Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Sam Neill was born and lived part of his life in Ireland, where his father served in the army. (From: SeanArcher)
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    JPV: Life Finds a Way Repost
    By Mr Goodbytes

    An important and major change has been made to Chapter 1 part 1: Phone Calls, so be sure to read that at least. As always, the Sneak Peek is in the comments section. Enjoy!

    Prologue: Dig site.

    The heat of the sun was grueling. The blistering rays pounded the back of Dr. Alan Grant and his protégé William Brennan. The two had been working together for nearly eight years now, and had narrowly escaped death in the dinosaur infested jungles and planes of Isla Sorna. Grant himself had evaded the claws and teeth twice in his life. His experience at Jurassic Park tormented his life. Everyone that recognized him wanted to hear about it, every little detail. It was enough to drive a man insane. His only escape he had was his work, which he was now engrossed in.

    “What do you think it is Alan?”
    “It’s hard to say right now Billy,” Grant replied, “But it appears to be a new genus of Ceratopsian. You can see the long neck frill, and the extraordinary brow horns.”
    “Yes,” said Billy, “I can make out three horns on the brow, and two nasal horns. Definitely a new genus.”
    The two men were getting very excited. This was the first new species discovered by Grant for at least fifteen years, and the first ever new genus of his career. As they dug deeper, Billy called for the rest of the team to focus on this dig site.
    “Cheryl, we need photographs for the record.”
    “Sure thing Billy,” Said Cheryl Logan, “I’m going for the camera right now.”
    “I really don’t know why you don’t ask her out Billy. It’s obvious you two are crazy about each other,” Said one of the volunteers.
    Billy blushed, and continued digging. Cheryl returned with the camera in her hands, and began taking pictures. After about six photos, Grant realized what she was doing.
    “Cheryl,” He said, “Stop taking pictures of Billy, and start taking photos of the fossils.”
    “Sorry Dr. Grant,” She said.

    The team continued to excavate into the late afternoon, then covered the area with a tarp for the night. The paleontologists and students headed for their tents and trailers, preparing to rest for the next day. As Grant lay thinking about his new find, his phone rang. Fumbling to answer it, he mumbled curse words at the bloody contraption until he was able to figure it out.
    At first, there was no response. Then came the familiar voice of an old acquaintance.

    Chapter 1 part 1: Phone Calls.

    “Hello Alan,” Came the voice from the telephone.
    “Ellie! I haven’t heard from you for a week.”
    “Well, you know how it is. You get busy, books and reporters coming around, and taking care of Charlie…”
    There was a long pause. In truth, Alan was worried about Ellie. Her husband Mark, was killed in a car accident. She had taken it very hard. If it weren’t for her kids and Alan, she may have taken her own life. The two sat silently, contemplating what could have been. They had loved each other once. They still loved each other, but their experience at Jurassic Park changed them. They were different people now.
    “So, what’s wrong?”
    “Well, it‘s not really a problem…” said Ellie, “Have you been contacted by Malcolm or anyone else?”
    “No, why?”
    “It seems something is stirring. Malcolm told me that he was contacted by someone, he wouldn’t tell me who, and that the person wanted him to accompany them to Isla Nublar.”
    “Don’t ask me,” Grant responded, “I haven’t heard from anyone for quite a while. Why would anyone want to go there anyway? Nothing lives there anymore.”
    “I don’t know Alan, but something is up. I have to go, Charlie is beating up his sister. Bye Alan, let me know if you find out anything.”
    “I will, goodbye,” He said.

    Hanging up the phone, Grant thought it was odd that anyone would want to visit a dinosaur free Isla Nublar. He continued to ponder that thought as he crawled into bed.
    “Why,” He asked out loud.
    Suddenly, the phone rang again. Reaching for the cell phone, he lost his balance and nearly fell out of bed.
    “Damn it Ian, do you realize what time it is?”
    “Alan, listen. Something is happening…”
    Ian Malcolm had been keeping close contact since the San Diego incident. His late-night calls and visits had contributed to the wear on Grant’s nerves.
    “I already know,” Grant said impatiently, “except for why they want to go to an empty island, and why they need us.”
    “Well,” Malcolm said, “I really don’t know either…”
    “Then why did you bother calling me?”
    “Because Alan, I have a bad feeling about this. It’s like Jurassic Park all over again, and again no one will listen.”
    “Ian,” said Alan, “The only way it is like Jurassic Park is because of Nublar’s involvement. The animals are dead Ian, Extinct. Nothing could possibly happen. Besides, I wouldn’t go unless there were big bucks involved, and even then I would have to think about it.”
    “Don’t agree with anything. Don’t go. They may say they are gone, but life finds a way.”
    “Goodnight Ian,” Grant said. He hung up and finally fell asleep.

    Chapter 1 part 2: Morning

    Grant was awakened at 6:00am by the persistent buzzing of his alarm. He got dressed quickly, and rushed out the door of his trailer. The rest of the team was already on the eroding hillside, chipping away at the hard rock.
    “Good morning Alan, Have a good sleep?”
    “Not at all.”
    “Bad dreams again,” Billy asked.
    “Yeah, damn Malcolm…”
    Billy laughed, then ran ahead to help Cheryl with some equipment which, Alan knew, was not that heavy. The morning progressed like all the rest. They managed to uncover their find by another inch at noon.
    Billy and Grant debated on what to name the new dinosaur, finally deciding on Pentacerataurus alani. Stopping again for the day, Grant moved back toward the trailer.
    “Yes Billy?”
    “I just got a phone call, someone is coming here tomorrow”
    “Who was it?”
    “They didn’t say. All they said was that they were coming out tomorrow to discuss some business.”
    “This must be what Ian was talking about,” Grant said
    “What should I do?”
    “What could you do? Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Right now I just want some sleep.”

    Chapter 1 part 3: Visitors

    The extreme heat of the Montana midday in summer is something that must be experienced to be believed. Grant, Billy, and their students were accustomed to it. They had spent years in the badlands. Some of the more experienced could tell you what the high temperature would be just by the amount of sweat they produced! The team had been working for the past five hours when a black Mercedes with tented windows rolled up to the camp site. A well dressed woman of thirty stepped out of the car, followed buy a young man with black sunglasses wearing a stylish suit.
    “Dr. Grant! Dr. Alan Grant!”
    Alan Grant stood and started walking towards the people, motioning for Billy to follow.
    “Yes? What is it,” asked Grant.
    “We would like a word with you.”

    “No. No, no, no! I will not go back to that island.”
    “Dr. Grant, you have nothing to worry about,” the woman said. Simone Berry was a very famous movie director for Galaxy Studios. The studio had been in serious financial trouble for the past year. It was actually very close to being closed. However, they had just used much of their money reserve to buy the rights to make the story of Jurassic Park a major motion picture. It was surely the right project to put them back on top.
    “Forget it. I’ll stick to the royalties from my books and from your film. I’m not going back there.”
    “Dr. Grant,” said the man with her, “You and I both know you are still having funding trouble. You have no idea how much money you could make from this film and its sequels.”
    “Yes,” Simone said jumping in, “enough to fund your digs for another fifteen years or more. All you have to do is sign this contract and agree to be our consultant.”
    Billy waved Grant over to him. Alan knew immediately what Billy was going to say. They whispered back and forth to each other.
    “Okay, after debating with Mr. Brennan here, I have decided to do it.”
    “Excellent, meet Mr. Dalva and I at the airport at 10:00am tomorrow morning. We’ll have your ticket to Hollywood waiting for you.”
    “Better make it two tickets,” Billy said.

    As the Hollywood hot shots were pulling away, Alan shot Billy a dirty look.
    “What’s that all about?”
    “You know what it’s about, you know I need you here.”
    “Alan, you don’t need me here, there are plenty of volunteers and students that know what they’re doing. Besides, we could use a vacation. What could be better than a day in Hollywood and a week on a tropical island?”

    Chapter 1 part 4: Airport

    “Flight 949 is now boarding at gate…”
    The sound of the intercom faded into the background as Billy and Alan started discussing their trip.
    “Come on Alan, It’s just a consulting job.”
    “I know what it is,” Alan replied sternly, “I don’t know how I was talked into this.”
    “We need the money. Granted it is easier to find funding than it was while the animals were alive, but it’s not easy enough to pass up a golden opportunity like this.”
    “I guess you’re right…”
    “Of course I am,” Billy said, “Jack Horner would give his soul for this job.”
    Grant smiled. He knew it was true. All that money for such an easy job.

    “Where are they,” Grant groaned, “It’s a good thing they are paying our way.”
    Simone and Dalva walked through the door just as Alan had finished his sentence.
    “Sorry for the delay,” Robert Dalva said, “We managed to charter a private jet.”
    “Better than first class,” Simone replied, “We don’t usually cater to consultants, but you are already stars, in a sense, and you are important for your information on Jurassic Park.”

    Grant, Billy, Simone, and Dalva boarded the jet. It was small, cramped, and packed with too much technology for Grants taste. Billy marveled at the small computers mounted in the back of every seat.
    “This must have cost a fortune,” whispered Billy, “Pretty snazzy for a studio on the verge of bankruptcy.”
    “Makes me nervous, I would rather have flown second class.”
    “Settle in everyone. My name is Jim, I’m the company pilot. I’ll also be flying you to Isla Nublar, so your lives are in my hands for the next few days.”
    “That’s comforting,” Grant replied sarcastically.

