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    "X-men: Days of Future Past"
    On 11/29/2012 at 1:35:16 PM, raptor2000 started the thread:
    In addition to the returning cast of X-men: First Class, the sequel will also bring back Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, and Hugh Jackman.

    Given the time-altering element of the plot, I think it is pretty cool they are using the actors from the original trilogy to play the older versions of their characters. When this film come out, there will be 7 films in the X-men series, so it is cool they are maintaining continuity, at least with lead actors. I do hope they take the opportunity to explain some of the plot discrepencies between the original trilogy and First Class, though.

    Msg #1: On 11/29/2012 at 5:26:25 PM, Mr. Chaos replied, saying:
    I really, really hope they take the old movies out of timeline with this. Still pissed off they killed Cyclops like a bitch.

        Replies: 3
    Msg #2: On 11/29/2012 at 5:37:55 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    Superhero continuity is for the birds. It's one thing when you're just doing a single story arc, but trying to wrangle all these different timelines is stupid and never, ever works out right.

        Replies: 4
    Msg #3: On 11/29/2012 at 5:50:09 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #1, saying:
    What is "conditionality"? Assuming you mean continuity, the mere fact that McKellen, Stewart, and Jackman are back is pretty solid proof they are not only including both the First Class era and the original trilogy in canon, but are also trying to reconcile some of the discrepencies.

    And if the other Marvel movies (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, etc.) can maintain continuities not only over different timelines but also over different franchises and writers/directors, there's no reason X-men can't. The main difference being the Marvel movies were made with the intention from the beginning of tying them altogether, where all the random X-men movies were conceived of after the first three films were already out.

    Msg #4: On 11/29/2012 at 5:52:35 PM, Mr. Chaos replied to Msg #2, saying:
    The only time it DOES work is when there is a strong hand guiding it, such as the Avengers universe. But that is so rare because writers and artists tend to buck against being told what to do (which I kinda understand... on one hand I have written for shared universes before but I was given enough freedom to play around... but I don't know how I would fair writing a marvel movie. I hope to write for DC Comics one day, even just for a short run, so I guess I will learn then).

    Msg #5: On 11/30/2012 at 1:57:57 AM, Pteranadon2003 replied, saying:
    I really don't understand why it's been so hard for FOX to keep continuity in order. It wasn't that complicated of a timeline, and they completely fudged it up with X-Men Origins.

    Msg #6: On 11/30/2012 at 11:11:02 AM, PunkNerd replied, saying:
    I thought Origins works fine as a prequel to the first two films, and just assumed they were ignoring Wolverine and the third X-Men film, and possibly substituting Havok as Cyclops dad and not brother, cause that's kind of weird, if they're brothers.

    Msg #7: On 11/30/2012 at 11:25:40 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:

    Msg #8: On 11/30/2012 at 11:29:16 AM, PunkNerd replied, saying:
    lulz, wut?

        Replies: 9
    Msg #9: On 11/30/2012 at 12:44:06 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #8, saying:
    X-men Origins: Wolverine was the abomination of a prequel that is the worst offender in terms of fucking up continuity. I think it's best if we just ignore it ever happened. First Class was awesome though.

    Msg #10: On 11/30/2012 at 1:15:55 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    I really don't know why people shit all over Origins. The main focus of Wolverine & Sabertooth is fantastic, with both of them turning out great performances. Reynolds was also good as Deadpool, no matter what the fanboys say.

    Anything bad you can say about it you can say about literally all of the other movies as well. Some poor effects? Check. Shoe-horned in random cameos? Check. Piss poor character developement of most of the characters? Check.

    I dug FC, but there's very little difference between that and Origins. That red headed fuck flying around looks just as bad as Wolvie's bathroom claws, and outside of Fassabender, McAvoy, and Bacon no one in the movie did anything worth a shit. Once again the central focus of the movie was awesome, but chock full of other characters that were either non-existant or annoying for their relatively brief screentime. Oh, and as plenty of people have pointed out, there's just as many if not more continuity errors between FC and the original 3 X-Men than there are between Wolverine and the original 3 Xmen.

    None of the X-Men films are perfect, not even close. The first one is passable because it essentially brought superheroes back into the mainstream, and doesn't commit any horrible offenses. But there are still too many characters, plenty of lame effects, and it's not very captivating. The second is the least offensive, but the third act is weak. The third is a fucking mess and has no redeeming qualities, period. Origins and FC are decent in that they feature strong leads in compelling stories, surrounded by a bunch of poorly done extraneous crap.

        Replies: 18

    Msg #11: On 11/30/2012 at 1:18:03 PM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    Rez is wrong and Origins is shit. That's really all of the justification it needs.

    Msg #12: On 11/30/2012 at 1:31:31 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    It can be shit but there's really very little difference between it and FC, so if you think origins is shit you should think FC is shit too.

        Replies: 13, 14
    Msg #13: On 11/30/2012 at 1:55:05 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #12, saying:
    There are tremendous differences between First Class and Origins. Really not getting into it right now but seriously, Origins is an awful movie with some redeeming qualities.

        Replies: 15
    Msg #14: On 11/30/2012 at 2:07:57 PM, Carnotaur3 replied to Msg #12, saying:
    First Class is actually fun to watch. That's a huge difference right there.

    Msg #15: On 11/30/2012 at 2:10:42 PM, Neo The 1 replied to Msg #13, saying:
    By all means get into it later, then, because I know for a fact that your initial complaint of "worst offender in terms of fucking up continuity" is blatantly untrue- FC takes the cake here- and that holds even if disregarding the discrepancies between FC and Origins(which doesn't make sense to do in the first place, but.. even if).

    And C3, what's not fun about watching Jackman and Schreiber chew eachother up?

    I'd give FC the egde too, but only slightly. It basically comes down to it's heavy period setting and better production design. The two films were originally developed as sister projects and it shows, and both of them are carried by a handful of performances.

    Msg #16: On 11/30/2012 at 2:42:10 PM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    Maybe because the script gives them nothing, there is no real story and the direction is bland.

        Replies: 17
    Msg #17: On 11/30/2012 at 2:56:25 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #16, saying:
    And also, what the fuck did they do to Deadpool. Laziest godmode villain ever, too.

