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    Both Biosyn and inGen (International Genentics, Ltd.) are real bio-tech companies. (From: Cloner)
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    JurassicPark:The Reopening Part1
    By Velaciraptor

    Jess was listening to her radio while mopping the kitchen door. She was listening to Who Let the Dogs Out when it got cut in half and an announcement came up. "Very important news folks!" the voice said and continued, "Jurassic Park is reopening on Isla Nublar! If you're wanting to visit the park, all you have to do is fly to Isla Nublar, go to the main gate and guards will be there. If you answer two questions right you can enter! Now returning to Who Let the Dogs Out," and Jess turned the radio off. She has heard of Jurassic Park and wanted to visit but it closed. She reached for the phone to call some friends to go with her.
    She dialed a number. It rang five times before Yasmine16 answered. "Yeah?" Yasmine16 said. "Hey Yas," Jess said. "Wanna go visit Jurassic Park? It's reopening and I'm sure it's gonna be safe." There was about a minute of silence when she answered hesitating. "Uhhhhh, ummmm, errrrr, sure I'll go." "Great," Jess said and added, "I'll call some others," and she hung up and dialed Jon, Majestic-1, v-girl, RaptorFood, RaptorVinny, and Seth Rex's number to go along.
    They all met at the airport. Their plane was supposed to leave in thirty minutes and Yasmine16 just arrived saying she would've been here sooner but lost her shoe. Jess rolled her eyes and said, "Keep track of your shoes, ok?" V-girl didn't come saying she's not taking chances with dinosaurs. RaptorFood and RaptorVinny were arguing over who spells best, Seth Rex was reading a book ignoring the fight, Majestic-1 kept stroking his gun and hugging it, and Jon was mainly thinking about his site, Jpdatabase.
    The group got on the plane and sat in there seats and in about five minutes later the engines started. They landed about a mile away from the ocean and switched to helicoptor and flew the rest of the way in that. They landed in front of the main gate and a few people were already there before them.
    Jess introduced herself. "I'm Jess, that's Majestic-1, Jon,RaptorFood or RF, RaptorVinny or RV, and Seth Rex." A girl said, "I'm firebird, that's CJ, izzy, Spino_38, JOKE, and Paul." They all shook hands and Jess eyed the guards and said, "Let's all be one group. I'll answer the two questions and we'll be in Jurassic Park." They all nodded.
    They all walked to the guards and the first guard says, "Question one. Name three people that visited Jurassic Park when it first opened." Jess was silent for a few seconds and said, "Alan Grant, Ian Malcolm, and Ellie Sattler." The guard nodded and the second guard spoke. "Question two. Name three dinosaurs that are in Jurassic Park." This time Jess didn't hesitate and said, "Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptors, and Dilophosaurus." The second guard nodded and both guards said at the same time, "Welcome to Jurassic Park," and they both sneered and opened the gate.
    Right when the group entered, the gate slammed shut and heard it lock. In a building, the person who rebuilt Jurassic Park, SGD, watched the group enter and pressed a button laughing like a lunatic. "You all will die soon!" The lights turned off and the video cameras, and the dinosaur paddocks. "I just love killing people," SGD said. "Love watching them suffer, eaten by dinosaurs," and he laughed glad to get such easy prey.
    There were some jeeps parked to the right side of the group. They got in the jeeps and drove off (jeep#1:Jess,Maj,Jon. jeep#2:RF, RV, Seth. jeep#3:firebird, CJ, izzy. jeep#4: Spino_38, JOKE, Paul, Yasmine.)
    Yasmine, who was the only one really listening and not excited, said, “Hey, I hear water.” JOKE turned around (Yasmine was in the backseat along with Paul). “No, I wasn’t really listening,” he said and listening and in a moment later said, “Wait, yeah, I do hear water,” and then a stream came into view and Yasmine16 gasped. Drinking and grazing at the stream was a herd of Parasaurolophus. One Parasaurolophus looked up and snorted. Then other heads came up to look at the strangers. Yasmine16 slowly and quietly got out her camera to take a picture of the scene. She clicked the On button and the camera made a nose loud enough for the herd to hear.
