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    In the Jurassic Park video game for the SEGA Genesis, you had to make bones fall on raptors to win the game, hinting at the original finale to the first film. (From: Donny)
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    Slayer - 5x10 - Training
    By Ben


    Mr. Layne Hunt and River are in the backroom of the Magic Box. River is wearing a tank top and has tape wrapped over knuckles. Mr. Hunt stands behind a boxing bag, and holds it steady as River begins to punch and kick it. River speaks in between attacks.

    River: So what's on the first order of business today?

    Hunt: In all honesty, I must admit that I'm not all too sure. I am new to this whole responsibility, may I remind you.

    River: What new information has the Council told you about The Host?

    Hunt: Nothing that you don't already know.

    River: Have you heard from Ben lately?

    Hunt: Last time I spoke to him was yesterday. . . and we didn't exactly speak much. . . just kind of stared at each other. He's worried about you, River.

    River: He doesn't need to be worried. Ben's great at being a Slayer, and he does it all with such ease. He just thinks he's so much better than me. He thinks I'm still a little kid. He doesn't believe I can stick up for myself.

    Hunt: Ben is your brother. He just wants to protect you.

    River: If he doesn't want to support me and doesn't want to help me. . . I don't want him to be my brother.

    River's punches grow stronger as a scowl grows upon his face.


    Ben sighs as he stepped out of a dark alley, and began to walk down a dirty and foggy sidewalk. Ben looks to be in deep thought, and his eyes are glowing with an intense rage and anger. Ben tilted his head to the side, as the sound of a screaming woman is heard somewhere ahead of him.

    Woman: Help me! Oh God, somebody help me, please!

    Ben sighed as he broke into a run down the sidewalk, following the woman's cries for help.

    In the distance, he saw a woman being chased into an alley. Ben quickened his pace, and ran to the alley. Ben reached the alley, and walks slowly onward. He sees a woman scared in a dark corner, attempting to hide behind a broken lobster traps, and then he sees the thin figure standing over her with its back turned to Ben.

    The woman looks at Ben and a smile appears on her face.

    The skinny man turns around. The man's face is distorted and ravaged. A big white scar running from his left temple to his chin only adds to the horrible disgust one would have when they set their eyes upon such an entity. His eyes too, are foggy and glazed over, giving him the look of extreme madness. The skinny man looks at Ben for a moment, sizing up his new opponent, and then opens his mouth flashing long fangs.

    Ben did not flinch, he stepped toward the skinny vampire, his entire demeanor calm and in control. The vampire hesitated when Ben does not turn and flee. The vampire rattled his head quickly, and his eyes became less hazed. The vampire's face turned from anger and hate, to surprise and shock.

    Vampire: Slayer!

    Ben covered the distance between him and the vampire, and grabbed the vampire by the collar of his long coat, and then hurled him at one of the brick walls of the dark alley. The woman screamed as she covered her face, and cowered behind the broken lobster traps, just waiting for it all to be over.

    The skinny vampire groggily stood up from the ground. He groaned as he twisted his neck from side to side, the bones cracking as he did so. Then he opened his eyes again, and saw Ben standing directly before him.

    Vampire: Slayer, please---

    Ben punched the vampire in the jaw, and then followed through with a swift jab to his midsection. The vampire staggered backwards, rubbing his stomach and coughing. Moving quickly, Ben ran behind the vampire, bounced off the brick wall, and then drop kicked the vampire in the back of his knees. The vampire wailed in agony as he fell on his face, on the cold wet ground.

    Ben walked over to the lobster trap, and broke off a sharp piece of wood, then calmly walked back to the injured vampire. Ben reached down and turned the vampire over, and stared him in his face. Ben rose the wooden stake into the air.

    Vampire: Please. . .

    Ben plunged the stake into the vampire's stomach. The vampire's eyes went wide with pain -- but it was not over yet. Ben repeated the stabbing into the vampire's shoulders, thighs, arms and hands. The vampire screamed in terrible pain. And then, it was quiet. The vampire looked at Ben, who was smiling, and then at his chest, where the point of the stake was resting on his skin, just waiting to finish him off.

    Vampire: I'm sorry. . . .

    Ben shook his head.

    Ben: I don't care.

    Ben slammed the stake through the vampire's heart. The vampire convulsed for just a second, and then turned to dust. Ben stayed there for a moment, resting on his knees, and then stood up and approached the woman.