    Msg #18: On 11/30/2012 at 5:31:59 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #10, saying:
    I agree Reynolds was great as Deadpool...the problem was that he was only Deadpool for maybe five minutes, and only had a few lines. By the time he returns at the end of the movie, his mouth is sewn shut, he is played by a different actor, and he has an absurd amount of powers, worst of all being the swords in his arms that somehow still allow him to bend at the elbow even when the sword is retracted.

    Msg #19: On 11/30/2012 at 5:32:49 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:

        Replies: 20
    Msg #20: On 11/30/2012 at 6:18:36 PM, Neo The 1 replied to Msg #19, saying:
    I guess you overlooked that I said some poor effects? I know that the films, all of them, feature moments of great effects but they also feature bad ones. You picking out the best scenes vs. Wolverine's worst is kind of pointless. Stuff like the motorcycle/helicopter sequence and Gambits introdcution in Origins are well done, while scenes like the training montage(beast running, anytime banshee is flying, beast in general) in FC are pretty poor. I only saw Last Stand twice, and the things that stuck out to me as being awful were the guy with the sticks in the woods, and Pyro's fight with Iceman was pretty poor as well IIRC. Honestly I could care less about Last Stand because I don't think anyone in their right mind would actually try to defend that movie, if any one film in the series should be pegged with potential franchise killer, it should have been that one. I thought Wolverine was a few steps up because the core storyline between the two leads was worthwhile.

    I also think it's ironic that many of the things people complain the most about it(random mutants no one cares about, breaking continuity) are very prevelant in FC as well. Were any of the team characters on either side well done? Maybe the black guy, who was around for 2 minutes, and to a lesser extent Mystique.. but it's kind of hard to tell, because her best scenes come from those she shares with McAvoy or Fassbender and they might just be carrying her. Cyclops Sr., Beast, that girl with the wings, and that fuckhead Caleb Landry Jones are all paper thin, whiny annoying barely there stereotypes. January Jones was awful, and the other bad guys don't even have lines. I guess I can give the goverment guys a little bit of credit, mostly because they just roll their eyes and say "And this is why we shouldn't have women out of the kitchen" or whatever, which was some definite hilarity. Disregarding the fact that normally solid Rose Byrne dissappears for a good chunk of the film, she doesn't really bring anything to the portions of the movie that she is in either.

    I guess my point, if there is one at all, is that all the films in the series have something to offer and something to deract, and ultimately it winds up as one of the most consistent movie series out there just because they all have more or less the same amount of things wrong with them- although those things vary from picture to picture. I wouldn't call any of them masterpieces and I wouldn't call any of them complete failures(Even The Last Stand, for all it's faults, at least built to an ambitious finale).

        Replies: 21
    Msg #21: On 11/30/2012 at 8:01:02 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #20, saying:
    I agree with you in most respects (shocking), except for some of the other actors carrying Mystique. Jennifer Lawrence is amazing and really grounded the character, even gave her a personality. The Mystique of the original movies is awesome and Rebecca Romijn fills the part well, but they never really gave her much to do besides having a chip on her shoulder for never being accepted as 'normal', and impersonating people when necessary.

        Replies: 22
    Msg #22: On 11/30/2012 at 9:10:57 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #21, saying:
    It's been a while since I watched First Class, but isn't Mystique the same way in that one? She betrays and turns her back on Charles and her friends for no real reason other than jealousy, and is continuously pissy about the fact that her "normal" form is not widely accepted.

        Replies: 25
    Msg #23: On 11/30/2012 at 9:18:33 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    I guess I just didn't think the motorcycle chase in Wolvy was all that much better than the other effects heavy sequences. The natural setting gives it an edge and the barn explosion looked great, but that probably has to do with the fact that they actually blew up a barn. Outside of this you get some really cheesy direction including some Twilight level faux backgrounds. The feeling of low-grade quality permeates it. I never felt that in the series up until then or since. The movie cost a lot of money, so I'm glad some can enjoy it. I remember going in I wanted it desperatly to be the best X-Men movie. But man, oh man.

    Jennifer Lawrence did good, sometimes real good. I just meant that Fassbender and Macovy were working on some whole other level, IMO. EDIT: Thought I was Msg. #20 for some reason. Derp.

        Replies: 24
    Msg #24: On 11/30/2012 at 9:25:49 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #23, saying:
    And I was replying to Rez, bro. But no worries.

    Msg #25: On 11/30/2012 at 9:26:21 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #22, saying:
    Yeah, I guess she is the same way, but it's explored more thoroughly. She seemed like a more human character in First Class.

    Msg #26: On 11/30/2012 at 10:01:06 PM, Pteranadon2003 replied, saying:
    LOL at Origins and First Class being on the same level. Origins was a goddamned travesty.

    Msg #27: On 12/1/2012 at 1:12:29 AM, trex54 replied, saying:
    So,is Cyclops coming back? Because he's a bad motherfucker right now in the comics.

    Msg #28: On 12/6/2012 at 1:35:09 PM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    Looks like Marsden and Berry may be returning, as well.

    Msg #29: On 1/27/2013 at 10:43:12 AM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    "Anna Paquin (Rogue), Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), and Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) are set to return for the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past" at 20th Century Fox."

    Jeez....at this point, this movie is practically more of a sequel to Last Stand than it is to First Class, as there are more people returning from the original trilogy than the prequel. It's going to be interesting to see how all these characters fit together and if they can give everyone a good amount of screen time. Origins and Last Stand both suffered from too many mutants, yet this movie may end up topping all the previous films in the number of characters.

        Replies: 30
    Msg #30: On 1/27/2013 at 5:05:24 PM, Pteranadon2003 replied to Msg #29, saying:
    From what I've read this movie is still a First Class sequel however at some point you see an alternate future timeline where all the original trilogy cast members would be seen. I'm pretty sure they'll be supporting characters/glorified cameos.

    Msg #31: On 1/27/2013 at 6:09:30 PM, Varan101 replied, saying:
    From what I recall First Class didn't do as well as the other movies at the box office, so they might be reaching to throw in these bigger names to attract a larger audience.

        Replies: 32
    Msg #32: On 1/27/2013 at 6:27:52 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #31, saying:
    I think the only reason the older actors are returning (and subsequently, probably the only reason they were asked to return in the first place) is because Bryan Singer has returned to direct for the first time since X2. Most of them are probably just doing it out of loyalty, since several of them got their careers launched by the X-men movies. If all of them were actually getting paid their normal rates, the budget for this movie would be astronomical based solely on the casting.