    They sat in silence for a long time. Finally, Billy struck up conversation.
    “You know, it’s amazing that the animals survived as long as they did on Sorna. Such a small island with so many large animals.”
    “Not to mention all of the predators,” Grant responded.
    “I’ve been thinking,” Billy said. “There must have been a large food source for them.”
    “I agree, that is the only way those animals could survive on such a small island.”
    “What do you think the source could have been?”
    “I’m pretty convinced that it must have been due to the disease.”
    “What do you mean,” Billy questioned.
    “Well, the disease caused an abnormal death rate. This would have caused excess carrion, which the carnivores ate. That kept the carnivore population up, while the sickness and predation kept the Herbivore population manageable.”
    “What about the animals on Nublar,” Simone asked.
    “On Nublar,” Grant stated, “It was a true park setting. The animals were not aloud to mix, and they were fed by handlers. Just like a zoo.”
    The jet continued toward California. They flew for another twenty minutes. Landing at LAX, they all climbed into the waiting limo, and drove to Galaxy Studios…

    Chapter 2 part 1: Tyrannosaurus Rex

    The animal was totally concealed behind thick jungle foliage. It’s eyes moved slowly in its sockets. It was looking directly at Dr. Alan Grant and his assistant. Its massive jaws, with teeth the size of bananas, moved up and down in what seemed like anticipation. The creature’s tiny arms waved in the air, and it let out a long, low growl. As Dr. Grant began conversing with Billy and Simone, the beast stalked them. It lowered its head and charged the helpless humans in the small clearing…

    The Tyrannosaurus Rex burst from the jungle, and snapped its jaws at the paleontologist. All three of the humans screamed and jumped backwards.
    “What the hell were you thinking Zack,” Simone screamed.
    “I was just having a little fun,” Zack Walter, the films animatronics puppeteer, said.
    “Next time you have ‘a little fun,’ you’ll have to find yourself a new job!
    “Okay,” said Zack, “sorry. I didn’t know these guys would be such wimps.”
    “We have a good reason to be scared,” Billy replied.
    “Yeah, like you have ever seen the real thing,” Zack stated mockingly.
    Grant and Billy said nothing. They just stared at the man blankly.
    “What, why are you looking at me like that?”
    “Because, you’re an idiot. Dr. Grant I presume. My name is Hank Corel. I’m the animatronics supervisor. I apologize for my ignorant friend here.”
    “Alan Grant! Did you say Alan Grant? The Alan Grant!”
    “Finally it sinks in,” Hank said, rolling his eyes.

    “What do you think of our animals so far Dr. Grant?”
    “Quite impressive. I would think they were real, but none of them are trying to eat me.”
    “I only have one question,” Billy said, “Who’s playing Alan?”
    Grant shot Billy a dirty look.
    “What, I’m just curious.”
    “Well,” Simone replied, “You, unfortunately, won’t get to meet with any of the stars. They have the week off. We will be filming the stunt doubles and some animatronics on Nublar.”
    “It had better not be some young punk that can’t act. Remember, I was thirty nine when I was at Jurassic Park.”
    “Forty, actually.”
    “Shut up Billy…”
    “You don’t have to worry about that Dr. Grant. The actor we chose looks a lot like you. His name is Sam Neill.”

    After a long and strenuous flight, and an even more exhausting tour of the Jurassic Park sets, Alan Grant was overjoyed to crawl into the soft bed in his hotel room.
    I don’t know why they insist on showing things like that, Grant thought to himself, the whole world should know that I hate technical things by now. They know everything else about me.
    He settled into bed, and began snoring loudly. He saw himself in a large field. He was all alone, and everything seemed to be calm and quiet. Then a sound, slight but recognizable, began to build. It was the unmistakable ringing off a cellular phone. Grant began scanning the field, but saw nothing. The ringing came closer. Louder, and louder. Grant turned once again. Right in front of him was the imposing view of the Spinosaurus, the phone ringing from inside its stomach! The dinosaur burst forward with astonishing speed, ripping Grant in half!

    Grant jumped out of bed. He was breathing so heavily that he could barely hear his cell phone ringing. He fumbled for it inside his backpack, then brought it up to his ear.
    “Ian, do you…
    “Do I have any idea what time it is,” Malcolm said, finishing Grant’s sentence, “Yes, it’s three in the morning.”
    “What the hell do you want?”
    “I called to warn you…”
    “Didn’t you already do that?”
    “Something is happening, I’m not sure what. I did a little researching. Guess who the main contributor was that saved the studios ass.”
    “Who,” Grant asked.
    “Lewis Dodgson.”
    “Who’s that?”
    “Lewis Dodgson is one of the head honcho of Biosyn,” Ian replied, “They are a large bio-tech company. The main competitors of InGen.”
    “So what, maybe he just likes movies…”
    “Not very likely, He has been obsessed with the dinosaurs since before we even knew of Jurassic Park. In fact, he is the one that paid Nedry to steal the embryos.”
    Grant remained silent for a moment, then asked, “What do you think is going on?”
    “I don’t know Alan, but be careful.”

    Chapter 2 part 2: Flight to Nublar

    The passengers filed one by one into the jet. Grant was puzzled at why they were going on such a small plane. Surly, he thought, the filming equipment and animatronics could not fit in this thing. Billy must have noticed the same.
    “What about all of the equipment?”
    “Our main crew is already on the island, they’ve been there for two days,” Simone answered. Robert Dalva boarded the plane, and sat down near the front.
    “Why is the editor coming,” Billy asked, “I thought they waited until the film was completed before editing.”
    “That used to be the case,” Simone replied, “But now they edit as soon as the scene is filmed. That’s the great thing about digital cameras.”
    The rest of the crew gathered on the plane. Grant had met most before, but there were five unrecognizable faces in the group.
    “I see you’re wondering about the others, Dr. Grant.”
    “Yes, it had crossed my mind.”
    “To your left is Igor Karev. He’s your character’s stunt double.”
    “Why am I Russian,” Grant asked.
    “Trust me Dr. Grant,” Simone said, “You won’t notice in the film.”
    Grant grunted, and inquired about the others.
    “Up front we have Denis Serhiy, Malcolm’s stunt double. Next to him is Mary Slusar, Ellie’s stunt double.”
    “Where do you get these people,” Alan said, “They look nothing like us.”
    “As I said earlier,” Simone said impatiently, “You won’t notice when you see the film.”
    “I still don’t like it. Who are the other two?”
    “Marlin Dodge is Gennero’s stunt double.”
    She hesitated. Simone wasn’t sure how Alan would respond to the other person.
    “The other man is another consultant.”
    “Well, who is it,” Billy asked.
    “ Michael Nedry, Dennis Nedry’s brother.”
    Grant looked shocked, but deep down he was not surprised. After all, he thought, they need people from both sides.
    “Everyone settle in,” Jim, the pilot, interrupted. “It’s a long flight to Nublar.”

    Flying high over the Pacific Ocean, the esteemed paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant had just fallen asleep. The rest of the passengers discussed the filming of the movie so far. Billy walked over to Dalva, who was reviewing film clips of the cast dodging invisible dinosaurs. Looking at the pictures, he just had to laugh. It just looked so unnatural.
    He, abruptly, stopped laughing when he saw the next clip. He shuddered, it looked frighteningly real. The animatronic Velociraptor hissed at the camera.
    “That robot malfunctioned and almost killed someone,” Simone said as she walked up behind him, “I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be around the real thing.”
    “Trust me, you wouldn’t want to know.”
    Grant jumped out of his seat. He had been dreaming again.
    “Are you alright Alan?”
    “Yeah Billy, I’m fine.”
    Grant was drenched in sweat. Billy knew what Grant was going through. He had experienced insomnia himself for a month after his ordeal. Alan’s would come and go, but Billy could see that it was getting worse. He worried that this trip might be too much for him.
    “We are approaching Isla Nublar now,” Jim said.
    Everyone on the plane looked out the windows. Grant’s body shook with fright at the memories. The distant outline of Nublar was as ominous and mysterious as it appeared fourteen years before.

    Chapter 2 part 3: Isla Nublar
    “Everyone take your seats,” the pilot said, “We are preparing to land.”
    Grant watched nervously out the window. The fog was so thick that none of the island was visible from the air. Alan worried that a safe landing was impossible. Billy sat across from him. Grant could tell that Billy was jittery, but he could also see that Billy was very excited about visiting the island where it all began.
    “No reason to get excited Billy. You won‘t see anything on this trip,” Grant said, feeling a twinge at his words. Billy just looked at Alan silently.

