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    Steven Spielberg was very impressed with Ariana Richards (Lex) bloodcurdling screams during her audition (she did it for 2 minutes straight), comparing them to Fay Wray in King Kong (From: Utahraptor)
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    "LOL at "We are the 99%""
    On 10/2/2011 at 2:33:00 PM, Raptor Vinny started the thread:
    The whole "Occupy Wall Street" shit is retarded in general, especially when they have like no focus or anything, but this site is especially hilarious.

    I mean yeah, some of them are legit, like people who got fucked over due to no public health care (a big reason why I support it and why I'm glad I live in Canada because I've never had to worry about hospital bills or insurance). But the ones where they're like "I have $140 000 in debt from my social sciences degree and can't find a job"... holy shit. Stop blaming Wall Street because you made retarded financial decisions.

    Msg #1: On 10/2/2011 at 2:37:26 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    2nd page

    "Wells Fargo started foreclosure proceedings after we missed a payment, they would not talk to us until they successfully foreclosed on our home, then socked us with legal fees and refinanced making us upside down on our mortgage. "

    See, I know this is bullshit, because banks WANT YOU to keep paying your mortgage. They DON'T want to foreclose, foreclosing is messy business, banks always sell foreclosed homes for less than they're worth, and homes AREN'T SELLING like they used to. So why the fuck would they ignore you if you said "I have money and I can pay the mortgage!"

    Msg #2: On 10/2/2011 at 3:53:30 PM, Velociraptor87 replied, saying:
    It's funny how you're completely ignoring all the police brutality in New York and stuff.

        Replies: 4
    Msg #3: On 10/2/2011 at 4:27:37 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    I'm fully aware of it, that's not what I'm talking about though. We're talking about the issue itself. Police brutality does not lend credit to a protest unless the protest is about brutality and freedom.

        Replies: 6
    Msg #4: On 10/2/2011 at 6:26:58 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #2, saying:

    Msg #5: On 10/2/2011 at 7:05:28 PM, Varan101 replied, saying:
    Someone has got to pay for our retarded financial decisions!!

    Msg #6: On 10/2/2011 at 7:36:38 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #3, saying:
    I wasn't insinuating it lent any credit. Mostly, the fact that peaceful protests are being met with hostile, violent reactions from figures in power and society's apparent lack of care for that.

        Replies: 8, 9
    Msg #7: On 10/2/2011 at 7:37:33 PM, Velociraptor87 replied, saying:
    In unrelated news, Jason Bateman just confirmed that Arrested Development is coming back for a 10-episode season leading up to a movie, all hopefully to be released in 2013.

    Msg #8: On 10/2/2011 at 7:51:58 PM, Raptor Vinny replied to Msg #6, saying:
    So make a topic about it.

        Replies: 10
    Msg #9: On 10/2/2011 at 7:55:34 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #6, saying:
    I'm just glad no one seems to really care about these protests. Vinny is spot on that they have no real focus or
    legitimate point.

    In 2010, according to the TPC, Americans in the lowest quintile of income-earners — the bottom 20 percent — paid minus-3.8 percent of the total federal income tax burden. In other words, they got more back, in income tax credits and the like, than they paid in. Similarly, those in the second quintile paid minus-4.3 percent of the total federal income tax burden — so they, too, weren’t paying into the income tax till but rather were taking out.

    Those in the middle quintile — pretty much the center of the middle class (this quintile had an average income of $44,000) — paid 3.9 percent of the total federal income tax burden (about $1 of every $25 dollars in income taxes paid nationwide). And those in the fourth quintile — whose income ranged from $58,000 to $102,000 — paid 15.1 percent of the total federal income tax burden.

    So, all told, the 80 percent of Americans whose income placed them in one of these first four quintiles of income-earners combined to pay 10.9 percent of the total federal income tax burden. Put otherwise, this 80 percent of the citizenry paid about $1 out of every $9 that was paid in federal income taxes nationwide.

    Meanwhile, Americans in the highest 0.1 percent of all income-earners — these are the very rich, with incomes of at least $1.974 million — paid 16.4 percent of the total federal tax burden. Essentially, one out of every $6 paid in federal income tax was paid by this 0.1 percent of the citizenry.

    In other words, the top 0.1 percent paid more toward the workings of government than the bottom 80 percent did. That’s despite the fact that the bottom 80 percent collectively made more than six times as much money as the top 0.1 percent did.

    Also, to reiterate, banks do not do well financially when they foreclose. They also were forced into making many of the "toxic" loans that caused the housing crisis as part of anti-discrimination regulations. As more a point of philosophy over anything else, if you make a legal agreement to make payments at a certain level for a property and you don't? The person who loaned you the funds deserves to get the property.