    Msg #33: On 1/28/2013 at 7:50:08 AM, Dac replied, saying:

        Replies: 34, 35
    Msg #34: On 1/28/2013 at 1:07:38 PM, Pteranadon2003 replied to Msg #33, saying:
    Haha that's great.

    Msg #35: On 1/28/2013 at 5:51:09 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #33, saying:
    Funny, but I hate Twitter with a passion.

    Msg #36: On 3/4/2013 at 7:59:35 PM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    Well, Halle Berry is officially back as Storm.

        Replies: 37
    Msg #37: On 3/4/2013 at 8:36:31 PM, Dac replied to Msg #36, saying:

        Replies: 38
    Msg #38: On 3/4/2013 at 8:47:56 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #37, saying:
    For the sake of continuity, I'm glad they got her back, but she was pretty dreadful in the X-men movies (and, to be honest, she's kind of a dreadful actress just in general, IMO). Aside from all the returning actors, though, it seems like this will be an alternate future, so Singer can undo all the mistakes Ratner made. Thus, this probably won't have much to do with the original trilogy.

    Msg #39: On 7/19/2013 at 2:59:19 AM, Dac replied, saying:

        Replies: 40
    Msg #40: On 7/19/2013 at 6:46:17 AM, PaulSF replied to Msg #39, saying:
    Here's what I'm interested in more than anything... it's about time.

    Msg #41: On 7/19/2013 at 3:23:22 PM, Dr. Ian Malcolm replied, saying:
    I hope it takes place after X3, and they go back in time (to first class days) and then they prevent everyone from dieing in X3 and then make more x men movies with everyone post X3 :)

    Don't get me wrong.. X3 is Epic.. when Jean bugs out and kills Prof X... that was insane and sad.. but doesn't mean they can't come back.

    Msg #42: On 8/12/2013 at 4:10:19 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    It cuts out and a minute and a half in, but hurry before Fox pulls it...


    Msg #43: On 8/13/2013 at 1:52:24 AM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    That actually looked badass. The wolverine shot was aces. Looks epic.

        Replies: 44
    Msg #44: On 8/13/2013 at 2:06:30 AM, PaulSF replied to Msg #43, saying:
    I think my favorite was the doors opening with the light making an X on McAvoy's face before expending out. This looks extremely moody and atmospheric. Fucking love Singer.

    Msg #45: On 10/14/2013 at 1:33:11 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Well my screams of ecstasy shall know no end.

    X-Men: Days Of Future Past was shot in HFR and will be released in 48fps. The filmmakers played coy because of the negative reaction to the technology when the Hobbit film was released, but love the results and will be standing behind a theatrical release in high frame rate. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/64613

    Trailer hopefully incoming with Thor: The Dark World in a few weeks.

        Replies: 46
    Msg #46: On 10/14/2013 at 3:49:03 PM, Seth Rex replied to Msg #45, saying:
    Sadly that means nothing to me. I have no theaters near me with HFR and so I'll be watching it in regular...But that's okay cause I know the film is going to be good.

    Msg #47: On 10/14/2013 at 4:10:09 PM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I saw Hobbit in 48fps and disliked it greatly, if that's peoples thing, cool, I'm glad you guys like it. But if it goes the way of 3D where pretty much every single movie is only showing in it if it's released that way, I won't be going to movies much anymore when it happens

    Msg #48: On 10/15/2013 at 12:06:57 AM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    Variety just confirmed the 48 fps thing is NOT true. BOOOO :(

    Msg #49: On 10/29/2013 at 8:49:28 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:

    Msg #50: On 10/29/2013 at 9:05:36 AM, Bryan replied, saying:

    I freaking loved First Class and while it has given me the extra desire to see this film, I'm worried about the huge cast of characters this film has to juggle. The likelihood that any of it will make sense to the average theater goer--or to me, since I've only really watched the animated series adaptation of the comic story, and I was pretty confused then--is closer to nil than feels right.

    Also, I know certain members of the board love to heavy pet themselves when discussing Singer, but he is one of the blandest action directors out there. He was blessed with some big movies but I still find his features lacking teeth, even when they have substance. I've mentioned my apathy for the first two X-Men and Superman Returns, but Singer's last directorial effort was just god-awful. I'm hoping that the Singer who made his big-screen debut with a classic reappears but I do not have my breath held.

    Also, another Logan-centric story? For fuck's sake, do they know nothing else?

    Msg #51: On 10/29/2013 at 9:11:40 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Logan is a lead character and is sent back in time by Eric and Charles, as seen at the tail end of The Wolverine, but this story is hardly Logan-centric. It's a pure ensemble piece.

    And things like the opening Nightcrawler attack, Supes plane rescue, the rooftop shootout with the gatlin, and attack on the mansion in X2 say u straight up mad with that "bland" remark.



        Replies: 52, 55
    Msg #52: On 10/29/2013 at 9:35:28 AM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #51, saying:
    Ticket sold.

    Looks like Fox are really learning their lessons on this franchise.

    Msg #53: On 10/29/2013 at 10:27:30 AM, Mark replied, saying:
    Looks pretty fucking awesome. Also is it just me or is that a pretty weird trailer edit? Almost seems unfinished.

    Msg #54: On 10/29/2013 at 11:34:42 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I liked The Wolverine admitedly, and rhia looks lik it is pretty good, but jesus am I sick of Wolverine, and every single film in the franchise aside from First Class seems to focus on him above all others, and it just makes me lose interest

    Msg #55: On 10/29/2013 at 11:48:38 AM, Bryan replied to Msg #51, saying:
    Those are islands in a sea of mediocrity, and, frankly, I barely remember anything about the attack on the mansion.

    Msg #56: On 10/29/2013 at 2:13:11 PM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    I'm there opening night. Haven't said that since Dark Knight Rises.

    Msg #57: On 10/29/2013 at 11:14:55 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:

    Msg #58: On 10/30/2013 at 3:42:23 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Really poorly edited trailer. This movie should sell itself: casts from all the movies, fucking terminator plot. Neither appears.

        Replies: 59, 64
    Msg #59: On 10/30/2013 at 5:22:13 PM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #58, saying:
    Singer's explanation cracks me up. I'm really looking forward to the movie, but as much as they try to rationalise it - the only reason Wolverine is our time travelling lead is because Jackman remains the biggest box office draw. There was never any way they were going to tell this story without wedging Wolvie into any available opening. It's all business.