    “Okay everyone,” Jim said, “You’re on your own. I’ll be back in four days to pick you up.” The group of eleven watched as their only way home left for the mainland. Grant once again felt the sense of fear, even though he knew the animals were gone.
    “Camp is about a quarter of a mile in that direction,” Robert Dalva said. As he walked, Dr. Grant immediately recognized his surroundings. All around them was piles of concrete, bricks, and stones. As they moved around a small stand of conifer trees, they came across a pile of scattered fossils. The bones belonged to a Tyrannosaurus. Mixed in with the fossils was a single, harshly weathered, un-fossilized skull fragment of a Velociraptor. Grant’s recognition was confirmed. The group was walking through the ruins of the once mighty Visitor Center of Jurassic Park.

    Simone Berry and Robert Dalva led the way through the winding jungle of Isla Nublar. “You can almost feel their presence,” Billy said, “It’s almost as if they were still here.” Grant remained silent. They walked for another minute or so, when they came across a large footprint. Definitely a dinosaur, Grant thought to himself. A wave of fear ran down his spine. Billy bent over and began inspecting the print. After a while, they both stood back up. Billy looked at Grant, looking for answers.
    “It’s old,” Alan Grant said, “But I have no idea how old.”
    “We were told they were extinct.”
    “They are, these prints don’t mean anything.”
    “How can you say that? They look so fresh,” Mary Slusar stated.
    “Trust me Mrs. Slusar,” Grant said, “Dr. Brennan and I have found fossilized tracks that look just as fresh as these.”

    Continuing on, the humans made one more stop. Hank and Zack had found something on the ground ahead of the others in the group. Zack backed away, coughed, and began vomiting. The others hesitated.
    “You guys should come and look at this,” Hank said.
    Alan and Billy were in the lead, they ran as fast as they could towards the sickened pair. They all froze in their tracks when they saw what was laying on the ground. The decomposing remains of a human leg lay on the ground before them. Grant glanced at Billy, then back at the group.
    “How much further is the camp?”

    Running at full speed, the group soon stumbled upon more tracks, and another set of remains. Even with what they were presented with, Grant prayed that it wasn’t true. It has to be something else, he thought, maybe they were accidents. Maybe they were murdered.
    They burst from the thick jungle into an open clearing. All around them were scattered supplies, shredded clothing and tents, and overturned animatronics equipment.
    “Oh my God,” Grant said. Those were the only words anyone could utter as they surveyed the ravaged campsite.

    Chapter 2 part 4: Campsite.

    “What the hell happened!”
    Simone was frightened and angered at the same time by what she saw. The entire group mumbled and whispered among themselves. Grant could barely breath. He closed his eyes, praying that it was just another nightmare. Billy Brennan stood in stunned silence. The people just stood in place for another five minutes before Grant moved forward into the camp.

    Dr. Grant walked among the ripped tents, shredded clothes, and body parts. He knew that the animals were responsible, but he held his knowledge from the others until he found solid evidence. He bent over a indent in the ground. After studying it for less than a minute, he knew exactly what he was looking at. A fresh footprint! Grant practically leapt straight off the ground. He turned to face the group.
    “My God, They’re still here!”
    Even as he said it, Grant could feel something stalking up behind him. Simone glanced past Alan, and screamed. Grant turned, and came face to face with the creatures he feared.

    “Run! Into the jungle! Find a tree,” Grant screamed.
    The humans fled full speed into the thick jungle foliage. The pack of small, feathered Deinonychus followed the humans. Glancing back, Grant saw three of the creatures pounce on Igor, slashing his chest and biting his throat. The group scattered, everyone going in separate directions. Grant and Billy found a suitable tree, and climbed as far as possible. From their vantage point, they could see the beasts bent over Igor. Alan Grant turned away as the lead Deinonychus ripped a chunk of flesh from the dead man’s stomach. Billy, however, found it fascinating in some sort of morbid manner that he could not explain. He sat in the branches of the tree and watched.

    Two hours later, the humans descended from their treetop hideaway. They quickly regrouped. They had lost two, Igor Karev and Robert Dalva. Karev’s body, or what was left of it, was laying a few meters away. There was no sign of Dalva. It was possible that he survived, but Grant doubted it. Grant, although scared and extremely exhausted, managed to compose himself and take control of the dire situation. He could tell that the group was starting to break up. They were all arguing amongst each other for leadership.
    “First of all,” Grant said interrupting, “We need to get out of here. This is obviously dangerous territory, not to mention that fresh carcass over there ready to attract scavengers.”
    “If there are Deinonychus on this island,” Billy said, “It stands to reason that there are other species as well.”
    At these words, they all gazed at the paleontologists for a moment, then followed their newly elected leaders into the jungle. Billy leaned forward, and asked Grant where they were headed.
    “I have no idea,” Grant said, “But I do know that these aren’t InGen’s creations.”
    “How do you know that.”
    “Two reasons,” Grant replied, “Firstly, there were no Deinonychus on Nublar.”
    “What’s the second reason?”
    “All of the dinosaurs were wiped out shortly after Jurassic Park. Someone else has done this, and I intend to find out who.”
    A loud roar erupted from the jungle. Though it was far away, Grant led the group away from the sound.

    Chapter 3 part 1: Tiny Forest Visitors.

    “What’s that sound,” Mary Slusar asked.
    The group had been walking for several hours. They were deep in the heart of a great conifer forest. So thick was the forest, that nothing over the size of a Deinonychus could move through the dense foliage. Grant knew, however, that with these animals, size didn’t matter. For the past five minutes, they had all been hearing this peculiar chirping sound. It sounded somewhat like a cardinal, but much louder and deeper.
    “It’s definitely an animal of some sort,” Billy said.
    Walking onward, the noise grew ever louder as they walked along. Something was following them. Soon, the chirping was joined by others. Louder and louder it grew. It was now apparent that they were surrounded by some unknown creature. Everyone stopped in their tracks. In front of them, a small carnivorous dinosaur stood in the path. Billy approached the strange little beast with caution. The dinosaur cocked its head, much like a bird, and stared long and hard at this weird animal coming towards it. The dinosaur was about a foot and a half long, with a dark yellow head, and a body covered in brown down with black stripes. Billy recognized it immediately, Eoraptor lunensis. Grant acknowledged the species also. Coming closer, Grant peered at the strange little creature.
    “E. lunensis,” Billy said to Alan.
    “Yes, I know. Young also. Juvenile.”
    The little animal was not frightened at all by the humans. It stood in place for a few seconds, the sat on its haunches.
    “Earliest known dinosaur,” Grant said.
    Billy squatted down next to the animal.
    “Where did you come from? Who made you,” He said.
    The Eoraptor jumped to its feet. It lunged full speed at him. Jumping backwards, he watched as the miniature devil closed its jaws a centimeter from his nose. Billy jumped to his feat, and tried to keep his distance. The little dinosaur followed him. The chirping started again. Fifteen of the monsters stepped out of the forest, completely surrounding the humans!

    Mary Slusar screamed! One of the little dinosaurs leapt onto her back and began clawing franticly. Michael Nedry rushed over to help. He grabbed the Eoraptor by the throat slinging it ten feet through the air. The beast slammed hard against the trunk of a nearby tree. Another Eoraptor jumped onto Denis Serhiy, latching its jaws onto his arm.
    “Son of a…”
    He was cut off as another Eoraptor latched on to his ankle.
    Two more dinosaurs attacked the helpless man. The others in the group had already ran for their lives. Two more devils jumped onto him, one on his chest and one on his back. The creatures clawed and chewed on Denis until he dropped to his knees. The beast on his chest hissed, then ripped a chunk of fresh flesh from his face. The other half of the dinosaur clan followed the rest of the humans through the forest.

    Once again, the group slowed their pace. They had, finally, outran the ferocious little demons. As they had been running, Mary was once again attacked. She suffered only a small bite on her left arm, but it was beginning to swell. A strange greenish liquid spewed out of the wound. It was, evidently, extremely painful.
    “That looks almost like snake bites I’ve seen,” Nedry said.
    “Are you a doctor,” She asked weakly.
    “Yes, and you need a pressure bandage right away.”
    “You think it could have been toxic?”
    “It is a possibility,” Grant said, interrupting, “Thanks to Hammond, we know that some dinosaurs were very venomous. You should do what he says.”
    “Does anyone have a long, strong piece of cloth?”
    “Here,” Hank said, tearing off a strip of cloth from his shirt.
    Michael wrapped the cloth tightly around her arm. He then pulled a pocketknife and a lighter out of his pants pocket. He lit the lighter, and held the sharpest blade against the flame.
    “This may hurt,” He said, “But it could save your life.”
    He sliced the flesh of her arm around the bite marks. As he cut, more of the green liquid oozed out. He placed his mouth over the wound, and began sucking out the poison. He finished, then turned to Grant.
    “She needs to rest. There’s no telling what kind of effect that toxin might have,” Nedry whispered, “If we keep moving, it could kill her.”
    “If we stay here, those dinosaurs will kill her.”
    “What should we do?”
    “Keep moving, we might find some sort of shelter.”
    “Okay, but it can’t be for very long.”
    The group marched onward. Finally coming out of the forest, they came to a large clearing. A small concrete bunker waited on the other side, but the only thing anyone could see was the great herds of dinosaurs roaming the prairie.

    Chapter 3 part 2: Shelter.

