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    It is believed that the first shot of the original JP3 teaser (on the DVD's) was taken from the Universal film, 'Six Days, Seven Nights'. (From: Brett)
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    " Revenge for Burning RaptorVinny's Tesla"
    On 12/18/2022 at 10:40:04 PM, Rick Arnold started the thread:
    RaptorVinny was a notorious slumlord in Brockville, Canada. He owned several rundown apartment buildings in the city and was known for exploiting his poor tenants by charging exorbitant rents and providing minimal upkeep to the properties.

    Despite his less-than-stellar reputation, RaptorVinny took great pride in his luxurious lifestyle. He loved nothing more than driving his shiny Tesla through the streets of Brockville, blasting Canadian death metal music at full volume as he passed by his miserable tenants.

    One particularly brutal winter day, RaptorVinny's tenants had had enough. They had been suffering in their cramped, poorly-heated apartments, with no relief in sight. So, they decided to take matters into their own hands.

    As RaptorVinny pulled up to his mansion in his Tesla, the tenants swarmed around him and dragged him out of the car. RaptorVinny screamed and begged for mercy as the tenants brutally beat him, pummeling him until he was a bloody, broken pulp.

    Just as RaptorVinny thought it couldn't get any worse, the lead tenant, a large brutish man, grabbed a can of gasoline and began dousing RaptorVinny's beloved Tesla. RaptorVinny was forced to watch in horror as the lead tenant struck a match and set the car ablaze, the flames quickly consuming the vehicle.

    As the flames roared and RaptorVinny screamed for forgiveness, the lead tenant leaned down and said, "Only God forgives..." before driving a hockey stick into RaptorVinny’s skull with a wet splat.

    As the police arrived on the scene, a pair of deputies discovered the remains of RaptorVinny next to the smoldering wreck of his beloved Tesla. One of the deputies scratched his head before turning to the other. “Well, isn’t that something.”


    RaptorVinny woke up in a dark, dank place that he knew must be Hell. He had always been a cruel and selfish man, so he wasn't surprised to find himself in such a miserable place.

    As he looked around, he saw countless souls writhing in agony, their screams filling the air. RaptorVinny knew he deserved to be here, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of dread at the thought of spending eternity in such a hellish place.

    Suddenly, a demon approached him. It was a demon of Vengeance, with a fierce and menacing look on its face.

    "RaptorVinny," the demon said in a raspy voice. "You have been a cruel and selfish bastard, causing suffering and misery to those around you. But I offer you a chance to redeem yourself. Return to Earth as an agent of Vengeance, and use your powers to right the wrongs that were committed against you."

    RaptorVinny's eyes lit up at the thought of returning to Earth and getting revenge on his whiny, ungrateful tenants. He had always been a vengeful man, and this was the perfect opportunity to satisfy his desires.

    "Of course!" RaptorVinny exclaimed, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "I'm going to get revenge on those who burned my Tesla!"

    The demon of Vengeance nodded, a satisfied look on its face. "Very well, RaptorVinny. You shall return to Earth as an agent of Vengeance, and you shall have your revenge. But remember, your actions will have consequences. Complete your mission, or risk facing even greater suffering in the afterlife."

    With a wicked cackle, RaptorVinny disappeared from Hell, eager to begin his mission of revenge. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make those who had wronged him pay for their actions. He was RaptorVinny, the agent of Vengeance, and no one could stand in his way.


    RaptorVinny had returned from Hell on a mission of vengeance, determined to make his ungrateful tenants pay for burning his beloved Tesla. But first, he knew he needed some high-tech weaponry to help him succeed in his mission.

    So, he set out to find his idol, Elon Musk, hoping that the greedy and miserable tech mogul could provide him with the tools he needed. RaptorVinny arrived at Musk's mansion, eager to discuss his plan.

    But as he approached the door, he could hear strange noises coming from inside. Curiosity getting the better of him, RaptorVinny peeked through the window and was shocked by what he saw.

    There was Elon Musk, sitting on a couch surrounded by piles of chips and candy, his eyes glazed over as he rambled on about something on Twitter.