    Ben extended a hand to the woman, but she shook her head. Tears flowed from her eyes as she stared up at him.

    Woman: You're more of a monster than that thing was.

    Ben paused for a moment, not sure of what to say or do. He looked down at the woman, who he had probably just scarred for life. Then, he dropped the stake, turned, and walked away.

    A Zoom in of Charger City at night. “SLAYER” appears in red text. Scenes of BEN, RIVER and PARA all armed with stakes, facing down some vampires.

    BEN dives through a window and pulls out a crossbow with a flaming arrow on the end. He releases the trigger and hits a VAMPIRE which explodes into dust. [Starring Ben] BEN and RIVER fight back-to-back against hordes of vampires.

    BRAD is thrown forward by an explosion.

    PARA throws a blue glowing orb at a DEMON. She dances with BEN at a NIGHTCLUB. PARA and DAC face each other down. [Para girl] PARA glares in rage at BEN.

    SHANE and MARTY begin to whisper a chant.

    RIVER walks into his high school, greeted by SHANE and MARTY. RIVER punches DAC in the face, knocking him backwards. [Jedi A. Malcolm] VAMPIRES surround RIVER, he spins around with a sword, decapitating them all as they turn to dust.

    RIVER dives at some UberVamps in rage.

    TARA looks through her books of spells. TARA kisses MANDY on the lips. [JP3 Girl] TARA’S body splits in too DARK MAGIC and LIGHT MAGIC. Tara fires an electric blue beam at a DEMON.

    BOB KLINE laughs uncontrollably.

    RYAN is held at gunpoint. RYAN spars with BEN. [Dark Hunter] RYAN’S hands glow and they produce lightning. RYAN throws a DEMON onto a pike.

    FALCON pulls JOEY up from the GROUND, as a HUGE SNAKE whips by. FALCON spin kicks at THE HOST and follows through with a punch [Labyrinth]

    MANDY’S EYES turned BLACK as she produced FIRE FROM HER HANDS. MANDY runs in a GRAVEYARD, carrying a sword, slicing at VAMPIRES. [Mandee] MANDY and TARA hug.

    THE HOST and BEN battle on top of a building, exchanging many punches. BOB KLINE and THE HOST morph into other people. [And The Host] THE HOST and MAJESTIC engage in a sword fight.

    BEN and RIVER walk the streets of CHARGER CITY with their BLACK coats flapping in the wind as if they were capes. On the screen - [Series Created by Ben Smythe]


    Tara and Mandy are sitting in Ben's living room, watching TV, when Ryan walked into the house. Ryan walked over to Tara and Mandy, and put his hands on his hips.

    Ryan: Alright, where is he?

    Tara: Where is who?

    Ryan: Ben. He told me to meet him here, and that he had something to talk to me about. He's not here?

    Mandy and Tara shook their heads.

    Ryan: Well where the hell could he be?

    Mandy: Did Ben tell you what he wanted to talk to you about?

    Ryan: No, but it sounded important. Which is why it bothers me that he's not here.

    Just then, as if on cue, the door opened, and Ben strides in.

    Ryan: There you are!

    Ben looked at Ryan, Tara and Mandy with a distressed expression.

    Ben: Where are the others?

    Ryan: Others?

    Ben: Mandy, I told you to call the gang over here, and that I needed to speak with everyone.

    Mandy: Oh yeah. . . sorry. So much has been going on lately, it must have slipped my mind.

    Ben shook his head and walked back to the door, and begins to exit the house.

    Ben: Come on, grab your coats, we're going to find the others.

    Tara: Ben, what's happening.

    Ben stood in the doorway for a moment, contemplating the question. Then he lowered his head.

    Ben: Change.


    [Guest Starring Aragorn as Shane]
    [JP Junkee as Marty]

    River and Mr. Hunt are now in the middle of a dirty and torn up building. Pieces of wood and shards of glass are spread out all around the floor. The only light in the room, is what is shining through the boarded up windows.

    River ran his hand across one of the walls, when suddenly his hand went straight through the decaying (and probably termite infested) wood. River curled his lip as he wiped of the dust from his arm.

    River: Homey.

    Mr. Hunt: Yes, quite. Now, if you please, I'd like to get this lesson over with as soon as possible, as I too don't exactly care much for this place.

