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    M:IS- Episode 2 (Part 2)
    By Carnotaur3

    Ben’s jaw opened when he saw Bill being covered by small green dinosaurs. Ben jumped off the yacht and onto the hot blanket of sand, sprinting to Bill.

    Ben started smacking them off his body and very quickly they all jumped off and ran back into the jungle.

    “Bill, what was that?” Ben questioned as he took in deep breaths.
    “I don’t know”

    Bill fell to the sand, showing off a dozen bite marks all over his body.

    “It’s making me feel queasy” Bill added.

    Ben comforted him.

    “Just lay back, just keep quiet.”

    As Ben kept him from movie too much, Kyle was seen running up to see what had happened. Bill told him what happened and Kyle said he that they needed to high-tale it back to camp. He had found some coconuts for them to eat.

    Ben took some bandages that he found back on the yacht and wrapped them around Ben’s bit marks. Bill was in a world of chaos in his mind. His vision seem to drift off in the wind and then he felt his body tumble into space like a whirlwind or tornado had picked him up and made him fly through and around the air. Ben saw his brother’s head was sweaty. He had a fever.

    He took a look over at Kyle.

    “We need to get to some phone…some sort of communication around here.” Ben said to Kyle, feeling Ben’s forehead.

    “Too risky. We could get lost. Worst, eaten.”

    “I don’t think so. You might have the brains in the family, but I have the bravery.”

    Tricia came over to Kyle.

    “Ben’s right. We’re sitting ducks here! I say we move in to the interior of the island,” said Tricia after wiping away some tears, tears that seemed to be for Freddy.

    Dana stood up with a frustrated look on her face.

    “No. Those things will get us. Just like that thing that got Freddy and Lori…and Phil.” Dana yelled.

    “We’re going in, with or without you two.” Said Bill, as he pointed to Kyle and Dana.

    Kyle slowly realized that it was the only option to get them off of the damned island. Bill had finally out smarted him with this. It’s true what they say, you’re smarter when you’re in dangerous situations.

    Kyle managed to say, “What about Bill? Can he make it?”

    “I’m sure he’ll be fine in the morning.”

    Suddenly, a rustling came from the trees and bushes. Ben caught a glimpse of a man running and then he was gone.

    “Who the hell is that? Damn it, who are you?” Ben yelled.

    All of a sudden, he put the man behind him and heard a new noise, the noise of a dinosaur.

    It roared right in front of them, making the girls run towards the beech. Ben and Kyle couldn’t move and neither could Bill. From what Kyle remembered about dinosaurs, this looked to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Then, he remembered what that paleontologist said about the might Rex. Bill remembered it too, only from Kyle though.

    The T-Rex stomped in front of Kyle and twisted its head to the right side, sniffing its body. Kyle’s heart thumped hard in his chest. It was the first time in his life he could have a heart attack over.

    Droll dropped off of the Rex’s mouth and onto Kyle’s shoulder. Kyle’s jaw dropped when he saw the Rex open its mouth with another roar. Then, he turned around, facing the jungle up ahead.

    Ben thought this was peculiar, because it stopped after it had turned. Then, a yellow liquid came out from behind the rex and onto Kyle’s body. Kyle closed his eyes as the piss ran all over his body.

    As soon as it had begun, the T-Rex retreated back into the jungle.

    “Ha, you got pissed on. Son of a Bitch, that was the funniest thing alive.” Ben laughed.

    “Shut your fricken mouth,” yelled Kyle wiping off the piss from his body with leaves.


    6/11/2002 12:14:17 AM
    (Updated: 6/11/2002 12:29:34 AM)

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