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    According to a prop from the movie, Nash's dogtag's indicate his initials are "M. B.", his birthday was "6/3/70", and he was once a Sgt. Major in the army. (From: SeanArcher)
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    Jurassic Park: The Dark Depths (Introduction and Prologue)
    By Vito_The_White

    By Trevor Melton

    Introduction: Traitors

    There are many people in this world that make you just want to throw up. I know it, and you know it too. This world is filled with people that are going to hurt you, me, your neighbor, or hell even your dog. Can you tell who these people are? No. That’s the simple answer that I or anyone else can give ya. This world is filled with cutthroats who don’t give a shit about you or your feelings. Plain and simple, everyone in this world is determined to get screwed over by someone in his or her life whether it be a family member, a lover, a boss, or even your own best friend.

    Now I know that’s a really negative way to take life, but you might as well face it before your whole world is completely destroyed by someone that you love or care about. That happened to me, and I don’t want it to happen to anyone else ever again. Hell, it happened to me twice. Two people that I thought were my best friends stabbed me right in the back in the end. One of them was too much of a dumbass to see what kind of friend he had, and the other one… the one that I cared for like a brother, well, I guess being a pothead is a good enough reason for him, because he’s a soulless bastard that doesn’t deserve to have love or friendship from anyone.

    These people that I’m talking about are what everyone would call your typical everyday run of the mill traitor. That’s right folks, and if you act now you can go outside your house and more then likely the first person that you see on the street will be one of these wonderful people that you can get to know for a little while and then when you least expect it, they’ll turn around and stab ya right in the back.

    What can you do about this? Well, there’s really nothing that you can do. You can just do your best to move on after it happens to you. I try to move on everyday that I’m forced to linger with these pains that surround me. Pain, that’s an interesting word. That’s a word that doesn’t exist in either of those former best friend’s vocabularies, because they apparently know no pain, fear no pain, or understand that their actions give pain to the people who care about them the most.

    In your life you’ll come across people like this, but you’ll also find people who are true to their heart and believe it or not actually have one. I know a few people like that, and really what I have to do is focus on those people who really do care. That’s what you have to do, is think positively about them. Is it really that easy? Well, not really, but it’s a good start to getting back on track with your life. I have my whole life ahead of me. I shouldn’t be constantly hurting myself over some asshole that doesn’t understand pain or human compassion for anything or anybody but himself. You all should know and understand this as well, before you get hurt like me. I don’t want anyone else to ever go through the pain that I’ve had to experience. I would feel like I had failed all of you if that happened, and that’s just something that I could never stand for.

    But traitors have many faces, voices, and disguises. Are you someone that can catch these traitors before they hurt you? Well, just have to wait and see if you are, because some traitors in this world could cause the demise of everything that we have grown to love in this world, and that’s all because of their greed and corrupt minds that fill the evil within their souls.

    Prologue: Feeding Time

    Wednesday, June 14, 1992

    The island of Isla Pena was shadowed by the nightfall. The tropical weather kept the area from feeling in the least bit cool. At least it wasn't raining. It rained almost year round out there because of Typhoons. It was also quite humid in this area of Middle America. So humid, that at times it was hard for the people that frequented the island to work.

    Isla Pena was eighty-nine miles away from mainland Costa Rica, and was only ten miles away from the nearest island called Isla Tacano. Pena was actually the last island part of a chain called Los Cinco Muertas. Pena was the smallest of these five islands and received its name from the fact that it looked like a pee stalk right out of the plant in the ground.

    The island was flourishing with palm trees in scattered places, however at one time this island was full of them. The island was now harboring water paddocks all throughout it. The land mass looked like it had been turned into a Sea World far away from the mainland.

    Suddenly a man emerged from a small building near the middle of the island. He was carrying an extremely large pail of food with both of his hands. This was Juan Monkus, a native Costa Rican of the young age of nineteen. The Biosyn Corporation, as well as several other Costa Ricans to work on this island, with no questions asked, hired him. Juan needed the money, so he accepted the job.

    It all seemed really weird to Juan though. Only three years before, another genetics company, just like Biosyn, had bought the island about twenty-five miles away from this one called Isla Sorna. They had also hired many Costa Ricans to work for them as well. Juan would've considered going to work for them if it hadn't have been Biosyn that approached him first with more money. He kind of hated not going to where his brother was for two reasons though. The first one was that his brother, Carlos had gone to work on Sorna for InGen, the other genetics company. The other reason was pretty self-explanatory to anyone. No one would ever believe him if he told them that what was on this island was two species of really huge and ugly marine creatures.

