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    Dan is a 21 year old guy who goes to the University of Maryland.
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    Terror Island
    By PolarShore

    Cold salt water enveloped the passengers and crew of the Seal, a midsize luxury ship, and screams soon after. The people were drowning, one by one, until only six were left:

    Jauck Jonson, CEO of JonsonElec Inc.
    Jaxon Briggs, big game hunter from Australia
    Hanna Watkins, a science major at Harvard
    Lauren Korman, tourist
    Kenny Williams, tourist
    Jonas Irving, marine-biologist

    The six made it to the beach in a raft they had found on the way off of the ship. Each of them was allowed only a few supplies. They all dragged their stuff on shore and collapsed on the beach. Sleep overtook them within minutes.

    * * *

    The sun was setting when they heard it. A sound unlike anything they had ever heard before. It was unnatural, like something out of the twilight zone. Then there was a pounding. It got closer and closer. Finally the trees parted above them. What emerged was a head. It looked almost like a turtles head.
    The first instinct was to run, and so they grabbed their stuff and sprinted across the beach, waves lapping at their feet. When they were sure they had escaped whatever it was, they ran into the forest. They kept running until they were probably near the middle. They looked around. "Irving" Hanna yelled. There was no response, he was nowhere to be found.
    A scream took them by suprise. They ran to their right, where it had come from. They stopped. There was Jonas Irving, and on top of him, clawing away at his chest, was a creature. "Allosaurus" Hanna said under her breath. This was, indeed an allosaurus. 12 feet tall and weighing a thousand pounds, it was slowly killing Irving. They began to run, until they couldn't run anymore.

    "We'll set up camp here" Briggs said, throwing down his duffel bag of stuff. He had appointed himself leader, seeing nobody else was fit fot the job. It also helped that he had guns. After setting up the tents they made a fire. Nobody felt like sleeping after what happended to Irving. "So where was everyone going?" asked Kenny. "Mongolia" Briggs said quietly. "Huh?" "Mongolia, I was going to Mongolia, hunting tigers. "Isn't that illegal?" asked Hannah. "Only if you get caught" replied Briggs.
    They stayed up late telling stories, then finally retired to bed. Briggs and Watkins stayed outside. "What were those things, Hanna?" asked Briggs. "Do you really want to know? Dinosaurs, Jax." "Dinosaurs?" asked Briggs. "Yeah, I don't know--"
    They were interrupted by a rustling near Kenny Williams' tent. They turned their flashlights on and saw what they had seen before, but bigger. It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex, king of the dinosaurs.

    Williams sat up in his tent and saw a light. But there was a shadow. It was the thing, the creature that had killed Irving, but somehow this one seemed bigger. He stuck his head outside to get a better look. This was the biggest, and last mistake he would ever make. He felt a sharp pain in his neck. He heard his neck bones crunching, then darkness.
    Boom! Jaxon Briggs hit the creature in the torso with a round from his shotgun. It roared and turned its head to look at him. There was blood on its teeth. Oh crap, he thought, Williams. He cocked and fired again, and it ran away, tail sliding into the trees.
    "Did you kill it?" asked Watkins. "Nope, it ran away like a little punk." replied Briggs. "Let's sleep" said Watkins. Briggs nodded and they headed to their tents.

    * * *

    Two hours later they all woke up. "We've got to get off this island" Briggs said sternly. They agreed, packed their bags, and left camp, heading towards the liferaft. They walked for a few minutes then stopped. "What is it?" asked Jauck. "Look" replied Laurie. It was a stegosaurus. Eating a plant peacefully it looked at the group. "We must look like hell" said Watkins. "Well thats what we've been through" replied Laurie. She had to laugh. "I guess so" said Briggs.
    All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the Tyrannosaurus charged. There was no time to react, the Stegosaurus was dead standing. T-Rex bit one of the Stego's bony plates, then growled in disgust. It then headbutted the Stego, knocking it over. The Stegosaurus was as good as dead.
    The group ran, but the T-Rex was chasing them, and gaining. The big dinosaur grabbed Laurie Korman and flung her into the air. It caught her head and decapitated her on the spot.
    Jonson looked up and screamed. It was gaining on him. He turned left, away from the group, it didn't follow. He stopped to catch his breath when he heard a growl. He turned around and he was face to face with a Ceratosaurus.
    Briggs and Watkins heard Jonson scream and kept running. The Tyrannosaur was still coming. They reached the beach and Hanna reached the lifeboat. "Go, I'l catch up" yelled Briggs, and he turned to face the enemy. He cocked his shotgun and the Tyrannosaur came crashing through the foliage. He fired and hit the dinosaur in the back. It lunged at him and missed. He reloaded and looked up just in time to feel it grab his leg. He was dangling in the air. He fired. Missed. Fired again. Missed. With one bullet left he aimed. "Welcome to Jurassic Park" he said and pulled the trigger. The dinosaur let go of him and hit the ground with a thud. Briggs limped to the liferaft and he and Hanna sailed into the night.


    Visit the official Terror island site at http://www.geocities.com/kobi_7

    6/6/2002 10:46:11 PM
    (Updated: 6/6/2002 10:48:19 PM)

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