    “Awesome,” Zack Walter said.
    The stranded visitors watched on as herds of gigantic prehistoric beasts ambled around the clearing. Great herds of the armored Gargoyleosaurus and the sauropod Apatosaurus fed on ground ferns and grass. Twelve large Chasmosaurus grazed on wild flowers and other tropical plants. Grant scanned the area. He saw herds of brown dinosaurs with bright green and dark orange spots called Secernosaurus, a type of Iguanodon, and a three large sauropods.
    “What do you think that is Alan,” Billy asked, “I can’t identify it.”
    “It’s kind of hard to tell,” Grant replied, “Possibly Venenosaurus dicrocei. It’s impossible to know for sure. All that has been discovered are limb elements and a few caudal vertebrae.”
    “Sorry to interrupt,” Simone butted in, “But how will we get past these dinosaurs to get to that shelter over there?”
    “What shelter,” Billy asked.
    “That shelter, on the other side of this clearing.”
    Grant and his protégé had been so immersed in studying the animals, that they had not even noticed the concrete bunker.
    Mary moaned, her arm was growing worse.
    “What do we do Dr. Grant?”
    “We cross the clearing.”

    Walking into the clearing, the group was making good time. Everything had gone smoothly. Now, over half way across, the animals began acting strangely. Something very large was stalking around the perimeter of the grassland. The Chasmosaurus formed a tight circle, young in the center. The Gargoyleosaurus did the same, only they faced each other, placing their tails towards the threat. All of the dinosaur herds had formed into the same type of defensive circle. One lone Gargoyleosaurus, however, did not make it back to the safety of the herd. A monstrous roar reverberated through the clearing. Grant and the others watched helplessly as the massive form of a male Giganotosaurus erupted from the forest like an angry hornet defending its queen. The great dragon sprinted towards the lone Gargoyleosaurus. The armored herbivore ducked low to the ground, trying to protect its vulnerable underside. The Giganotosaurus surprised the Gargoyleosaur by ramming it at full speed. The Giganotosaurus tripped over the animal, falling flat on its face. The Giganotosaurus stood up and began to walk away, but it took a painful blow to the leg from the herbivores tail. The mammoth carnivore howled in pain and anger. It ran away from the Gargoyleosaurus, but then he noticed the humans.

    They were only forty feet away from the bunker. As the Giganotosaurus charged, Grant realized that there was no way they could all make it inside in time. A herd of Apatosaurus lay between the group and the carnivore. The sauropods trumpeted loudly as the Giganotosaur approached. Grant could see that they were startled. One Apatosaurus broke from the main herd, and began running toward the group. The rest of the herd followed shortly. Soon, all eight of the humans were trapped in a forest of animal limbs. Marlin Dodge fell hard on his back, just as one of the massive foot pads stepped directly over his head. He lay on his back, praying that the other foot would miss also. He jumped back on his feet, and ran for the bunker. They all reached the door to the shelter at the same time. Hank reached forward, and yanked on the door handle. It wouldn’t open! He twisted, turned, pushed, and pulled on the handle, but it still wouldn’t budge. The Giganotosaurus slowed down, and was now walking toward them slowly. Finally, Hank Zack, and Billy all shoved on the door at the same time. It swung open with a loud clang. The carnivore flexed his muscles, and charged! They all filed in to the building. As the last person entered, Simone started to close the door. It was nearly shut, when she was thrown backwards. Hitting the wall hard, she was knocked unconscious. The Giganotosaurus growled. Its head was stuck in the entrance! It struggled, and managed to get free. He bent down again, this time he stuck his massive tongue through the door. It moved slowly towards Simone, and wrapped around her leg! It began pulling her into its waiting jaws. Nedry pulled his knife, and stabbed it into the animals tongue. The dinosaur uncoiled its muscular tongue, and let out a primal scream. Grant, Billy, Zack, and Hank rushed forward and slammed the door closed. The beast turned away, defeated. He walked slowly back into the jungle.

    Chapter 3 part 3: Caves.

    “What is this place,” Billy asked
    The concrete bunker was much larger than anyone could have predicted. It contained a large, garage-like, interior that sloped gradually downhill. As Grant moved further into the recess, he saw a cavernous opening in the earth with a large steel door covering it.
    “It’s a tunnel system! I wonder where it leads…”
    “Let’s follow it,” Billy said, “At least then we can stay away from the animals.”
    “Are you sure about that,” Marlin Dodge asked.
    “No, but we do know that they are out there,” Grant replied, pointing at the entrance of the bunker.
    “We can’t go anywhere yet,” Hank stated, “Mary is getting worse. She needs to rest.”
    “Okay,” Grant said, “We’ll stay as long as we can. After that, we move into the cave. Everyone needs to try and get some rest.”

    Everyone was shaken by the mighty roar of the Giganotosaurus. It was once again stalking from outside the bunker. It bent low to the ground, sniffing the openings around the edges of the door.
    “Everybody stay calm,” Dr. Grant said.
    The group froze. It became very quiet and calm outside.
    “I think it’s gone,” Zack said.
    Immediately after he got the words out of his mouth, the wall imploded directly behind him. The enormous head of the Giganotosaurus penetrated the bunker, it’s mouth engulfing Zack Walter. He screamed as the monsters’ massive daggers severed his body at the waist! The rest of the group turned and ran toward the tunnel. Grant and Billy lifted the heavy bar that latched the door, and they all rushed inside.

    “I can’t help but feel responsible for all of this,” Simone said.
    She had been silent for a long time, pondering all that had happened.
    “You can’t blame yourself,” Mary replied.
    “That’s right,” Grant stated, “If anyone is to blame, it’s the studio.”
    “I know, but I pushed so hard for them to let me film here.”
    “How could you have possibly known that there were still dinosaurs here,” said Hank, “you thought they were gone, just like everyone else.”
    “That still doesn’t make it right,” She said, “I especially feel bad about Robert. He protested coming here. He tried his hardest to stop it, but I insisted.”
    “I know this may sound cruel,” Billy responded, “But you shouldn’t even think about it right now. All that matters now is our own survival.”
    “I thought I heard something,” Nedry said.
    “We didn’t hear anything.”
    “This place is making me jumpy,” He said, “It could have been my imagination.”
    The group walked onward for a few more yards, when Billy turned to Grant…
    “I know this isn’t your field of study, but what do you make of the phosphorus fungi growing in here?”
    “I’m not sure what species it is, but it does appear to be prehistoric. If only Ellie were here…”
    “Could it have been cloned by InGen?”
    “Undoubtedly,” Grant replied, “The spores could have easily been fossilized in amber, just like the mosquitoes.”
    “Very interesting indeed. I wonder if it was planted here for its light.”
    “Possibly, It is a rather bright glow…”
    “There’s that sound again.”
    Grant and Billy stopped and listened also. From deep inside the cave they heard moaning. It sounded rather like a human, but deeper. Definitely an animal sound. They would proceed with caution from here on out.

    The cave split into two separate paths. One going north, the other going east.
    “Which way do we go?”
    “Who can say,” Grant replied, “I’ve only been on top of the damn island.”
    “Flip a coin?”
    “That’s as good a suggestion as any.”
    “Heads, we go east. Tails, we go north,” Marlin said, pulling a quarter from his pocket.
    He tossed the coin into the air. It spun rapidly for what seemed to be an eternity, then it landed in the soft earth. It landed on its side! The quarter stood straight up and down for five or six seconds, then fell on its side. The group peered at the coin that would reveal their destiny. They marched eastward. Fearing every turn they took.

    Chapter 3 part 4: Inhabitants of the Caverns

    The cave grew darker as the group progressed. The fungus had slowly began to disappear from the sides of the cave. Some of it appeared to have large chunks torn from it, almost as if it were being eaten by some sort of animal. The animal sounds became louder, they were getting closer. It became even darker as they rounded a bend in the tunnel. Grant reached up, feeling the roof of the cavern, and broke off a small stalactite. He ripped off a long strip of cloth from his shirt, and wrapped it around the large end of the stalactite.
    “Does anyone have any alcohol or anything flammable?”
    “I do,” Hank answered.
    Hank pulled a small metal flask from his back pocket.
    “Here,” He said, “Vodka.”
    Grant took the flask, and emptied the contents onto the cloth.
    “Hand me your cigarette lighter Billy.”
    Grant grabbed the lighter, and lit the torch. The whole cave was illuminated by the fire’s light.
    “Oh my God!”

    Large dinosaur nests covered the floor of the tunnel. Not only nests, but a little bit further back, Grant could see illuminated red eyes. One of the creatures stepped forward from the dark recess of the cave. The animal walked upright. Long arms with massive claws flexed as the animal came ever closer. A light downy covering covered the upper portion of the animals body. Grant recognized the animals body structure immediately, the Therizinosauridae Segnosaurus galbinensis! Omnivorous animals of the Cretaceous.
    Grant knew there was a danger. He turned to tell the others to run.
    “Dr. Grant, look out!”
    A large Segnosaurus charged from a crevasse in the right wall. Mary managed to jump in front of the animal as it sped towards Alan. The dinosaurs massive claws sliced through the flesh of her back. The claw severed her spine, paralyzing her instantly. The Segnosaurus then removed its claws from her back, and slashed her neck.
    “Mary!!!! No!!!!”
    Grant turned, and emptied the remaining contents of the metal flask on the animal, then tossed the torch onto its back. The beast roared as the flames engulfed his body. It ran blindly back towards the other animals. Grant and the others ran as fast as possible back in the direction they came. The Segnosaurs ran around in circles, colliding with one another frequently. The animal which Grant doused with Vodka fell to the ground, landing on a pile of dried dung. The pile erupted, the rising gasses causing a massive explosion. The three animals nearest the flames were blown in half.