        Replies: 60
    Msg #60: On 10/30/2013 at 5:49:59 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #59, saying:
    I was just getting ready to say the same thing. Story be damned, Wolverine is going back because Hugh Jackman will sell more tickets than Ellen Page. Fox is not willing to bet a large budget on a film headlined by Kitty Pryde, which is probably a smart decision. Wolverine, on the other hand, is a guaranteed sell, regardless of a relative handful of complaints that he is receiving too much focus in the franchise. End of story.

    Msg #61: On 11/1/2013 at 7:37:27 AM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    Yeah but how does Wolverine not make sense here? If I'm going to send someone back in time to ensure the war doesn't happen I'm going to send someone who isn't fragil and will not die in the mission. Wolverine - in that case - is indestructible.

        Replies: 62, 63
    Msg #62: On 11/1/2013 at 3:46:15 PM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #61, saying:
    Nice try dude.

    Msg #63: On 11/1/2013 at 5:38:31 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #61, saying:
    Kitty is pretty close to indestructible, as well. She can pass through any object, stick you in a wall or a floor, and now, she can apparently send your brain back or forward in time if you piss her off.

        Replies: 65
    Msg #64: On 11/3/2013 at 1:17:07 PM, Mr. Chaos replied to Msg #58, saying:
    My thoughts exactly. This was a very poorly made trailer and has my hopes for the films dropping, as it could also mean that the film is poorly editted.

        Replies: 66
    Msg #65: On 11/3/2013 at 3:22:42 PM, Carnotaur3 replied to Msg #63, saying:
    Yes, but my point was it makes sense to send Wolvie back if they wanted to.

    Msg #66: On 11/3/2013 at 7:13:39 PM, PaulSF replied to Msg #64, saying:
    "as it could also mean that the film is poorly editted"


    It's an edit of rough, freshly shot footage quickly made for Comic-Con that has nothing to do with John Ottman, who's edited every Singer film with the only exception being the first X-Men. I'm not entirely sure why people were expecting some polished trailer. No VFX are done and they just wrapped. It's a mood setter with appropriate choices of shots to establish that, and it works. Though for reasons like this, I'm surprised Fox let Singer release it wide. Though grateful.

    Msg #67: On 11/7/2013 at 12:01:47 PM, Pteranadon2003 replied, saying:
    Some very cool stills just released:

    13 New X-Men Images

    Msg #68: On 12/3/2013 at 4:46:38 PM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    At least this guy is honest:

    "We made the decision for a lot of reasons, some of them obvious and some of them more nuanced, to make it Wolverine who goes back in time. One reason is that he’s the protagonist of the franchise, and probably the most beloved character to a mass audience.

    Probably the bigger reason is that when we started thinking about the logistical realities of Kitty’s consciousness being sent back in time, to her younger self, as opposed to her physical body being sent back… it was impossible.

    Obviously in the book it’s Kitty that’s sent back, but because we cast Ellen Page in X-Men: The Last Stand, you’re talking about an actress who, in the age of Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, would have been negative 20 years old.

    So we started thinking again. The first reflex response to that was a character who doesn’t age. Wolverine is the only character who would looks the same in 1973 as he does in the future."

    Source: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/29940/wolverine-s-future-past-time-travel-explained

    Msg #69: On 12/22/2013 at 11:12:34 PM, JPController replied, saying:
    Anna Paquin will not be back as Rogue.
    Although I picture it going like this if it were in film

        Replies: 70
    Msg #70: On 12/23/2013 at 1:52:42 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #69, saying:
    LMAO that's the same guy from those Nolan Batman spoofs, isn't it?

        Replies: 71
    Msg #71: On 12/23/2013 at 2:25:37 PM, JPController replied to Msg #70, saying:
    The one in the same.

    Msg #72: On 12/23/2013 at 6:08:53 PM, Colin replied, saying:
    His name is Pete Holmes and he's also a brilliant comedian.

    Msg #73: On 1/14/2014 at 1:07:37 AM, Dac replied, saying:

    So apparently that's Quicksilver in the back. Because nothing says subtlety like making him dress in the clothing line he shares a name with.

        Replies: 74
    Msg #74: On 1/14/2014 at 11:46:35 AM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #73, saying:
    What bothers me more than his appearance is that he is even in it. Quicksilver was announced as being in The Avengers 2 long before he was in Days of Future Past, and given the already huge roster of characters in the latter film, there's no reason for him to be in it other than Fox giving a big fuck you to Marvel. I mean, granted, I think he belongs in X-men more than the Avengers, but Marvel called dibs on him, and having the same character played by two different actors in two separate, unrelated movies that close together is just going to be confusing.

    Also, why is Xavier walking?

        Replies: 75
    Msg #75: On 1/15/2014 at 1:19:26 AM, Dac replied to Msg #74, saying:
    Yeah, it was a lazy attempt to cash in on his character. He and Scarlet Witch were rumoured for Avengers 2 for a while before Whedon came out and said it was definite, but as I recall, it was exactly six days later where Fox said he was in this because they had a scene that required a speedster (because it's not like X-Men has dozens of them laying around, snort). Not the whole movie, but a sequence. Yep, totally not trying to flip Marvel the bird there, nosir. You and I are in full agreement, his appearance in the movie will be a total waste.

    Msg #76: On 1/15/2014 at 9:24:02 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Screenplays, guys. Give it a chance to work. Whedon doesn't have authority on where these characters show up or how they can be interpreted. I enjoy variations. It might turn out pointless if the story isn't rock solid, but I'm looking forward to the context in seeing if it works. We already know that Singer has approached the character in some seriously unique, technical ways. http://www.superherohype.com/news/178667-bryan-singer-reveals-an-innovative-approach-to-shooting-quicksilver

    I need my full trailer. Gotta be just weeks away.

    Msg #77: On 3/24/2014 at 11:30:08 AM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    New trailer is here.

    I'm at work on my phone, so I will have to post it later. For now here's the link.

    Msg #78: On 3/24/2014 at 3:18:51 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Everything, and I mean everything looks phenominal. The action looks epic in scope, yet emotionally driven (par the course with the installments Singer has either directed or written), the performances are passionate and sincere, the cinematography and production design look absolutely stellar and from a more retro era of spectacle lead by elegance and class over digital firework displays and/or cheap laughs (also seen throughout Superman Returns).

