Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    The helicopter used to take everyone to the island in JP crashed in Hawaii on March 22, 2001. No one was hurt, but the helicopter was destroyed. You can read the full incident report here.
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    Slayer - 5x19 - The Slayer
    By Ben

    (***Song titles appear in ("_____" Start) ("_____" End)*** ***go to Slayer[Online] for the music!***)


    FALCON looked down at BOB, and then focused on SHANE’S NEW ALL BLACK look.

    Falcon: What’s happened for the whole three days I’ve been away?
    Shane: Apocalypse. You know how that goes. Somebody always has something up their sleeve.

    SHANE was clocked by a fist.

    The FIST pulled back, the CAMERA SHOWED BEN standing there.

    Ben: I always do have something up my sleeve.

    BEN threw a punch FALCON, sending him flying into the wall.



    “ANGEL by Darling Violetta” (Slayer)

    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER and PARA all armed with stakes, facing down some vampires.

    BEN ran after BOB and started to pummel him. BEN leapt off the ROPE and landed on top of CLARK. He took the AXE end of the SCYTHE and rammed it through CLARK’S NECK – CLARK exploded into DUST.
    [Starring Ben] BEN dives through a window and pulls out a crossbow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases the trigger and hits a VAMPIRE which explodes into dust

    BRAD is thrown forward by an explosion.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHTCLUB. PARA and DAC face each other down. [Para girl] PARA glares in rage at BEN.

    SHANE and MARTY begin to whisper a chant.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by SHANE and MARTY. RIVER punches DAC in the face, knocking him backwards. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    RIVER dives at some UberVamps in rage.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. Tara fires an electric blue beam at a DEMON.

    BOB KLINE laughs uncontrollably.

    RYAN lifted his leg and swung across connecting to the VAMPS faces. In a desperate move, RYAN staked one and turned it to dust. RYAN spars with BEN. [Dark Hunter] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning. RYAN throws a DEMON onto a pike.

    MICHELLE dives for a SWORD in the middle of a battle. MICHELLE and RIVER patrol a graveyard, holding hands [Yvonne] MICHELLE looks teary-eyed at FALCON.

    FIRE FORMED in her eyes and channeled all the way down to her hands, forming two balls of fire. THE BALLS expanded. MANDY released the balls at BEN’S VAMPS setting them ablaze. The VAMPS turned to DUST. [Mandee] MANDY and TARA hug.

    FALCON threw a fist at the BACK of THE HOST releasing MICHELLE.
    THE HOST snapped around fast and RETALIATED with a PUNCH sending FALCON through the ROOF! [And Matt McGuire as The Host]THE HOST picked up the SLEDGE HAMMER and started to ram it into MAJESTIC.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes. On the screen - [Series Created by Ben Smythe]

    (end of Slayer theme)


    ACT 1


    BEN looked around at the destruction. He saw BOB.

    Ben: My, my.

    BEN pulled BOB up.

    Ben: Think they’ve picked up on it yet?
    Bob: Perfect timing. As for them picking up on it…they just have to think the other one is away.

    BOB pulled BEN’S SHIRT OFF and pressed on his back. BEN’S MID BACK opened up revealing WIRES – it was the BENBOT.

    [Special Guest Star Labyrinth as Falcon]

    Ben-Bot: You remember when you found me and fixed me?
    Bob: Oh yes. That’s the day I finally decided when you would come into play.
    Ben-Bot: It was so weird then.

    CAMERA pans into the BEN-BOT’S EYE, then pulls out as we now see THE BEN-BOT laying all over the place. BOB is trying to put him together. Very C-3PO and Chewbacca from ESB.

    On the bottom of the screen, the words “CHARGER CITY – 2003” appear

    “If I Only Had a Heart” from “The Wizard of Oz” (Start playing midi file)

    [Special Guest Star Bob as Mayor Bob Kline]

    BOB zapped BEN-BOT’S NECK.

    Ben-Bot: I feel something…a spell…

    As if MAGIC, THE BEN-BOT got back together.

    Ben-Bot: When a man’s an empty kettle,
    he should be on his metal,
    but yet I’m torn apart.
    Just because I’m presumin’ that I could be kind of human if
    I only had a heart.
    I’d be tender, I’d be gentle,
    I’d be awful sentimental, regarding love and art.
    I’d be friends with the sparrows and the boy who shoots the arrows…

    [Special Guest Star Dac as General Dac Armstrong]

    BOB looked at him.

    Bob: Stop that. I don’t know why there is a music extravaganza going through here, but you’re a robot – I don’t need you…

    BEN-BOT was dancing very much like the TIN-MAN from WIZARD OF OZ.

    MIKEY-MIKE came up from behind, coming in.

