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    When Nedry meets with Dodgson in San Jose (JP) they are at a beachside restaurant with the ocean clearly in the background. San Jose is situated inland, away from any ocean. (From: 'MW834')
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    MIIIB (Men In Black III) - Scenes 1-11
    By Vader


    A Fan-Fiction Script by VADER

    Fade into the Columbia Studios logo. Zoom in to the glowing torch held by the woman in the logo and FLASH

    1. EXT - SPACE

    A clear shot of the moon within a sea of stars as the Main Titles music by Danny Elfman begins to play. On the screen, the first words appear:





    A dark, black orb moves across the moon to eclipse its shining and then passes on. PAN DOWN across space to follow the ship, revealing the tip of the planet Earth on the bottom of the screen as the destination of the craft. When the figure enters the atmosphere and speeds farther and farther away, on the bottom of the screen appears:

    "JULY 2007"

    CUT TO:

    3. EXT - OCEAN - NIGHT

    ZOOM IN to a fishing barge on a choppy ocean, straight up to the main deck. A woman's voice is heard from within.

    WOMAN: Dex! Dex! I think I see one o' yer fishin' poles jerkin'!

    An old man comes stomping out from within, covered with a rain jacket and having a disgruntled look on his face, banging the door closed behind him.

    MAN: I know that already!

    WOMAN: I said yer fishin' pole is jerkin'!

    MAN (louder): I know!

    WOMAN: Don't be so rude, Dex!

    The man starts to walk across the deck to a pair of poles standing near the edge of a hand rail.

    MAN (under his breath): De vil-woman. She turned into her mother.

    He grumpily hobbles to the first rod, picking up and pulling it back, and reeling it. A few more jerks are felt, and then suddenly, it all stops. He shakes his head and increases his rate of reeling it in.

    MAN (under his breath): Bate came off the hook. Damn it, that was a big one.

    Finally, the end of the line comes out of the water and he grabs it. He turns, leaning down to a tackle box sitting on the floor next to the second pole. Just as he is about to cut some more bate from the box, he feels a low, unusual rumble. Stopping still, he continues to feel it. He cranes his neck upward to gaze into the gray skies.

    CUT TO:
    4. EXT - SKY - NIGHT

    A still shot of the clouds above the man, as a dark orb draws ever near, becoming more visible as it breaks through the fog. PAN DOWN quickly as the figure slams into the ocean, causing a rather large tidal wave to sweep across the deck of the boat.

    CUT TO:
    5. EXT - BOAT - NIGHT

    The man is soaked by the water, pulling the hood of his jacket over his head in an effort to remain as dry as possible. After a few more moments, the wave calms again, and he stares out ahead of him with amazement. Slowly, he moves forward, inch by inch to investigate the scenes of what had just happened. Just then, the second pole begins to shake rapidly. As he looks upon it in confusion, the rod is whisked out into the depths of the water, close by the crash of the circular craft.

    MAN: What the hell?


    A huge blur shoots out of the ocean with a zoom, banging down on the man and the deck of the boat with a hard hit. Wood and metal flies in the face of the camera as a loud roar sounds.

    CUT TO:
    6. EXT - OCEAN - NIGHT

    A shot of the boat, split in half, sinking into the ocean in silence. There is a bright blink of lightning in the distance, and thunder rolls through the skies. A rain begins to fall, as speeding forth from the wreck, is a massive wave, heading straight for the camera. Speedily PAN ACROSS to follow the wave as it heads in the opposite direction for the silhouette of a city, the back of a creature just barely revealing itself on the top of the water. Soon, the mysterious being becomes a tiny speck and disappears into the fog. A low rumble signals its departure toward the civilization.


    Outside of a large porthole, a pair of headlight beams shine forth in the murky gloom of water. Loud breathing is heard as the camera PANS to the side to focus in on two pilots in seats, fiddling with the controls to the vehicles, wearing large, black wetsuits and aquatic breathers. The two men begin to converse about the operations of steering.

    VOICE #1: 45 feet below sea level and descending.

    VOICE #2: Target locked on. Gaining . . . 36 feet away.

    A loud blare goes off in the craft as all sorts of lights on the control panel blink red.

    VOICE #1: Prepare the subnarzonator.

    The second pilot leans forward to begin the sequence of launching a weapon, when abruptly, he stops, as if thinking about another option. He flips back controls he'd already toyed with, and turns in his chair to take hold of a joystick-looking device to the left of his seat. The first pilot whirls his head around in surprise at what his acquaintance is doing.

    VOICE #1: What do you think you are doing? Your defying of my orders is in strict violation of Code 6, which clearly states-

    A loud, majestic roar is heard, cutting of the first pilot as both of them crane around to see a massive jaw opening to engulf them from the blackness outside of the submarine. The second pilot shakily moves the joystick forward, as two, giant fireballs shoot forth from the underbelly of the craft, zooming into the maw.

    VOICE #2: Woo-hoo! I knew these would be best for close range!

