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    John Dielh, the actor who played Cooper in JP3, once considered becoming a missionary, making his line in the film where he tells Grant he knows the Kirby's "Through his church" all the more funny. (From: Robzyraptor!)
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    The Bornox I:Forward and Prolouge
    By Darth Chicken

    The Bornox

    “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”-REVELATION 13:1

    Written by Jimi Dufraine


    Lands in the sky-

    That they are nearby-
    That they do not move.
    I take for a principle that all being is the infinitely serial, and that whatever has been will, with differences of particulars, be again-


    “Perfectly Numb” played on the radio. Isaiah hadn’t heard this song in years, and it seemed now that it really touched him. The car he was driving was nothing much, just your average coupe, it had two doors and glistened from the heavy waxing. Isaiah had spent the entire prior morning waxing his hot rod to a brilliant shine. It was useless because where he lived, Conclusion Maine(last coastal stop until the Canadian border) was constantly covered in a blanket of snow. At least that's how it seemed.

    This last winter had been the longest hardest winter the townspeople had to go through in quite some time. The song had changed. Now with more of an upbeat tune “Rambling Man” blared through his car. Isaiah always considered Conclusion home but the harshness of the weather and more so the citizens was enough to drive a psychologist away. The people of Conclusion seemed to deem an attitude about change. About three years back a young family that moved into a nice cape on the bay petitioned to have the old green renovated. The man thought that the towns administration would be thrilled to see that the man put up some of his own money to start the project. Well the bulldozer had made its way about a bloke away from the green when the town hall was littered with calls complaining that the hippies were destroying the towns history.

    The minute you passed by the ice covered “Welcome to Conclusion” sign a vibe shot up your back and a terrible feeling of panic and terror flowed through your blood. It always seemed that whenever a big storm hit it always hit Conclusion the worse. And if someone in the area committed suicide you could bet where the deed was done. The population was composed of old fisherman from the southern coast, new families looking to start a life, tourists passing through and the Brattles. The Brattles were a family of two people George Brattle and his wife Elmira. The Brattles were locally famous for there old crematory on the outskirts of town. George had inherited the old building from his grandfather, whom had built the building to ease the overcrowding cemeteries. During that time tuberculosis was running through the states like a plague. The death ratio in this portion of Maine was five out of every ten people, so you can see the success of such an establishment. The Brattles of today had been infertile and now were reaching there eighties. The crematory building had been closed and abandoned since the late 60’s but the large house on the right of the ominous structure was their home.

    The car sped down a dark road with dense forest on either side. Isaiah turned right and hit the accelerator. He felt a little bit of pride as he turned into his driveway. He turned off his car, opened his door, dusk was beginning to fall. It was then he first realized that it was starting to snow. Behind the small ranch he shared with his brother, there was miles and miles of snow covered woods. Across the street there was about two miles of woods then the mouth of the bay, which gaped into the freezing Atlantic. With a drag from his lit Marlboro he felt a soft ocean breeze flow through his hair. He knew tomorrow would be another hard day at work, and as he walked to his door, a light of tremendous beauty illuminated the forest. He felt drawn, peaceful really...


    The light house was ghostlike standing tall, like a giant watchman waiting for the storm to hit. And with all the might of a thousand gods a wave broke on the breakwater. Conclusion Head Light, that was the name of this now automated tower of light. In the most random of circumstances dozens of bodies were crashing against the shore. Two large lights beamed heavy in the sky, and Isaiah saw through the fog a ship sinking in the wake of large breaking waves.

    He screamed and rose quickly from his bed.

    “How in the hell did I get here.”

    He thought for a moment and reached for his alarm clock, 2:29 AM.

    Isaiah comforted himself then tried to doze back off into a sleepless night. It truely was just another day at home in Conclusion, Maine...

    4/18/2004 10:40:45 PM

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