    Running back to where the tunnels split, they quickly took the second path. They never slowed down. Simone began crying.
    “We’re all going to die, and it’s my fault.”
    Hank wrapped his arm around her. He comforted her as best he could. Everyone agreed that they were probably not going to survive, but they all knew that it was no ones fault. The groups numbers were dwindling, they were now down to six people.
    “Look,” Marlin Dodge shouted, “There’s light up ahead!”
    “He’s right, look!”
    Grant led the way. The group reached the exit, and cautiously exited the cave. No dinosaurs were in site. A large river ran through a jungle clearing. Grant, Billy, Simone, and the others ran for the water, they had finally realized how thirsty they were. Nedry turned and looked back at the cave. A tear came to his eye. His thirst overcame his sorrow for the loss of Mary. He walked to the waters edge to drink with the others.

    Chapter 4 part 1: It Came From the River.

    Simone Berry returned to the river to drink. The others were resting in a tree stand that they had discovered. She leaned over the small bank, and began scooping the cool, clear water with her hands. Taking a hand full of water, she splashed it on her face to wash off some of the dried Giganotosaurus saliva. An unusual wave caught her eye for a moment. She noticed a small hump on the surface of the water, but it quickly vanished. It must have been a turtle, she thought. Simone returned to washing, failing to notice the ripple heading towards her.

    Billy Brennan was awakened by the sound of splashing coming from the river. He stood up, trying to see the source of the noise. He saw Simone at the waters edge, splashing water on her face and arms. He almost turned away, but a large dark mass caught his attention. He studied the bizarre shape for a moment, then he saw a second large shape join the first. A large, crocodile-like head surfaced, and began moving in Simone’s direction!

    “Move! Get out of there!”
    Simone heard the splashing, and turned to see massive jaws flying toward her from the river. She nearly fell backwards as the great teeth gnashed just inches away from her face. The Baryonyx had stumbled on a large root as it burst from the water. Simone took the opportunity to run back to the tree stand. She reached the small ladder just as the second Baryonyx launched from the river and began the chase. The first dinosaur had been stunned by its fall, but it was soon able to join his mate. Billy and Hank pulled Simone to safety just as the female Baryonyx closed its jaws less than a centimeter away from her heel. So close in fact, that the beasts tooth pulled a sliver of rubber from the bottom of Simone’s shoe!

    The two Baryonyx circled the tree. No one dared to move. The largest Baryonyx roared, and slammed the bottom of the little shelter with the tip of his snout. The group had no choice but to wait it out in the tree.
    “What do we do,” Marlin asked.
    “There’s only one thing we can do. We just have to wait. They will eventually have to leave to find food, or go to sleep.”

    Five hours passed. It was now becoming dark, and the predators remained. The dinosaurs would take turns milling around the tree. The other would return to the river to drink, and sometimes fish. Though naturally terrified, Grant’s paleontologist side was also intrigued by the animals. He watched in fascination at how the dinosaurs would stand knee deep in the river, and plunge they’re massively clawed hands into the raging water and withdraw a large fish. However, the Baryonyx would always return to the tree. Grant knew that the animals would not let them leave, and, with the river near by, there was no reason why the animals would ever have to leave. They were trapped with no possibility of escape.
    “We’re all going to die,” Michael Nedry said.
    As if in response, the female Baryonyx roared, and the male began battering the bottom of the stand with his snout once again.

    Chapter 4 part 2: Trapped in a Tree.

    “Go away stupid ass!”
    “Mr. Corel,” Grant said to Hank, “They’re not going to leave. You’re only wasting your energy.”
    “I know that,” Hank replied, “Do you have a better idea?”
    The Baryonyx bellowed at the humans in the tree. Hank peered down at them and roared back! The dinosaur responded by pounding the bottom of the stand again.
    “Just sit down. You’re going to get chomped if you keep it up,” Marlin said.
    Hank rolled his eyes, and sat back down.

    “Do you feel that?”
    “Feel what?”
    A slight vibration shook the entire tree. It was a steady shaking, like an earthquake.
    “That,” Hank yelled.
    The Baryonyx pair felt it also. Roaring, they quickly abandoned the tree, and returned to the safety of the river. Every tree, including their own, began swaying violently. It slowly became obvious to Grant what was happening. A stampede of large animals was heading straight for them!

    “Hang on!!!”
    Intense animal sounds began sounding throughout the jungle. The humans watched as fifteen large sauropods exploded from the jungle foliage. The thirty foot Amargasaurus
    galloped past the tree, their bright red webbed sail and neck spikes wobbled as they ran. They bellowed loudly, trumpeting like an elephant. As they watched, a smaller herd of Saurolophus and Hadrosaurus followed closely behind. One of the massive Amargasaurs smashed the base of their tree with its massive whip-like tail!
    The tree began to creak loudly, another hit like that and it would surly fall.
    “We have to get out of this tree!”
    One of the smaller, yet still large, Hadrosaurs smashed into the tree.
    “Gee, you think!”
    “Shut up and stay low,” Billy said impatiently.
    Animals continued to swarm past. They were all disappearing into the other side of the jungle, when the very last beast, an Amargasaurus, whacked the base of the tree! A loud snap pierced the air, and the tree began to bend.
    “We’re going down!”
    Everyone screamed as the tree snapped in half. It seemed like an eternity passed as they fell twenty two feet to the hard ground below. All of the animals had already disappeared back into the jungle, and it was only a matter of time until the Baryonyx returned.
    “Is everyone alright,” Grant asked.
    They all looked at him, nodding and gasping for their breath.
    “We better get moving,” Billy said, “We need to find some shelter.”
    One by one, the group marched into the thick, dark, and forbidding jungle.

    The Baryonyx pair came slowly out of the river, shaking off like oversized dogs. The male walked in quick strides to the fallen tree. He bent low to the ground, sniffing loudly. His mate joined him as he lifted a small glass container with his massive crocodile jaws. The little bottle shattered in his mouth, sending pain and the scent of Simone’s perfume to his brain. The female sniffed his jaw, and licked the perfume that dripped from his mouth. The two animals growled, sniffed the air, and began their search for the helpless humans. They followed the sweet smell into the dense jungle foliage.

    Chapter 4 part 3: Electrifying Discovery.

    “Faster! Take as many twists and tight spaces as you can,” Grant said.
    They could hear the sound and feel the vibrations of two large animals walking slowly, but steadily in their direction. It finally stopped as the group moved into the deepest heart of the jungle. The following dinosaurs would have to fight hard to make it through the thick flora.
    “Okay,” said Grant, “We rest here as long as possible, then we push on. If I remember correctly, there should be a clearing around here.”
    “That’s right,” Billy said, “You wrote in your book that there was a clearing west of the jungle river.”
    “Yes, right over that hill,” Grant replied pointing towards a small rise.

    Resting for about five minutes, Grant rose to his feet.
    “Let’s move. It’s getting dark.”
    Billy led the way towards the small incline. His feet began pounding as if on pavement. Looking down, he saw that he was walking on pavement! Although very overgrown, the asphalt was still visible in some spots. They were standing on an old maintenance road! Glancing up, Michael Nedry noticed a small, overgrown, mound on the side of the hill.
    “Oh no,” He said, “Is that what I think it is?”

    “It is,” Nedry said.
    As the reached the mound, the group saw the distinctive shape of a jeep. The same jeep in which Dennis Nedry met his grizzly fate. Grant and the others peered inside. Michael turned away, fearing what may be inside.
    “It’s alright,” Hank said, “It’s empty.”
    “Enough with the peep show, “Grant said sternly, “Move on.”
    The six humans continued their journey, walking up the hill, and through a small patch of jungle to the clearing. As Simone pushed her way through, she came out into the bright light. She looked at Grant. He was standing in one spot, his mouth hanging open, not saying a word.

    “What the hell is happening here?”
    Stretching out before them was a large field full of buildings. A huge fence covered in sharp barbs and small signs with lightening bolts printed on them surrounded the enclosure. Grant had made them duck back into the jungle. Armed men and women guarded the gates of the barrier. Others wore lab coats, and scurried about quickly.
    “Come on,” Marlin said, “There’s our way out.”
    “No,” Grant said, “It’s not safe. We have no idea who these people are.”
    As they watched, a large vehicle with a metal cage drove into a small building. The building sloped backwards, and appeared to be too small for such large truck. Grant deduced that there must be a massive underground structure beneath it. Seven minutes later, the truck returned to the surface. Inside the cage, Grant saw the distinctive outline of a carnivorous dinosaur. The truck pulled through the gate, and the humans saw the blue logo on the hood.
    “Biosyn,” Grant said.
    The Cryolophosaurus stared at the group from inside the cage. It roared loudly as the vehicle carried it down a small dirt road towards the coast.

