Jurassic Park
By Michael Crichton
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    Strange coincidences: 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth', the banner inside the Visitors Center in JP, was a name of a sci-fi movie written by J.G. Ballard, who also wrote the novel that Spielberg's 'Empire of the Sun' is based upon. (From: 'Alexandra')
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    The College Years (Chapter 25)
    By Vader

    Entry III: Time of Conclusion

    Continued from Chapter 24 . . .
    CHAPTER 25

    The black figure materialized out of the frothy darkness that covered the area, like a ghost emerging from times past. I felt my heart grow heavier, the tear that dropped from my eye splashing against the glass, blurring the image of the person reaching the door step, and ringing the bell. The chime echoed through the house, sounding too cheerful for what it represented. I turned around, daring to look at Erin once more, my heart thumping. Traces of weeping were evident on her cheeks, and she stared at me with disbelieve, discontent, and distrust. Silence lingered, as if neither of us had paid attention to the bell, until it sounded again to more strongly impression.
    “Stay here,” I whispered with an uneven voice.
    “No,” she sharply shot back. “You leave . . . now. I’ll get it.” Immediately, the hurt young woman bolted up from her position on the bed, reaching for a robe hanging upon a hook on her closet door, her eyes piercing my very soul, tearing it to shreds, triggering a pause in my words.
    “Wait, wait, please,” I tersely returned. “I don’t want you to go down there.” Without another word, slowly I headed out of the room, hearing her broken sigh from behind, reaching stairs while being as quite as possible. While Erin’s pain flared in the back of my mind, dread hung in the front as I tiptoed towards the bottom floor. I felt dulled and melancholy after the draining confession upstairs, yet still exercising high wariness as I approached the door.
    The porch light was off, leaving the identity of the visitor an utter mystery, exemplifying my uneasiness and suspicion even further. My hand shaking, my eyes glued to the small window on the side of the doorway, I reached for the light switch. My breathing seemed loud and exaggerated in my ears as I tried to keep its quickening pace under control.
    The tips of my fingers touched the edge of the switch, feeling unbearably heavy as I edged forward, closer and closer to the window, my anticipation met with reluctance to confirm my fears. With one last gulp, I moved the light control up, and in the blink of an eye, the face of an angered man was lit up right before me, staring directly into my face.
    I almost jumped back, but managed to contain my surprise, recognizing the individual as none other than who I expected it to be – Kevin, bent over, peering into the house. We glowered at each other with a mix of emotions, but in the end, it all lead to one thing – anger. Both of us understood what this meeting meant. I knew what he’d come for.
    My muscles tense, my senses alert, I grasped the doorknob and unlocked it, bringing the door open to see the threatening man in the flesh. For a moment, neither of us spoke, our feelings for each other going without saying. I stepped out into the open air, closing the entryway behind me. “Hi, Kevin,” I breathed, my stature straightening to face the intimidating glare.
    The tension reminisced of the night at the Winter Party, the air thick with edginess.
    A powerful strike of bone against flesh pounded up my abdomen, sending me keeling over, the wind knocked out of my body. “Time to settle the score, son of a b**ch.” His foot met my back, a shattering pain crawling up my body.
    Before another blow could be delivered, I heard a distant sound of a door unlocking, accompanied by the muffled call from Erin . . . “Stop! Stop! Stop!” My head was spinning, my body aching while my blurred sight picked up the shadow of Kevin racing forward. A strong sense of protection and sheer hatred exploded within, forcing me to try and spring to my feet.
    “Leave her alone!” I managed to sputter out before I lunged at his legs, pulling them backward so as to trip both of us. I swung my elbow forward, nicking the back of his neck, only to receive an avengement in the form of a quick kick to the groin. I felt myself weakening, loosening, just as the battle had begun. I felt helpless and hopeless, watching the relentless Kevin storm towards the woman I would always love through squinting eye lids.
    In one last exertion of strength, I made my way forward as fast as my damaged muscles would allow me, grabbing the beast’s foot and pushing it, slamming him back to the ground and knocking a punch to the jaw. He retaliated with fury, his eyes screaming with pure loathing. Blackness began to envelope my vision. I weakly enforced my last effort to somehow . . . someway . . . get him away from Erin. I moved my legs in a final thrust, catching him off guard and off balance, tossing him sideways.
    From then on, I didn’t see what happened. My functions deteriorated, as I was taken away to the abyss that I’d strived to never fall into, which had succeeded in tugging me to the edge and engrossing my heart. I’d given up, I’d left the world of pain to be immersed by an environment of gritty, disturbing, yet somehow peaceful despair, and the last thing I heard before doing so was a crunch, a thud, and the sound of an engine, growing louder and louder . . .

    (More to come)

    3/14/2003 12:57:07 AM

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