The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    While all the dinos in JP are supposed to be female, the length of the horn on the back of the Parasaurolophus indicates that it is male. (From: Jake)
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    Left Behind: Muldoons Story
    By MuldoonLives15

    Muldoon stole quietly through the dense jungle, after the quary he yearned to hunt. The Velociraptor kept just out of range, and led Muldoon deeper into the jungle. Finally, the predator entered a small clearing, and raised its head. It was almost as though it was making itself a target for Muldoon. Sweat dripped from his ear as he placed his hat on a log, and quietly pulled down the stock on his weapon. As he raised his gun, Muldoons mouth twitched into a smile. Then a terrible thought entered his mind. This was too easy...too perfect. "Clever girl," Muldoon said grimly, and then the attack came. From his left side, a second Velociraptor pounced onto him. He fired his shotgun, praying that it would find its mark, but it did not. Muldoon screamed in terror, his worst fears were finally being realized. The raptors sickle shaped claw drove into Muldoons leg, and split his thigh open as blood littered the ground. The beast raised its head to make the killing blow...but did not. For some reason, it stopped, and along with the other raptor, drove off into the jungle, towards the visitor center. Muldoon could not believe his luck, he had survived. But, he was left crippled and bleeding heavily. He quicly tore off a piece of his shirt and put together a torniquit for his injured thigh. He held it tight, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. He had lost a lot of blood, and he knew his future was uncertain. This was a bad place to be covered in blood, weak, and immobile. He attempted to get up, to walk to the bunker, but as he put weight on his leg, it gave way to a searing pain. Muldoon felt sick to his stomach, and began to see black splotches, turning to a total darkness.
    Muldoon opened his eyes. He did not know how long he had been passed out. Minutes, hours, it was all one long blur. His leg had turned an odd color of green, but at least the bleeding had stopped. He knew that if he did not receive mediacal attention soon, they would be no hope. He grabbed a sturdy stick, and tried to make his way up to the path. Surprisingly, the pain in his leg had lessened. After what had seemed like an eternity, Muldoon reached the path from which he and Ellie had parted. There was no sign of her though, no sign of anyone for that matter. He hobbled back to the bunker, the survivers would be there. He opened the door, and was surprised to see the room illuminated with florecent light. The power must be back on. "Thank God," he muttered to himself. He walked over the the weapons cabinet once again, and grabbed a second rifle. Muldoon made his way back to the control room, fearing the worst. As he entered, he saw all of the computers up and running, but there was a decent sized hole in the glass window, a gun with empty shells laying on the ground, and a ladder fallen to the floor. Muldoon frowned and began to make his way to the main lobby of the visitor center, trying to piece together what had happened in his mind. As he entered the lobby, he saw a fantastic sight. Two velociraptors were laying in a heap on the dirty floor, littered with the dinosaur skeletons that stood proud a mere 6 hours ago. Muldoons thoughts then went to his wife, back home in Kenya. She was a british missionary, in Africa to bring the word over to the unbelievers. Muldoon first met her when her group got there jeep stuck in some mud. Muldoon came to get her out, and the rest was history. Muldoon's heart ached to be back with her again. It had been over 6 months since he last saw her, and he missed her dearly. He would get out of here, somehow, for her.
    Muldoon limped out of the lobby, into the light of the day. A familiar and welcome sound came to his ears. The blades of a helicopter. He looked up just in time to witness the InGen helicopter soar by, with out noticing poor Muldoon.
    "Nooo!" Muldoon shouted in vain to the forgotten helicopter. Muldoon dropped to his knees, begging for an answer, a way out of this place. Muldoon stood up, and hobbled into the visitor center once again. He wadered the halls, half awake until he reached his office. He entered, and sat in his favorite chair. His eyes found their way to a picture of his wife, and he picked it up. "I'm sorry," he said as a tear rolled down his dirty face. He closed his eyes, preparing to die. As he slipped into darkness once again, he was awoken by a crashing sound. He jolted up, and his ears sharpened to listen again. More crashes and footsteps down the hall. Could it be more survivors, or another dinosaur? Muldoon was not thinking clearly, but he stepped out into the hall. Down the hall, less than 50 feet away, was a Velociraptor. How could this be, he had seen one in the kitchen freezer on the way, and the other two lay dead on the lobby floor. Muldoon was puzzled, and had know idea what was going on. He gripped the rifle in one hand, and the picture in the other. He knew he had little time left, but he would go out on his own terms. THe raptor charged, he raised his rifle, and fired. He had hit his mark dead on, but the raptors momentum carreened it into him. The raptor was not dead, but he had been mortally wounded, and would die soon. He continued to dig into Muldoon in the meanwhile. He gripped the picture, and opened his eyes as the monster began to feast. He felt no pain, no fear, no struggle. Just darkness....

    Muldoon awoke to the gentle hand of his wife. "Bob, its ok, everything is better."
    "But, the.."
    "Shh..its ok, your fine. It turns out Dr. Harding was left on the island too, and he got you out of there. But dont worry, everyone still thinks your dead. Lets leave it that way, we can use the insurance money..."

    5/5/2003 9:12:07 PM
    (Updated: 5/5/2003 9:46:29 PM)

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