    River: Sure thing.

    Mr. Hunt held up a book and flipped to the page he wanted, and then nodded his head and smiled.

    Mr. Hunt: Ah, yes. Here it is. Now, we will have a lesson about the team work between a Watcher and his Slayer. This lesson will test how well we work as a team in such a quarrel as a big brawl. . . or something.

    [PunkNerd as Joey Russo]
    [Mr. Goodbytes as Principal Layne Hunt]

    River: Okay, cool. Live action.

    Mr. Hunt moved behind River and put a blindfold over his eyes.

    River: And this is for. . .what?

    Mr. Hunt: I'm not going to be doing any fighting. It will just be you, attacking by my commands. I will be your eyes, River. But, I sincerely doubt you'll need my assistance. A Slayer has a sort of extra sense, where he can feel what is going around him . . . much like The Force.

    River: What book have you been reading?

    Mr. Hunt: The Idiots Guide to being a Watcher. But, that's beside the point. Shall we begin?

    River: We shall.

    Mr. Hunt: Okay, good. Shane gave me some magic to summon to demons for you to battle. He didn't think that these particular demons would be much of a trouble for you.

    River: Oh. . . well that's reassuring. . . I guess.

    Mr. Hunt waved his hands and threw dust into the air, then began chanting ancient words over and over again. River took a deep breath, as he heard a poofing sound, and then heard a faint hissing at the other side of the room.

    Mr. Hunt: Wow. . . ugly bastards. Er, I'm sorry. River, the demons are about ten meters directly ahead of you.

    River nodded his head and slowly moved toward his unseen foes. The two demons, covered in black scales and their skulls plagued with big horns growled softly and advanced towards River.

    Mr. Hunt: Okay, River, the demons are now ten feet in front of you. Attack them now!

    River: How?

    [Episode Written and Directed by JP Junkee]

    Mr. Hunt: Punch them. . . or something.

    River shrugged then leapt forward, his arms stretched out before him. He struck both the demons with either arm. And smiled when he heard them screech in pain. But, then the demons hit him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. River hit the ground and moaned in pain.

    River: Nice team work.

    Mr. Hunt: Sorry.

    River: What kind of demons did you say these were, again?

    Mr. Hunt: I don't know the exact name for them. . . they're black, scaly, big horns. . . Pretty much what you'd picture a demon to look like.

    River pushed the blindfold up and looked at the demons, which were methodically staggering towards him.

    River: Um. . . this is not good.

    Mr. Hunt: What is it?

    River: Well, these aren't exactly the easiest of demons to defeat. . . especially blindfolded.

    River took off the blindfold and gets to his feet. He raised his fists and prepares to fight.

    Mr. Hunt: This isn't how the training is supposed to take place.

    River: Would you rather me kill these things, or die because of had to wear the stupid blindfold?

    Mr. Hunt: Good point.

    River nodded and charged toward the demons. One of the demons swung its arm at him, but River ducked low, coming back up with an uppercut to the demon's jaw. The creature screamed as it staggered backwards. Then the other demon was upon him. It attempted to get him into a bear hug, but River sidestepped and kicked the demon in the small of it's back. But to River's surprise the demon did not fall. Instead it backhanded him in the chest, sending him flying through a wall.

    River groaned as he wiped the dust and debris off him, and stood up. The two demons made their way through the broken wall, growling and hissing as they did so. River looked around him for a weapon, he saw none.

    River: Um, help!

    Mr. Hunt: How?

    River: A weapon would be good.

    Mr. Hunt nodded as he looked around the room for a weapon. He found a long bar of metal, that had once been used for holding up a sign of some sort. He picked up the metal bar, and tossed it to River.

    River caught the bar, and gripped it firmly in his hands. The demons were not impressed by River's new found weaponry, if anything, they acted more enthusiastic about having the chance to kill him than ever before. River curled his lip as he held the long metal bar over his head, and swung down on the first demon's head. There was a sickening thud, as the demon moaned and toppled over. The second demon looked down at its comrade, then looked back to River, and it let out a low roar from the pit of its gut. River yelled as he swung the bar, hitting the demon in the neck. The demon staggered backwards, and then regained its footing, but River was already upon it. He swung the bar high, connecting with the creature's skull, snapping one of the horns off as he did so. Then, he spun around, and stabbed the bar at the demon's stomach, impaling it on the metal bar. The demon coughed, and looked at River with eyes full of hate and utter amazement, then it fell backwards, dead.