    “Hands up!”
    Hank turned to see a large man wearing a mask pointing a rifle at Grant’s head. Three more muscular men approached, all armed with a pistol and a rifle.
    “Move! There’s someone here that wants to see you,” The lead man said.
    With guns pointed at their backs, they marched single file towards the base.

    Chapter 4 part 4: Revelation.

    Entering a small, dimly lit room, they spied a figure sitting in the shadows.
    “Welcome,” the figure said, “I was wondering when or if you would find this place.”
    “Robert? Is that you,” Simone asked
    The man leaned forward out of the darkness.
    “In the flesh,” Robert Dalva said.
    “We thought you were dead,” Hank said in disbelief.
    Dalva began walking toward an exit, motioning for the rest of the group to follow. They followed him down a long, sloping, corridor. The group entered a large room full of cages. Each cage had young dinosaurs locked inside. Grant saw baby Torosaurs butting heads with each other. Young Saurolophus and Hadrosaurus shared the same cage. Four juvenile Deinonychus charged at the steel bars, hissing and growling with rage. Their claws raked against the floor, squealing loudly. Billy pointed to a rather large, dome shaped enclosure which appeared to be empty. Grant looked up to see two, nearly adult, Quetzalcoatlus hanging on to the top.
    “As you have clearly seen,” Dalva said, “Dinosaurs have once again been set free on this island. I was hired, by a man named Lewis Dodgson, to keep this group from ever reaching this island. That is why I protested so much Simone. That is why Biosyn bought the controlling stock in the company. You never listen to me. I could have saved you all, but you never listen.”
    “What are you saying Robert,” Simone asked, “You have saved us.”
    “No I haven’t,” He said, “You see, our plane crashed before we ever reached this island. They’ve searched and searched, but they never even founds an oil slick.”
    “You son of a bitch,” Simone said.
    She raised her hand, and slapped him hard across the face. He smiled and walked away.
    “What about Jim?”
    “The Pilot,” Dalva asked, “I took the liberty of having him blown from the sky. Surface to air missiles will do that you know. Throw them outside of the fence, some thing will take care of them.”
    “Yes sir,” said one of the guards.
    “No wait,” he said, “Mr. Dodgson may want to have a word with you. Throw them in the adult holding pen outside.”

    “It pains me to say this,” Grant said, “But I should have listened to Malcolm.”
    “What do you mean,” Billy asked.
    “He called me and told me about Biosyn buying stock in Galaxy Studios, but I failed to put two and two together. I’m such a fool.”
    Billy began to speak, but was interrupted by a loud shrieking call. Four men were carrying a large cage containing the Quetzalcoatlus pair.
    “Carefully now. Careful! Watch your step.”
    The men continued on, trying to keep a safe distance from the bars. One of the men turned to say something when the male Quetzalcoatlus rammed it’s beak through the bars, striking the man in the head. The man collapsed, dead. The others struggled to hold onto the cage, being thrown off balance. The man in front tried to get in the middle of the cage to balance it out, but he was not strong enough. The cage fell, crushing him. The animals lifted the small bar that held the door closed. They took to the air in a flutter of wings. They flew out of range before anyone could react.
    “Mr. Dodgson’s going to be pissed,” one of the men said.
    Another man asked, “When is he going to be here?”
    “In the morning.”
    They walked over to the two dead men, and dragged them out of the fence. Laying them down on the ground, they quickly ran back into the compound. An hour later, the bodies were swarmed by Eoraptors. They fed for a half an hour, then scattered when a familiar roar was heard. The Baryonyx were near the compound, and they could smell the sweet scent of Simone’s perfume. It was shaping up to be a long night.

    Chapter 4 part 5: Night of the Baryonyx

    The deep, black shadow of night fell once more over the ruins of Jurassic Park. Grant and the others lay huddled together on the metallic floor of the holding pen. No one could sleep. The floodlights were nearly blinding, and the roaring Baryonyx pair continued to circle the compound. Every once in a while, they would brush against the compound fence. The electricity surging through their bodies, they would quickly back away and growl. They circled several more times, then retreated back into the tropical forest.
    “They must’ve gotten bored,” Hank said.
    “Not likely,” Grant replied.
    Strong vibrations began shaking the cage. Everyone looked out at the same time. The dinosaurs were charging full speed towards the fence!

    The two Baryonyx rammed the electrified barrier with all of their strength. Sparks cascaded around their bodies. The dinosaurs screamed in anger. The fence, now dented and charred, was now little more than an annoyance.
    “Everyone to the cannons!”
    Biosyn employees scrambled around like insects. Everyone carried tranquilizer rifles. The female Baryonyx collided with the barricade again, breaking away a large section of fencing. Five brave men and women approached the great beast. The Baryonyx charged. There was little time to counter. The dinosaur pulled a woman off the ground, shaking her violently. Its colossal claws slashed a mans chest wide open. The other three humans fired at the animal, but the second monster had entered the compound and began his attack! The male and female dinosaurs stood side by side, slashing, biting, and kicking the feeble little humans. Breaking free of the living barrier of people and guns, they launched their assault on the cage!

    Grant pushed the others to a safe distance. He knew that they were probably secure behind the thick bars. Never the less, he was going to be as cautious as possible. Smashing into the side of the cage, the dinosaurs roared. The bars of the cage dented. The animals were so close that Grant could see small blue flecks of color covering parts of their heads. The bars began to creak loudly. This particular holding pen was, obviously, not built for large, aggressive carnivores, Grant thought.
    “I don’t think it’s going to hold much longer,” Simone whimpered.
    “Fire,” one of the lead Biosyn workers shouted.
    A loud explosion was heard, and a large, metallic net covered the female. It sizzled as the electricity flowed through her body. Another explosion sounded, and another net wrapped around the male. The female had already collapsed, men were firing darts into her hide. The male Baryonyx wriggled out of the net, and charged the humans that were shooting his mate.

    Bodies were slung everywhere as the leviathan raged out of control. Blood soaked the ground as the monster rampaged through the compound. Armed guards entered the courtyard. They pointed their massive guns towards the beast, and opened fire. The dinosaur cried out in pain as the first wave of bullets pierced his skin. He lowered his crocodile snout, and crushed one mans skull with one bite. The second wave of projectiles slammed into his head and body, sending him to the ground. The last thing he saw was the fire at the end of a rifle pointed right at his eye.

    “Everyone out! Now,” Dalva shouted at the prisoners.
    They all exited, and watched as the unconscious female was loaded into the pen.
    “Everyone indoors as soon as these bodies are disposed of. It won’t be safe tonight with that fence down. You,” Dalva said, pointing at the group, “go with Fred there into the main building. You’ll sleep on the floor. Don’t even think of trying to get away, there’ll be armed guards at every door.”
    The group followed Fred into the structure, avoiding the scattered body parts as they walked.

    Chapter 5 part 1: Lewis Dodgson.

    “What do you mean two Quetzalcoatlus got away,” Lewis Dodgson screamed as he exited the helicopter.
    “They killed one of our men,” Dr. Palmer, the lead researcher, replied calmly.
    “Well that doesn’t tell me how they got out of the cage!”
    “There’s more sir,” Fred said, “A lot more.”
    “The prisoners have escaped!”
    “How the hell did that happen?”
    “As soon as it became morning, all of the guards left to repair the fence, except me.”
    “Yeah, so…”
    “They overpowered me sir. I shot one, but he’s still alive.”
    “Where did they go?”
    “How should I know,” Fred said, “They probably snuck out the west gate while no one was watching.”
    “I want them found and brought to me by the end of the day,” Dodgson said, “Otherwise, you will be out there with the dinosaurs also.”
    “Yes sir.”
    Fred left, gathering several people for the search party.
    “Now,” Dodgson said, “Who wants to explain to me how the fence got knocked down…”

    “What do we do Dr. Grant?”
    “I don’t know. If only we could get that chopper…”
    “We would need a big distraction,” Billy said.
    “What was that,” Simone asked when a loud animal cry permeated the surrounding jungle. No one recognized it. Grant noticed the small search party heading in their direction.
    “It doesn’t matter what it is, we can’t do anything about it. We have to move.”
    “Screw this,” Marlin said, “I’m leaving.”
    “You’ll never make it out there,” Hank replied, “You’re injured.”
    “It’s only a scratch,” He said running off through the jungle
    Grant and the others moved off in the other direction. They knew that there was no way to convince him to stay with the group.

    “At least you managed to capture this one,” Dodgson said, pointing at the Baryonyx. She stood up, roaring at the humans. Dodgson laughed.
    “You’ll fit in well at the park,” he said.
    The Baryonyx growled, and rammed the bars of the cage. Dodgson laughed again, and walked away.

    Marlin Dodge stopped dead in his tracks. A large dinosaur loomed in front of him. The animal had not seen him yet, but it would surly smell the blood from his wound. The dinosaur sniffed long and loud. It growled, and called loudly. Soon, a second Cryolophosaurus joined the first. The large dinosaurs were dark bluish green with a bright red crest on the tops of their heads. Bellowing at each other, the Cryolophosaurs sniffed together. The first dinosaur roared, and began moving quickly in Marlin’s direction. Marlin felt a rush of warmth. He looked down at his wet pants, then burst into a mad dash through the forest.

