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    The raptor "resonating chamber" in JP3 was actually a mold from a dog, but increased in size substantially. From: Oviraptor.
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    "June 13, 2014"
    On 1/11/2013 at 6:09:19 PM, JP Animal Control started the thread:
    Universal twitter page just announced that Jurassic Park IV will be released on June 13, 2014

    Msg #1: On 1/11/2013 at 8:18:51 PM, Doni JP replied, saying:





        Replies: 2
    Msg #2: On 1/11/2013 at 11:10:54 PM, BJP3E replied to Msg #1, saying:
    As much as I want another movie I have little faith they can recover from JP3

    They either need to go back to square one or flat out end the series with say an animal rights vs poacher type story?

    damn its been a while since I posted here LOL

    Msg #3: On 1/12/2013 at 12:08:15 AM, Cloner replied, saying:
    Only the true believers remain on this board for just such an announcement.

        Replies: 4
    Msg #4: On 1/12/2013 at 8:29:20 AM, BJP3E replied to Msg #3, saying:
    As an elder yeah been on or around these boards since day one

    Msg #5: On 1/12/2013 at 9:18:07 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    Who the hell are you people?

        Replies: 6
    Msg #6: On 1/12/2013 at 10:09:11 PM, BJP3E replied to Msg #5, saying:
    the dedicated I suppose for having stayed with this site so blasted long

        Replies: 7
    Msg #7: On 1/12/2013 at 11:13:15 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #6, saying:
    No, WE are the dedicated...those of us who have remained active all these years. You guys are the embarassed cousins ashamed of their brethren who only show up to the family gatherings when they need money. :P

    And no, you can't have any.

        Replies: 11
    Msg #8: On 1/13/2013 at 12:50:11 AM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    Hi raptor2000. My big friend of USA!

    Man, just one thing say: NOW WE HAVE JP4!

    Jurassic Park IV,
    I'm here,
    waiting for you,
    with all my love,
    and with all love of all JP Fans!


    Msg #9: On 1/13/2013 at 8:58:42 AM, Bryan replied, saying:
    This place is like Sid's room from Toy Story.

    Msg #10: On 1/13/2013 at 10:13:44 AM, Adam replied, saying:
    Fucking LOL.

    Msg #11: On 1/14/2013 at 4:27:01 AM, JPController replied to Msg #7, saying:

    Msg #12: On 1/24/2013 at 4:35:26 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Haha Bryan nice

    Msg #13: On 1/24/2013 at 7:05:25 PM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    SW7 already Director: JJ Abrams.

    So, now Spielberg free again.

    Director of JPIV: Steven Spielberg.


    Msg #14: On 2/18/2013 at 6:21:32 PM, Doni JP replied, saying:

    Well, KK producer JP3 too, and we saw JP3 with nothing of story (genetic, INGEN, business with dinosaurs...).

    So, other new JP movie, JP4 with new people and people with new fantastic ideias.

    Now, the director.


    You american people make this campaign and agitation in internet for ROBERT ZEMECKIS to Director of JP4.

    What do you think about Robert Zemeckis?

    Msg #15: On 2/19/2013 at 10:40:42 PM, Doni JP replied, saying:

    KK should communicate this matter in way official.
    We know about that just because Jack De La Mare make this question via twitter.

    Please, more respect for the JP fans.

    JURASSIC PARK is much bigger than Star Wars.

    Now, Steven Spielberg needs take on Jurassic Park IV.

        Replies: 16
    Msg #16: On 2/20/2013 at 10:33:08 PM, Kevy Mac replied to Msg #15, saying:
    "JURASSIC PARK is much bigger than Star Wars."

    You're kidding, right? Not to try and toot my horn, but I'm about as big of a JP fanboy as they come and even I know that a new Star Wars film is a bigger deal than a new Jurassic Park film.

    Msg #17: On 2/21/2013 at 12:20:56 AM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    "JURASSIC PARK is much bigger than Star Wars."

    Kevy Mac,
    for me and millions of JP FANS this is very true.

    In my opinion, Star Wars is a simple novel mexican in space.

    KK should conclude its work on JP4 (because she it started in 2012) and then take on another franchise.