    River stood over the two demons, panting hard. He wiped the sweat from his brow, and walked back to Mr. Hunt.

    Mr. Hunt: That went well.

    River couldn't help but smile.


    Ben and Ryan pushed through the large crowd of people. It was loud here, so loud it was hard to hear yourself think at times. Ben looked at his watch, 9:30.

    Ben: It's 9:30. Mandy and Tara should be here by now.

    Ryan: There's a lot of people here, Ben. It may take them a while.

    Tara and Mandy appear, wading through the crowd. They reach Ben and Ryan and they both let out a long sigh.

    Tara: We found them.

    Ben: You did? Well, where are they?

    Tara (waving her arm at the crowd): On the other side all those people. We found Falcon and Michelle, and they were going to find Marty, Shane and Joey, and then meet us all out in the parking lot.

    Ryan: Okay, sounds good.


    Falcon, Michelle, Marty, Shane, and Joey are standing in the parking lot, waiting for the others. Ben, Ryan, Tara, and Mandy walk up to them, their faces uncertain, and still anxious as to what Ben has to say.

    Falcon: Okay so, we're all here, what's this about?

    Ben grabbed Falcon's arm and pulled him close.

    Ben: It is time for change. As much as I despise the fact that River is now a Slayer, I will accept it, and learn to respect it. But, like I said, this is a time for change. (Ben motions to Ryan, Tara, Mandy, and Falcon beside him) What you see here, is my new Scrappy Gang. River's Gang will consist of you four and Mr. Hunt. I'm sorry, but. . . this is where we part paths. Good day to you all, and best of luck.

    Then Ben turned and walked away, never looking back. Everyone else remained standing there, dumbfounded.

    Joey: Umm. . .

    Michelle: That was unexpected.

    Marty: Indeed.

    There was a long pause, in which no one spoke. And then Ryan nodded his head and took a deep breath.

    Ryan: Right, so. . . I guess this is good bye then.

    Shane: I guess it is. . .

    Ryan nodded his head, then turned and walked away, Tara looked confused about what to do, but she ran up to Ryan, and walked away with him, her head down.

    Michelle shook Mandy's hand, and then shared a brief hug with Falcon.

    Falcon: It's not like we won't be seeing each other anymore.

    Michelle: No, I know. . . but it won't be the same either.

    Falcon: No, it won't.

    Falcon turned to Joey, Shane and Marty. Falcon smiled and put his hand on Joey's head, and messed his hair up.

    Falcon: You guys take care. And don't get killed.

    Joey: I'll look out for them.

    Falcon: I'm sure you will.

    Then Falcon and Mandy turned and walked away. Michelle, Marty, Shane and Joey stayed where they stood, not sure of what to do next.

    [commercial] (hehe. . .err, sorry)


    River, Marty, Shane, Joey and Michelle are in the living room of Ben's House. River runs his hands through his hair.

    River: You're not joking.

    Shane: Nope, we're not joking. We are now a gang divided. . . or, rather, we're two separate gangs.

    River shook his head.

    River: I should have seen this coming. He's going to try and make me quit being a Slayer, because he thinks I'll be afraid that he's not around to protect me. Yeah, well, he's wrong. And anyway, I can't quit. This is who I am.

    River got up, and moved quickly to the door.

    Shane: Where are you going?

    River: I'm going to go teach Ben a lesson.

    Marty: Can't you guys just settle this in a civilized manner? I mean, River. . . he's your brother.

    River: Not anymore.


    Ben is sitting in a chair across from Mr. Hunt, who is behind his desk.

    Ben: How are you managing?

    Mr. Hunt: Pretty good, considering.

    Ben: Considering what?

    Mr. Hunt: Oh. . . it's nothing. Just that, River is a little hard headed, and his thoughts seem to be somewhere else entirely when I am trying to teach him.

    Ben: Are you talking as his principle or his Watcher?

    Mr. Hunt laughs.

    Mr. Hunt: Both, I suppose.

    Ben: Well, that's not good.

    Mr. Hunt: No, it's not.

    Ben: Do you know of a solution? Because I know keeping your grades up in school while being a Slayer is a rather difficult thing to do.

