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    A dinosaur called "Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima" (a type of ankylosaur) was named after the cast of JP. The letters in the name come from 'Sam NEill, Laura DErn, Jeff GOldblum, Sir Richard Attenborough, Bob PEck, Martin FERrero, Ariana RIchards, & Joseph MAzzello. (From Utahraptor)
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    "A Scene I Was Sad Not to See"
    On 7/11/2011 at 8:07:59 PM, dieterstark started the thread:
    This is one of my favorite deleted scenes from "The Lost World Jurassic Park". Along with The Boardroom Scene, The Bar Scene, Ajays death scene among others this scene really gives a bit more depth to the character of Dieter Stark. A good ole South African asshole, who we all love to hate. Or hate to love.


    The Driver hits the gas and the snagger leaps forward, gaining on the herd. Aware of the danger behind them, the herd veers to the right, towards the cover of thick jungle - -

    - - but the motorcycle ROARS in from the right side, cutting them off, herding them back out into the open.


    PETER LUDLOW stands up in a “conning tower,” a command post in the heaviest pursuit vehicle. He BARKS into a walkie-talkie.

    LUDLOW You are to take those animals alive, Dieter, and uninjured! Understand?

    The Driver can barely keep up with the twist and feints thrown by the herd ahead of them. Dieter CURSES and throws the lasso pole into the back of the jeep. Ludlow’s voice continues over the radio next to him.

    LUDLOW (o.s.) That’s very expensive property, and it does not belong to you! Dieter?! Can you hear me?!

    DIETER (to the Driver) Turn that off!

    The Driver SNAPS off the radio as Dieter grabs a long-barreled rifle from the back of the vehicle.

    Dieter, rifle in hand, drops down into the passenger seat, whips a harness over himself and CLICKS it into place.

    He jabs his thumb into a flashing red button in the dashboard.

    Immediately, a motor underneath the seat HUMS to life and the seat itself telescopes, extending a good four feet out to the side of the speeding jeep.

    Dieter raises the gun, picks a CARINTHOSAUR, a red-crested herbivore, from the rear of the fleeing herd and takes aim.


    The carinthosaur staggers as a tranquilizer dart sticks in its let hindquarters.

    44 UP ON RIDGE,

    there is utter quiet. Nick and the others stare wordlessly at the spectacle below.


    the snagger SHUDDERS to a halt in the dirt, kicking up a huge cloud of dust and dirt.

    The motorcycle spins to a stop beside it, its DRIVER pushing his mask up to reveal his sweat and dirt-streaked face.

    The wrangler truck backs up and drops its rear door, which CLANGS heavily to the ground. FOUR WRANGLERS carrying wire noose poles and chains race down the ramp and out of the truck.

    Dieter jumps off the snagger. He puts down his tranquilizer gun, picks up a long steel rod, and walks forward slowly. Ahead of him, the carinthosaur is still on its feet.

    The sedated animal staggers, fighting to retain its balance while it is surrounded by wary Wranglers.

    DIETER Easy - - easy - - not too close! Full extension!

    The Wranglers adjust their poles, extending them another three feet, which allows them to stay further from the feeling, ten foot tall animal.

    DIETER Now!

    Almost as one, the Wranglers flip their nooses over the stunned animal’s neck. It thrashes, but the Wranglers hold their poles tightly, surrounding and immobilizing it.

    I know this is the alternate version of the scene in the movie. Yet this original version is much better, and gives more face time to some hunters. Who were the actual heroes of the movie. And had all the right to be there, I mean the dinosaurs were indeed InGens property and they had all the right to harvest their crop.

    Damn hippies messing shit up.

    Msg #1: On 7/12/2011 at 6:57:43 PM, Spino144 replied, saying:
    When I was 9 years old, I went to watch TLW in theaters and waited eagerly for this scene involving a fictitious dinosaur named Carinothosaurus. I waited and waited and when the "round-up" scene was over, I dashed out of the theater frustrated, confused, and angry. I didn't bother finishing the rest of the movie. I just wanted my scene.

        Replies: 2
    Msg #2: On 7/12/2011 at 8:27:26 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #1, saying:

    Msg #3: On 7/13/2011 at 8:07:44 AM, Trainwreck replied, saying:
    LOL @ Spino.

    Dieter, isn't this scene almost exactly the same? There are some detail changes, but the scene itself is there...it really makes no difference, lol.

    But yeah, the hunters were, indeed, the good guys. And the victims of eco-terrorist radical Nick Van Owen. Shame on the "good guys" of The Lost World.

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