    Msg #79: On 3/24/2014 at 3:23:21 PM, raptor2000 replied, saying:

        Replies: 80
    Msg #80: On 3/25/2014 at 1:41:38 AM, Pteranadon2003 replied to Msg #79, saying:
    So mutant. Much future. Wow.

        Replies: 81
    Msg #81: On 3/25/2014 at 4:11:56 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #80, saying:
    ...aaaaaand I believe that's the first Doge meme to hit Dan's JP3 Page.

    Msg #82: On 4/13/2014 at 10:11:45 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:

    Msg #83: On 4/16/2014 at 8:18:37 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:

        Replies: 84, 87
    Msg #84: On 4/17/2014 at 6:34:32 AM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #83, saying:
    I loved that trailer more than Singer loves anally raping teenagers.

        Replies: 86
    Msg #85: On 4/17/2014 at 11:32:23 AM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    Ya know, little cocaine goes a long way, Grinchy.

    Msg #86: On 4/19/2014 at 6:00:12 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #84, saying:
    Get off the stage.

    Msg #87: On 4/20/2014 at 2:46:56 AM, Raptor Vinny replied to Msg #83, saying:
    Heil Singer (Heil Hydra)

    Msg #88: On 5/20/2014 at 10:03:33 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    In two days.

    Not since 2003's "X2: X-Men United" has this filmmaker tapped so effortlessly into his talent for comicbook gravitas, his ability to mine emotional resonance, pop poetry and (crucially) sly humor

    With its time-twisting plot, sci-fi soapiness, powerful humanism, and to-die-for cast, this is the summer blockbuster done with elegance and heart.

    A bold, dark and important chapter in a superhero franchise that continues to evoke the past atrocities of man, in order to portray a fantastic fable of hope amidst hopeless times.

    With director Bryan Singer comfortably back in the saddle, there's a wondrous sense of scale about this ambitious Marvel adventure as the element of time travel to the 70's offers a springboard for unbridled creativity and imagination.

    With style, heart and thrills, Singer has nailed the most ambitious X-flick yet. Popcorn pizzazz combines with X2's emotional sweep and something extra: a platform for the X-Men's screen survival.

    Even if Singer never makes one of these again, he can leave knowing that he delivered something that showed real growth, something that makes me think this series has plenty of stories left to tell.

    One of the few I'll actually purchase. It's an incredible piece of work by an underrated talent, and this is some of his best work, period. Charles Xavier's theme (Hope) starting at around 7 minutes in is terrific.

    Msg #89: On 5/21/2014 at 7:50:04 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    Next time you brush off RT critic reviews because you liked a terrible movie, I'm bringing this particular instance up.

    On that note, I'm looking forward more than ever to this film, although I'm still a walking caution sign. My main concern for this was coherence but that doesn't seem to be an issue, so now I'm hoping that Singer's signature adequacy isn't as prominently on display as it has been in the past.

        Replies: 90
    Msg #90: On 5/21/2014 at 8:02:09 PM, PaulSF replied to Msg #89, saying:
    Yes because I also couldn't have rounded up six positive quotes regarding Amazing Spider-man 2 out of the one-hundred and thirty plus! Your detective skills are serious unmatched warlocky magic-missile level 80 shit. I almost got away with it. To any and all further chucklepants: just posting some specific quotes that raise my excitement. I was hoping some of these things would be said. It's what was so strong about X2. Let's try for once not to look too deeply into things, as pointless as it is asking for such miracles.

        Replies: 91
    Msg #91: On 5/21/2014 at 8:49:49 PM, Bryan replied to Msg #90, saying:
    My detective skills were honed enough to know that you copy and pasted straight from RT. That RT itself has an incredibly high percentage for the film in question. That you were excited enough by those same reviews to share them with us.

    Not sure what you intend by pointing out that I could tell it came from RT. It's literally like an illiterate making fun of someone for reading. And if you didn't so often do this very thing, you wouldn't be harangued for it.

        Replies: 92
    Msg #92: On 5/21/2014 at 9:15:57 PM, PaulSF replied to Msg #91, saying:
    Not sure what kind of revelation you think you're getting at. I never denied having ripped them from RT and I'm not sure what RT has anything to do with this to begin with. Reviews from critics don't squeeze out of that sites stretchy vaginal highway. They originate from somewhere. I quoted those six because they said things that make me happy to read, being such a fan of Singer's earlier work. I've never said the site was garbage or useless, just that if 100 viewers over here say a film is terrible and another 100 over here say it's great, then yes, sites like RT in that context, generally, don't mean a whole lot. That's all I mean. I can't help it if your brain warps these things into indecipherable gobbledegook. I'm just really happy to see this doing so well and that many are reporting some key things I had hoped to see in the film. I wanted to share those things with other excited fans. I guess this means I'm hypocritical as I dare fucking not visit a site I supposedly CONDEMNED... :O :O :O

    Msg #93: On 5/21/2014 at 9:44:21 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    I'm trying to figure out what it is you're trying to accomplish. I'm not confused by your behavior. Nor am I confused by anything you've said in this thread. All I was doing was pointing out a historical tendency you have for using RT and it's general consensus when it best suits you, and dismissing the same when it doesn't align with your opinions. How that somehow translated into a condemnation of the site itself I'll never know. I like RT. Often it and I agree, and I can usually decide what to see and what not to see based on the what it compiles.

    You'd like to paint me as some irrational, easily addled buffoon, but all I was trying to do was point out consistent behavior. Tell me I'm the only one who noticed it.

    Msg #94: On 5/21/2014 at 10:19:58 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    I guess I just won't post any critical quotes ever again then and just say I'm excited for the film. Problem solved... where there shouldn't be any.

    Msg #95: On 5/22/2014 at 12:04:23 AM, Adam replied, saying:
    This came out yesterday here in Aus - a whole day earlier than scheduled - and I didn't have time to see it. :(

    Today that shall be rectified. Give me 4 hours and my butt shall be firmly planted in that cinema.

        Replies: 96
    Msg #96: On 5/22/2014 at 1:56:54 AM, PaulSF replied to Msg #95, saying:
    Hope you dig it. Please try to be as spoiler-free as possible when you come back. Still 18 hours to go for me. 10:30PM EST on a perfect Digital 3D screen.