        Replies: 18
    Msg #18: On 2/21/2013 at 1:00:38 AM, Kevy Mac replied to Msg #17, saying:
    If you and the millions of JP fans prefer JP over Star Wars, that's fine. Really, it is. Hell, I'm right there with you, but the fact of the matter is that the very statement of "Jurassic Park is much bigger than Star Wars" is completely and utterly FALSE.

    The Star Wars franchise has grossed $4,485,672,683 worldwide, whereas Jurassic Park's franchise intake has only been $2,076,450,663. Seeing as how Kathleen Kennedy produces films to, you know, stay fed, clothed and sheltered, it only makes sense that she'd take on the more profitable franchise, not to mention the fact that she is now in charge of Lucasfilms, so if anyone is going to produce Star Wars, its her.

    What's that? Star Wars had a 16 year and 3 movie head-start on JP? True, but here are the user ratings of each Star Wars film based on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, respectively:

    Episode IV - A New Hope: 8.8 & 93%
    Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back: 8.8 & 97%
    Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi: 8.4 & 79%
    Episode I - The Phantom Menace: 6.5 & 57%
    Episode II - Attack Of The Clones: 6.7 & 67%
    Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith: 7.7 & 80%
    The Clone Wars (should you wish to count it): 5.6 & 18%

    So how does Jurassic Park stand up against it?

    Jurassic Park: 8.0 & 90%
    The Lost World: Jurassic Park: 6.3 & 52%
    Jurassic Park III: 5.8 & 50%

    Hm, Star Wars seemed to keep its momentum going through two sequels whereas Jurassic Park couldn't maintain great critical reception after one film.

    In other media, Star Wars comics have been published by Marvel & Dark Horse since 1977 with approximately 109 different titles/arcs, some of which are still going today. Jurassic Park had a decent run with Topps from June 1993 to August 1997 with 7 arcs and then completely flopped with IDW Publishing after a mere three story arcs from June 2010 to May 2012.

    Let's talk toys, because we all loved toys as kids. Star Wars has had 16 collections of 3.5" figures, not to mention an additional 10 lines of various sizes, all of which are through Hasbro. Jurassic Park has had a total of 13 between Kenner and Hasbro, most of which are repaints of figures already released in previous lines.

    Oh, and let us not forget that Jedi is an official recognized religion in the UK. Does Jurassic Park have this to its claim? Nope. When someone gets the idea to erect The Church Of Dr. Johnathan Hammond, you be sure to let me know.

    I know that you absolutely worship Jurassic Park, which is fine (hell, check out the "Jurassic Ink" thread on the main page to see what's in store for my arms) but I know from experience that when you let your personal bias get in the way of cold hard facts, someone's bound to ask you:

    "Are your brains in your ass?"

    Msg #19: On 2/21/2013 at 1:39:45 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    ^^^^^ What he said. That statement was absolutely ridiculous. I DESPISE the LOTR movies (and books) But I never claim they are bad movies because that is simply not true. I just hate them. Saying JP is bigger than Star Wars is ludicrous

    Msg #20: On 2/21/2013 at 2:49:15 AM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    Kevy Mac, don't forget the JP book and TLW book.

    Yeah. I have humility.
    Kevy Mac, you right.

    I just do not agree with the question: "Are your brains in your ass?"
    This is lack of respect for the opinions of others.

    In my opinion, SW in many times is stupid.

    And you Cameron, stay calm.
    Kevy Mac, Cameron,

    Here in Brazil when we are fans of something, we defend this thing of all.
    JP4 deserves much respect.
    The question here is JURASSIC PARK.
    With this decision of KK, Spielberg has to take on JP4.

    Msg #21: On 2/21/2013 at 9:18:04 PM, Doni JP replied, saying:

    Wait a minute...

    JP is owned by Universal, right?
    And JP is one of the biggest franchises at Universal, right?

    And in 2014, Universal will not give priority to JP4?
    Universal will give priority to 50 shades?

    President of Universal said nothing about JP4.
    How is this possible?
    Someone here can explain this to me?

        Replies: 22
    Msg #22: On 2/21/2013 at 11:41:01 PM, Stealth Raptor2 replied to Msg #21, saying:

    Msg #23: On 2/22/2013 at 1:40:14 AM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    Therefore, Stealth Raptor2.
    JP4 involves a lot of money.

    Why he don't talk nothing about JP4?

    Msg #24: On 2/22/2013 at 9:50:03 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    Por que tu hablas tanto de JP que ya se puso cansado con el tema.

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