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    Evolution: Change in Time: Chapter 1 - New Differences
    By Hero(Raptormark

    Evolution: Change in Time

    The human race goes through its own life cycle, as we know. The life cycle consists of four stages: Birth, Growth, Death, and Rebirth. All though rebirth may SEEM like another way to say Reincarnation, it is not. Rebirth is just another way of saying “filling in the whole that one person had left when they died”. It is somewhat of a population balance. Nature chooses a population it can handle and then tries to keep life in that populated area at about the same number. Now, I have hypothesized that nature, not only adjusting population with the process of human/animal rebirth, also changes those that are reborn to be more…efficient in life today. With these changes in certain life-forms could come the need for less “rebirth” in a larger amount of time. This process of changing ones physical or mental abilities to be more efficient for a prolonged life is known as Evolution.
    Evolution, as many people know today, is not a big ideal of just about every religion… even the KKK. The belief that science is the reason man is where he is today is highly frowned upon… NOT because there is little scientific evidence… but because it discredits most ideals written in the modern day bible. The evidence collected so far, all though not completely solid, show’s that the process of Evolution IS a remaining factor in life.
    Through my months of study I have come to the conclusion that the average insect size has increased about five percent. Most people I have spoken to have associated this with the increase in moisture… but I believe other-wise. What about the place that have had, also, a decrease in moisture? The western United States hasn’t had as much rain as Eastern United States, yet I have still heard of reports of increase insect size. I believe that this increase in insect size is just nature’s way of fortifying life for a longer lifetime. The change that I have noted is, in deed, a factor of the Evolutionary process. Insects grow larger…insects live longer. As well, another notable fact of insect differences can be seen in the use of pesticides. Each year an ingredient in a pesticide must be increased, or changed, due to the diminishing effect on the insect used upon. Once again, being another factor based upon the Evolutionary process.
    I believe that if changes such as the ones stated above continue on, the human race may see a complete change in the surrounding environs. One fear that I have come across within this continuous study is the “reverse evolution” of birds back into dinosaurs… Part of me hopes for a change like this… while the other part fears it so… for human extinction could be in line.

    Mark Laurence –July 2002

    Rocky Point, in its entirety, could have been some sort of biological preserve. Every type of non-tropical bird could be found, soaring through the air, filling in their spots in the natural food chain. The high school, set in front of a fairly deep and thick forest, was no exception to the town’s diversity in critters and creatures. The school itself housed a nest for just about every insect imaginable in good old New York.

    The usual sounds of birds chirping and screeching did not fill the thin air of the Long Island town. In fact, something was completely wrong with this day and it seemed that Mark Laurence, the average senior at Rocky Point High School, was the only person who had noticed it. Upon bringing the difference up in his Living Environment class, his science teacher just dismissed it as an “off day in nature”.

    Sitting outside awaiting a ride home from one of his parents, he took complete notice to the utter difference in natural sounds. He described every difference to a close friend of his, Jonathon Romanov, who sat on the curb in front of the school listen just to be friendly.

    “There is a complete noticeable change in the usual hooting of the everyday pigeon that we get around here, Jon. Just listen to the damn things.” Mark explained as Jon nodded his head, tilting his head a bit, lifting his ear to the sky.

    “They almost sound like they’re in pain.” Jon shrugged, going back to twiddling his thumbs and listening.

    “’Aye… they do.” Mark shrugged to himself, joining Jon on the school’s curb. “You ever wonder what makes people do that to themselves.”

    Mark lifted his hand, his index finger pointing to the average student at Rocky Point. His hair pink, a nose ring connected by a fairly long chain to his ear, jeans baggy and ripped all over the place, and the sleeves of his shirt cut off. A slight chuckle emitted from Jon’s throat as he shrugged.

    “Drugs?” He suggested. “That’s Kerrie Williams, I believe.”

    Mark laughed lightly, closing his eyes and yawning afterwards, tilting his head up to the sky. As his eyes opened, he caught sight of an event that seemed very wrong to him. Shaking his head, he wondered if he was seeing things, but when Jon nudged his shoulder, his eyes glairing at the same event, he knew he was seeing it.

    About twenty feet into the school’s parking lot a flock of pigeons were crashing to the ground, looking as if they had died in mid air for on the way down their wings moved none. Each bird that hit the asphalt died instantly, cracking and shattering every bone in their body.

    The two students stood and backed up to the high school entrance, Kerrie doing the same thing, just at a slower pace. The rain-fall of birds came closer to the students, and as it got closer, Mark took notice of the difference in the birds.

    “No feathers,” Mark
    whispered, his eyes widening a bit, “longer wings… and talons.”

    “This can not be normal!” Jon shouted, turning immediately once he saw the condition of the falling birds and running for the school entrance.

    Mark stayed and watched, noticing how a few of the birds that had landed on the school’s grass survived. What used to be wings now seemed like arms, curled up close to their bodies. The way they walked was basic. They still had their beaks and the usual legs and feet and their appearance made it seem as if their feathers were plucked clean from their small bodies. But still, they weren’t normal.

    “What the hell are these things?” Mark could hear Kerrie as he stumbled over a few as he walked backwards.

    When Kerrie tripped over a featherless bird and stumbled onto his back, there was a noticeable change in the pigeon’s behavior. Each pigeon turned their attention to the fallen student, approaching him slowly as if they were stalking him. The closest of the birds jumped, landing square on Kerrie’s chest. He yelped and pushed the bird off, crawling backwards, away from the monstrosities. His back pushed up against a line of evergreen bushes set against the school, he could no longer crawl back. As he was about to stand, a low hiss emitted from the bushes. Reluctantly, Kerrie turned. Staring right back into his eyes was one of the small pigeons, this one seeming a bit different than the others.

    From his position, Mark could clearly see the thing that had Kerrie mesmerized. This thing was nothing like the pigeons. In fact, it didn’t even look like a bird. Its beak wasn’t pointed, but was an oval on the end. Its eyes were shifty, almost as if sizing the boy up. The leg’s that pushed the creature out from the bushes were muscular, and the entire body of the thing was skinned over. He took complete to the talons that hung down from a fairly long and muscular forearm, and as his eyes scaled up the body of the creature, he knew that it was far from friendly.

    “Kerrie! Run!” Mark shouted as the small creature opened its jaws, a decent row of curved and jagged teeth now being displayed.

    Kerrie was about to push himself up when the small jaws of the creature clamped down around his ankle, blood streaming from the many bite marks. Kerrie screamed, pulling away from the thing’s jaws. Snapping its head back, the small carnivore tore off a chunk of meat, swallowing it down with one lift of its snout.

    As the featherless birds approached Kerrie, Mark had no choice but to run inside and make a call for help. Just as he had pushed open the door, a terrible scream reached his ears, and he knew that Kerrie had no chance.

    7/4/2002 9:24:36 PM

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