Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The establishing shot of the dig site in JP3 was actual footage filmed in early summer 2001 at Jack Horner's dinosaur excavation. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    Modern Day Devils - Chapter 11
    By Snake - Mark

    Mark veered off the trail of his attempted murderer, planning to cut him off at the stop light connecting 25A and Broadway. He brushed past trees and bushes, making his way through the thin tree lines of Downtown Rocky Point. He ran parallel to the road, the scent of Hampton seeming to fall behind him. In his mind, Mark saw Hampton veering through cars, sending them off-road. Hampton was running fast, but not fast enough.

    Ahead of him, the green light of the traffic light broke through the foliage. Pushing harder on his legs, he broke through the small forest and ran directly onto Broadway, taking no heed to the cars that had to skid-stop to avoid hitting him. Mark stopped, blocking off the traffic that ran down Broadway across 25A.

    A split second passed and the teenager dashed into the middle of the main road. Horns honked, tires screeched, and metal crashed as drivers swerved away from the reckless teenager.

    One car, a blue SUV, flipped over. Its hood crashed against the concrete, sending glass and fiber glass scattered along the road. The SUV skidded along the road with a strong force, slamming the fronts of cars.

    Mark’s eyes fixated on Hampton. He squinted, a smile crossing his lips as the skidding vehicle slammed into his hopeful target.


    Hampton was sent backwards, landing hard on his back. The sound made when he made contact with the ground was close to the sound of a bag of cement thrown from a two story building.

    After sliding along the ground for a moment, Hampton’s head lifted off the ground, his eyes searching the area in front of him. Blood started to drip down over his eyelids, obstructing his view slightly. His entire body below the waste was numb, and the fact that he would never walk again had yet to occur to him.

    His heart, already beating at an unusually quick rate, grew faster. His breathing, as raspy and deep as it was, became heavier, a sharp pain shot up his back to the back of his head with each breath.

    His glazed over eyes caught the silhouette of his pursuer. A terrified chill rushed through what was left of his nerves.


    Mark knelt down beside Hampton’s bloodied body. He turned his head left and right quickly, noticing the people that had gathered around. Several were on cell phones, calling the police or telling a family member about the accident, he figured. His eyes grazed back down to the victim, a pool of blood forming around him.

    “Don’t you feel stupid?” Mark extended his arm, and with his index and middle fingers, took Hampton’s wrist in his grasp. His fingers felt around for a second before resting over a small bump. “Your heart is pounding. Ya must have a little human in you.”

    Hampton simply look at him, the blood caking over his eyes. His hand moved in Mark’s grasp, trying to free himself of the demonic teen.

    “So, how do you do it? Do you kill them… take what’s theirs? You rob the living of their lives?” Mark stood up slowly, his gaze never leaving Hampton’s.

    “To those like you, we’re vulnerable… the only way to follow our orders and still stay in the shadows is to mimic.” Hampton coughed, blood spurting onto his mouth and chest.

    “Why not just pull a sword on me then? Why the physical combat?”

    Another cough. “Our blades… can’t materialize. Not while in a human body.”

    Mark shrugged to himself. “Maybe one of these bystanders will help you.”

    Hampton clenched his teeth, blood beginning to pour out of his mouth. “They’ll come for you!”

    5/13/2003 10:23:30 PM

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