The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Producers considered covering the baby t-rex in TLW with down feathers, as it was in the novel, but it proved too difficult. (From: Aki)
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    By PunkNerd



    Jonathan Hale was quickly pulled from sleep by what sounded to him as gunfire. It was faint, seemingly coming from outside. Jon yawned as he forced himself to sit, bare feet swinging over his barely more than a cot bed, sending tiny shivers through his body as his soles touched the cold concrete. More faint bursts as he stood, making his way to the northern wall of his cell, standing on his tip toes so his ears could get as close as possible to his tiny barred window. He heard movement from the cells around him, and could tell he wasn't the only one awoken by the disturbence outside. Was someone making a break for it? Was that screams he heard mixed in with the gunfire? His thoughts were forcefully drowned out by the sudden shrill of an alarm. red lights flashing throughout the prison, signifying a lock down. Jon was on the second floor of the three floor north wing, and after moving to the bars of his cell, could easily see the few night guards on floor one, rushing from the wing, towards the front of the penitentiary.Shouts of protest, and a few questions from Jon's cell mates followed them out. Whatever was happening out there was big, and needed the whole guard staff apparantly. After a while, the flashing lights and annoying siren went off, and Jon managed a few more hours of sleep, peppered with the gunfire and shouts.


    Jon's eyes slipped open at exactly six o clock. this was normal time for wakeup and breakfast call, and after seven years he had just been condtioned to wake up at this time. Except today was different, after waiting for about five minutes, still laying in bed, there was no call and Jon rose, making his way to his "door". only a few others were up that he could see, across the way on all three floors. But as time went on, more and more awoke, and more and more grew irksome about the lack of food, and there were more and more shouts, and beats upon the bars. It took Jon a full hour to realize he couldn't hear gunfire or shouts from outside anymore. Whatever had gone on was apparantly finished.


    Half the day had gone past and still no word from any guards. In most of the cells mini riots took place, banging on the bars, beds thrown this was and that, shouts and cursing, and in a few, fires made from the bed linens. Jon however, laid calmly on his bed, the lack of anyone other than the inmates didn't bother him. The thought of perhaps starving to death wasn't all that bad to him. He was in this place for murder, and having dodged the death penalty, landed himself two consecutive life sentences. That always killed him, not just the fact of serving two life sentences, but two consecutive ones. As if he would die, then decide to take a lifetime off, have a little personal time between jailings.


    Just as Jon had begun to drift off, gunfire once again jerked him back to awareness. This time however, the blasts came from within the prison. The sound awoke a new chorus of shouts, that exploded tenfold when the door to the north wing opened on the first floor, and a guard slowly shuffled in. Jon noticed the guard looked horrible, and his light blue uniform shirt was sprinkled with blood, and a huge tearsliced across the stomach. Something swung from the tear with each step the guard took, and with growing horror, Jon realized it was the mans intestines. The guard approached the first cell, Jon knew the guys in there. Tommy Sulivan was a pretty decent guy, always good to get a cigarette off of, and Martin Venula, who Jon thought was shifty and weird. Tommy stood at the bars to his cell, reaching out for the guard, pleading for food, realizing to late that something was horribly wrong. The guard lurched forward with suprising speed, grabbing Tommy's arm and pulling his hard into the bars. The guard lowered his head and bit a huge chunk from Tommy's arm, blood spraying everywhere as Tommy's screams rose above the shouts from the other convicts. Tommy backpeddled widly, shouting to Marting to help him, Martin cowered back in the corner next to the toilet. The Zombie pulled and Tommy pulled back, and with a sickening tear, Tommy's arm tore at the bite, bone breaking free from bone, and the guard had a treat he could take with him, and Tommy fell to the ground short an arm. Jon slumped down to the concrete of his cell, vomiting suddenly, and remebering that Tommy had been due to get out in three months.

    Jon thought of the old black and white horror films he loved so much, as more and more seemingly walking dead guards poured into the Northern block. for a little more than three hours jon had sat at his bars, watching the zombies walk about, trying to get into cells with no sucess. every once and a while one would pass Jon's bars, making a quick lunge for him, dead skin turning blue on fingers that clawed the air for him. Jon sat just out of reach. Tommy's screams had only lasted about an hour before Martin had thought to cut his throat with a shiv, but suddenly there was a new set of screams from that cell. Jon turned his had slightly, craning his neck to see down into Tommy's cell. There was Tommy, standing, one hand clawing the air as he stepped towards Martin, blood dripping from the ragged stump of his arm. Martin didn't scream for long.


    Jon sat at the foot of his bed, listening to the cries of his fellow trapped criminals, and the shuffle of the zombies feet. His head dipped with weariness, but it perked back up as his ears picked up a new sound, a soft pitter-patter that grew louder every second. Within moments Jon saw a rat streak by his cell, and the soft echo of it's footsteps began to fade. suddenly they grew louder once again, and soon the rat lunged through the bars to Jon's cell, bounding once on the floor and then flinging it's self onto Jon's knee, another jump and it had Jon's upper lip between it's teeth. Jon cursed and stood, thrashing his arms and knocking the rat to the floor as blood began to flow in and out of his mouth. With a quick stomp of his foot, the rat wasn't a problem.


    Jon had fallen asleep around midnight, but for the second early morning in a row was jerked from slumber. this time it was his own fault though, he leaned over just in time to violently throw up next to his bed. Tears flowed from his eyes as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Jon had a hard time falling back to sleep after noticing a large amount of blood in the puddle of sick.


    Jon spent all morning in bed, the covers kicked to the floor and he had stipped to his boxers, and still sweat poured from his body. Now though, as morning slid into afternoon, his skin felt clammy and cold, and he pulled his clothed back on. His mouth was dry and his stomach empty and everything he looked at had a red tint to it. Without being completely aware of what he was doing, Jon crawled to the floor, his hands finding the dead rat.As Jon bit into the animal, only for a second did he think it was gross, after that his brain shut off, instinct kicked in and he was suddenly smelling things he had never smelled before. The rat was the best thing he had ever tasted. The rat meat didn't last long however, and Jon struggled to his feet. Slowly making his way to the bars of his cell, he stretched his arms out to the walkway, opening his mouth to speak, but only moans came out.


    Jon had stood at the bars, arms oputstetched for two and a half hours. It finally paid off. A young guard came darting by, holding the handle of a broom, using the end to push zombies off balance and out of his path as he ran for safty. Jon was quick though, one hand finding it's was to the young mans shaggy blonde hair, the other grasping around his upper arm. The guard screamed and dropped his weapon as he was pulled back towards Jon's cell, held against the bars, he felt a chunk on the back of his neck bitten off, and he kicked widly as his fellow coworkers closed in to join Jon. Their hands found him and tore at him, his screams cut short. Deep down Jon felt happy. One life down, only one more to go.

    10/13/2005 2:12:57 PM
    (Updated: 10/13/2005 2:21:56 PM)
    (Updated: 10/25/2005 3:44:04 PM)

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