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    Just Add Water -- Ch. 1
    By CarnaRaptor

    “If The Facts don’t fit the theory…Change the facts” ~ Albert Einstein

    “One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try it” ~ Aristotle

    “Life is too short, and DNA is too long”

    Location: Stanford University - California

    Henry Wu stood cautiously, partially arched over the lab table examining the cellular mitosis taking place. This genetics finals exam project would finally raise him to the levels of research on a university appointment. Henry Wu, twenty eight years old, was almost complete with his doctorate at Stanford University. He was taught almost exclusively under the umbrella of Norman Atherton, that was until the terrible tragedy. His death brought about confusion as well as mourning in the laboratories of the campus and no one knew what would happen to the funding or the doctoral programs. Future careers were on the line here. Henry Wu was undoubtedly the best geneticist in these laboratories, and arguably the best country along with Lewis Dodgson of some private laboratory. This kind of praise always encouraged Wu, but his state of mind quickly turned back to completing the project.

    “Complete sir!” Wu exclaimed, noticeably happy with the results of his work. The interim professor walked over to his lab table and examined the project. The etching of his pencil on the clipboard in this quiet room sounded like a repetitive nail screeching down a chalkboard. Henry could hear the man mumbling to himself. Gosh he’s odd, Henry thought.

    “Well Henry, impressive work. I doubt I could do any better myself” said the professor.

    “Well professor, I know you couldn’t” said Henry Wu in an attempted low tone.

    The professor looked up, “Excuse me?”

    “Never mind” Wu just packed his things, walked out the door, and headed home.

    Location: Shagiharu Investments, Los Angeles Office – Los Angeles, California

    John Hammond stood at the front of the large mahogany -inspired roundtable. Surrounding him to each side were squinty-eyed,unintelligent looking Japanese investors. They’ve met here to listen to what Hammond had to say and hear what he could be bringing in store for this firm. Among the unnecessary obligations he was going to present to him were projected revenues of the project and construction time graphs, among other things. He didn’t want to be here, but there’s something’s you just have to do. Hopefully he could convince them to proceed with this proposal. It was nothing new to him, but his dream would be farfetched if this didn’t work out.

    John was dressed in an articulate line of clothing and was in the kind of posture that screamed ‘gentleman’. He was ready to fire away with quotas, but there was still a hold up with one of the investors who ran into traffic. John could notice the investors talking among themselves discussing something, but paid no attention to it.. A bit of a sweat was building up upon Hammonds face, this wait was making him impatient. Quick thuds could be heard outside in the hallway, and alas halting at the door was the final piece of the puzzle.

    “Gentleman, I surely don’t want to waste any more of your time, so I’m going to put this as efficient as I can. I have generated,almost single handedly, the most quantum amount of fund money ever. Millions of dollars were given in support of the dwarf-elephant experiment, and it soon climbed into the billions. Alas, since the death of the lab experiment and a clause in the contract they all agreed to, the funds have also been turned over to my associates and I.”

    Soft whispers floated around the room.

    “With the brilliant economic status we’re in. International Genetics can become the single most genetics company to grace earth since Watson and Crick”

    “For research, I take it?” said one investor. Hammond knew this project didn’t have the slightest care for research, Hammond despised research and all the time it wastes.

    Extensive research my dear friend. And we will be carrying all the latest advancements in technology to boot. The whole elaborate plan is thought out. I just need the go from all you gentleman” Hammonds charm was at its best, and even if it wasn’t he’d still probably convince these ever-so-patient Japanese to agree anyway. That’s why he chose to deal with them instead of Americans in the first place – they are so gullable. John had decided to go and meet with an American investor once, and they give him a quick motion to leave.

    “And the revenues we may be expecting from this venture?” asked another investor.

    Hammond reached down into a large, black bag that he accompanied with him for visual reference for the investors. He pulled out a board with a bar graph projected on it.

    “As you can see, the revenues for this project will be staggering. By 1993, after all expenses and other such things, you could expect this project of mine to reach billions of dollars in income.”

    The men all around the room were shocked with this kind of promise. Billions of dollars in one establishment was in absolute rarity here in the late eighties. “So what is it gonna be gentleman?” A few whispers of concern were past around, but they reached their ultimate decision.

    “We agree Hammond, though we are concerned…”

    Hammond sensed he may have done something wrong or forgot an important issue of some sort. “And that is?”

    “Just what is the name of this establishment?” one of the men said with a smile. Hammond let out a sigh of relief and said,

    International Genetics Cooperation

    Location: Henry Wu’s House – Berkley, California

    Henry Wu had awoke the next morning on the count of the alarms blaring wake-up call. He hadn’t slept so well in a very long time. Still a little rusty, he took a quick shower and made his way to the kitchen for some breakfast. Wu sat down and poured himself orange juice – he wasn’t very hungry. After taking a few sips, he slid his hands across his lips to rid of some residue. He motioned his way toward to the couch to watch the morning news, but the doorbell rang. Who would be bothering him at such an early hour?

