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    Lewis Dodgson (aka Cameron Thor) has a cameo role in another Spielberg film, playing "Ron" in Hook (1991). (From: Oviraptor)
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    On 8/5/2015 at 4:03:18 AM, Adam started the thread:

    Dreams do come true.

    Msg #1: On 8/5/2015 at 4:19:05 AM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    I don't like Deadpool just because I think the fourth-wall-breaking jokes and hyper-violence get old pretty fast, but this looks like a good representation of the character.

    Msg #2: On 8/5/2015 at 5:44:06 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I'm with Ostro. Only like Deadpool as a supporting character. Find he gets old fast as the focus. Perfect example of good use for him to me is the animated film Hulk cs Wolverine. Perfect amount of Deadpool. With a movie I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy the first 30 minutes, and hate the last hour.

    Great job on the costume however, and it looks like the adaptation the hardcore fans of the character deserve. So good on that. Just not for me really. Easily my least looked forward to of the 7 main comic films coming out in 2016 though.

    Glad for the fans regardless. A better version of the character on screen is deserved after Origins: Wolverine wrecked him lol

    Msg #3: On 8/5/2015 at 7:34:54 AM, Narrator replied, saying:
    this movie looks like crap. Like literally looks bad. the color scheme is all washed out, deadpool doesn't look real. And that's just how it looks

    The jokes seem like they're taken straight out of a national lampoon movie.... like van wilder for example. I wonder who had that idea.

    Msg #4: On 8/5/2015 at 6:29:09 PM, Velociraptor87 replied, saying:
    This is the tone & humor from the comics so IDK what you want, Narrator.

    The production team wanted Wade to be able to emote through a mask, so they did what the comics do - they animated the eyes. That's probably the only thing that looks off, since that's the only part of him that's CG.

    Waiting for the inevitable comparisond to Kick-Ass. The Colossus cameo is interesting.

        Replies: 5, 6
    Msg #5: On 8/5/2015 at 11:16:08 PM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #4, saying:
    I laughed. No hiding it. Didn't see that coming.

    Msg #6: On 8/6/2015 at 5:20:20 AM, Narrator replied to Msg #4, saying:
    I never read the comics, so maybe I wouldn't like that either. Honestly it might just be that Reynolds' voice annoys the shit out of me and he is a shitty actor.

        Replies: 7
    Msg #7: On 8/6/2015 at 5:07:43 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #6, saying:
    He's not terrible. He kinda has the same mannerisms in each comedic role he does, though. His non-comedy movies are good.

    Msg #8: On 8/6/2015 at 7:42:14 PM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I thought he did well in Buried

    Msg #9: On 8/6/2015 at 8:05:26 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    Reynolds is a great comic actor. I don't think there's anything wrong with him playing basically the same guy every time. That's what most character actors and comedians do in movies, anyway. I think Reynolds is just judged differently because he's been kind of marketed as a movie star because he happens to be good-looking.

        Replies: 11
    Msg #10: On 8/6/2015 at 8:35:16 PM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    People like this trailer?

    Msg #11: On 8/6/2015 at 8:45:13 PM, Narrator replied to Msg #9, saying:
    He really isn't. He's not funny. I don't care about playing the same type all the time, it's that it isn't a funny type unless maybe you're a frat guy.

        Replies: 13
    Msg #12: On 8/6/2015 at 9:04:20 PM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    This looks like cynical, hateful, violent trash.

    Msg #13: On 8/6/2015 at 11:01:24 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #11, saying:
    Frat guy? What the fuck? Yeah, he was in Van Wilder, but his character in it wasn't a frat guy type. There's nothing "frat guy" about his style of humor at all. His comic appeal is as a kind of pretty boy wiseass, like halfway between Will Smith and Bradley Cooper before he was big.

        Replies: 14
    Msg #14: On 8/7/2015 at 7:42:41 AM, Narrator replied to Msg #13, saying:
    I'll let all the frat guys know they have the incorrect sense of humor for their stereotype

        Replies: 16
    Msg #15: On 8/7/2015 at 1:33:49 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    Am I the only one here who actually liked the trailer and is actively looking forward to this?

    I'm no huge fan of Reynolds but when he is well-cast (Van Wilder, Adventureland, Buried) then I find him to be charming, funny and very talented. There are two superheroes that he is tailor-made to play: the Wally West version of Flash and Deadpool.

    This movie looks fun as shit and I'm looking forward to a crazy, out of left field superhero jaunt.

    Msg #16: On 8/7/2015 at 2:52:43 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #14, saying:
    You're the one who brought up the frat guy stereotype in the first place, dipshit. Frat guy humor and "fratire" are specific, easily identifiable kinds of comedy, and people use those terms because they're useful and everyone knows what you mean when you say it. Except, apparently, when you say it. I'm sure a lot of frat guys do think Ryan Reynolds is funny, but a lot of them probably think The Big Bang Theory and YouTube videos of animal attacks are funny, too. That isn't anything specific to frat guys.

        Replies: 17
    Msg #17: On 8/7/2015 at 4:14:01 PM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #16, saying:
    I rate Reynolds. Decent comic chops hampered by a decade of truly atrocious career decisions. When he nails it (Adventureland!!!), the guy is great.

    Msg #18: On 8/11/2015 at 1:34:52 PM, Adam replied, saying:
    I'm actually still in shock that they LET them make a Deadpool flick that looks entirely faithful to the source material. It doesn't appear to be censored at all. An actual miracle.

    And yes, I think this looks great. And I laughed. And I grinned. I have a soft spot for this sort of humour as do some of my friends, so we shall have a grand time.

    I can take or leave Reynolds, but there is no denying he looks to be completely owning this role. And we've known for a long time how much he has wanted this. I think it will show on screen. Apparently he cried in joy when he first saw the suit.

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