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    The traveling museum exhibit, 'TLW: The Life Death and Death of Dinosaurs' opened in New York the day TLW came out, and is still touring the country today. All proceeds from the tour are donated to scientific organizations which fund dinosaur research.
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    I C E T E R I A - Ch. 1
    By CarnaRaptor

    I C E T E R I A

    Ronald Sherwitz sat alone in his personal office at Oxford University. Going over another pile of student term papers. Sherwitz had now become a household name in London. He participated in the cloning of a wooly mammoth and he and all the other participants were shocked by the positivity that followed. Although the gracile specimen only lived to be a couple weeks old, humanity had conquered another boundary. Ronald always wondered if their kind would ever roam this planet again. Maybe....

    Professor Ronald Sherwitz is a teacher at Oxford University in London. He was a lightly built man and looked older than what his birth certificate suggests. Gray hair was evident and he's reminded of that everyday by his students. He loved teaching and thats what he's been destined to do.

    The door opened to his office and a student came in. Great, Sherwitz said to himself. It was his most ever-adoring student Johnathon Julius. Mr. Sherwitz loves praise from people for what he does, but Julius takes it to reaches far beyond that. Everyday it seems he can't leave work without Johnathon questioning and admiring every moment of his life.

    Johnathon Julius was a 24 year old undergrad at Oxford. He wasn't very muscular, but women seemed to be sucked in by his puppy-face and charm. He lived in New York, but traveled all the way out here so he can be at "an institute of higher learning". Ronald Sherwitz thought otherwise.

    "Hello professor, may I speak with you a minute?" said John, wearing Dockers and a Kenneth Cole fleece.

    "Do you need to ask for my permission anymore lad?" Ronald said, corking a grin.

    "Well I was wondering if you'd be up for a proposal I'd like to make."

    "I won't answer you till I get through grading these. Continue on, Im listening"

    "Well, i've been doing some research and studying and that whole deal. And through some trips out north and conversations with people of higher and lower archies I've made a remarkable discovery"


    "Would you believe it sir?"

    "Excuse me?" an agitated and tired Sherwitz questioned.

    Julius was hesitant. "Would you believe it if I had told you somewhere to the north, there may a land uninhibited by us bloody souls."

    "I believe they call those glaciers" Ronald said with a very sarcastic grin on his face"

    "Professor, honestly, im talking of a land where species of animals may have roamed for thousands of years without us knowing."

    "You need to hit the hay Johnathon, do you have a bloody cold?"

    "Sir, through my rese-" Mr. Sherwitz cut him off.

    "Research? do you even have any cold hard facts for this monotnous proposal?"

    "Well, no, but people-"

    "People say what they want, but the truth is son you're brain cavity is just filled with lies"

    "But many people say they have witnessed these creatures. Large husky fellows"

    "Julius, Im going to finish your sentence off and say this - They never told you what those creatures were did they? They were just looking to play craps on you lad"

    "But writings suggest-"

    "Suggest what? Johnathon, do you have any proof"

    "Well no"

    "Any photos"


    "How about the ever popular cold-hard fact?"

    "No, but it's worth the time to discover dont you think!"

    Ronald began to chuckle and had another urge of sarcasm come across him, "Son, I may just take you seriously when you present to me a dead specimen"

    "You'll see sir, you'll be glad I confronted you about this"

    The Professor motioned for him to leave "Yeah yeah ol' chap. Just focus on the upcoming test ok?"

    Johnathon walked out the door. Leaving Ronald alone. He thought about the possibilities, but let it slip past him. He finished up what he had to do and packed up to head home. A drizzle of snow began to whistle through the night air as he came towards the windown and shut it. He then turned the gleaming light off and walked out the door and headed home.


    1/13/02 12:08:32 PM

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