    Msg #10: On 10/2/2011 at 7:57:29 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #8, saying:
    It'd be redundant to have two topics about Occupy Wall Street. The group totally has a focus, it's just a question of whether they're successful in getting that across. And I felt rampant police brutality was a more interesting topic than a tumblr site that accepts submissions from any Joe Schmoe on welfare who feels "wronged" by the government.

        Replies: 11

    Msg #11: On 10/2/2011 at 8:00:05 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #10, saying:
    There isn't rampant police brutality and no one cares about these losers protesting.

        Replies: 12
    Msg #12: On 10/2/2011 at 8:00:50 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #11, saying:
    Maybe rampant is exaggerating but saying no one cares is being willfully naive.

        Replies: 13
    Msg #13: On 10/2/2011 at 8:02:14 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #12, saying:
    "Rampant" is ass backwards purposeful distortion meant to create indignation and unrest where none is deserved.

    That being clarified, no one does care.

        Replies: 14
    Msg #14: On 10/2/2011 at 8:04:03 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #13, saying:
    And now you're reading into things a bit too far and I lol. I thought "rampant" was appropriate, considering the volume of -recent- documented cases of police brutality and NYPD officer Anthony Bologna's history with it. I'm sorry I inadvertently sensationalized something.

    And ?? Yes, of course no one cares. Because people who write articles for major publications covering this exact topic, including AND focusing mostly on the police macing and beating random people, don't care. Yep. That makes a lot of sense. Totally.

    For the record, I don't give a shit about Occupy Wall Street either. I just care that people who are peacefully protesting are getting beat the fuck up and arrested for absolutely no reason.

    Msg #15: On 10/2/2011 at 8:22:44 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    The only shit I've heard about police brutality were.. a couple people being pepper sprayed and then mass arrests.


    Look, I know the inequality gap is big. But the rich do pay a lot in taxes. That's not the problem. The problem is a lot of people at the bottom don't fucking think, which is people's own ignorance. If people simply did the research instead of coasting through school and retardedly putting themselves in tens of thousands of debt without thinking about job prospects, they'd come out ahead. Why not try to get into trades? There's a shitload of jobs in that. Rather than trying to get themselves out of the hole they dug themselves, they whine that Wall Street are to blame. That's why this whole movement annoys me. Nobody is accountable for their own stupidity.

        Replies: 18
    Msg #16: On 10/2/2011 at 8:27:26 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    Like, nothing is stopping someone from "taking advantage of the system". Anybody can get into stocks and business if they're smart. So getting some worthless degree and wasting thousands, fully knowing ahead of time you'd be wasting thousands is your own goddamn fault.

    Msg #17: On 10/2/2011 at 8:29:47 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    Oh and V87, I meant you should have made a topic before I made this one. This isn't new stuff.. if you think awareness should be spread then you shoulda made a topic when it happened.

    Msg #18: On 10/2/2011 at 8:30:13 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #15, saying:
    It wasn't just a couple people being pepper sprayed. And, yeah... people getting beat with police batons, being tackled, cops standing on their necks. All that fun stuff.

        Replies: 19
    Msg #19: On 10/2/2011 at 8:57:25 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #18, saying:
    Link please.

    Msg #20: On 10/2/2011 at 9:04:28 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    Yeah, I see nothing of that on wikipedia.

        Replies: 21
    Msg #21: On 10/2/2011 at 9:09:02 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #20, saying:
    The pepper spray thing is the most blatant misuse of power I've seen, and that officer is under investigation now. Even so, someone resisting arrest (for having massive protests in areas they haven't gotten permits for and have been warned to disperse from) is going to be tackled or have someone holding them down.

        Replies: 22
    Msg #22: On 10/2/2011 at 10:58:15 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #21, saying:

    I realize it's a picture and a video and isn't any better than what Monkipzzle was doing, but... seriously, this is all the proof that anyone should need. For the video, skip to 3 minutes in particular.

        Replies: 23
    Msg #23: On 10/3/2011 at 12:25:48 AM, QuickComment replied to Msg #22, saying:
    The picture is nothing more than revising it as the story updates, more accurate information is presented, and more arrests are made. I saw this stupid thing in Facebook a few times today and even liberals were dismissing it.

    Edit: If the NYT isn't covering your lefty protest in the best possible light it can, your lefty protest must be really bad.

    The other, that's what happens when you refuse to leave an area when police demand it of you. Whether the police are right to do it or not, once you refuse to comply, even if the order is not ultimately correct, you are justifying detention. Almost every "police observation" video shot in the last two decades has shown a sliver of what actually occurred with no larger context and constantly show police in a bad light when it isn't deserved.

    Msg #24: On 10/3/2011 at 11:48:11 AM, Trainwreck replied, saying:
    Police brutality? What I see are pathetic leftist protesters provoking law enforcement, breaking the law, and getting exactly what is expected. I commend the officers involved who showed remarkable restraint in that video.

    I bet you none of those protesters will amount to anything in life, haha. I love how most of the guys look like typical dirty hippies and estrogenically-enhanced pseudo-males. Classic.