    Msg #97: On 5/22/2014 at 5:45:53 AM, Bryan replied, saying:
    I'm getting my ticket for LieMax 3D today. If the crowd for this was half as good as the one for Godzilla it should be a blast.

    Msg #98: On 5/22/2014 at 9:11:47 AM, Adam replied, saying:
    Just back. No major spoilers. I'll be careful.

    Guys, I had forgotten. I had forgotten what it was like to truly and utterly enjoy the shit out of an X-Men film. X2 was how many years ago? 12? This is bloody fantastic and probably even better. Every last little bloody bit of it. It all comes together in ways I didn't think anyone could accomplish so seamlessly, let alone so quickly and easily. All the tangled mess of continuity issues no longer matter at all come the final frame of this film. It's a welcome fresh start, and its all just done with such effortless grace. I left smiling ear to ear. I'm sure the biggest of fans are going to find a couple of things still not quite matching up (the two Sabretooths, I suppose) but I feel satisfied.

    And don't worry peeps, I wouldn't call this Wolverine-centric at all.

    You will see Magneto seal off the White House with a football stadium, and you will realise what a distance X-Men has come. That's when it kinda hit me, anyway.

    Can't believe this film wasn't really on my radar until recently. I mean, I knew it was coming out and I'd liked the trailers, but man, it's easily one of the best things I've seen this year. And there was me thinking Godzilla was gonna be the first big summer flick to beat... oh my.

    Seeing it again tomorrow night. Can't wait.

    My only regret is not freshening up on the past films beforehand. I think the original 3 and First Class at least are required viewing to completely appreciate the entirety of this film's story.

    Also watched it with a great appreciative crowd. You can always tell during the trailers if you're watching a film with the right people, and I knew this the moment everyone was laughing and eating up the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. (I previously had been in a cinema with a crowd who didn't react to it at all, which astounded and saddened me). It really adds a little something.

    PS: Stay through the credits obviously, there's a scene right at the end. I'm a tad confused by who it was or what it's relevance was though. It appeared to be (HIGHLIGHT) thousands of Egyptian slaves praying and chanting to a hooded greyish looking mutant as they single-handedly created the Pyramids through apparent control of rock/stone, much like Magneto's control of metal. Not sure who it was or if it has anything to do with the upcoming Apocalypse film?

    Msg #99: On 5/22/2014 at 11:08:57 AM, Dac replied, saying:

    It was alright. Some great actions setpieces, and they handled the minor characters well enough. I just can't help but feel...what was the point of it all? While I liked the action and enjoyed watching the characters, I never once felt any sense of joy in watching them do their thing. This is the X-Men, dammit, the first comic I started reading all those years ago. I should feel delighted watching this. I don't know why I didn't. The acting was top notch, the visuals were excellent, and I never felt bogged down by all the characters running around like I had previously, even though this film had a much larger cast.

    I guess it's the script's problem, in the end. This movie is a series of good scenes awkwardly held together. Nowhere is this more evident than when Quicksilver, his big scene over and his role in the plot expired, is promptly told to go home, kiddo, there's no need for him onscreen any more. This occurs throughout the movie - once something is relevant to the action at hand it shows back up again, and when it isn't it vanishes offscreen, forgotten by the characters and the audience. Every character apparently forgets about Magneto about halfway through the film until he shows up in the climax, with only a scant handful of obligatory scenes to remind us that, yeah, he's still in the movie. Quicksilver himself, while a lot of fun, could have been virtually any character and it would have changed nothing about the movie. They could have made him Northstar and nothing would have been altered. Hell, they could have made him Azazel or Nightcrawler and the movie would still be the same. At least with Bishop, Warpath and the other background mutants, they had the decency not to overplay them and make them seem important when they weren't.

    Bolivar Trask's part was horribly underwritten - he was a walking Macguffin, and while Dinklage tried, he couldn't make a blandly-written role charismatic. Mystique's role has been upped thanks to Lawrence's star rising, even though the character herself is barely compelling (and also felt like too much of a Macguffin). Wolverine is once again front and centre, which bored me, although at least there was a semi-decent reason for it, and Jackman, like Dinklage, made the most of it. Once again, McAvoy and Fassbender were the stand-outs of the cast, and their scenes together were the really interesting ones, topped only by McAvoy and Stewart's clever conversation.

    I dunno. I felt like the film just went through the motions. Maybe it's been overhyped in the lead-up. It felt like a lot of events going on with no substance to them. None of the action beats had the brutal pay-off of, say, the Argentina scene in First Class. Almost everything about this film just felt so sterile. I want to like it, so much, because I feel there's a lot to like, but...I can't.

    Msg #100: On 5/22/2014 at 12:11:13 PM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    My fiancée, her siblings, her mother, and I are doing marathon over two days (Origins and First Class yesterday, 1-3 and The Wolverine today) before going to see DoFP tonight at 10.

    Msg #101: On 5/22/2014 at 9:42:34 PM, Adam replied, saying:
    Couldn't feel more different than Dac. Did you have high expectations going in? Sounds like you did. I had absolutely none to be honest, film barely being on my radar, and was pleasantly surprised. Maybe that's to do with it.

    Quick question for those who have seen it; how does Wolverine know Quicksilver prior to this film? It's his idea to go find him to help out and Wolverine claims to have known him as a child, saying he'd be a young man by now. Did he ever meet a young Quicksilver? I haven't seen The Wolverine.

    Msg #102: On 5/22/2014 at 11:17:24 PM, Dac replied, saying:
    No, this is the first time Quicksilver's been in a movie. Wolverine knew him because the plot needed him to.

    It's not that this was a bad movie. It's not. I was wary in the lead up but I've been seeing a lot of positive things so I didn't know what to expect. At the end, I think I was neither overwhelmed nor underwhelmed. The film is just kind of there.

    Msg #103: On 5/23/2014 at 1:30:44 AM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    Outstanding. That's all for now.


        Replies: 104
    Msg #104: On 5/23/2014 at 1:42:37 AM, PaulSF replied to Msg #103, saying:
    Well, that was the happiest I've maybe ever been walking out of the cinema.


    Msg #105: On 5/23/2014 at 3:01:37 AM, JPwonderboy replied, saying:
    Imagine the biggest, cheesiest grin you could imagine on a red-headed giant. That was ME walking out at the end of this thing. Fucking OUTSTANDING.

