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By Michael Crichton
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    Grant and Burke agree that the Raptor's "killer claw" was on the middle toe, when in fact many believe it was on the inside toe. (From: 'Tyrannotaur')
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    On 11/13/2015 at 1:39:41 AM, Bryan started the thread:
    Due to recent circumstances, I don't normally get my son overnight. In fact, this is the first time in over a month that he's been able to stay here. The reason is because his mom his out of town. It's also, unfortunately, this week that he's taken ill. He's got a cough, which activates vomiting if it goes on just long enough (and, spoiler alert, it has), paired with some fever. After puking his brains out all over the carpet of the apartment I'm about to vacate in two weeks, he fell asleep for four hours. I, being smarter than I look, couldn't sleep at all, instead reading back issues of Dan's Greatest Hits to keep myself awake, watching for more signs of illness in Bryan 2.0. Then he started mumbling for his mom and I felt his head and hands, unsurprisingly finding them hot to the touch. Vomit, round two. Some kids Tylenol and half a bottle of water later, and it's fucking playtime in the Martinez household. Parenthood! *air guitar solo*

    Msg #1: On 11/14/2015 at 7:42:01 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Someone's left...

    There's some kind of irony being us, the only one's left. This is a good representation of how I feel logging in every now and again. At least I got an excuse to squeeze out one more movie write-up (Spectre.

    Msg #2: On 11/15/2015 at 5:13:20 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    Me too. The deadness is obnoxious. The only thing that has changed is the domain URL, really, but somehow that convinced even the longest running members to abandon all hope.

    Msg #3: On 11/18/2015 at 11:48:26 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    I still check the site everyday (except for the past week because I was in Florida), but there's nothing left to talk about, really.

        Replies: 4, 5
    Msg #4: On 11/19/2015 at 2:29:15 PM, Bryan replied to Msg #3, saying:
    I'd argue we've had nothing to talk about for the better part of a decade.

    Msg #5: On 11/19/2015 at 5:34:41 PM, PaulSF replied to Msg #3, saying:
    Here's a random one since I remember you being a fan of Clint Eastwood as a director: your opinion on American Sniper?

        Replies: 6
    Msg #6: On 11/20/2015 at 2:51:14 AM, Ostromite replied to Msg #5, saying:
    I didn't see it. I think that sniper guy was a racist psychopath and I don't have any interest in watching a movie about it.

    Msg #7: On 12/1/2015 at 9:59:02 AM, PunkNerd replied, saying:
    Ostro you didn't miss anything. It's like the movie version of that dude from high school who's forty now and still sits and talks about that time he threw the game winning touchdown senior year. The whole movie made me really uncomfortable, and none of it seemed genuine or true. He's a hero who suffers alone silently and with extra macho-ness, and does nothing but meet people with problems which he solves by being so patriotic and amazing that the problems simply melt away. They do leave the more ridiculous parts of the memoir out thank goodness, like him going to New Orleans and shooting looters from a rooftop, but they replace it with a totally fabricated story line about him and an evil sniper meeting off and on throughout the war until he finally bests him. (without help from anyone of course. And during a massive sand storm.)

    Msg #8: On 4/7/2016 at 3:15:50 PM, RezForPrez replied, saying:

        Replies: 9, 10
    Msg #9: On 4/10/2016 at 5:29:38 PM, Phily replied to Msg #8, saying:
    "Oh la wen ga" still drives me mad. What is it?!

    Msg #10: On 4/18/2016 at 5:16:02 AM, Dac replied to Msg #8, saying:
    Wasn't that Spino144?

        Replies: 11

    Msg #11: On 4/18/2016 at 4:05:10 PM, RezForPrez replied to Msg #10, saying:
    Sssshhhh! Don't give it away to Phily!

    Msg #12: On 4/30/2016 at 7:14:10 AM, Dac replied, saying:
    I gave NOTHING. Not even for Christmas!

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