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    The Gallimimus herd scene in JP was filmed at popular tourist spot Kualoa Ranch on Kauai. The large tree branch Grant and the kids hide behind is still there. (From: SeanArcher)
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    "New Domain!"
    On 8/16/2015 at 4:34:51 AM, Ostromite started the thread:
    Welcome to Djp3p.zzzz.io!

    I, for one, welcome the new regime change. I wouldn't have kept renewing the domain for fucking fifteen years like Dan did, and, from what I can tell, the new site works just as well or even better than the old one.

    Msg #1: On 8/16/2015 at 4:40:28 AM, yvonne replied, saying:
    GMT time zone though. Might be weird to get used to lol

        Replies: 24
    Msg #2: On 8/16/2015 at 11:34:04 AM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    So what's going on? Has someone else bought the domain or is this like a eulogy period before the website eventually closes?

        Replies: 3
    Msg #3: On 8/16/2015 at 6:01:43 PM, Ostromite replied to Msg #2, saying:
    I think Dan just didn't renew it because he doesn't care any more and moved it to this new DNS to give it a couple more years of life support.

    Msg #4: On 8/16/2015 at 11:37:26 PM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I'm going to take the domain expiring as a sign. Been coming to this site for 14 of the 25 years I've been alive but barely come on anymore anyways.

    I'm not a part of the Dan's Facebook group anymore, hated the constant updates and things. But if anyone would like to stay in contact feel free to add me on Facebook as a friend. Cameron Popplestone. Should be easy to find.

    Bon voyage ladies and gentlemen. It's been fun, but I feel like its time to move on.

        Replies: 5
    Msg #5: On 8/17/2015 at 1:21:28 AM, Ostromite replied to Msg #4, saying:
    I will keep checking in, but I honestly think it's dead now, so I probably won't be posting any more, either.

    Msg #6: On 8/18/2015 at 12:06:27 AM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    This is why we need a DansJP3page, Facebook page. And the few people who actually come to this site can use it to talk about things we would normally talk about on here. The DansJWpage Facebook page is filled with hundreds of people that isn't representative of 'us' and some of them probably weren't members of this site in the first place.

    Msg #7: On 8/18/2015 at 12:19:52 AM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    Or, failing that, I'll have Ostro's and Trainwreck's facebook names. I first came to this site back in 2003. I was a latecomer, and I've always known the site to be dead-ish. This is the only message board I've ever came to, as the others are all far too populated. It's the small numbers about this place that I liked. Well, before the numbers got so small that nothing happened for weeks on end. Anyway, Ostro, and TW, I've always been interested on what your opinions of world events, movies, and so on. I'd actually miss not hearing those opinions again after this site goes down.

        Replies: 11
    Msg #8: On 8/18/2015 at 1:39:29 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    I'm with Lee. I'm gonna play this tune until the ship comes to rest at the bottom of this digital sea. And fuck you if you're taking a lifeboat. Damn pansy.

    Msg #9: On 8/18/2015 at 9:41:42 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    No lifeboat. Here with my violin.

    Msg #10: On 8/19/2015 at 1:54:00 AM, RaptorHiss replied, saying:
    I'm not going anywhere anytime soon either. Cheers to everybody!

    Msg #11: On 8/19/2015 at 7:52:18 PM, Trainwreck replied to Msg #7, saying:
    I haven't said anything smart in years, but if you ever want my dumbass opinion, hit me up on FB and I'll give it!

    Msg #12: On 8/19/2015 at 10:27:56 PM, fordprefect replied, saying:
    lol, I thought I was finally banned for my Jurassic World prediction.

    Msg #13: On 8/19/2015 at 10:28:08 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    I'll still regularly check this site.

    We should have just rebooted the community with a new JW site under new management and it would have kept this community a lot more alive. But I had no idea Dan was so apathetic to JW's existence until about a month before it came out when I realized he barely posted anything about it. He should have told us 6 months ago. But I can't fault him, he is still keeping this site going for us which I really appreciate.

    Msg #14: On 8/20/2015 at 1:31:02 AM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    I'll keep checking this site. It's the only forum site that I visit, or have ever visited. I usually waste time on YouTube, Facebook, and then come here. What if this site vanishes? Well, that's like 33% of my internet experience gone.