    Juan had been assigned to feed the animals on tonight of all nights. He really hated having to feed the 'monsters' as he called them. There was an awful pain in Juan's stomach as he continued through the path of the tropical island before him. This was actually the first time Juan had to feed the animals by himself. Usually there were several people that would feed the animals at the same time, because they were too unpredictable. This weekend was, however, the holiday weekend for a large portion of the staff and that left only a small skeleton crew to look after the island while they were gone.

    As Juan neared the first paddock, the pain that he was feeling all over his body began to increase. He was surrounded by tropical jungle on almost all sides, and he was alone. That was something that Juan hated to have to deal with. He'd always had that problem, even when he was a little boy. In his mind, he was still a little boy and would always be a kid at heart. He just didn't enjoy the fact of having to be feeding these dangerous creatures at night time and alone.

    The first paddock that Juan was to go to was an indoor paddock. The building was rather large, but that was only for the tourists. That was, if tourists were to ever come to this freak show. The park was only three months from being complete and, Juan was hoping that by then, he'd be able to quite this job and go do something else, like help his brother out. He was sure that the other genetics company couldn't be doing something like what was going on this island. Why would they? Wouldn't they be copying Biosyn? That would basically be plagiarism. So, Juan would leave this nightmare soon, and be off to Isla Sorna, a real tropical paradise where he could maybe serve rich people margaritas or something.

    Juan smiled as he opened the door to the paddock and stepped into a cold room. The air conditioning was kept on full blast in every one of the paddocks, or if there weren't inside areas, which there were, the water was just cooled. Apparently these 'Monsters' were warm blooded. But that sure as hell didn't explain their ugly features. Those creatures were nasty things. However, these that he was about to feed, reminded Juan of some creature that he'd saw documentaries about, but that animal was called something else, The Lock Ness Monster. This creature was called something that Juan couldn't pronounce that started with a P.

    The bucket that Juan was carrying was starting to get heavier, so he decided to go ahead and get this over with. He went over to the tourist-viewing rail and dumped the contents of the bucket into the water. Juan sighed with relief when nothing happened. Maybe the animals were sleeping. They wouldn't be sleeping for too much longer when they started to smell the fish that had landed in the water, so Juan started to leave the building. However, when he turned his back and started walking off, he could feel something extremely sharp take hold of Juan's leg and drag him to the ground. He screamed in pain as he fell to the cold, wet cement floor. He turned around and screamed even louder as he saw what it was that had taken him to the ground. It was one of the 'Monsters'. Its extremely long neck had extended out of the water, after Juan had turned to leave, and it struck out with its sharp teeth and took hold of him.

    Juan grasped hold of the bucket that he'd put the food in and started bashing the creature over the head with it. This gave little result as the animal just shook off the pain and continued to hold on. Juan began kicking the animal in the eye with the other leg, but that only made the animal even angrier as it began to pull Juan over toward the railing. Juan tried to use all of the strength that he had left to crawl his way away from the animal, but it wouldn't let go of him even with Juan's persistence. Juan continued to scream, as he just knew that this would be his end. He wouldn't make it off this island alive. He wouldn't see his brother, the rest of his family, or his friends ever again. He'd never be able to serve Margaritas to rich people on Sorna while he enjoyed the tropical paradise with his brother. Never again would he take another breath of air into his lungs.

    The animal was finally successful at pulling Juan to the railing. He tried one last attempt at getting away, by kicking the animal again, but the creature still wouldn't let go and was finally able to pull Juan over to the other side of the railing. However Juan grabbed the railing and held on with his life.

    ‘This is it,’ Juan thought to himself. "Damn you Biosyn!"

    Juan fell over the side of the railing and went right into the freezing cold water. The animal, however, let Juan loose and so he was able to move freely. Juan began to swim around in ever direction trying to find the 'Monster' that brought him into the water. He couldn't see barely past his eyes. The water was so murky that you wouldn't have been able to find your way if you were calm and there weren't any creatures in there with you. Juan was panicking and started going in every possible direction that he could take. When he suddenly felt searing pain in his arm. He looked over at it to see that there was only a stub remaining and there was blood everywhere. Juan screamed and gasped trying to catch his breath. He swam with his one remaining arm to try and make it to the surface. Before he was able to make it, he suddenly started to go back down again, as he felt his legs disappear from his body. He was now falling to the bottom of the murky water. He turned upward, toward the top of the water where he could see the silhouette of the creature coming right toward him with it's mouth wide, ready to go down on Juan Monkus.

    9/2/2003 6:37:12 PM
    (Updated: 9/10/2003 5:11:17 PM)
    (Updated: 9/20/2003 4:20:25 PM)
    (Updated: 9/20/2003 4:50:51 PM)

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