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    The dinosaur the T-Rex is snacking on in JP3 is a Datausaurus, according to the JP3 novelization. (From: OsamaKiller)
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    The InGen Chronicles:Dark Park Pt 1
    By Gamblers Ruined

    The InGen Chronicles
    #2 ‘Dark Park’
    by Gamblers Ruined

    She sniffed the night air for danger. None was present. Through her nose she made a series of noises. They ranged from soft and secretive to loud and brash. She looked at her surroundings. The four walls had gone and now there was a long stretch of darkness. She heard loud growls from the bushes that surrounded her. She waited cautiously. The sounds of the jungle could be heard from miles away.
    Slowly coming into her view, the seven other figures stood around her, snorting through their noses and snapping their jaws. They looked at the figure that lay by her feet, motionless. The man had been dead only a few minutes, his mouth open in mute protest. The seven figures started to edge closer. She sensed what was coming. It all happened very quickly. The one on her right rushed towards her at an astonishing speed. It was still running when she spilled its intestines with her terrible claw. It stopped several meters away from her. It stood still for a moment, then dropped to the forest floor. Then came the attack from the side. This time, it was even faster. She felt her head being jabbed by its claws. She growled roughly and got its neck in a clamp with her jaws. With one loud crunch, the other raptor fell dead. Blood poured from its mouth, amalgamating with the mud on the ground. The other raptors didn’t move. She stared at them intensely, daring them to make a move. They didn’t. Once she sensed she was safe, she bobbed her head down and tore a bit of flesh from the dead man’s face. She gulped it crudely, then bent down for another piece. The other raptors remained motionless. For this was the alpha female. And tonight, she was in charge of Jurassic Park.

    Muldoon cringed. It was something about the way the old man said his name. Was it because he was old? Because he was Scottish? Because he was...
    John Hammond entered Robert Muldoon’s tiny office on the second floor of the Control building. He was wearing white. Again. Muldoon wondered why.
    “John, I’m so delighted to see you so early in the morning.” He said sarcastically.
    “No time for jokes today Robert.”
    “Look John...If this is about Manon Darbridge’s death, I don’t know an-“
    John Hammond interrupted. “Robert listen to me. There has been a problem. With the raptors.”
    Robert Muldoon was serious now. “What about the raptors, John?”
    Hammond looked worried. “When was the last time you checked their pen?”
    Muldoon answered instantly. “Yesterday evening. Why?
    Hammond turned his attention to the floor. “They’re not there anymore.”

    The sun had been up for hours now. The Alpha female looked at the lone, grazing Ankylosaur curiously from behind the bushes. Never had she seen such a creature. The other five raptors hid behind her making hungry noises. She made a soft noise through her resonating chamber. The raptors behind her suddenly stopped their snarling. She made another series of sounds and all of a sudden, the raptors burst from the bush behind her onto the open field where the armored dinosaur was. The ankylosaur was ready. The five raptors made a circle around the huge animal, taunting it with their growls. The huge animal did not wait to die. With the ferocity of a primal anger, it swung it’s huge, bulbous tail at it’s attackers. The unlucky raptor at the rear screamed in pain, as it’s entire skeletal body was shattered by the impact. It lay on the ground, closer to death with every spasm it endured. The other raptors took the opportunity to run. The Alpha watched all this from her hiding spot. She watched as the four remaining raptors jumped back in the bushes behind her. She watched the Ankylosaur calm down, and inspect the dying raptor on the ground. The dying raptor made a shrill plea for help. The ankylosaur brought it’s clubbed tail down again on top of the raptor’s skull. One loud crunch. Blood splashed the green grass. The Alpha female roared in anger.

    Robert Muldoon had his Linstadt Rifle in his hands. He looked at the electrified fence above the pen. It was intact. They hadn’t escaped from above. He wiped the sweat above his brow. He looked at the two men behind him. He motioned for them to open the massive door of the raptor cage. They obeyed. Muldoon was a liked man in Jurassic Park. He commanded authority and for this, he got respect. Muldoon entered the place he feared most on the island with extreme caution. The silence was intense. The bigger man behind him, Jophery, sneezed. Muldoon jumped and a shot went off from his gun.
    “Sorry boss.”
    “Sorry! I’ll give you bloody ‘sorry’! Don’t do that again!” Muldoon bellowed.
    The other man, Frances, giggled in childish delight. Perhaps in fear.
    Muldoon was shaking badly underneath his tough exterior. He feared two things in the world. One was raptors. The other was John Hammond.
    “Okay,” he said. “Let’s try this again.”
    He entered the pen slowly, checked the bushes for any ‘surprises’ that may have remained hidden. There weren’t.
    The smell was absolutely horrendous. The entire pen stunk of decay and death. Half chewed bones littered the floor. A pile of feces was seen to the left of the pen.
    “What is it Frances?”
    “There!” Frances pointed to a pile of shrubs that were covering something. Muldoon cautiously approached them, gun raised. When he pulled the shrubs away, Muldoon instantly ran for the exit, the other two close behind. There was a hole dug out from the inside of the pen. The raptors had escaped by digging themselves out of their prison.

    “Mr. Hammond, you do not understand what we are dealing with!” Robert Muldoon was perspiring. John Hammond said nothing. He merely sipped his coffee.
    Muldoon was getting annoyed. “John, I asked you for a different pen. I asked you for concrete moats!”
    Hammond stood up in defense. “And I’m getting them. Any day now.” The Raptors had been shipped from Sorna to Nublar only four weeks ago. Their home was a fairly shabby movable pen with makeshift electrically charged wires at the top of it. Muldoon had demanded that they be moved to a more safe, more guarded environment. Hammond had promised that he would.
    “John, there are eight velociraptors out in the park now.”
    Hammond tried to calm him down. “Robert, Robert, Robert,” he cooed. “The only paddock they could have gotten into is the Herbivore Grazing field. All the other fences are up, fully electrified.” Hammond briefly relished this thought. “And the size of those herbivores! 100 raptors wouldn’t dare take on an alert saurop-“
    “John, listen to me.” Muldoon interrupted. “I’m taking two men out into the field. We’re taking those animals down. When we come back, you had better have that new pen up and running.”
    Hammond looked at him in silence. Finally he said, “You won’t...kill them, will you?”
    Muldoon ignored him. “Remember, I want concrete moats for these bastards, so they won’t do this again. And high electrical wires. And while you’re at it, how about adding locking mechanisms to the tour vehicle doors? They’re a death trap waiting to happen.”
    And with that he left.

    The alpha female looked at the four remaining members of her pack. There was no meal because of their cowardice. She eyed them all carefully. The four stood silent as her eyes moved over them, inspecting them. The hooting of a nearby parasaur broke the silence, and all five heads jolted to the direction of the sound. The alpha female’s attention was on the smallest of the raptors, and how it was whimpering because of it’s resisted hunger.
    The other three stood still. The alpha female walked silently up to the whimpering raptor. She nudged it with her snout, making small, soothing noises with her nasal cavity. The small raptor responded with its own noises. The other raptors watched in silence. Suddenly, the parasaur cry came again. When the smallest raptor turned its head to search for the noise, the alpha female took her chance. She bit into the head of the small raptor and slowly twisted its neck. The small raptor screeched, and tried to retaliate, but she was too small. The other raptors watched this carnivorous display with excitement, growling with great interest. The alpha female shook her head violently, and the whimping stopped. The small raptor lay dead. The alpha female lifted her foot, at in the briefest moment, ran her terrible claw along the dead raptor. Intestines and other organs spilled out. The feeding frenzy had just begun.


    10/20/2003 2:53:34 AM

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