    Mr. Hunt: Hey, I was a teacher of yours at Dansville. But to answer you, yes, I think I may know a solution. . .

    Ben: And that would be. . . what?

    Mr. Hunt: You, Ben.

    Ben: What do I have to do with any of this? River's doing poorly in school and in his Slayer duties because of me?

    Mr. Hunt: Yes, Ben. River relies so much on your opinion. He needs your support. Physically, River can be an excellent Slayer. And he also has the mind to do wonders in school. But, in order to work properly in either, he needs your support. Ever since River was chosen to be a Slayer, you've been avoiding him, and discouraging him. Ben, your brother needs your encouragement. He thrives on it. He looks up to you. He needs you. And now you tell me, that he will be running his own Scrappy Gang. I think that's good. But must you be rivals? (pause) Why don't you tell River the truth.

    Ben hesitates, not sure of what to say. Instead of talking, he simply nodded.


    Ben walked out of the high school, his head down, his mind in deep thought. He sighed as he sat down on a bench, and put his face in his hands. Then we hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Ben does not look up.

    Ben: Hello, River. I've been meaning to talk to you.

    River walked around to the front of the bench, and looked down at his seated brother. Ben sighed and gets to his feet. Suddenly, River punched Ben in the nose, and Ben fell backwards, toppling over the back of the bench.

    River: What the hell is your problem?

    Ben got to his knees, rubbing his nose which had begun to bleed.

    Ben: You try to break my nose, and I'm the one with the problem?

    River: Why are you holding me back? Why do you think I'm not good enough?

    Ben (mumbling): I think you did break my nose.

    River: Or maybe you're afraid I'm too good. Is that it, Ben? Are you afraid your little brother is better than you, and that's why you're trying to make him quit? Huh?

    Ben (mumbling): Ah shit. The blood's going to stain this shirt. . . I liked this shirt.

    River: Why, Ben?

    Ben shook his head and looks up at River.

    Ben: I'm sorry, what did you say?

    River growled, and then stormed away from Ben.

    Ben (mumbling to himself again): I wonder if they still have a school nurse here. . .


    River shivered as a soft cool breeze brushed up against the back of his neck. The sidewalk in which he is now walking upon, is wet and slippery. A dense fog is rolling in over the hills to his right. The sound of distant thunder, echoes above his head. A storm is coming.

    River passed a homeless man, who cried out to him, holding up a coffee mug for change.

    Homeless man: Spare change, young sir?!

    River hesitated, then walked back to the homeless man, and handed him a five dollar bill.

    Homeless man: Thank you, young sir.

    Thunder echoed again overhead, closer this time.

    Homeless man: Uh oh. Storms a comin. You'd better hurry along quick.

    River smiles, and continued walking again. He doesn’t fear the approaching storm, so he does not walk fast. If anything, he welcomes the rain. It's the kind of thing he needs on such a day as this.

    River took a deep breath, and almost gasped when the rain began to fall. River smiles again, and looked up at the falling rain.

    Homeless man: Spare change, young sir?

    River looks down, and sees the same homeless man sitting on the ground below him.

    Homeless man: There's a storm a comin, don't ya know?

    River: Yes.

    Homeless man: You'd better tell your friends.

    River: Who are you?

    Homeless man: I know who you are. . . Slayer.

    River: Who are you?!

    Homeless man: We all know who you are.

    River spun around as he hears the approaching footsteps of three other men, all walking out of dark wet alleys. All wearing drabby clothing. River looked back down at the homeless man.

    River: What do you want?

    Homeless man: Your blood.

    The homeless man's face morphs into that of a vampires. River turned to look as the three other men also turn into vampires. River ducks as the first vampire leaps at him. Then, the four vampires regroup and form a line.

    River: Bring it!

    The vampires roared in unison, then they all sprint towards River. River jumped over the four vampires, and landed behind them. And quickly, while they were still confused, he withdrew a stake from his pocket, and threw it at one of the vampires. There was a blood curdling scream, and then one of the vampire turned to dust.

    River: One down, three to go.

    The other vampires stared at the pile of dust on the ground with bewilderment. Then, they took from their pockets, a peculiar looking knife, that shined with rubies and diamonds.

    River: Ah, knives. How fun.