    One Parasaurolophus, who was wading in the stream ran out and ran away from the jeep and the others followed in alarm, not sure if these strangers were dangerous or not. Yasmine16 groaned in disappointment in not getting a picture of the herd. Paul said, “Don’t worry. There’ll be others. I bet only the herbivores run freely, unless you get stepped on by a Brachiosaurus or rammed by a Pachy or something like that, you’re safe.”
    A jeep pulled up beside them and stopped. Jess stepped out of the jeep and went over to the other. “We just saw some Brachiosaurus. Did you see anything yet?” she said. Yasmine16 replied, “Yeah, Parasaurolophus herd by that stream. That’s all.” Jess nodded. “Yeah, ok,” and she went back to her jeep and they drove on.
    “I want to see some carnivores,” Spino_38 said and he drove on also. Paul yawned, JOKE stared out the window, Spino_38 kept an eye on his driving, and Jess just stared into space until a Dinosaur came up. Then suddenly JOKE said, “Hey look over there!” and the jeep stopped and they looked.
    A Quetzalcoatlus soared overhead and looked down upon the jeep and screeched. Three more jeeps stopped behind Yasmine16’s to gaze at the bird. Then something unexpected (not really expected) happened. The Quetzalcoatlus dove down at jeep#4 and it’s claws sank into the leather top and it ripped. It screeched wildly while the four people inside stumbled outside and ran to Jeep#1. The bird gave up and flew off not knowing its prey had gotten out.
    “Why was that Quetzalcoatlus even free in the first place?” Paul asked, no one imparticular. Jess shrugged and said, “You can ride in our jeep. It might be crowed but oh well.” Then a high pitched screech was heard and then a couple of hisses and growls, and then silence. They were being stalked by, well, something unknown at the moment.
    A bush a few yards away shook and everybody got out of their jeeps to get ready to run. The bush stopped shaking and a low growl, or, growls. Then their was silence again. “Stand still,” CJ said. “Running might attract them.” Then firebird said, “Or maybe just standing here like we’re parylyzed might attract them also.” RV was closes to the once-shaking bush and suddenly and very quickly something snapped out and grabbed hold of his ankle and tugged him in the bush and he screamed. Then more silence after the furious shaking stopped.
    Then, oddly, a pack of Compsognathus ran out of the bush and there were a few horrified squeaks of some Compys. They chirped and hopped hungrily, staring at the humans. Then one brave Compy ran at JOKE and sank its teeth into his leg. “Ow!” he said and tore the Compy off and threw him. The Compy soared through the air over the bushes and RF gasped as a Velociraptor head popped out and snapped the Compy in its jaws.
    Then other Velociraptor heads came up and they hissed hungrily. The Compys squeaked and ran at the group of humans. They ran, not all for the Compys but because a Velociraptor has already jumped out of the bushes and ran after the group, the others following.
    The group ran in a forest of thick trees and they heard the squeals of anger as the Raptors ran into each other. Then there was a small clearing and a big tree was in the middle. Jon looked back and saw the Compys had quit the chase and ran to the tree and climbed it with the others. A Raptor shot forward and took hold of a small part of his jeans and ripped a bit of cloth off.
    When the group was all safe up in the tree, Jess said, "I thought the carnivores were in paddocks and not running free! This place sucks and I want to leave." "I want to leave too," Majestic-1 said. Below them Raptors were jumping, hissing, growling, and screeching at the group, waiting patiently for them to go down. They knew the group couldn't stay up there in that tree forever.
    Firebird, izzy, and CJ were sitting on the lowest branch but still, the Velociraptors couldn't reach them there. Firebird took one of her hands off the branch to scratch her leg when she lost her balance when izzy grabbed her leg, and CJ grabbed his. The Raptors were jumping right in front of firebird's face now and very close. She screamed.
