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By Michael Crichton
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    Dino Trackers Part 3
    By MuldoonLives15

    "Oh no," Jett whispered into the radio,"Are you...sure it was him?"
    "Yes," Harrison answered back, "Where is Turner?"
    "He's out checking the area," Jett replied.
    "Well, get on the phone and tell him to get back! And make sure you have something to defend yourself with," Harrison barked into the radio as he and Smarr drove back to the landing strip, as quickly as possible.
    "Dead?" Turner asked, he was equally filled with shock as well as horror.
    "How long ago?" he asked.
    "One, maybe two days," Harrison responded, "We need to leave, there isn't enough left to bring back a body, but we need to tell his loved ones."
    A thousand thoughts were racing through Turners head, the expedition had hardly gotten off the ground and problems like this had already arisen. They couldn't leave though, not yet, he had barely scratched the surface of this wonderful place.
    "No!" Smarr chimed in,"We can't go, we just got here!"
    "Someone has died John, we can't igonore that," Harrison remarked.
    "Ok, ok, we vote. To stay and make the most of this trip, we call in what happened, and we continue. Take it as an acceptable casualty, or we go home," Turner said, "We vote now."
    "Well, when you put it that way, it seems like a waste to just scratch the trip all over a little accident like this," Brian Rodgers said.
    "Yea, Matt would have wanted us to stay," Smarr continue.
    "Stay," Jett said.
    Harrison shook his head.
    "I guess majority rules," Turner said as he walked back to a red jeep, "I found a camp site about a mile north of here, lets get up camp before dark."

    Five large tents that could fit a large car underneath them sorrounded a patch of land with various boxes and equpiment. To the side were parked the jeeps and land rover. Around a fire, sat the five men.
    "They were as tall buildings, unlike anything I had ever seen, and tomorow we're going to get them on film, we are definately going to win some awards for this," Turner said with a smile he could not hide.
    "What about the carnivores, are we going to look for them too?" Smarr asked.
    "They'll probably find us first," Harrison said half laughing.
    "No, I think we'd better stay with the herbivores, safer," Turner replied to them both.
    "I'm turning in," Rodgers said. And with that, they slept.

    John Smarr awoke to the ambient jungle sounds, and a very large bug on his arm. He flicked it off frowning, and got up. He walked out of his tent, stretching and looking around. The surrounding jungle was extremely beautiful, and despite the humid air, he found himself very comfortable and content. Smarr smiled. Noticing all the others getting dressed and packing the jeeps for the day, he did the same. Putting on his brand new multi pocket vest, he walked over to one of the jeeps.
    "Harrison and Smarr, take this jeep and go to the North, see what you can find. Me, Brian and Kevin will take this one and go south," Turner commanded.
    "I think I'll hang back, hold down the fort," Jett said with a yawn.
    "Whatever you want, just keep on your toes," Turner said back.

    The jeep exploded through the line of foilage onto an overgrown trail. "Yeah! This is great!" Smarr yelled as Harrison insanely drove the jeep down the trail.
    "Hey wait, slow down," Smarr said as he struggled to look at what was ahead.
    It was a compound. A once glorious, working compound, now turned wild by the jungle. A parking lot with cars left in the spaces, most turned over and all overrun by the forest. It was like time just stopped here, those many years ago. The two left the jeep and slowly walked through the abandoned parking lot towards the steps to the compound. A feeling of awe and sadness overcame them. Sadness that this place never reached its full potential. That it was all lost. They walked into the lobby of the building, and broken computers, and sofa's with bits of padding torn out.
    "You getting some of this?" Harrison asked. Smarr already had the camera out, and was filming.

    Turner and Rodgers had parked their jeep about a half of mile behind them. They splashed through the shallow stream talking quietly about nothing to each other. This place was enchanting, a paradise almost. Turner was so unaware at the moment, that he almost did not see the faint peace of clothe, 12 inches in diameter in the stream bed to the left. He picked it up, and could tell it had been wethered by the stream and the jungle and was years old. Yet, he could see writing on it. Barely, and he asked Rodgers to read what it said. Rodgers squinted at the piece of clothe, and finally said,"It looks like a name or something. It says "D. Stark."
    "Hmm, wonder who he was," Turner replied, tossing the cloth away. Then, a strange sensation overcame Turner. He felt like he was being watched. The eyes of the jungle were on him, and he and Rodgers were not alone. It was a sickening feeling. It was interupted though, by two loud gun shots echoing through the land. Turner and Rodgers ran full speed back to the jeep, not looking back.

    Thats Part 3, Part 4 is coming soon!

    6/19/2003 12:36:57 PM

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