    One of the vampires snarled, and hurled his knife at River. River moved out of the way, and then reached his hand out and grasped the knife out of the air before it went flying out of reach.

    The other two vampires screamed as they charged at River, their knives drawn and raised above their heads. The first attacking vampire swung down, apparently trying to cut River's skull in half. River was too fast however, and sidestepped the vampire, then pivoted on his ankle, and brought the knife around, decapitating the vampire, and turning it to dust. Now the other vampire was upon him. It swung its knife high and low, trying to slice River open. River narrowly dodged each attack. He heard the sound of the other vampire running at him from behind his back. River awaiting the perfect time, and then back flipped into the air. The running vampire, ran right underneath River, and right into the blade of the other vampire. The blade stuck out the back of his neck, he screamed as his skin began to turn to dust.

    River laughed at the shocked face of the last vampire.

    River: Scared?

    The vampire growled and threw his knife as hard as he could, at River. River dove backwards, all the while taking aim, and throwing his own knife. River watched as the vampire's blade cruised overhead, narrowly missing him. And then he smiled as he heard the satisfying sound of his own blade hitting the vampire. River hit the ground, and rolled to his side, then looked up. The vampire was shouting as he struggled to remove the long knife from his chest.

    River smiled, and got to his feet. He walked past the screaming vampire, as though he could really care less, then he slowly picked up the wooden stake from the ground and walked back over to the vampire.

    River: I asked if you were scared.

    The vampire tugged at the knife in his chest, finally pulling it from his body. The vampire turned, knife raised high, preparing to turn River into mince meat. And then there was a click, and he turned to dust.

    River held the stake in his hand and stared dumbfounded down at the pile of dust on the ground. Then he looked up as he saw Ben walking towards him, a crossbow in hand.

    Ben walked up to River, and stood directly in front of him. Ben had an unreadable face, and a badly bruised nose.

    River: You killed him.

    Ben: Yes.

    River: Why? I had it all under control.

    Ben: Well, I couldn't exactly just stand by and do nothing.

    There was a long pause in which neither of them spoke. And then River sighed.

    River: I'm sorry about the nose.

    Ben: It'll heal.

    River: I'm sorry about a lot of other things too.

    Ben: Me too.

    River: It's just that. . . I hate the idea that you don't think I'm good enough to do this. I hate thinking, that you don't want me to be like you. But I do, Ben. You're who I look up to. And I need your support. . . in which ever way you want to give it to me.

    Ben: I know. And you'll have my support, in whatever you do, you should know that.

    River: Then why have you been so against me being a Slayer?

    Ben: Because I don't want to see my little brother get hurt. Being a Slayer isn't an easy thing to be. I think you can do it. . . but don't blame me for being over protective.

    River smiles.

    River: I know this isn’t the best time to bring it up, but you haven’t been yourself lately.

    Ben: I know.

    River: Why is that?

    Ben: I think you know why.

    River: Para and Majestic?

    Ben: Majestic and Brad are both dead. The Host is out on the loose somewhere in this city and Para and I broke up…and I loved her. River, I wanted her to be like another mom to you.

    Both of them swallowed hard.

    River: I think Mom approves her.

    Ben: But it’s not meant to be. Para and I aren’t getting back together. It’s horrible…and then you became a Slayer…it just keeps adding up and I can’t handle it.

    RIVER looked at his brother.

    River: I think I understand why being a Slayer is so tough. It’s not tough. It’s lonely.

    BEN looked at RIVER.

    Ben: You’re damn right. And I just don’t want that for you. Mom wants better for you…and I’m sure Dad would too.

    BEN and RIVER looked at each other.

    River: Why did you tell my friends that we’re in separate gangs?

    Ben: Oh, there is just too many of us. Besides…I knew I would give in to you being a Slayer. So I figured if you set yourself up with the right kind of people we could swap off. It’d be nice for a change.

    RIVER looked at BEN puzzled.

    Ben: Now how about we go get something to eat? I haven't eaten all day.

    River: Sounds good.

    Ben: You're buying.

    River and Ben begin to laugh, as the screen pans to a phone booth, with a man in a trench coat.

    THE HOST turned around in the phone booth.

    Host: Oh…this just keeps getting better and better. Two Slayers…Two Slayers that are brothers. Amazing.

    THE HOST teleported.



    7/18/2003 10:37:44 PM

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