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    TLW is 2 hours and 10 minutes long, three minutes longer than JP.
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    TRIUMVIRATE SE Chapter Six
    By The Host


    Far below, on the floor of the cavernous hangar, a battalion
    of SOLDIERS practice drill with incredible precision, their
    COMMANDER’S voice echoing throughout the space.

    PULL BACK to reveal Jack Davies perched on a balcony one
    hundred feet above them, looking down. He is visibly
    nervous. When he hears the voice behind him he spins around.

    DAWSON (O.S.)
    Jack Davies?


    A MAN steps out of the shadows, tall and grim; the voice has
    found a body. He is wearing the full uniform of an Admiral
    of the United Fleet. Davies is more than a little surprised:
    he immediately clicks his heels at attention and salutes.
    The tall man’s stolid face breaks into a slight smile and he
    salutes back.
    I’m sorry to have to meet you under such clandestine
    circumstances, so quickly improvised, but you must
    understand that it is difficult for me to escape the
    clutches of my entourage and the insufferable Admiral

    Admiral Dawson?


    Oh, I ... I just wasn’t sure that
    was you. I’ve never seen you
    before, sir.

    I’ve never seen you, Mr. Davies.
    It’s a pleasure to make your

    Dawson extends a hand. Davies shyly takes it.

    Now, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to
    be brief. If I’m not found they’ll
    be looking for me.
    I’ve called you here, Mr. Davies,
    because . . . Because I know what
    you’ve got in your left breast

    Davies is stunned.

    Oh, don’t seem so surprised. Not
    many Petty Officers meet with two
    Admirals in two days unless they
    hold something important indeed.

    Sir, I beg your pardon, but I
    don’t know what you’re talking

    Of course you don’t. But Copley
    does; there's the rub. For you
    see, Mr. Davies, Admiral Copley
    greatly desires that vial you
    hold. He’s been given orders by
    the highest authorities to obtain
    it from you any way he can.

    Will he kill me?

    Then you admit that you have it?

    A momentary pause as Davies thinks over his response. Then,


    Then, to answer your question, no,
    he won’t kill you. Not yet at any
    rate. He has to determine first
    what you know, and who you’ve
    told, and who might actually
    believe you. The last thing he
    wants to do is make you into a

    Why- What am I supposed to do?

    Jack, the USS has engaged in an
    unprovoked attack on a medical
    research laboratory. You know
    that. The USS is developing a
    biological weapon, a deadly
    disease, for which the people of
    Al T’Har – the people on that
    medical station – have just found
    a cure. That much I’m sure you’ve
    guessed. What I want . . . What I
    want, Jack, is for you to come
    with me. To Gauleius Base. My
    people there pay their highest
    allegiance to me, not to the
    United Star Systems, and not to
    The Corporation. We’ve been
    planning something for some time,
    and you now may hold the key to it
    all. Not just the cure to a
    horrible disease, but the one
    piece of evidence that will
    finally reveal the USS for what it

    Davies considers this.

    Why should I trust you?

    Tell me, Jack, who else do you
    have to trust?

    Jack stares keenly at the Admiral.

    I leave tomorrow. The offer

    With that Admiral Dawson recedes into shadow, leaving Davies
    alone with his thoughts.

    A long scene, again relatively unchanged from earlier
    versions. This is probably the most important scene in the
    establishment of the plot; it effectively acts as the first
    major plot point in the film, in which Davies is faced with
    his first great choice. Here we meet Dawson, enigmatic,
    eloquent, intelligent, and principled. Davies doesn’t like
    the man so much as develop an overwhelming respect for him
    in these moments. Hopefully the audience feels the same way.

    Dawson’s also a bit pretentious. I realized this upon
    rereading older versions of the screenplay: I was a bit
    pretentious in writing, and tried to sound sophisticated in
    the scenes in which I wrote Dawson’s dialogue back in the
    day. Upon reading my meager attempts at poetic prose several
    years later I realized that I kind of sounded like a phony.
    Well, I tightened up the dialogue a bit for this version,
    but consciously decided to make Dawson still a bit
    pretentious. I know a fellow like him in that way: really
    charming, eloquent, intelligent. When he speaks to you you
    feel like the whole world centers on you and you alone, but
    when he walks away you feel like you’ve been hustled, or
    that he’s just tried to secure your favour for his own
    political advantage. I tried to convey that with Dawson.
    Here’s a man who has allies, not friends.





    4/11/2003 10:03:36 PM
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 5:39:18 PM)
    (Updated: 4/12/2003 5:52:16 PM)

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