    “If I Only Had a Brain” from “The Wizard of Oz” (Restart at 35 seconds into the song)

    Mikey: I could while away the hours,
    conferin’ with flowers.
    Consulting with the rain.
    And my head I’d be scratchin’
    While my thoughts were busy hatchin’
    If I only had a brain.

    THE HOST then came forward.

    “If I Only Had the Nerve” from “The Wizard of Oz” (Restart at 35 seconds into the song)

    Host: I’m afraid there’s no denyin’
    I’m just a dandilon,
    A fate I don’t deserve.
    I’d be brave as a blizzard


    Ben-Bot: I’d be as gentle as a lizard.
    Mikey: I’d be clever as a gizzard.
    Bob: If the Wizard is a Wizard who will serve.
    Mikey: Then I’m sure to get a brain…
    Ben-Bot: …A heart…
    Bob: …A Home…
    Host: …The Nerve.

    (1:44 of “If I Only Had a Brain)

    Together: Oh, we’re off to see the Wizard. The wonderful Wizard of Oz, (continued, then faded)

    They skip together, the SCREEN comes back to BOB’S OFFICE, modern day.


    Ben-Bot: That was a good time.
    Bob: No, not at all.


    The REAL BEN and LAYNE HUNT continue their battle. BEN kicks LAYNE, but crafty as a WATCHER, LAYNE blocks and retaliates with a leg-sweep taking BEN backwards.

    [Guest Starring Aragorn as Shane]
    [JP Junkee as Marty]
    [PunkNerd as Joey Russo]

    Layne: You know what your problem is?
    Ben: What?
    Layne: You never had a Watcher that cared for you.
    Ben: I did. I had two watchers that cared for me.
    Layne: One that cheated on you with your own girlfriend…and oh, the other one left and was killed.
    Male voice: Left…his twin brother was killed.


    BRAD pulled a CROSSBOW and SHOT LAYNE in the KNEE. LAYNE started to fall to the ground, but BEN grabbed him. BEN leapt up and punched LAYNE, knocking him out cold.

    BEN turned around. He was stunned. He couldn’t believe BRAD…BRAD was standing there.

    BEN ran at BRAD and tackled him to the ground, hugging him.

    BEN and BRAD stopped the excitement as they both realized how awkward it looked.

    [RickArnold as General Rick Arnold]
    [SamFan as Samantha / Sam]
    [JesterP as Lieutenant Jester Pocus]

    BEN got off of BRAD and pulled him up.

    Ben: How in the hell did you do it?
    Brad: I didn’t do anything. I went back to England. I had gotten word of a huge big bad named The Host coming for The Watcher’s Council and the Slayer line so I started my work elsewhere.
    Ben: But…
    Brad: I haven’t told you all about me. I had a twin Brother that was created for me by The Oracle. You’re not the only one with a higher purpose. She knew as I did, that if anything should try to attack the Slayer Line, A Watcher would be needed to hide from the rest of the World and be ready to come back with the new set of Slayers.

    BEN looked shocked.

    [Icebreaker as Ice]
    [Beck-Why as Becky]
    [Dan as Dan Finkelstein]

    Ben: So where are the new Slayers?
    Brad: They’re not active. Your death needs to happen.
    Ben: …But no pressure.

    BRAD laughed.

    [Mr. Goodbytes as Principal Layne Hunt]

    Ben: I am really glad that you’re here with me. Especially in the end.
    Brad: It’s not the end. It’s the beginning.
    Ben: Any idea of Bob’s plans?
    Brad: There’s not much more he can do.
    Ben: Oh, well that’s reassuring.
    Brad: By the way…your release could use some work.

    BEN did a double take at BRAD, the second time revealing a “what the hell are you talking about?” look, that quickly turned to a smirk.

    Ben: We have a lot of talking to do.

    [And Brad as Bradley Giles]


    BOB stood in the middle of the PENTAGRAM

    A huge BURST of LIGHT flew from him and into the SUN. THE SUN blackened out.

    CHARGER CITY went black….

    BOB morphed into a DEMON. The LIGHT surged through the office, starting flames. FALCON and SHANE still laid unconscious.

    Bob: This ends now.

    BOB left his office. The BEN-BOT followed.

    END OF ACT 1


    ACT 2

    BOB’S OFFICE was on fire; FALCON pulled himself up and got SHANE, realizing that was one hell of a PUCNH.

    Shane: Was that really Ben?
    Falcon: No, there was no blood.

    SHANE looked at him.

    Falcon: Can’t you bloody fools remember that I’m a vampire? Hello…creature of the night – I stalk people and drink their blood. Well, I used to. I mean, having a soul and all kind of put a stop to that. Now I get my plasma from the drive-thru, or as you human’s call it the Red Cross.