    Before the first man could reply, the two fireballs came ricocheting back from inside the jaws, clamoring onto the submarine and rocking it violently. Just as the razor-sharp teeth raise wider to rip into the metal, the creature suddenly freezes in its action, fizzling out as if being thin air. The two pilots feel their submarine jolt upward, the water outside lightening immediately to become a cool-blue color. Ahead, several figures in black, outside of the water are seen watching the two pilots while the vehicle raises out of the liquid and breaks the surface.

    CUT TO:

    The camera ZOOMS IN to a close up of the two pilots. The first pilot reaches up and takes off his helmet, revealing his face.

    PILOT #1: Jay, why didn't you activate the subnarzonater to liquidate the alien's brain as I told you to?

    Jay takes his helmet off as well, showing his annoyed, yet defeated, expression.

    JAY: Kay - sub-rocket balls are especially designed for close range battle! They're more powerful than a subnarzonater, dude!

    KAY: Maybe so - but that big, bad, mofo has internal glands that are tougher than steel and can easily reverberate close-range weapons such as rocket balls, as you found out the hard way. If you'd done as I told you, as you should have, we could have slowed the alien down with one blast, utterly confused it with the second, and destroyed it with a third.

    JAY: Kay, get off my back!

    KAY: Just remember - I know more than you do, junior.

    JAY: I told you not to call me that from the very first day at MIB! Do you want me to kick your punk ass back to Truro, Massachusetts? Huh - is that what you want?

    Kay shakes his head with a sigh, pushes a button, causing the exit to the submarine to open. He stands up from his seat and climbs out.

    JAY (under his breath): Yeah, that's what I thought.

    Jay, leans over to get out as well.

    CUT TO:

    The camera focuses in on Men In Black personnel watching the two agents climb down a stairway from the submarine, which is revealed to be simply a test vehicle attached to a silver crane, that had been dunked into a water tank, which could be darkened and filled with virtual aliens. Two of the MIB watchers turned to look at each other knowingly and shake their heads.

    MIB #1: Report the results to the Chief.

    CUT TO:

    Kay, having finished changing out of his wetsuit, straightens his black tie on his white shirt, afterward reaching into his open locker to pull out is black jacket, slipping it over his arms and buttoning it. As he closes his locker door, Jay walks out from around the corner, finishing buttoning up his shirt. He walks over to his own locker, unlocks it and opens the door, to an immediate heralding of chorus coming at him from inside.

    CHORUS: All hail Jay! All Hail Jay! Oh, Jay can you see, by the morn's early light-

    The camera PANS UP to glimpse just over Jay's shoulder to show a hint of the croud of tiny creatures staring up at the agent from inside the locker as he infatically gestures for them to stop their singing.

    JAY: Guys, guys, guys. Stop. Look, don't get me wrong - I really appreciate the saluting and the praise and all that crap. But man . . . ya'll've been doing that every morning for 5 years straight. In the human world, we call your case ‘A.D.D.'. So what you need to do, is just try and be quiet whenever the Almighty Jay opens his locker. Got it?

    CHORUS: Absolutely, oh merciful one!

    JAY: I really appreciate it. I might just pick ya'll up a brand new watch- er,‘timekeeper', for your clock tower this weekend for being so understanding.

    He closes his locker after taking out his tie and coat, immediately putting them on as someone walks into the room from behind. Him and Kay turn to see it is none other than Chief Agent Zed.

    ZED: Well, my friends, your training mission failed. Do you know why it failed?

    KAY: Yes sir - my partner made a strict violation of Code 6 in disobeying my orders and performing a procedure that endangered not only ourselves, but also the fate of the world-

    JAY: Oh come on, man. Listen to yourself - you're talking like it was a real mission. It was only training.

    ZED: Yes, training it was, but it should still be treated as a Class 1 MIB Emergency Case. That virtual monster you were up against in the tank was the likeness of an Aqaquilish - a water dwelling alien that is capable of mass destruction and a single one is easily able to wipe out an entire city if it was given the chance. It is the most powerful creatures in the universe known to the Men In Black. If one of those aliens ever invade Earth, you two will be called upon to stop it. Therefore, you need to be prepared. But as our test showed, you aren't - teamwork is needed. Keep that in mind.

    Zed turns and leaves the two agents in the room to think.

    CUT TO:
    11. EXT - OCEAN - DAY

    A humongous wave, signaling the approach of a massive underwater creature, rolls into in the skyline of a large island, covered with civilization and containing a large port on its beach, full of battle ships docked there. The camera ZOOMS IN ahead of the water wave to focus on the port itself. A tour boat rolls by, as the voice of an announcer is heard.

    ANNOUNCER: At the beginning of our Pearl Harbor tour, we pass by the massive military embattlement . . .

    The voice fades out as the boat speeds away. The camera comes to a stop after its movement, resting on the dozens of bulky ships floating amidst the bustling docks. On the bottom of the camera, we see the creature head straight for the beach . . .

    The next several scenes will be released soon.
    ~Please Comment~

    7/14/2002 1:37:22 AM
    (Updated: 7/14/2002 2:31:00 AM)

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