    Suddenly CJ sneezed, let go of izzy's leg and firebird and izzy tumbled down into the pack of hungry Velociraptors. They dragged the two hopeless people into the jungle and the rest were able to come down from the uncomfortable tree. CJ felt guilty, since she caused both their deaths but she didn't like izzy anyway. "He stole my car keys just to get some pizza at Pizza Hut while I was late, having to meet my friend at the store!" she told the rest, since they were wondering her reason for not liking him.
    Yasmine16 shuddered and said, "How are we supposed to get off this horrible island anyway?" JOKE said, of course joking, "Maybe we could train a Pteranodon or Quetzalcoatlus to fly us off the island." Jon forced a fake laugh and said, "Come on. Maybe we can find a building to stay the night in or something."
    They walked for about an hour when they came to a cabin large enough for all the people. It was now dark and the group went inside to sleep and rest from the day's running and screaming their heads off. As for JOKE, he wasn't tired at all and went outside and sat on a rock that was by the door.
    He heard a chirping sound and a Compsognathus came out of a nearby bush and looked at JOKE, perhaps expecting he'll feed him. JOKE sighed and looked back at the Compy, bored. Suddenly a roar rang out of the jungle and the Compy scampered off chirping and tripping once. Then JOKE heard the crack of a small log and a low growl. He sat still, waiting for the worst.
    JOKE got up from the rock and walked to wear the Compy had come out of the bush and circled around and his back faced the jungle. He suddenly heard breathing behind him and whirled around to a Tyrannosaurus looking back at him, mouth open, teeth bared, and its awful breath.
    The Tyrannosaurus shifted one foot, since one claw was resting uncomfortably on a log and took a step towards JOKE, now noses touching. JOKE couldn't speak, as well as yell a help or warning for the others. The Tyrannosaurus closed his mouth and after a second or two, opened it again and its yellow eyes bared into his. Then it reared back ready to strike.
    Its jaws closed around JOKE and it pulled him from the ground and swallowed him. Then it looked at the cabin, smelling the other people. It walked towards the cabin and peered in through the window. CJ stirred and woke up and luckily, looked at the window and screamed. The Tyrannosaurus roared and used its giant head to slam it against the cabin and shatter it.
    There the group stood, (now awake) staring in horror at the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus growled. Eating JOKE didn't have it lose its appetite apparently. It walked towards CJ slowly, ready to strike any moment. That's when the group realized something: they could run! Duh! So the group ran away. The Tyrannosaurus roared in fury and ran after them. The chase was on.
    The group ran into the jungle and ran on, not daring to take a break. They could hear the Tyrannosaurus stomping after them behind them. They heard the crack of small logs and twigs also. Then, to their surprise, the Tyrannosaurus stopped and gave up the chase and, another giant took its place. Carnotaurus.
    It came up behind them from behind a big rock, looked at the group and roared. The group started running again with the Carnotaurus close behind, they could hear it breathing, hear its jaws snap shut and open again in hunger, felt its breath.
    Then the thick trees ended and the group came in an open (big) clearing. Sauropods drank from a small stream and some gazed at the group in wonder, and then the Carnotaurus smashed out of the trees. It had hesitated a bit. The Sauropods drank on not worrying but the rather small herbivores ran in fright. The Triceratops formed a circle around they young, pointing their horribly sharp horns at the carnivore. But the Carnotaurus was only interested in the group and ran after them.
    The group saw a building and suddenly a Carnotaurus foot stomped right in them middle of the group and heard a scream. Majestic-1 was grabbed up in its jaws. The group ran on, not wanting their lived to end as well. “Poor Majestic-1,” Jess thought and entered the building with the rest of the group.
    A compy or two scurried around the floor, chirping at the group. They walked down a pretty long hall and the first door they saw, which was on their left, they entered. A Deinonychus shot at them and Yasmine-16 closed the door and heard the bang where the dinosaur had ran into the door. They entered another door.
    There a group of people sat introduced themselves. "I'm VitoHardy, that's Jet Raptor, darkhunter, JesterPocus,Chavez, and Tenchi_Muyo. Nice to meet you."

    3/17/2002 9:01:22 PM
    (Updated: 3/22/2002 10:42:19 AM)

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