    SHANE looked at FALCON, even more perplexed this time.

    Shane: I know what a vampire is. The whole getting punched by pure metal kind of made me loopy.
    Falcon: Oh. So what’s with the darkness?
    Shane: The sun went down.
    Falcon: No, I mean why do you look like Tara on a bad day?
    Shane: Not enough time for that.
    Falcon: Can you control that? I’ve seen what too much dark magic can do to someone.
    Shane: I’ll be fine. We need to get to Ben’s house.


    (Battle & Ending start)


    Bob: The Slayer has been here all this time, and we’ve never been able to stop him.


    BEN stood before ALL OF THE GOOD GUYS.

    Ben: Bob has been the root of this all along. Back in Dansville and we’ve never been able to stop him.


    Ben & Bob: But now it’s time. He won’t know what him if we all team up and overthrow him and his friends.


    BEN looked at everyone.

    Ben: We’ve been here before. It’s time to not be here anymore. It was until today that we all thought Brad was dead, but it’s okay – he’s here and he’s revealed some information to me that is going to change the course of history and the future. That Scythe that my father found for me, it’s been in the Slayer line since…since the First Slayer. It’s been hidden all these years for protection. With this Scythe I can give you all my power.

    FALCON stood up.

    Falcon: What’s the catch?
    Ben: What do you mean?
    Falcon: Ben, we’ve been here before – there is always a catch.
    Ben: A Slayer sacrifice…which has already been made.
    Falcon: Huh?

    PARA walked through the door.

    Para: Sorry I’m late!


    Bob: This is The Grim Reaper’s Scythe. It reeks of death. With all of our blood infused into this weapon, I’ll be able to combine not only my God-Like strength through you all, but your strength will be with me as well. The Slayer will never be able to stop me.

    The DEMONS started cutting themselves, spilling blood on BOB’S SCYTHE


    BEN looks out the window of his house towards DOWNTOWN, and BOB looks towards BEN’S HOUSE and that area.

    Ben & Bob: The Bridge has been burned…


    END OF ACT 2


    ACT 3


    On a DRY-ERASE BOARD the map of DOWNTOWN CHARGER CITY had been drawn out.

    Ben pointed to areas as he spoke.

    Ben: River, you will take point of Shane, Marty, Joey and Michelle. Michelle, you’re a vampire – I expect you to protect the Marty and Joey before Shane and River. They hand hold their own. Rick, Para, and Jester. Dac is located inside City Hall. You’re objective is to free him and get him on our side. Have him conjure any Ubevamps that he still has and have them help us. At the end of the battle, we’ll destroy them as well. After freeing Dac, you are to maintain base at City Hall, mainly Bob’s office. There is a pentagram that Falcon told me about and I want that monitored.

    FALCON nodded.

    Falcon: Be careful.

    Ben: Un-gag Layne.

    FALCON pulled the bandana from LAYNE’S MOUTH.

    Ben: Who’s side are you on?
    Layne: Yours.
    Ben: You sure?
    Layne: Yes.
    Ben: If you turn your back on me again…I will kill you.
    Layne: But you’re a Slayer…
    Ben: And a human that hates liars. As he’s declared himself to our side, I want the three Watchers taking base at The Magic Box. Use what resources you have there.

    DAN stepped forward.

    Dan: Ben, the three of us aren’t strong enough.

    THE HOST came downstairs, limping.

    Host: You won’t be alone.

    Ben: Matt will be with you. Mandy, Tara…I need some wicked witchcraft from you both tonight. I will leave the Scythe with you both. Work your magic and try and get that back to me as soon as you can. I can’t promise I can hold Bob off long without it. Para…you know what you’re doing.

    PARA looked at BEN.

    Para: Don’t I always?
    Ben: I guess you do.
    Becky: Where do you want us?

    BEN looked at the remaining crew.

    Ben: Falcon. I want you out of here.
    Falcon: What?!
    Ben: If Bob wins, you’re the next champion to take over. I need you to be ready elsewhere.
    Falcon: Ben…I can’t do that.
    Ben: You are still a Vampire…I am a Vampire Slayer…don’t get me started too early.
    Falcon: I will stay until you go into battle.
    Ben: Fine.

    BEN looked around.

    Ben: Ice, Ryan, Becky…it’s going to be like old times.

    BEN’S ARMY started to gear up. BEN stood on his front porch, gazing into the stars. He breathed deep a few times. He was alone, and released his fear…well he thought he was alone.

    Ben: I don’t know if I can do this.

    FALCON walked from the side of the porch.

    FALCON put his arm on BEN’S SHOULDER

    Falcon: That’s my arm…not the weight of the world on your shoulders. Ben, you’re amazing. I’ve killed two Slayers in my time and none of them could ever do what you do, let alone what you’re about to do. You put others before you and don’t know when to stop. You’ve grown up so much, and so fast.