    Msg #106: On 5/23/2014 at 10:04:13 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    If I could save time in a bottle
    The first thing that I'd like to do...

    Msg #107: On 5/23/2014 at 1:06:31 PM, IngenRaptor replied, saying:
    It was fine I suppose, but there was nothing really fun about it.
    I'm glad to see people are really loving it though. I'll just stick with First Class.

    Msg #108: On 5/23/2014 at 3:24:44 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Liked this a lot, probably the best of the X films. They did a lot of fun things to mash together the entire universe and right the ship, but how the hell was Xavier back in his body at the end of Wolverine and in this film? COME ON GUYS ANSWER MY QUESTION

    Msg #109: On 5/23/2014 at 3:27:21 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    It's a dark, brooding film made for an adult audience. No two ways about it. If such a thing as an X-Men: Origins fan club exists, they will be bored out of their minds. Yet I was delightfully surprised at how witty and clever the humor managed to be in the face of all the heavy material. For me, however, that kind of tone is my fun when something is so stomach turning intense and thematically heavy, and then with some expert timing, gives you a little tickle and poke in the ribs with a laugh in contrast to entire films we get in this genre just being the tee-hee part, only nowhere near as clever or well directed. The Quicksilver scene will go down as one of the most fun and unforgettably brilliant sequences I can remember, and in doing do did that thing many great films have done where it took a song I'll never think of the same way again if I hear it. It was like the Nightcrawler attack at the opening of X2 one-upped to infinity. Singer makes the majority of filmmakers working today, especially in this genre, look like adolescents fiddling with expensive toys - even in comparison to those I have liked.

    It's a moody visual marvel, a supreme technical achievement (fuck me, that Quicksilver scene), has some of the most fine tuned performances in a film of this kind I can recall (this is the first time I feel like I've been in the company of X1 and 2's Wolverine since those films), and the way the future is depicted is some of the scariest, most menacing images I've seen since James Cameron's Terminator films. The last act had me shaken to the core, and very much moved.

    There's a lot to say, especially in regards to the utterly perfect conclusion, but this is a film I need to see again later tonight and talk about in waves. God damn it's good having Singer back.

    Msg #110: On 5/23/2014 at 5:46:26 PM, raptor2000 replied, saying:
    If I had to say anything negative about this movie - and it's not even a complaint so much as an observation over some odd omissions - it's that they didn't explain how Xavier was back alive in his own body, and that they largely ignored the events of The Wolverine...mainly in that Wolverine once again has his adamantium claws and his bodyguard is nowhere to be seen. The claws and Professor X were two things Singer promised to explain, but did not. Also, the future goes a little too quickly from where it was at the end of The Wolverine when Magneto and Charles find Logan to the dystopia seen in DoFP.

    Also, being as how Mystique was such a major part of the story, I thought it was odd that they got practically every actor back from the original trilogy except for Rebecca Romajin as the older Mystique...especially since she did appear in First Class.

    Anyway, those are pretty minor complaints if you even want to call them that, and it doesn't change the score that I gave the movie yesterday

        Replies: 114, 116
    Msg #111: On 5/23/2014 at 10:37:57 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    There's no doubt: Singer finally made a memorable X-Men film. This is his triumph. He returned with a lot of love for this series, and it shows in every frame. I was both surprised and delighted since I fully expected the film to disappoint me. But there were some great, very welcome cameos, amazingly shot scenes and terrific performances. My criticisms mirror raptor's, though I suspect we're getting a DC on home release. I would also like to add that it was silly of the protagonists not to take Quicksilver into the climax of the film, though I suspect his presence would have drastically altered the resolution.

    Bottom line: It is certainly the best entry in the franchise.


    Msg #112: On 5/27/2014 at 2:29:17 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:

        Replies: 113
    Msg #113: On 5/27/2014 at 6:59:02 AM, Evilgrinch replied to Msg #112, saying:
    Just to briefly echo the thoughts of pretty much everyone else - the lad Singer done good. His first completely satisfying film in a long time for me, surprisingly tight scripting from Kinberg, great cast, beautifully staged action sequences. Who'd have thought a series as wiped out as this one between 2003-2011 would come back with such strong entries over the last few summers? First Mangold crushes The Wolverine, now Singer takes the killing blow. For once I'm actually - shock - excited for the next film. Couldn't be happier.

    Watching this series come back from the brink gives me hope Sony might one day pull their finger out on the Spider-Man franchise and start atoning for this dodgy decade. If X-Men can crawl back from the dark days, there's hope for anyone...


    Msg #114: On 5/31/2014 at 11:42:00 PM, Raptor Vinny replied to Msg #110, saying:
    Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the Adamantium... huh.

    I'll admit the lack of explanation for Xavier coming back bothered me. But ultimately I didn't give a shit. This film was nearly flawless.

    The first two are outstanding but slightly campy and their budgets limited their potential scope.

    This one seemed limitless in creativity and imagination in some of its scenes. It took the potential of their characters and turned the notch to 10. Even more outstanding than almost anything Jean did in X-Men 3 despite her being more "powerful".

    And as usual, Paul echoes my thoughts completely. Yep, Paul and I are 69ing each other's mouths for this one folks. Gotta return the favour for Singer and give him a show. Completely agreed with the opening shots reminding me so much of Terminator 1 and 2. Especially as I just watched those films last weekend.

    Msg #115: On 5/31/2014 at 11:45:41 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    Also it just blows my mind that people could watch this and go "Yeah that wasn't very fun". Quicksilver's scene alone was worth the price of admission. How is stuff like that and Magneto's complete badassary throughout "going through the motions"?

    Msg #116: On 5/31/2014 at 11:48:30 PM, Raptor Vinny replied to Msg #110, saying:
    I'm more surprised that Mystique wasn't there since it seemed everyone got cameos, but the studio and Singer showed surprising restraint as an older Mystique just did not service the story in ANY way. It would have been a completely shoehorned scene for her to be there.

    I will admit I was disappointed she wasn't in it though as Rebecca is sexy as fuck. Oh well.

    Msg #117: On 6/10/2014 at 12:14:19 AM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    This movie was so fun. And for the first time in a while a blockbuster didn't feel convoluted or confusing. Everything was easy to follow, the drama was well played, McAvoy, what an actor. And Hugh Jackman had me in stitches at times.

