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    TLW and JP were finally released on DVD on October 10, 2000.
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    Eternal Slavery- Chapter 1
    By CD-R

    1. The darkness arrives

    Drake closed out the store. It was 8 at night. He glanced around the area. The air was cool and the night was growing. A breeze had just kicked in.
    “ Do you believe in fate?” asked a voice. Drake turned to see the man he had seen earlier.
    “ Who are you?” he asked.
    “ Do you really want to know?” the man asked. Drake shrugged just a bit.
    “ I’m not surprised. The others don’t know me either,” Jared said. Jared walked closer to Drake. “ Do you believe that things happen for a reason?” Drake could only think about it.
    “ Why did that girl not talk to you before she got her book? Was she even interested in you before I talked to you?” Drake thought about it for a moment.
    “ Why ask why?” Drake asked.
    “ Why indeed,” Jared commented. “ Because that is all people can ask around me.” Then Jared walked away into the darkness of the night.
    “ That guy is creepy,” Drake said.

    Walking home, Drake couldn’t think of anything but Jared’s question. Did things happen for a reason? What was the point of bringing up the girl? He had to find out.

    Chastity lived in an apartment building. Drake had to ask around just to find it. He rang the doorbell. Chastity answered the door.
    “ Oh hi. How are you?” she said.
    “ I’m ok. Hope you don’t mind me coming here,” Drake replied.
    “ No not at all. Come on in,” Chastity said. Drake walked in and immediately felt the mood of the house. The typical Spanish home. Chastity was in fact Puerto Rican. He turned to see her smiling at him.
    “ What is it?” he asked.
    “ Oh it’s nothing. It’s just that I was thinking about you and then you knocked on the door. Just found it a bit ironic and funny,” she explained.
    “ I get that sometimes,” Drake commented. “ Can I ask you a question?”
    “ Yeah sure,” Chastity said.
    “ When you were at the store, why didn’t you actually talk to me until you had found the book?” he asked.
    “ I’m not sure. I guess it’s just that you seemed interesting,” Chastity answered. “ Why?”
    “ Oh I was just wondering. Something someone said,” Drake replied.
    “ Oh. Hey I was just going to have a late dinner. You want some?” Chastity said.
    “ I’d love to. I’m starving,” Drake answered, accepting the offer.

    Chastity brought the plates to the table. They were filled with pork chops, mashed potatoes, and broccoli with cheese. She sat down near him.
    “ That guy was kind of creepy,” she said, remembering the man from the store.
    “ Yeah he was. He visited me after I closed the store,” Drake said.
    “ I hope I never see him again,” Chastity commented. Drake smiled, and then glanced at the window. The man Jared was there. Drake blinked but then as he glanced back at the window, Jared was gone. He was a little startled, and Chastity glanced at the window.
    “ What is it?” she asked.
    “ It was nothing,” Drake said. They went back to eating dinner.

    After dinner Chastity walked Drake to the front door.
    “ Now that you know where I live, come by and visit whenever you want,” she said.
    “ Ok,” Drake answered as he walked out, but not before Chastity gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. As Drake walked home, he thought of the kiss, and of the man in black, called Jared. Something was going on, and he didn’t like it.

    6/2/2002 10:34:15 PM

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