    BEN looked at FALCON.

    Ben: Do you think I can lead them?
    Falcon: No.

    BEN looked a little shocked, as if ‘that’s not what I was looking for.’

    Falcon: I know you can.

    BEN smiled in relief.

    Falcon: And I give you my word as a gentleman that I’ll be out of here when you leave for the fight.

    Ben: Thank you.

    FALCON started to head in.

    Ben: Falcon, I’m sorry I made you leave.
    Falcon: You didn’t make you leave.
    Ben: I feel like I did.
    Falcon: Well, don’t. I was called to by a higher power. This isn’t the last time we’ll see each other, I know it.

    Ben: If anything happens to me…I…I want you to take care of River. I seriously mean that.

    FALCON looked honored.

    Falcon: Yes, sir.

    THE SCRAPPY GANG met outside of BEN’S HOUSE and filed out towards DOWNTOWN CHARGER CITY

    RYAN walked up to BEN, as BEN noticed a LOT of familiar faces joining in behind them.

    Ryan: I hope you don’t mind, but I called up the team – and they’re okay with death. They know what’s going on.


    Ben: You got our football team from Dansville?
    Ryan: Sure did.
    Ben: All is important in an apocalypse.

    BEN’S ARMY marched forward.

    BOB’S DEMONS stood fast.


    Ben: Head to your designated areas.



    TARA came forward.

    Tara: I’ve got Mandy in place…And If I were meant to die…it’s here. Next to you.

    TARA looked up at BEN.

    BEN nodded.

    Becky: Any last requests?
    Ben: Can we do The Hustle?

    AS if on cue – that great old DISCO music started. (The Hustle – start)

    BOB and THE DEMONS looked very weirded out by this.

    CHARGER CITY HIGH SCHOOL – RIVER looked towards the downtown area…

    River: Oh crap.

    DISCO LIGHTS and FOG filled around BEN, TARA, BECKY, RYAN and ICE.

    The FIVE of them BROKE out into THE HUSTLE.

    BRAD watched from the doorway of THE MAGIC BOX…

    Brad: …The world is definitely doomed.

    BOB motioned for the DEMONS to start forward…but BEN’S PLAN worked like a charm…


    A HUGE HUSTLE happened.


    MANDY watched from below and HELD the SCYTHE in her HANDS.

    She started to pant and sound faint…her energy was being drained.

    As THE HUSTLE was still HAPPENING, THE SCRAPPY GANG started attacking the DEMONS without them really noticing at first – but then they noticed and the FIGHT BEGAN…

    The DEMONS fled to all areas of CHARGER CITY.


    A BLUE LIGHT CAME from the MAGIC BOX. THE HOST stood, absorbed in the LIGHT.





    RYAN looked at his arms and then looked at the VAMPIRE attacking him.

    Ryan: I’ve missed this.

    RYAN threw the VAMPIRE against a TREE with ease. The VAMPIRE was staked from an exposed BRANCH.

    BOB looked very pissed.


    Falcon: So if there aren’t any catches, how does it work?
    Ben: The Slayer’s Blood Line will stand, forming a triangle around the Scythe, then a wave of light will bathe every human within the triangle with essence of The Slayer.

    Falcon: What about the demons.
    Ben: They won’t know.
    Falcon: Bob?
    Ben: Not a human.
    Falcon: What is he?
    Ben: I remember Brad at one time saying he’s something that cannot be named.
    Falcon: Wasn’t that like The Neverending Story?
    Ben: The Nothingness, from The Neverending Story. But anyways…
    Falcon: So we can kill him once we name him?
    Ben: I hope so…or just beat the ever-loving crap out of him.


    BEN, TARA, ICE, BECKY, and RYAN kept advancing on the DEMONS and VAMPIRES, staking them.

    ICE looked at BEN.

    Ice: I forgot to tell you.
    Ben: What?
    Ice: In all of the magic that I’ve learned, I have learned that I have to balance the elements.
    Ben: So?
    Ice: So what I master with in Ice…I also master with…

    ICE threw his arms out and FIRE jolted from his hands. The VAMPIRES caught on fire and then turned to dust.

    Ben: Holy hell!
    Ice: I know!

    The SCYTHE hovered above the BATTLE

    MANDY fell to her knees on the WATER TOWER, exhausted.


    RIVER braced his crew.


    River: Get ready…

    The VAMPIRES seemed to be making a way for a BIGGER BEING.

    A HUMAN walked into the HIGH SCHOOL.

    RIVER and JOEY realized it was HOLDEN.

