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    After seeing the special effects in the first JP, Stanley Kubric was inspired to turn his longstanding idea for "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" to reality. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    "Sam Neill about JP4..."
    On 5/17/2011 at 10:38:52 PM, Doni JP started the thread:


    I said in 4/26/2011:

    Now guys,
    In few months when Joe Johnston it comes to the public to answer about JP4... You know he will answers: JP4? What JP4? I don't know nothing about JP4.

    Who talk the true... Joe Johnston or Sam Neill?

    One of two is a big fuck lier!

    The bastard of the Spielberg or some producer of Universal should give a end in this history. Or exists or not exists JP4!

    Shit! The fans deserve respect!

    You american's people should be protest against this!

    WE WANT JP4!


    Msg #1: On 5/17/2011 at 10:47:25 PM, Kevy Mac replied, saying:
    Well, I would say that I'm bummed out about this...but really, if they weren't going to do it right and end up turning JP4 into another JP3, then why bother? A JP film could be done without Stan Winston, but it wouldn't be the same, much like how JP3 was made without Dennis Mueren and look how the effects were in that one.

    Msg #2: On 5/17/2011 at 11:06:19 PM, dieterstark replied, saying:
    They should do another movie more like The Lost World book, or a darker, grittier remake or revamp of the story. Its too soon for a remake, but they could revisit the material in a much darker and new direction.

    Msg #3: On 5/17/2011 at 11:11:58 PM, Spino144 replied, saying:
    Screw Jp4...at this point they would screw it up, unless they can really come up with a really really good idea.

    What we need is a good non-Jp dinosaur movie.
    i.e, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, The Land That Time Forgot, Footprint of Thunder, etc.

    JP should live through comics and video games. If a movie really does happen decades from now as a remake.

    Msg #4: On 5/17/2011 at 11:39:51 PM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    idiot excuses of Sam Neill about the conection into of the death of Stan and of the death of JP4.

    answer me one thing: How many animatronics the Avatar movie used in scene?

    With the advancement of technology CGI the animatronic dinosaurs would be little use in the JP4.

    But what makes me most crazy is to hear JJ say:

    There is going to be a Jurassic Park IV," he tells the site, in an interview about his upcoming films, "The Wolfman" and "Captain America". "[JP4] breaks away from the first three—it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It's going to be done in a completely different way.

    So since JP4 is dead ... this idiot of JJ should tell the public what was this brilliant idea about a fourth movie and a new trilogy JP which him think and talked before starting to make Captain America.

    "JP should live through comics and video games. If a movie really does happen decades from now as a remake."

    comics and video games about JP are a big shit!

    Msg #5: On 5/17/2011 at 11:56:46 PM, Oviraptor replied, saying:
    Well let's see, Stan Winston Studios just isn't Stan Winston, and Jurassic Park just isn't Michael Crichton.... shame on you Sam Neill, you're my favorite actor but still, shame on you..

    Stan Winston Studios is alot of guys, Winston was just the boss.

    Let's not forget David Koepp, the script writer for JP and TLW:JP even though TLW:JP sucked most JP fans love it. lol

    JPIV isn't dead, Neill's just running his mouth.

    Looks to me like he won't be having a role in it, so he obviously doesn't know shit about it.
    They're not going to tell him anything if he's not casted or in the script.

    Crichton had nothing to do with JP3, funny how Neill doesn't mention that.

    Kevy Mac the effects in JP3 were awesome.

        Replies: 6
    Msg #6: On 5/18/2011 at 12:35:29 AM, Kevy Mac replied to Msg #5, saying:
    "the effects in JP3 were awesome."

    Gonna have to kindly disagree on that. Animatronics? Maybe. CGI? Fuck no.

    "answer me one thing: How many animatronics the Avatar movie used in scene?"

    Leave Avatar out of this. That movie is not worthy of being mentioned in a Jurassic Park thread, not to mention many others. Besides, the great thing about the JP series is that they use both animatronics AND CGI. If they went completely CGI for JP4, then I can guarantee you it'd be the least enjoyable of the series simply because you'd never be looking at a physical animal but animated creatures simply added in post production. Takes away from the realism that the JP series tries to bring because nothing's going to look more real than the real thing.

    Msg #7: On 5/18/2011 at 12:36:39 AM, Oviraptor replied, saying:
    I loved JP3's CGI.

        Replies: 8
    Msg #8: On 5/18/2011 at 12:45:19 AM, Kevy Mac replied to Msg #7, saying:
    Wasn't trying to sound like a prick. My apologies if I did. If anyone here enjoyed JP3's CGI, more power to 'em. IMO, the CGI was far superior in JP and TLW (which, also IMO, I find better than JP3) and there are still shots in those two where I think to myself, "That's a dinosaur, not a CG puppet." JP3's CGI seemed much more painfully obvious to me.

    Msg #9: On 5/18/2011 at 12:50:04 AM, Oviraptor replied, saying:
    I know, I'm just stating my opinion.

    Msg #10: On 5/19/2011 at 9:59:59 PM, Siir replied, saying:
    I'd think Johnston is more "in the know" than Neill. Neill seems to be stating an opinion. He thinks the story has been told, etc. It just sounds like he is disinterested in making another, not definitively saying that it's dead. Unless someone approached him about a role in JP4 and then said "scratch that, it's not happening" I don't think he'd know 100% as to what the status was.

    Granted I don't really follow every little tidbit of JP4 news that crops up, but I thought last time Sam spoke about JP4 he said he had not been approached about it. So I can't imagine he knows any more than any of us if he's disinterested + nobody has sought him to be involved.

    Msg #11: On 5/20/2011 at 12:55:16 AM, Doni JP replied, saying:
    "answer me one thing: How many animatronics the Avatar movie used in scene?"

    Leave Avatar out of this. That movie is not worthy of being mentioned in a Jurassic Park thread, not to mention many others. Besides, the great thing about the JP series is that they use both animatronics AND CGI. If they went completely CGI for JP4, then I can guarantee you it'd be the least enjoyable of the series simply because you'd never be looking at a physical animal but animated creatures simply added in post production. Takes away from the realism that the JP series tries to bring because nothing's going to look more real than the real thing.

    Ok. I thought and I agre wiht you. You right, Kevy Mac.

    but the most important now was somebody come to public to talk about develop or no develop of the production JP4.

    JJ captain america coming soon... interview him is vital.

    Msg #12: On 5/23/2011 at 2:07:07 PM, ParkerP82 replied, saying:
    There is a lot of animatronic stuff in The Lost World that ruins the movie imo (baby stega, trex ripping car apart, impaled raptor, etc animatronics were very overused) while it was used in JP in the right shots, with perfection.

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