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    John Dielh, the actor who played Cooper in JP3, once considered becoming a missionary, making his line in the film where he tells Grant he knows the Kirby's "Through his church" all the more funny. (From: Robzyraptor!)
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      • Commercial #11: "This summer.. Universal Pictures brings you closer to the wonder, the mystery, and the excitement.. of Jurassic Park." [Downloads: 4.7mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Commercial #10: Animated graphics: "On July 18th.. Feel.. The.. Power.." [Downloads: 4.7mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Commercial #9: "On July 19th, Universal Studios invites you to experience the wonder.. the excitement... and the adventure.. like never before." [Downloads: 3.9mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Commercial #8: Began airing on or about July 1st. "It's their world now." [Downloads: 4.7mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Commercial #7: "This summer... Universal pictures brings you closer than you ever have before.. On July 18th.. it's not just a walk in the park." [Downloads: 7mb mpeg] - Courtesy of inGenNET]

      • Commercial #6: "On this remote island... they have come.. to rescue their son. Now they will discover.. it will take all their courage.. just to survive." [Downloads: 4.7mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Commercial #4: This 30 second commercial also began to run on TV starting June 13th. The narration is as follows: "On July 18th... New island.. New species.. New danger.." [Downloads: 6mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Commercial #3: This 30 second commercial began to run on TV during the NBA Finals on June 13th. The narration is as follows: "The island.. was abandoned.. the experiment.. was terminated.. they thought.. nothing could go wrong.." [Downloads: 6mb ZIP, mpeg format]

      • Theatrical Trailer 2: Another 2 minute theatrical trailer (This one was first shown before "Pearl Harbor" on May 25 and replaced the previous version), similar to trailer #1 but with a few more CGI shots of pteranodons. [Downloads: Trailers -- Quicktime, available in several different file sizes]

      • Theatrical Trailer: This 2 minute trailer ran before "The Mummy Returns" on May 5, 2001. [Downloads: Trailers -- Quicktime, available in several different file sizes]

      • "Survivor Teaser" (Commercial #1): This 45 second teaser trailer first aired May 3, 2001 during the final episode of "Survivor: The Australian Outback". It features more CGI than the 2 minute theatrical trailer. [Downloads: AICN - 4.1mb Quicktime, Spielberg-Dreamworks Fansite - 6.6mb MPEG, IGN Filmforce, RealVideo -, Mpeg Mirror -]

      • DVD Teaser: This 30 second teaser can be found on the JP and TLW DVD's (Released Oct 10, 2000). Filming had not even begun when this trailer was produced, which accounts for its poor quality. [Downloads: 4.5 mb AVI] - The short JP3 teaser found on the JP+TLW DVD's.

      • Webchat with Stan Winston: Live chat with Stan Winston from the set during production. [Downloads: RealVideo]
    (Special thanks to Brian for hosting many of these videos!)

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    (C)2000-2012 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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