    River: Holden, what are you doing.
    Holden: My uncle said he needed my help. And that spell you guys did…making everyone a slayer…smart move.

    HOLDEN leapt at RIVER, taking him out.

    RIVER fell harder than normal.

    Holden: Forgot to mention the side effect. All real Slayers would loose their powers.

    HOLDEN started to pummel RIVER as the VAMPIRES started to attack.


    BEN and BOB looked at each other…finally…these two were face to face.

    Bob: Brilliant spell. Sacrificing your power, hell, your life for your friends.
    Ben: Better than starting an apocalypse for an office position.
    Bob: You just don’t understand. You could never understand.
    Ben: And I don’t care to.
    Bob: Oh, here’s your disadvantage, you’re not super-human anymore…I am.

    BEN looked at BOB, and went to an ass-kicking pose.

    Ben: This is it, are you ready?
    Bob: Are you?

    BEN and BOB ran at each other. BOB threw many fists, but BEN was still fast and managed to avoid the hits.

    The two were fighting right below THE SCYTHE.

    BEN reached down for all he had and LEAPT into the AIR. He landed on BOB’S SHOULDERS and then jumped from them into MID-AIR. BEN grabbed the SCYTHE and fell to the ground.

    A GOLD LIGHT flew over BEN and he absorbed it.

    ………… BEN …. …………. WAS BACK.

    BEN grabbed BOB by the back of his collar and THREW him into a building. The throw was so strong that it took out the CONCRETE WALLS. BOB’S SCYTHE flew from his BACK. BEN rammed his SCYTHE through BOB’S, causing an EXPLOSION – BOB was starting to loose his energy.

    BEN’S PLAN was working even better, because that was the MAGIC BOX…

    THE HOST looked down at BOB.

    Host: You’re not supposed to be in here. He wants to fight you more than I do.

    THE HOST threw BOB up in the AIR and then FLIP-KICKED him back outside to BEN, all while his body was in MID-AIR!!

    BEN looked at BOB

    Ben: It ends here…and now.
    Holden: Not so fast!

    BEN turned and looked. HOLDEN was holding RIVER by the THROAT in mid-air. RIVER was gasping for what air he could get.

    Bob: I say the words, he snaps his neck. Give me the Scythe.

    BEN looked at the SCYTHE, looked at BOB, looked across to RIVER and back down to the SCYTHE.

    Ben: What can you use it for? I have my powers back, so I can still stop you.
    Bob: No you couldn’t.
    Ben: Release my brother.
    Bob: Give me the Scythe.

    (Action – start)

    BEN still hesitated.

    THE SCRAPPY GANG started to circle around BEN and BOB, as BOB’S DEMON ARMY had them cornered up.

    Bob: I will win either way. I kill your brother, I kill you, I kill your friends, but the one I want…I kill you all.
    Ben: Bob…you always underestimated one thing about me…

    BOB looked curiously at BEN.

    Bob: And what’s that?
    Ben: That I always have a back up plan….

    BOB looked a bit surprised as BEN nodded his head and yelled,

    Ben: Now!

    RIVER kicked HOLDEN in the groin, releasing him, BEN threw the SCYTHE straight at BOB and it landed SCYTHE SIDE into BOB’S CHEST.

    The DEMONS started to charge on the SCRAPPY GANG, but they were pulled back and being killed by…



    The UBERVAMPS took the DEMON ARMY out. Not a Demon or Vampire were standing.

    THE SCRAPPY GANG looked around…it’s over. It’s finally over…

    BOB’S BODY flew up into the air, hovering above them.

    Bob: Fool…

    BOB pulled the SCYTHE from his CHEST and held it high. LIGHTNING STRUCK the SCYTHE and BOB flew to the ground…the ROAD caved in deep, burying BOB.

    The SCYTHE fell a few yards away from BEN.

    (End “Action”)

    River: Aren’t you going to get that?
    Ben: Ever since I saw it that damn thing has lead me to more problems than I want…we’re getting rid of it.

    The SCRAPPY GANG started to walk away, when suddenly a HUGH DEMON emerged from where BOB KLINE was buried.

    (“Slayer – The Final Hours Battle” Start)

    The CREATURE looked very much like GANON from OCARINA OF TIME, very LARGE and HIDEOUS, with TWO SWORDS.

    THE MASTER jammed his SWORDS into the GROUND and a huge CIRCLE of FIRE formed around just BEN and THE MASTER.

    BEN looked up.

    Ben: Oh…well that’s a different look for you Bob.

    BEN grabbed at his waist…but realized his SCYTHE wasn’t there.

    THE MASTER swung his giant FIST at BEN and he flew across the ARENA, landing with a sickening thud. THE MASTER started to run after his PREY.

    BEN tried to get up, but he couldn’t.

