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    Kenner created action figures for most of the main characters in JP, though two were missing: John Hammond and Lex Murphy. (From: 'SiteC')
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    At 11:20:19 AM on 3/22/2002, Dino_Dude said:
    Good to see u know your dinos...Quetzalcoatlus?? I have never heard of that, good work.

    At 10:48:23 AM on 3/22/2002, Seth Rex said:
    ^_^ i was in it! yay! it's good!

    At 4:22:14 PM on 3/21/2002, Tenchi_Muyo said:

    At 8:54:59 PM on 3/20/2002, joke said:
    let me just say that i dont read much fan fics but this one was good

    At 8:53:07 PM on 3/20/2002, Velaciraptor said:
    Ok, I'll stop "the dinosaur dragged him into the bushes" crap

    At 8:49:46 PM on 3/20/2002, joke said:

    At 8:42:35 PM on 3/20/2002, joke said:
    i died

    At 8:33:37 PM on 3/20/2002, Majestic-1 said:
    Aside from the horrendously NON VIOLENT death scenes, its fine.

    At 6:37:19 AM on 3/20/2002, Velaciraptor said:
    Jess won't die

    At 11:41:43 PM on 3/19/2002, Jess said:
    ahaha..and he'll die :P JK......hope i dont :D

    At 8:25:06 PM on 3/19/2002, Velaciraptor said:
    Sure, uhhh you're going to be the LAST ONE. No more asking! You'll be in part2.

    At 8:20:47 PM on 3/19/2002, Tenchi_Muyo said:
    It is good i like it only one thing i dont like is that im not in it can i be in it please.

    At 10:56:41 PM on 3/18/2002, Jess said:
    Glad i didn't die :P
    awww...but maji did. lol
    Nice fanfic v.

    At 9:06:48 PM on 3/18/2002, Velaciraptor said:
    Because they are names of people on Dan's site and chat, genius.

    At 4:30:33 PM on 3/18/2002, Brad said:
    Your characters have very odd names.

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