    I'll need your names if I'm going to add you on FB!

    Msg #15: On 8/20/2015 at 7:41:49 AM, Dac replied, saying:
    No lifeboat for Dac. Still here.

    Presumably in the boiler room, given how little I post these days. But still here.

    Msg #16: On 8/20/2015 at 4:01:46 PM, Vinsfeld replied, saying:
    Someone should buy the original website and redirect here or something. This was impossibly difficult to find, I luckily stumbled upon dans post in the facebook group. I wonder how many members were not part of it and don't know about this?

    Msg #17: On 8/23/2015 at 5:55:53 AM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    I agree... Dan should have given some sort of warning. We should renew the domain for one more year or something its like 10 bucks.

        Replies: 18
    Msg #18: On 8/23/2015 at 11:20:38 PM, Trainwreck replied to Msg #17, saying:
    Yeah but who be frontin that cash? That's like a month of Netflix Vinny smdh

        Replies: 19
    Msg #19: On 8/24/2015 at 5:54:12 AM, Narrator replied to Msg #18, saying:
    I'm sure Vinny himself will pay for it himself. He would never suggest it should be renewed if he himself wasn't willing to pay. He has honor and integrity. What is 10 dollars to a man like him?

    Msg #20: On 8/24/2015 at 6:17:30 PM, Bryan replied, saying:
    How many of us are there? Let's just split the bill that many ways. It probably works out to a couple of cents per person.

    Msg #21: On 8/29/2015 at 1:08:11 AM, caffeinejunkie replied, saying:
    o hai, I remembered my login for the first time in about a decade.

    Msg #22: On 8/31/2015 at 4:16:00 AM, RecycleYourPets replied, saying:
    I went to check out the site and saw it wasn't renewed. My heart skipped a beat with worry, but then I wondered why.

    Msg #23: On 9/15/2015 at 3:48:50 PM, QuickComment replied, saying:
    Wow, took me long enough to stumble on this. I've been doing vague random google-ing once a week or so since it went dark. I know I barely ever post anymore -- I don't think I've said anything worthwhile in years (if at all) -- but it was a bit depressing to see the place gone when I got back from vacation.

        Replies: 28
    Msg #24: On 9/18/2015 at 9:11:52 PM, Dan replied to Msg #1, saying:
    I fixed the GMT thing :)
    P.S. hello!

        Replies: 26
    Msg #25: On 9/19/2015 at 12:18:05 AM, RaptorHiss replied, saying:
    Hello Dan!

    Msg #26: On 9/20/2015 at 9:30:19 PM, yvonne replied to Msg #24, saying:
    Thanks Dan!

    Msg #27: On 10/13/2015 at 12:04:01 AM, spinorextor replied, saying:
    Dan and Yvonne in one post!

    Holy Shit!

    - Rob

    Msg #28: On 10/15/2015 at 1:04:28 PM, Phily replied to Msg #23, saying:
    Agreed! Thank you whoever for putting this amazing site back up!! <3

    Msg #29: On 10/29/2015 at 6:40:49 PM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    This AMAZING site that's had zero action for 2 weeks.

    Actually, I haven't checked the movie thread yet. Funny how we were all using it still (a little), and the second Dan decides not to renew it dies. Just like that.

    A few people on the Facebook page seemed interested in buying the domain, I'm not sure if they want to now though.

    Msg #30: On 11/3/2015 at 4:31:12 AM, Coprolite replied, saying:
    Would it be as simple as just buying the domain, what would that cost, like 20 bucks? I would front that, you guys have always been my official movie informants. Since this site has gone dark I don't know what the hell is going on in the theaters.

    Msg #31: On 12/18/2015 at 1:49:19 AM, AngelsPhoenix replied, saying:
    Found this link on reddit after just typing dansjp3page on google search. (Did it for old times sake.)

    Aaaaand I have something wrong with me, as I've missed this place, especially with tv shows' series, and season premiere, respectively.

    Msg #32: On 12/22/2015 at 1:36:44 PM, Vinsfeld replied, saying:
    Yeah the site is fairly hard to find, an obscure post by Dan on the Facebook page with no warning and poof site was gone.

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