staring right into the hood of someone dressed as Grim Reaper!
    “I don’t know why you’re dressed in a Halloween costume, but you better call the cops.” then as Mr. Butler thought about what he said, he realized that this person was the murderer of the teen.
    Mr. Butler’s eyes seemed to move to the side and he saw the sharp scythe in the grasp of one of his hands.
    Grim Reaper clutched the scythe with his other hand and he lifted it upside down, and swung the scythe up, causing it to rip into Mr. Butler's stomach, causing him to straighten up, blood flowing from the new wound.
    Grim Reaper used his arms and lifted the scythe up, raising Mr. Butler off the ground, causing his feet to dangle and move around as he tried struggling and blood came from the corner of his mouth.
    "Ahhhhhhh!" Mr. Butler screamed, body jerking, either from him trying to get free, or from muscle spasm. After another couple of seconds, Mr. Butler’s eyes rolled up into his head and the struggling soon stopped as all was once again quiet and still.
    Grim Reaper whipped the scythe sideways, still holding onto it, causing the body to fly off his weapon and hit the wall of the school, falling to the ground like a rag doll.

    Not much later, down in the basement of the school, the Grim Reaper watched Neil and Mr. Butler's bodies burn in the furnace, while cleaning off his scythe with a paper towel.
    The fire from the furnace was lighting the room and the heat was keeping the room nice and warm, though the smell of burning bodies filled the basement, by the morning, that would have disappeared and all would be back to normal.

    6/10/2002 7:34:18 PM

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