    “Hello? Henry, are you in there? Please answer. It is John Hammond!”

    John Hammond? They met each other briefly and had a conversation or two at the time of Norman Atherton’s funeral, but that was about it. Hammond always did seem to compliment Henry on his work. Henry walked over to the door and opened it. As the door slowly creaked open, he could see more and more of the tiny yet adorable old man.

    “H-Hello Mr. Hammond” said Wu.

    “Please, please my boy. Just call me John. With the feats you accomplished, I should be the one calling you ‘Sir’.”

    Henry chuckled slightly, “Ok John, if you say so. Would you like to sit down?” said Wu pointing to the couch.

    “Thank you for the invite, I don’t want to take up much of your time” said the humble Hammond walking to the couch and taking a seat. “After all you are probably wrapped up in all kinds of work”

    “Actually, I just completed my final semester now that you’ve mentioned it” said Henry streaking his hands through his hair.

    “That’s wonderful, wonderful Henry. What do you plan to do now?” Said Hammond leaning over the armrest of the couch.

    “Um, research”

    “A university appointment I take it?”

    “Uh huh. Keep talking I’m just gonna go fix us some drinks” said an attentive Wu.

    “Well, going to a university Wu, is a mistake” Hammond said briskly. “At least, if you respect your talent” Henry was suddenly giving his full attention to John.

    Hammond continued. “Lets face facts. Universities are no longer the intellectual centers of the country. The very idea is preposterous. Universities are the backwater. Don’t look surprised. I’m not saying anything you don’t know. Since the second World War, all the really important discoveries have come out of the private laboratories. The laser, the transistor, the polio vaccine, the microchip, the personal computer – the list goes on. Universities are simply not where it’s happening anymore. And they haven’t been for forty years. If you want to do something important in computers or genetics, you don’t go to a university. Dear me no”

    Wu was struck speechless.

    “Good riddance. What must you go through to start a new project? How many grant applications? How many forms? How many approvals? The steering committee? The department chairman? How do you get more space to conduct work if you need it? More assistants? How long does all that take? A brilliant man like you, Wu, can’t squander precious time with forms and committees. Life is too short, and DNA is too long. You want to make your mark. If you want to get something done. Stay out of universities.”

    Henry really did want to make his mark. He was all eyes and ears.

    “I’m talking about work” Hammond continued. “Real accomplishment. What does a scientist need to work? He needs time, and he needs money. I’m talking about giving you a five-year commitment, and ten million dollars a year in funding. Fifty million dollars, and no one tells you how to spend it. You decide. Everyone else just gets out of your way.

    This is too good to be true, Henry thought. He stood silent for a while. Finally he said, “In return for what?”

    “For taking a crack at the impossible” Hammond said. “For trying something that probably can’t be done.”

    “What does it involve?”

    “Details are mostly kept under wraps. But the general area involves cloning reptiles”

    “I don’t think that’s impossible” Wu said. “Reptiles are easier than mammals. Cloning is only ten, fifteen years off. Assuming some fundamental advances”

    “I’ve got five years” Hammond said. “And a lot of money, for someone who wants to take a crack at it now.”

    “Is my work publishable?”


    “Not immediately?”


    “But eventually publishable” Wu asked, sticking on this point.

    Hammond laughed. “Don’t worry. If you succeed, the whole world will know about what you have done. I promise you.”
    2 Weeks Later

    Location: Office of Technological Transfer

    “So Bill what’s the scoop on the latest transfers?” asked Steven Lowe, general manager of the Office of Technological Transfers, which monitors shipments of American technology that might have military significance.

    “See for yourself” said Bill with a worrisome look on his face, handing the faxes to Steven.

    “Hmm, lets see here” said Steve as he skimmed down the page. His eyes widened and his mind was puzzled soon enough.

    “Who the hell would ship out three Cray XMP’s?” proclaimed Steven. Cray XMP’s are very powerful supercomputers. To put it in perspective, three Cray’s represent more computing power than any other privately held company in America. They were being shipped to Costa Rica, according to the fax.

    “Apparently, this company called InGen. Could you believe they also shipped out twenty-four Hoods?” added Bill. Hoods are automated gene sequencers – machines that work out genetic codes by themselves. They’re so new haven’t been put on the restricted lists yet. One hood is worth half a million dollars.

    “Should we contact authorities?” asked Steve.

    “We can’t, there’s no evidence of wrong doing at all”


    Note: The conversation at the end of Chapter 1 is mostly from the JP novel with tweaks.

    6/12/2002 8:35:04 PM

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