    “They couldn’t have gotten too far,” Fred insisted.
    The search party halted, they heard a loud scream.
    “See, I told you.”
    Marlin scrambled out of the flora, his right side bloody. Fred noticed that he only had a bloody stump. At that moment, the two Cryolophosaurs rushed towards the group. The leader snatched Marlin off the ground, shredding his flesh. The second leapt onto one of the Biosyn workers, tearing a chunk of meat from his back.
    Everyone in the group rushed back to the safety of the compound. However, a third animal cut them off. It killed the first man with one chomp, and snapped the spine of another with a strike of its tail. Fred stumbled and fell, the third beast noticed, and began walking toward him. Dan, another Biosyn employee, stepped in front of the mighty dinosaur. The animal paused, thinking for a moment about why this dumb little animal would just stand there. It was enough time for Fred to escape, but Dan met his fate at the razor teeth of the crested monster. The massive jaws shredded his flesh like tissue paper. Only two people returned to the compound alive.

    Chapter 5 part 2: Baryonyx escape.

    She rose to her feet slowly. Her limbs felt heavy and sore. Yawning, she began sniffing the air. She noticed that one of her nostrils was clogged. The female Baryonyx raised her clawed hand, and removed a chunk of dried blood from her snout. Sniffing, she smelled the sweet scent of Simone’s perfume again. She bellowed, and began pounding the wall of her cage. The metallic bars gave way easily. Armed men and women swarmed around her from all directions, yelling and shooting at her. They wouldn’t stop her this time. She lowered her head, and rammed three humans standing in her way. Their tiny bodies looked like rag dolls as they flew through the air. She knew that the smell was close, and she was determined to find it.

    “Why are we hanging around the compound still,” Nedry asked, “It’s dangerous.”
    “So is going into that jungle,” Hank replied.
    “We could sneak aboard one of their vehicles,” Billy said, “It would be risky, but it could be done.”
    “Or,” Grant stated, “We could try to use their radio.”
    “This is pointless,” Simone whined, “We are never going to get off of this island.”
    Without warning, the gigantic form of the female Baryonyx smashed through the trees.
    “Move now!”

    The five humans scattered as the mammoth beast lunged at them. Michael Nedry barely escaped as the Baryonyx snapped her jaws. Turning towards Hank, the dinosaur roared and charged. Hank, thinking quickly, jumped between the monsters legs and ran in the opposite direction. The Baryonyx turned so fast that she lost her balance, falling hard on her side. She jumped to her feet, setting her sites on Simone Berry. She ran forward with unbelievable speed. Simone was cornered, unable to escape. The great beast approached, lowered its head. Her massive jaws opened to reveal two jagged rows of conical teeth.

    Simone cowered as the monsters jaws moved closer. The smell of the dinosaurs rancid breath made her nauseous. Suddenly, the dinosaur closed its mouth. It was sniffing the air slowly. Simone closed her eyes, and braced herself for her impending death, but it never came. Instead, she felt a wet warmth sliding up her face. It smelled horrible. Opening her eyes, Simone saw that the dinosaur was licking her!

    “Amazing,” Grant said to Billy, “Simply astonishing.”
    They were all watching in amazement as the Baryonyx licked Simone’s face and rubbed its head gently on her.
    “What do you think is making it behave like that,” Billy asked.
    “I have no idea,” Grant replied, “It must be the way she smells. Her perfume perhaps.”
    Simone walked slowly away from the dinosaur. As she moved, the animal followed. The Baryonyx noticed the others, and began growling.
    “Simone,” Grant said calmly, “Do you have any more of the perfume you are wearing?”
    “Yes,” She said, “I had two bottles with me. I think I still have some left.”
    “Throw it to me.”
    “Just do it.”
    The Baryonyx continued to growl at the humans, but nuzzled Simone at the same time. Simone reached into her pocket, and threw Grant the bottle. Catching it, Grant quickly sprayed himself. He began moving close to the dinosaur.
    “What the hell do you think you are doing,” Billy asked.
    “Someone has to test my theory.”
    Grant edged slowly forward. The Baryonyx roared, and lunged forward. She stopped almost immediately. Sniffing the air, she approached Grant. Bending down, the dinosaur started licking Grant as well.
    “Oh my God,” Billy said with his mouth hanging wide open.

    “I still can’t believe it,” Nedry said, “How is this possible.”
    They had all sprayed themselves with the perfume, and the Baryonyx had the same reaction with all of them.
    “The only thing I can think of is that Simone’s perfume has the same chemical composition as their pheromones. In this case, it must be the scent of their young, as it hasn’t tried to mate with us,” Grant responded.
    Walking over to the dinosaur, Hank smiled and turned to the group.
    “I have an Idea,” He said.

    Chapter 6 part 1: Raid on the Compound

    “You can’t be serious,” Nedry said, shaking his head in disbelief.
    “I’m perfectly serious,” Hank responded.
    The group had listened to Hank Corel’s plan for the past five minutes. It sounded insane, but it was their best shot.
    “How long do we wait,” Grant asked.
    “I overheard one of the guards say that Dodgson is leaving tomorrow morning, and that they were refueling the chopper.”
    Grant looked over at the sleeping Baryonyx, Simone slept not far away.
    “Does anyone know how to fly a helicopter,” Billy asked
    “I do, I worked on S.T.A.T. flight.” Nedry replied
    “So does Simone,” Hank responded.
    Grant shook his head. It was their only hope of escape.
    “We get some sleep, then we move in at dusk.”

    “On your feet! Hands on your head!”
    Billy came to his feet slowly, the others followed suit. It was only one guard, but he held his rifle pointing at Billy’s head.
    “Mr. Dodgson has been expecting you.”
    The Baryonyx began to stir, she was waking up!
    “I don’t think you want to mess with us Mr.”
    “What the hell makes you say that,” He said, pointing the gun at Simone.
    The low rumble of the dinosaur’s growl shook the ground. The guard slowly turned, coming face to face with the gargantuan beast. He screamed, and began running. The dinosaur closed in on him fast, snatching him off the ground. Simone and the others turned away as the mans screams faded. Finishing her meal, the Baryonyx returned. She licked Simone on the face, bloody slime covering Simone. Gagging, Simone ran to the edge of the jungle and vomited.

    “Why can’t anyone find them! There is no possible way they could have gone that far! Hell, there’s dinosaurs swarming all over the place out there. I’ve lost TEN men! You had better bring back at least some of their DNA to prove to me that they are dead. If you don’t, I will kill you myself! Do I make myself clear,” Dodgson yelled.
    “Yes sir! I will find them, dead or alive!”
    “You had better Fred!”
    Fred moved away, running into the jungle. Predatory dinosaurs had been swarming the area, drawn by the smell of fresh blood. Deinonychus packs had entered the compound through the broken fence. They killed two men before they could be driven out. The island had become a killing ground once more.

    Hank and Billy walked slowly into the compound, hands above their heads. Armed guards flocked around them. Robert Dalva appeared out of the main complex, accompanied by Lewis Dodgson.
    “Where are the others, Dalva asked.
    “They’re dead,” Hank said.
    “Even Dr. Grant,” Dodgson asked, not believing the story.
    “Yes,” Billy said, choking back tears, “Baryonyx attack.”
    “What do we do with them,” asked one of the guards.
    “Dispose of them. The one I wanted is dead,” Dodgson answered, waving his hand in dismissal. The guards shoved their guns into the surviving members’ backs, leading them away. They led Billy and Hank outside of the fence, lifted their guns aiming at the prisoners’ heads.

    She erupted from the jungle with frightful speed and unmatched ferocity. Even the mighty Spinosaurus from Isla Sorna would have appeared docile in comparison. The female Baryonyx trampled all the way through the first line of humans. The stampede drew the attention of the gunmen, giving Hank and Billy the opportunity to wrestle the guns away from their captors. Grant and the others fled from the jungle into the compound. The battle against the humans and the dinosaur raged on. Dalva emerged from hiding, and watched as the Baryonyx crashed into one of the holding pens. The cage toppled over, allowing the two Deinonychus escape. The little pack hunters fled from the chaos. However, their path led them in Simone’s direction. Looking up from her battle, the Baryonyx roared a high pitched roar. She turned, swatting away humans with her long tail. Her jaws engulfed the first Deinonychus in an instant. Flinging herself between the remaining animal and Simone, she stood her ground. The oncoming dinosaur was small, but much smarter and more agile than the towering Baryonyx. The little dinosaur dodged her jaws and claw swipes, but she continued to fight. The Deinonychus jumped sideways as she snapped her jaws. A line of blood appeared on the side of her snout, caused by the killing claw of the little demon.