    And yes, the Quicksilver scene was fantastic.

    Msg #118: On 7/30/2015 at 8:00:42 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    The board is on life support now, so fuck anybody that thinks it's dumb to bump this thread.

    I've been researching a bunch of ensemble superhero stuff for a project I'm working on, so I finally watched this last night after not giving a shit about the X-Men movies since I was in high school. I have some real problems with the overall story (mainly the entire story arc with Mystique, not only because I didn't seen X-Men: First Class and I don't like Jennifer Lawrence, but also because I just did not give a single shit about whether she went with Professor X or Magneto), but, considering my earlier skepticism about this clusterfuck of a time travel plot, this was one of the two or three best superhero movies I've seen in the past ten years.

    I'm utterly bored by the formula of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC can't seem to get its shit together and make something that's actually fun, and the constant reboots of Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four are exhausting and childish, but this had most of the things I like about superhero stories. Most of the action scenes were less about large scale destruction or character death than they were about showing creative ways the characters could use their superpowers, and Singer has an excellent sense for how to visually stylize a complicated action scene so that it feels dynamic and cool without beating you over the head with machine gun editing, slow motion, or fetishistic money shots. I know everyone brings up the "Time in a Bottle" scene, but it really is an iconic, memorable, imaginative scene that's totally unlike anything I've seen in any other movie. Little things like that are all I really want or expect from these big Hollywood movies, but they usually don't even deliver that.

    The story also basically "worked" enough on a thematic level to compensate for the time travel stuff not really making much sense, though, like I said, I think the Mystique plotline was lame. Dr. Trask was my favorite villain from a superhero movie since, well, Striker in X-Men 2, because he was a kind of inverse Magneto: one is a mutant and the other is a human, but they're both just trying to save their species from extinction. Villains with complex, understandable motivations are standard for X-Men stories, but they really should be standard for all stories. How many times can people watch a movie about a big whiny evil crybaby whose sole motivation for trying to kill the hero is hate and revenge?

    The one thing the film was missing was a scene where Professor X confronts Dr. Trask and tries to explain the error of his ways by telling him what ultimately happens with the Sentinel program. That seemed like the logical climax of the movie, but they had the film climax with Mystique's decision to spare Trask's life. Maybe Trask will be in the next film, though, since he should technically still be alive in the new timeline.

        Replies: 119, 120, 125
    Msg #119: On 7/30/2015 at 8:18:04 PM, PaulSF replied to Msg #118, saying:
    Glad you appreciated it. It eats every last Marvel Studios flick for breakfast and makes a fool out of most summer blockbusters in general, including many I've gone on record finding enjoyment in. Singer is out to deliver an actual film with these, even down to the deeply flawed but absolutely good Superman Returns. X-Men Apocalypse is easily my most anticipated of 2016.

    Msg #120: On 7/31/2015 at 12:24:28 PM, Trainwreck replied to Msg #118, saying:
    Hey, what's wrong with Jennifer Lawrence?

        Replies: 121
    Msg #121: On 7/31/2015 at 1:57:34 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #120, saying:
    She's not a good actress, and she sucks as Mystique. Mystique is supposed to have, uh, mystique. She's X-Men's femme fatale, very sexy but dangerous. Jennifer Lawrence isn't sexy and she's not convincing at being dangerous, either. The blue mutant makeup does most of the acting for her.

        Replies: 126
    Msg #122: On 7/31/2015 at 2:19:18 PM, RezForPrez replied, saying:
    yeh i hate dat bitch too

    never liked her in anything, except her fappening photos, and even then, i've had better.

    Ostro if you're doing research and watching ensemble films for some superhero topic, why wouldn't you watch first class first? they're both just as much ensemble films and first class is almost universally regarded as the better film(not saying it is though). seems retarded tbh

        Replies: 123
    Msg #123: On 7/31/2015 at 3:46:26 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #122, saying:
    I just watched the one that looked like more fun to me.

    Msg #124: On 7/31/2015 at 10:24:05 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    First Class has a a certain amount of excellent things going for it (mainly James Mcavoy), but placing it above DoFP is nonsense. Vaughn is no Singer, and some it is gets really cornball. I'll let this shot do the talking:


    Fassbender going full on Connery era Bond in the first act is an absolute highlight of the series, though.

    Msg #125: On 7/31/2015 at 11:07:41 PM, AngelsPhoenix replied to Msg #118, saying:
    As far as I can recall, Trask ended up in jail in the current timeline. (Forgot what for, though.)

    I really don't see how First Class is better than DoFP.

    Msg #126: On 7/31/2015 at 11:35:13 PM, Narrator replied to Msg #121, saying:
    "Jennifer Lawrence isn't sexy "

    If you don't think Jennifer Lawrence is sexy you're gay.

    Oh wait, hang on a second....

        Replies: 128
    Msg #127: On 8/1/2015 at 2:14:05 PM, Carnotaur3 replied, saying:
    First Class is okay. It really doesn't hold up so well on second viewing. In fact, it's rather boring. But I guess you can lobby that critique on almost all the X Men films.

    Msg #128: On 8/1/2015 at 2:56:55 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #126, saying:
    No matter how gay a guy is, he can appreciate sex appeal in a woman. Jennifer Lawrence really doesn't have any.

        Replies: 129
    Msg #129: On 8/1/2015 at 6:04:50 PM, Narrator replied to Msg #128, saying:
    thats just not true at all

        Replies: 130
    Msg #130: On 8/1/2015 at 6:16:37 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #129, saying:
    We get it, dude. You're heterosexual and want to fuck Jennifer Lawrence.

        Replies: 131
    Msg #131: On 8/2/2015 at 3:23:03 AM, Narrator replied to Msg #130, saying:
    Why is it you think you are the authority on sex appeal?

    She's not only physically attractive, but a charismatic person while being sincere.

        Replies: 132
    Msg #132: On 8/2/2015 at 9:57:49 PM, Velociraptor87 replied to Msg #131, saying:
    I know straight men who don't find her sexy. I don't think they're suddenly now gay. They just have different taste in women.

        Replies: 133
    Msg #133: On 8/3/2015 at 2:31:44 AM, Narrator replied to Msg #132, saying:
    yeah that wasn't a joke or anything. I wasn't being hyperbolic to make a point.

    But on the other hand, you might want to ask them on a date... couldn't hurt.

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