    A BODY flew threw the FLAMES and landed on THE MASTER’S BACKSIDE, trying to control him like a HORSE.

    Falcon: Yee-haw! Come on, Ben! Let’s rope us some cattle!

    THE MASTER was furious, but couldn’t reach the SMALL vampire on his back. The MASTER fell BACKWARDS, but FALCON leapt off.

    FALCON was now standing, facing at the beast.

    Falcon: Come on, Bessie!

    THE MASTER sliced his swords through the air, but FALCON jumped up, missing the blades. WHILE he was in MID-AIR, he pulled out the TOP HALF of BOB’S SCYTHE.

    HE RAMMED the SCYTHE through THE MASTER’S FACE. THE MASTER caught the VAMPIRE and THREW him out of the ARNEA. FALCON crashed through a building.

    BEN stood up.

    PARA appeared next to BEN

    Para: The only way to defeat him is to undo what you’ve done with the Scythe. It is very dangerous and I can’t promise that you’ll come back from this.

    BEN looked at her and nodded.

    Becky: Ben, no! There has to be another way.

    BECKY flew into the air, but when she tried to land in the CIRCLE of FIRE, she was thrown far back by THE MASTER.

    RIVER flung the SCYTHE through the FLAMES.

    BEN caught it with ease….the CAMERA panned to BEN’S EYES, then to THE MASTER’S, back to BEN’S as his eyes now turned ‘evil/mean looking’ and BEN started to charge.

    The TWO LARGE SWORDS came down and BEN deflected both swords with the SCYTHE, BEN swung the SCYTHE into THE MASTER’S KNEE CAP, sending him down to the ground.

    The HOST walked through the FLAMES.

    BEN went to go and ram the SCYTHE into THE MASTER’S SKULL, but THE HOST stopped the blade from coming down.

    BEN looked at THE HOST…

    THE HOST punched BEN out of the RING, holding onto the SCYTHE.

    THE MASTER looked at THE HOST…then the HOST looked at the SCRAPPY GANG and RAMMED THE SCYTHE into the MASTER.

    (End “Final Hours Battle”)


    THE LIGHT SEALED, and the TWO BEINGS disappeared. The SCYTHE dropped to the ground at BEN’S FEET.

    FALCON pulled himself together and walked back towards BEN.

    THE TWO looked at each other, relieved…confused, but relieved.

    FALCON’S PHONE rang. He knew who it was.

    FALCON looked at BEN.

    Falcon: Good show.
    Ben: You too. I’ll be sure to drop by sometime.

    FALCON walked away.

    Ben: Hey Falcon, wait.

    BEN ran over to him with the SCYTHE.

    BEN handed the SCYTHE to FALCON.

    Ben: Get rid of this thing for me, would ya?
    Falcon: Sure thing.

    FALCON walked away again, SCYTHE in HAND.

    RIVER watched as FALCON walked away, but he was mainly eyeing the SCYTHE.

    The ENTIRE SCRAPPY GANG looked around at each other.

    (“Battle & Ending” Start at 5:00)

    Becky: For as big of a battle we just had…the number of people standing is quite large.
    Ben: This is true.
    River: Shouldn’t I go and get my powers back?
    Ben: No.
    River: But you have yours.
    Ben: I think one Slayer is enough for right now.

    The SHOT changes to see the DESTRUCTION of CHARGER CITY’S DOWNTOWN area.

    The SHOT comes back to THE GROUP. Important notice on how and where they’re standing. BEN had his arm wrapped around BECKY and the other on RIVER’S SHOULDER. MICHELLE held her hand with RIVER, as RYAN stood with SHANE, MARTY, JOEY, TARA and MANDY. RICK, SAM, JESTER and ICE stood together. DAN and BRAD stood beside BEN, BECKY and RIVER.

    PARA looked at the SCRAPPY GANG.

    Para: Your quest is not done, Ben. The world will need your services sometime again. But for right now, I think you should relax and go back home. This isn’t the last we’ll see of each other. I have a certain Vampire I have to help.

    PARA ascended into the AIR until she VANISHED.

    River: So where do we go from here?
    Ben: You always ask that at the end of an apocalypse.
    River: It happens.
    Ben: I think I want to go home…as in home.
    River: Dansville?
    Ben: Yeah.
    River: What about Joey, Shane, and Marty?
    Joey: Its okay River, you go ahead…we only have one more year and then we can go to college together.
    River: Yeah, but I don’t want to leave you guys alone.
    Icebreaker: I’ll stay here.
    River: Are you sure?
    Icebreaker: I don’t really have anywhere else I can go. Besides, some needs to keep things cool around here.

    EVERYONE looked around.

    MICHELLE rolled her eyes.

