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    The helicopter that takes Grant & Co. to the island in JP crashed back in March 2001. No one was injured in the crash, but the helicopter was destroyed.
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    "Jurassic World"
    On 12/11/2016 at 2:05:50 PM, fordprefect started the thread:
    Anyone see this since it came out? I tried watching it again recently but it was really boring on a second watch.


    Msg #1: On 12/20/2016 at 9:26:39 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    I just got the 3D blu-ray in the mail a week ago. I plan to watch it over Christmas.

    I watched it multiple times in theater and was entertained every time though.

    Sure it's not perfect and kinda cheesy but still fun I imagine. Definitely better than TLW and JP3...

        Replies: 3
    Msg #2: On 12/26/2016 at 12:38:45 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    It's fucking awful and I don't think I could ever suffer through it a second time. It was possibly the most miserable experience I've ever had in a movie theater.

    Msg #3: On 12/29/2016 at 12:15:05 AM, JPwonderboy replied to Msg #1, saying:
    I echo Vinny's sentiments.

    Msg #4: On 12/29/2016 at 9:32:38 PM, Trainwreck replied, saying:
    It's such a bad movie that I don't even publicly acknowledge its existence. People who know me troll me all the time about it.

    It has no redeeming qualities and shouldn't exist. I have no reason to ever watch it again.

    Msg #5: On 1/1/2017 at 4:21:13 PM, jp3 girl replied, saying:
    Haven't watched it since it came out. Mostly because the character Claire was so disappointing. Went from Ellie Sattler and Sarah Harding to that dipshit. No thanks.

        Replies: 6, 10
    Msg #6: On 1/7/2017 at 7:47:22 PM, Raptor Vinny replied to Msg #5, saying:
    I mean... she's better than Tea Leoni

    Msg #7: On 1/13/2017 at 12:56:21 AM, Pteranadon2003 replied, saying:
    I liked it. Better than JP3 but not as good as the first two. Definitely a b movie with a decent message about how we treat animals. Hope the next one has more of the tone of the first two films.

    Msg #8: On 1/13/2017 at 1:37:51 PM, Carnage141 replied, saying:
    I refused to watch it in the theaters as it looked absolutely atrocious.

    I downloaded it recently and I'm happy to say it was actually worse than what I expected it to be...

    Msg #9: On 1/18/2017 at 2:11:01 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    It's a fun watch with some beautiful scope to it; I particularly adore the way Trevorrow directs the opening scenes leading into seeing Jurassic World for the first time, all mainly through a child's point of view. There's a good deal of wonder there to appreciate, and Giacchino's As The Jurassic World Turns is one of my favorite new themes to come out of a movie in a long while, used beautifully throughout those sequences. The raptor chase to the closing scene is relentlessly fun spectacle filmmaking. There were a lot of crowd-pleasing moments over the past few years, but when that door opens, and she comes stomping out to Claire in silhouette with that flare... that's just wonderful stuff. I liked Claire and her arc in relation to how she initially saw the animals, and I can't wait to see where she and everything else goes in 2018. J.A. Bayona is a terrific filmmaker, and he's said to be bringing his own, darker flavor found in his Spanish horror efforts to it, aesthetically. Plenty of reasons, at least on my end, to greatly anticipate it.

    Went from Sarah Harding to that dipshit.

    Ellie a better character? Sure. But then you said this. :p

    One thing about Claire is that she never smeared a breadcrumb like blood trail across a humid jungle filled with predators out to devour her, followed by hanging her bloodied shirt up ...you know, TO DRY, directly above herself and her step daughters heads while they slept. Claire's worst sins as a character were ultimately redeemed. Sarah and the near lot of TLW characters do anything and everything they can to monumentally fuck up or put the lives of others in even more jeopardy than they already were.

    EDIT: Plot leak:

    The following information is based on official interviews with the production, mixed with domain purchase leaks, and a hastily removed official website update.

    The movie will tackle dinosaur rights, and mans responsibility for creating them
    It’s about our relationship with animals, not ‘Jurassic World War’
    It will be more intimate and takes the story into new places – while still remaining familiar
    It will film primarily in Hawaii (plus Pinewood Studios London), thus suggesting the return of Sorna and/or Nublar

    As an imminent volcanic eruption (or government sanctioned firebombing) threatens the fate of Isla Nublar and the dinosaurs on it, a fierce debate erupts in favor of their destruction. Despite arguments against this, Claire Dearing and Owen Grady feel a certain responsibility to launch a rescue mission to try to relocate the animals somewhere safe.

    Msg #10: On 7/6/2017 at 9:35:11 AM, spinorextor replied to Msg #5, saying:
    I don't know...Claire wasn't that bad. Owen was a bit nauseating though.

    Just so...cliche...


    Msg #11: On 8/2/2017 at 5:33:36 PM, Dac replied, saying:
    I liked it when first watching it, but I think that was because I wanted so desperately to get another good JP movie.
    Subsequent rewatches have shown me, it's pretty bad. And I can't enjoy it.

        Replies: 12
    Msg #12: On 8/6/2017 at 9:37:30 PM, spinorextor replied to Msg #11, saying:
    Just think how bad JW 2 will be! Literally dinosaurs with guns...

    Actually I'm not 100% sure that plot point has been confirmed...but it seems like the most common synopsis that's floating around...


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