        Replies: 26
    Msg #25: On 10/4/2011 at 7:35:08 PM, elementry replied, saying:
    I was snooping through several sites that have been covering this and I lost track of how many anarchy signs and sickle & hammers I saw.

    Awesome protest...

        Replies: 27
    Msg #26: On 10/4/2011 at 8:30:02 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #24, saying:
    I agree with Trainwreck. I have no undying love for the police by any means as I believe that the whole law enforcement system has become a little too much about meeting that monthly quota through any means necessary than actually serving and protecting, but most of these protesters deserved what they got. They can whine about how they are holding a peaceful protest and doing nothing wrong all they want, but if you are screaming at and getting in the face of a cop or throwing stuff at them, you are gonna get arrested and rightfully so. They are lucky that getting dragged around and handcuffed was the worst that happened to them...if someone like that got in my face and started screaming at me, I'd beat the snot out of them.

    I'm not by any means discounting the cause these people claim to be fighting for, as I think there is alot wrong with our country politically and financially, but these people just look and sound like the sort of people who just go to protests for the sake of protesting something...they don't actually have any intention of doing anything constructive to achieve their so-called goals and wouldn't know what to do with themselves even if they did accomplish what they are "fighting" for. Hell, most of them probably don't even know what they are supposedly there protesting...they just go with their hippie buddies and shout cliche bullshit like "we are huam beings" and singing the national anthem.

    Msg #27: On 10/4/2011 at 9:44:20 PM, QuickComment replied to Msg #25, saying:
    Zombie is the best at this stuff.

    The Left’s Pathetic Tea Party

    Msg #28: On 10/7/2011 at 3:43:43 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    Nothing says "We are a serious, legitimate political movement" like asking 99% of the population to close their bank accounts on the same day just to draw parallels between the protest and a shitty comic book movie.

        Replies: 29
    Msg #29: On 10/7/2011 at 7:39:15 PM, Trainwreck replied to Msg #28, saying:
    Fuck those guys. My bank is awesome and (as far as I know) quite ethically run; though, it was created to cater only to the military, so that's kind of what you expect.

    What parallel does it draw to V for Vendetta? Other than the Guy Fawkes mask on the page, I mean.

    Msg #30: On 10/7/2011 at 9:43:59 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    The reference to November 5th, which is Guy Fawkes Day. I wouldn't mind the reference so much if it was actually appropriate, but they're getting the symbolism filtered through at least two or three levels of distortion).

    In order:

    1. Fawkes tried to establish a Catholic theocracy in England by assassinating all high government officials

    2. Moore wrote a comic where a genetically enhanced maniac adopts Fawkes as a persona for her anarchic terrorist activities

    3. The movie took Moore's comic and changed the V character to be a leftist freedom fighter in a 9/11 Truth conspiracy version of the Bush administration

    4. The group Anonymous uses Guy Fawkes masks from the movie to stage dozens of unrelated protests and harass teenage girls on 4Chan

    5. Some of these Occupy Wall Street guys latch onto the Guy Fawkes / V for Vendetta imagery as a pop culture symbol for their vague and futile publicity stunt.

    This is actually kind of what happened with the Tea Party: the original acronym Taxed Enough Already was supposedly a reference to the Boston Tea Party, but that was protesting taxation without representation, so the comparison was faulty from the get-go. Then people started saying "tea partier," the word stopped being an acronym, the tax season passed and the movement lost all focus, and they adopted the teabag as an unofficial symbol. Then liberals opposing it made "No Tea for Me" bumper stickers (ironically, a more accurate parallel to the Boston Tea Party itself), the "Coffee Party," and Photoshopping Alice in Wonderland tea party pictures with conservatives' faces over the Mad Hatter and March Hare. Now they have the Tea Party Express and it's referred to as if it were an official sub-group of the Republican Party. The original pun - which was bad to begin with - has now been buried beneath dozens of layers of misunderstanding and bullshit.

    The V for Vendetta thing, though, really grinds my shit because only Moore's original comic uses the Guy Fawkes mask in a nuanced, non-didactic way. Ever since that movie came out, every douchebag faux-leftist with a sense of superiority uses a Guy Fawkes mask (which they usually call a V for Vendetta mask) as a symbol for whatever crap they think constitutes fighting against fascism.

        Replies: 31
    Msg #31: On 10/8/2011 at 1:24:19 PM, Trainwreck replied to Msg #30, saying:
    Hmm, now that I've looked into the original themes and intent of the comic, I'm a little more interested in it. I probably still won't read it (at least for a long while), but it's nice to know that it wasn't intended to be anything like the movie, which was both idiotic and unsubtle. Though apparently Moore did appreciated protesters wearing the Fawkes mask when protesting Scientology in London.

    Msg #32: On 10/12/2011 at 5:43:15 PM, Trainwreck replied, saying:

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