    Michelle: Fine, since he’s not here, I’ll say it. “Quite literally, eh?”

    The GANG released a small laugh.

    Becky: I don’t get it.
    Ben: Falcon would’ve said that.
    Becky: Oh.
    Michelle: I’m more anxious to know why The Host stopped you. I mean, why did it take him? He wasn’t a Slayer…

    BEN’S jaw dropped.

    Ben: Actually, he kind of was…


    BEN picked up a small knife and cut his and MATT’S PALMS open.

    BEN slowly placed his HAND into THE HOST’S. Their HANDS locked around each other.

    A SMALL GOLDEN LIGHT shocked through the both of them.

    Ben [Telepathic]: You may be strong, but you don’t have this blood. This is Slayer’s Blood – run from a family and through the generations a Slayer is born. One child in all the world, they alone will stop the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. They are the Slayer Line.

    Matt [Telepathic]: Why are you sharing this with me?
    Ben [Telepathic]: Because I trust you. I need you to take care things if something should happen to me.
    Matt [Telepathic]: And I will. I will protect your brother and your lovely girl. I will honor your family’s name and protect your friends.
    Ben [Telepathic]: I trust you.

    The GOLDEN light shocked through AGAIN but faded.

    BEN and THE HOST pulled their hands away – both men a little out of breath. BEN looked at his hand.

    Ben: You bleed green.

    BEN starred in amazement at the GREEN BLOOD that THE HOST produced.

    Ben: I’ve cut you so many times and it was red!
    Matt: It was red because Bob made me that much weaker…with the power and trust you’ve given me – I’m myself again.

    BEN nodded at THE HOST.

    Ben: I have to go.

    BEN started towards the door.

    Host: I know you’ll never forgive me. You must think I’m a monster – but you make me a better man.

    BEN looked at THE HOST and smiled, then he walked up to the MAIN DECK.


    THE SCRAPPY GANG looked on in awe

    Michelle: So you mixed your blood with his, and that’s why you could do that creepy thing to Bob?

    BEN morphed into MICHELLE,

    Ben [Michelle]: You got it, dude.

    BEN morphed back.

    BEN looked at RICK, SAM and JESTER. They were tired.

    Ben: I know you guys are getting ready to go back, but I want you to know that I appreciate everything you guys have done for me.

    RICK looked up at BEN.

    Rick: No problem. You know we’re always here to help.
    Sam: Yeah, Ben, if you ever need us again, you know who to look up.
    Ben: Are you guys headed to a new lab?
    Jester: Yeah, there is one located just north of Los Angeles.
    Ben: Well good. Good for you guys.
    Rick: Well, wagons west, Ben.

    BEN looked at RICK and they shook hands. BEN hugged with SAM, and then shook hands with JESTER.

    A voice coughed in a manner of ‘you forgot me.’

    BEN looked down at DAC.

    Ben: How could I ever forget you?

    They shook hands.

    Ben: Thanks for coming through in a clinch.
    Dac: Hey, no problem. You’ve saved my ass numerous times…even when I was evil and put under a spell.

    The FOUR MEMBERS of THE ELITE walked away.

    Dan: Well, I wonder what we should do now.
    Brad: I think the Council needs to be rebuilt.
    Dan: I can do that. I think you should stay here with your Slayer.

    BEN looked at DAN.

    Ben: I know we’ve been through a lot. But I don’t hate you.
    Dan: I know you don’t. A lot of things are coming, and this team will need to reassemble again.
    Ben: Agreed.

    DAN walked away.

    Brad: I guess this leaves me with you.

    BEN hugged BRAD.

    Ben: Did I mention how terrified I was at the thought that you died?

    BRAD laughed.

    Brad: You should know by now that it takes a lot more to kill me. But I don’t think you need a Watcher anymore. I think I’m needed elsewhere. I’ll probably help Dan rebuild the Council of Watchers, and then who knows.

    Ben: Thank you for all you’ve done.
    Brad: We’ll see each other.

    BRAD turned and started to walk with DAN.

    Joey: Are you really leaving, Ben?
    Ben: I think so.
    Joey: What if more demons appear?
    Ryan: You’ll be able to take them. Ice said he’d protect you guys.
    Ben: What about you Hawk?
    Ryan: Me? Oh, Falcon’s already asked me to go with him. I’ve got to pack up.
    River: So you’re leaving?
    Ryan: Yeah, but I’ll stay in touch.
    Tara: You better.

    RYAN looked at TARA.

    TARA leaned forward and kissed RYAN.

    MANDY couldn’t help but look emotionally happy.

    Tara: Thank you.
    Ryan: No problem.

    Ryan: Come on guys, I’ll walk you home.

    River: Wait!

    RIVER looked at the THREE BOYS.