    As the conflict ensued, Grant and the others climbed into the helicopter. It was a tight fit, but it was their only way out. Nedry turned the ignition, the blades whirred to life. Lifting off the ground, they could see guards moving toward the helipad. They raised their guns, and began firing at the chopper. One of the bullets pierced the helicopter, hitting Billy in the shoulder. They lifted higher by the second. The chopper was nearly out of range of the guns when a shot hit Nedry directly in the temple. His body slumped over, and the helicopter spiraled out of control. Simone acted quickly, grabbing the controls. Hank and Grant moved Nedry’s body out of the seat, allowing Simone to sit. The helicopter vanished into the clouds, moving far out of firing range.

    Chapter 6 part 2: Robert Dalva

    I’m a dead man, Robert Dalva thought to himself, knowing Dodgson‘s brutal reputation. He stood watching the grizzly chaos around him. At least eighteen people were dead, it was difficult for him to know the exact number. A lot of the bodies were in pieces, either from being stepped on or ripped apart by the dinosaurs. On top of that, Grant and the others had escaped. Looking east, Dalva saw the Baryonyx and Deinonychus, still locked in mortal combat.
    “What the hell is going on,” Lewis Dodgson screamed angrily, “Where are the prisoners?”
    “They stole your helicopter,” Dalva said, cowering, “The dinosaurs got in the way, there was no way to stop them.”
    “We have weapons! Why didn’t you blow them out of the air?”
    “We tried sir…”
    “Yes, but you failed! Now I have to put up with law suits and P.R. nightmares, and you know how much I hate that! Not to mention”
    The look on Dodgson’s face said it all, he was in a murderous rage.
    “You had better get those animals separated, and under control!”
    Dodgson glared at Dalva, as if in warning, then returned to the shelter of the structure behind him.

    The Baryonyx roared, swiping it’s massive claws at the Deinonychus. The smaller animal was extremely fast, and dodged all of the attacks that the Baryonyx could unleash. She snapped her jaws at the little dinosaur, but it jumped away, making another bloody streak on her face. Suddenly, a large hole appeared in the Deinonycus’ side. Seeing that the Deinonycus had been injured, the Baryonyx made her move. She leapt forward, slamming her large talon down on the creature. Dalva watched from a distance as the Baryonyx ripped the other animal in half. Now was their chance to stop the beast.
    “Open fire!”

    “I said open fire,” Dalva shouted at the men. Hesitating, the reluctant Biosyn guards ceased their search for safety, and aimed their guns at the mammoth carnivore before them. An enraged roar echoed throughout the island. The female Baryonyx charged as the gunfire erupted. Large chunks of her flesh exploded from her body, but the bullets failed to bring her down. They needed more firepower, and for her to hold still. However, they were much too late. She plowed into the line at full speed. More and more, the stinging hot projectiles weakened her. Blood began flowing from the wounds as the bullets pierced her tough hide.
    “That’s it, you’ve got her now,” Dalva said excitedly.
    Surly, He thought, Lew would be happy that things were getting a little bit back to normal. Just as he finished his thought, the dinosaur gurgled and tumbled to the ground. Her head landed just a few inches away from Dalva. She was nearly dead.
    “Excellent! Finish her off,” He said.
    A low rumbling growl started deep in her throat. Spasms soon followed, starting at the tip of her tail and traveling up to her head. Dalva jumped back as the jaws snapped uncontrollably. Her breathing slowed, and the spastic motions stopped. Dalva inched forward slowly. He poked her head with a metal probe. There was no response.
    “Kill her and burn the body,” Dalva said.
    The guards aimed their rifles, fingers on the trigger. Robert Dalva began to walk away, but the great beast lunged forward. She clamped her jaws around Dalva’s skull in a final act of her own will. Her crocodile jaws claimed their last victim as she drew her final breath.

    Chapter 6 part 3: Finale

    The AgustaBell AB139 helicopter flew eastward, moving towards the mainland at 157 knots. At long last they were away from the dinosaur infested island of Isla Nublar. Grant lay sleeping while Hank nursed Billy’s wound. Simone was doing a fine job controlling the aircraft, though the controls had been strange to her at first. Nedry’s body had been moved to the back, helping balance the chopper while giving Simone and the others more room.
    Only an hour of flight time, Simone thought, We’re home free! Looking down, Simone glanced an extremely small island. Something was wrong. There was movement on the rocky shore. She continued watching, but was caught off guard by a shadow as large as the helicopter! Something big was above them!

    Watching out the windows of the chopper, she saw a great winged beast zoom by her. It was flying fast enough to match their speed! The monster clamped onto one of the wheels with its strong talons.
    “Dr. Grant,” She screamed, “Wake up!”
    “What,” Grant said, hitting his head as he jumped up.
    “Oh damn!”
    Looking out, Grant saw the Quetzalcoatlus latched onto the tire, pecking at the bottom of the helicopter. A second animal joined the first.
    “Those are the same birds that we saw at the compound,” Hank said.
    “Are we in any danger,” Simone asked, panicking.
    “Just don’t slow down, and try to shake them off. We should be fine as long as they don’t hit the rotors.”
    Simone shook the controls violently, but the creatures held on tight. The second Quetzalcoatlus rammed its beak into the glass of the windows on Grant’s side of the chopper, penetrating the glass. Its long sword like beak cut a long gash in Grant’s arm.
    “Alan, are you alright,” Billy asked.
    “I’m fine.”
    “That island must be the territory that they claimed. If we can leave their territory, they should leave us.”
    Simone flew on. She knew that the she couldn’t go any faster, and she had no idea how large the animals’ territory was. The helicopter moved along, shaking from side to side.

    At last, both of the pterosaurs detached. The smaller, blue-gray female flew back to the small island. However, the gigantic male attacked with full force. He landed on the front of the helicopter, smashing his long red beak into the cockpit! Simone reacted quickly, sending the chopper into a dive. The Quetzalcoatlus slid off, but was back up on the nose in a flash. It shoved it’s head through the broken safety glass, and began squeezing the rest of it’s body through! Grant looked down, seeing a heavy wrench on the floor. Immediately, Grant began pounding the bird in the face!. It hissed and chirped, wriggling back and forth. It was stuck! Hank and Billy scoured the back of the craft, looking for a weapon. If only they hadn’t dropped their guns! They knew Dodgson had to have some kind of weapon. Billy opened a large compartment marked ammunition. Inside he saw what he was looking for, a high powered rifle!

    Running to the cockpit, Billy pointed the gun at the animal. However, his wound prevented him from firing! Hank grabbed the gun away from Billy, aiming at the struggling beast. The Quetzalcoatlus opened its jaws wide.
    “Eat this,” Hank said, squeezing the trigger.
    The bullet crashed down the beasts throat, the force of the blast blowing it out of the windshield. The body flipped up, smashing into the rotors. Body parts splattered in every direction, but so did two of the rotors! They all screamed as the chopper plummeted downward, crashing into the deep water.

    Epilogue: Hospital

    “Ian! Come here quick,” Sarah Malcolm shouted from the living room couch.
    “What is it,” Ian said, entering the room.
    Sarah picked up the remote, and turned the volume up on the television.
    “…Dr. Alan Grant, of Jurassic Park fame, was found by a fishing trawler off the coast of Costa Rica. The only survivor of the missing airplane that was on it’s way to the island of Isla Nublar for the filming of ‘Jurassic Park: The True Story.’ Found floating in a life raft, he is the only known survivor from the crash. No debris or bodies have been found. Dr. Grant is now in critical but stable condition at the Lady of Guadalupe Medical Center in Quepos…”
    Malcolm sighed. I warned him, he thought to himself.
    “I’m going down there. Something’s not right.”

    38 Hours Later…

    Grant was in very bad shape. Long cuts and abrasions covered his body. Malcolm felt strange sitting in a hospital room looking at his old acquaintance. Malcolm looked around, seeing cards from Alan’s friends and family. He picked up Ellie’s card, reading a heartfelt apology for not being there. Grant stirred, waking from his deep sleep. He looked over at Malcolm. Startled at first, Grant soon realized who the dark form on the chair was.
    “I never thought I’d say this,” Grant said gruffly, “but I’m glad to see you.”
    Malcolm nodded his head, a slight smile crossing his face.
    “Do you think you could tell me what happened?”
    “I think so,” Grant replied coughing.
    For the next hour and a half, Grant relayed all that he could remember. Malcolm sat listening. He knew something had been stirring, but nothing this big. It was obvious now that Biosyn had a secret facility somewhere, and there was nothing he could do about it.
    “Poor Cheryl,” Grant said in almost a whisper, “losing Billy like that. They were engaged you know.”
    There was a long silence. The two stared around the room for a few seconds.
    “Please,” Grant said as Malcolm stood to leave, “Tell them not to let anyone else in here. Once Dodgson finds out that I’m alive, he’ll try to kill me.”
    “Sure thing Alan.”
    “One more thing, be careful yourself. They may come after you next.”
    Malcolm nodded his head and walked out the door. He told the staff at the hospital of threat against Grant, and left to get in his rental car. So much had changed in just a few days. Dinosaurs were cloned for the second time, and mankind faced an uncertain future. Ian Malcolm started the engine and began driving back to his hotel.
    Only time will tell what is to come, he thought, Life finds a way.

    THE END!

    6/25/2002 8:08:28 PM

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