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    Modern Day Devils - Chapter 23
    By DarialLongsword

    Denis slid down the basement stairwell banister. When he reached the bottom, he pushed himself off of the metal railing and dropped to his feet. As he stood at the end of the stairwell, his eyes roamed around the cafeteria slowly.

    “Is everyone here?” Denis spoke to the small crowd of people congregated in the middle of the café.

    David turned away from the conversation he was having with the diner manager. “Yeah. Jon and Andria are in the lounge... she seems a bit shaken.” He nodded towards a set of double doors placed against the wall that sat on the same side of the café as the stairwell.

    Denis nodded, and then took another surveying glance around the dining area. His eyes gazed over the dried puddles of blood that seemed to cover the floor in various spots. “What the hell happened here?”

    “Fuckin’ angels trapped everyone down here. Just before they were about to slaughter us all, Mark and Lucifer, I believe his name was, stepped in. They were able to kill a few of us and Mark’s friend.” David explained, remembering the event vividly.

    Denis nodded slowly as if thinking. “Ah… sounds like fun.” His voice was a bit chipper, but it dropped back down to his normal tone immediately. “Do we have a plan of action?”

    A patron from the diner chirped up from the crowd. “Yeah. Sit here and wait for someone who knows what they’re doing to come around and save our trapped asses.”

    Denis sneered at the patron, who had a rather amusing look across his face. “You’re not going to talk for the rest of the night.”

    “I really don’t think that…”

    “Sir… I don’t think you quite realize what is going on here.” Denis interrupted the patron before he could defend himself and bring up some smart ass ‘you’re not in charge of me’ comment. As he spoke, his voice was calm and his tone was low. “See. My colleagues and I are working very hard to make sure that your head stays connected to the rest of your body. It’s rather hard for us to save your fucking ass when you’re too busy making snide sarcastic remarks about our current situation.” Denis looked to David and nodded towards the lounge doors. David nodded and moved to retrieve Jon and Andria. “Now, you can sit here and wait for your cavalry to come and save you, or you can accept the fact that we are your cavalry and you have no choice but to stick with us to live.”

    “Ya know, I really do not know why I’m taking orders from you little shits. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re packing heat right now I’d fucking kick your fag loving little ass.” The patron spoke strongly, but never advanced on Denis.


    “His name is John Dennington.” The Henrietta Dennington spoke up quickly, and then dropped back down to her silence.

    “Okay. Mr. Dennington.” Denis slowly walked up to John, his eyes never leaving those of the patron. Taking in a deep breath of air, Denis swiftly took hold of Dennington’s collar and lifted him into the air. “Shut the fuck up. Even if I weren’t ‘packing heat’, I’d still be able to take you with two hands tied behind my back. I’m a fucking demon for Christ’s sake!”

    “You’re also an angel, Denis.” Jon walked out of the teachers lounge and cautiously began to approach Denis. “Put him down, Denis. If you hurt him, you’ll just be like the things hunting us.”

    Denis dropped John coolly, lowering him to the ground before releasing his grip. “Is she okay?” Denis turned his back to Dennington and the others to face Jon.

    The teacher's lounge door opened, this time Andria and David walked out slowly. The look drawn across David’s face was one of annoyance. Andria stepped away from David, who moved up to Denis. Joining Jon’s side, Andria moved close to him, her hand grasping his.

    “These two thought it would be a good time for a confessional.” David spoke briskly, nodding his head towards the two and rolling his eyes.

    Denis let out a sigh and looked to the ground. “I’m glad you two have resolved the fact that you both love each other… but for now, just for now, keep the romance bullshit out of the situation.” Denis sighed, and when he lifted his head, he was hit with a heavy dizzy spell. Unable to keep his balance, he dropped down to his knees, his right arm keeping him from ending up on his stomach.

    “Yo Denis, you okay?” David knelt down beside the hybrid, his hand tapping gently against his shoulder.

    “Something’s here.” Denis’ head snapped up, his eyes surrounded by a red aura. “Something really… really strong.”


    Mark soared over Rocky Point, his demonic and angelic wings flapping every minute or so to assure that he stays afloat above his once chipper homeland. A long black overcoat replaced the leather jacket that he had left Rocky Point with. The coat’s bottom blew behind him, getting caught in his wake. His eyes scanned over the empty streets, and all that he could sense was mayhem. Cars were flipped on their sides and burning; stores and homes looked to have been ransacked; and to the naked eye there didn’t seem to be any sign of life left in the Long Island hamlet, but to those that could sense life, there was a minimal amount left in the town gathered in a small area.

    Flying high, Mark was followed by nobody, but as he twisted his head to get a good look at the streets behind him, two sets of headlights dodged broken up concrete and abandoned cars at full speed. Mark smiled to himself and made a slight turn, bringing himself over a small forest.

    Head to the high school. Next right. Mark thought, but not to himself. The two cars below him sped up quickly and shifted over to the far right lane of route 25A.


    Mark’s first venture had been to Littleton, Colorado where he would meet up with Romeo Stantenz. Upon his arrival, the city was already in dismay. At the heart of the city, a large fire burnt, fueled by the death that was occurring around it.

    By the time Laurence had found Romeo, he had already learned of his odd abilities during an attack made by a small army of Minions. Persuading Romeo that there was a war going on and that human civilization needed him was probably the easiest thing Mark had done so far.

    With his new colleague, Mark sought out the next hybrid. His sense led him to Roswell, New Mexico. Alyssa Drakeford hadn’t had the need to tap into her powers, for Roswell only heard word of the situation going on and had no hands on experience; but with the help of Romeo, Alyssa easily tapped the powers she had and joined the two.

    The final of the hybrids, Jared Toower, was found battling off a herd of hellhounds with the jagged end of a broken beer bottle. When Mark and the others stepped in to save his life, they told him of the war and of who they were. After much hesitation to believe the story of the five hybrids, Mark pulled the same thing that Lucifer had pulled on him.


    Mark swooped down over the high school parking lot, his wings folding up behind him slowly as he floated down to the ground. As his feet hit the ground, the two cars that were following him skidded into the school parking lot and came to a stop.

    “Feels good to be home.” Mark spoke to himself as he started to walk towards the high school entrance, the trio of hybrids following behind him.

    11/19/2003 9:36:58 PM

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