    River: I’m going to miss you all so much. Don’t let anything change between us. Like Joey said, one more year guys and we’ve got college together. And it’s not like Dansville is so horribly far away. I’ll get my driver’s license and it’ll be fun. I want you all to know that I love you all. You’re my best friends.

    The FOUR of them engaged in a big group hug.

    SHANE’S HAIR AND EYES went back to normal.

    Joey: You take care, Summers.
    River: You too.

    RYAN walked SHANE, MARTY, and JOEY away.

    ICE followed.

    Ben: Hey Ice.
    Ice: Yeah?
    Ben: Thanks.
    Ice: No problem. Kicked his ass, so it was worth it.
    Ben: You never did like him.
    Ice: Damn right.

    ICE walked away.

    TARA and MANDY looked at BEN.

    Tara: So Dansville?
    Ben: Yeah.
    Mandy: We’ll see you there!
    Ben: So we don’t have to say goodbye?
    Mandy: Never goodbye.
    Tara: Always ‘good journey.’
    Ben: You still remember that?
    Tara: Heck yeah. We used to watch Masters of the Universe like every Saturday morning!
    Ben: That was fun.
    Tara: But that was pre-slayerness.
    Ben: And you, well…and you’re changes.

    TARA hugged BEN.

    Tara: We’ll see you later.
    Ben: Yep.

    TARA and MANDY walked away, hand in hand.

    BEN looked at BECKY, then to RIVER, then to MICHELLE.

    Ben: Well this is it.
    Becky: The final four…and we’re all going to the same place, so no need for hugs and kisses…..

    BEN grabbed BECKY and they started to kiss, very passionately.

    RIVER looked at MICHELLE, and they both engaged in a very passionate kiss.

    BEN and BECKY stopped, and looked at RIVER and MICHELLE.

    Ben: Don’t you guys ever come up for air?

    MICHELLE pulled off real quick.

    Michelle: Don’t need it, Vampire here.

    MICHELLE went right back to kissing RIVER.

    Ben: Okay! That’s enough!
    Becky: Michelle, come walk with me. Ben needs to talk to River.

    RIVER and MICHELLE pulled apart.

    BEN walked over to RIVER.

    Ben: I know you really don’t want to leave, but I think it’s for the best.
    River: I know.
    Ben: I don’t know what’s in store for us, but I know together we can handle.
    River: But I’m not a Slayer.
    Ben: I know. You will be when that time comes.

    RIVER looked at BEN.


    Lord make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sew in love.




    Where there is injury, pardon, where there is doubt, faith, where there is despair, hope, where there is darkness, love, where there is sadness, joy.

    BRAD and DAN sit next to each other,

    Pilot: Flight 491, non-stop from Charger City to London…


    RYAN finished loading up his car and drove away.

    Oh divine Master grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.


    TARA and MANDY are packing up their clothes, even using MAGIC to move objects around.

    FLASH to RICK, SAM, JESTER and DAC patrolling a graveyard – they encounter a slew of VAMPIRES, and dust them.


    For it’s in giving that we receive. And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned.

    MARTY, SHANE, JOEY and ICE stand outside, in the front yard.

    And it’s in dying that we are born into eternal life. Amen (End of “Prayer of St. Francis)

    (“Surprise Ending”)


    FALCON walks into his office, flipping the light switch on. It was clear that he was tired, yet still relieved. He was glad to be done in Charger City, but scared to take on his new calling…

    FALCON’S smug face, changes to horrified, as he sees TOBY REDWOOD’S mangled body swinging from the CEILING FAN.

    A whimpering sound was heard from the CLOSET.

    FALCON opened the closet to see a bloodied AMBER.

    Falcon: What happened?
    Amber: It came…

    (“Surpise Ending” end)


    BEN put his car in REVERSE

    BECKY, MICHELLE and RIVER were all inside with everything they packed from the house.

    Ben: From now on….life is going to be much more simple for us.

    BEN’S PHONE rang.

    Ben: Hello?

    A pause.

    Ben: I’ll be there as soon as I can.

    (“New Slayer Theme” Start)
    BEN floored his accelerator, he spun his steering wheel and threw his car in drive, flooring it once again.

    River: I take it we’re not going to Dansville?
    Ben: You guys are.
    River: Where are you going?
    Ben: Seattle.
    River: What are you going to do Ben?

    BEN looked at RIVER – very seriously.

    Ben: My job.

    RIVER smiled, as he knew the adventures weren’t over just yet…they were just beginning.



    (“New Slayer Theme” End)

    Thanks to all the Slayerettes continued support through all 5 seasons of Slayer!

    11/15/2003 11:49:58 AM
    (Updated: 11/30/2003 11:02:24 AM)

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