    Despite his reservations, RaptorVinny decided to go ahead with his plan. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a bleary-eyed Musk. RaptorVinny explained his mission of vengeance and asked for Musk's help in acquiring some high-tech weaponry.

    To RaptorVinny's surprise, Musk was actually intrigued by the idea. He rummaged through his stash of gadgets and came up with some impressive high-tech weapons, including flamethrowers and drones equipped with death rays.

    RaptorVinny was overjoyed and thanked Musk profusely. As he prepared to leave the mansion, he noticed a pair of hockey skates sitting in the corner. Without a second thought, RaptorVinny grabbed the skates, he knew they’d be useful at some point.

    With the help of Musk's high-tech weaponry and his new hockey skates, RaptorVinny set off on his mission of vengeance, his heart cold and his mind focused on one thing: revenge. He had no interest in seeking redemption or making amends for his past mistakes. He was driven by a single-minded desire for revenge, and nothing was going to stand in his way.


    Quickly, he had tracked down one of his tenants, a young man who was working two jobs just to support his sick elderly parents.

    As RaptorVinny approached the man, he sneered and mocked him for never paying his rent on time and always complaining about repairs needing to be done for the building. The man tried to flee, but RaptorVinny was relentless. He chased the man down, his heart cold and his mind focused on revenge.

    Finally, he caught up with the man and roasted him alive with the flamethrower. "RaptorVinny 1, Tenants 0!" RaptorVinny sneered, as he walked away from the charred corpse that was once his tenant.

    The man's boss walked in after RaptorVinny had left, and he was shocked by the aftermath. He just scratched his head and said, "Well, isn't that something."


    RaptorVinny continued on his mission of vengeance, determined to make his ungrateful tenants pay for burning his beloved Tesla. He had tracked down a group of tenants who were having a small party to celebrate the demise of their miserable landlord.

    As RaptorVinny watched from a distance, he listened to the tenants talk about how they were hopeful that with him gone, they would be able to fix up their awful homes. They discussed their plans for change, dreaming of a brighter future.

    But as they talked, something on the horizon caught their attention. It was a swarm of drones, heading straight for them. The tenants panicked, trying to flee from the approaching drones.
    RaptorVinny's voice boomed over the drones' speakers as they dove towards the gathering of tenants. "Consider this a formal eviction… from your lives!" he cackled with delight.

    The drones cut a swath of destruction through the tenants, vaporizing them with their death rays. RaptorVinny cackled with glee as he watched the destruction from a safe distance.
    As the dust settled and the screams faded away, RaptorVinny felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He was surprised to find that one of the tenants had survived the drone attack, a young man who was wounded and lying on the ground.

    RaptorVinny approached the tenant and demanded that he give up the location of their leader, the man who had burned his Tesla and killed him. The tenant was terrified, blubbering and begging for mercy.

    But RaptorVinny was relentless, his heart cold and his mind focused on revenge. He grabbed the tenant by the collar and shook him, demanding an answer.

    Finally, the tenant blurted out that the lead tenant played hockey for the local team in Brockville. RaptorVinny sneered, pleased with this information. He snapped the tenant's neck and walked away, uttering "RaptorVinny 20, Tenants 0."

    As RaptorVinny left the scene, a homeless man stumbled across the carnage. He scratched his head and said, "Well, isn't that something."


    RaptorVinny was on a mission of vengeance, determined to make his ungrateful tenants pay for burning his beloved Tesla. He had tracked down the lead tenant, the brutish man who had burned his Tesla and murdered him.

    RaptorVinny confronted the tenant on the ice of Brockville's hockey rink, where the two engaged in a long, brutal battle with hockey sticks. The tenant called RaptorVinny an asshole and the whole world was grateful that he ended his life.

    But RaptorVinny was undeterred, screaming that he was now an agent of Vengeance and he would drag the tenant to Hell with him. The lead tenant swept RaptorVinny's legs out with his stick, but before he could finish him off, RaptorVinny sliced the tenant's neck with an ice skate that he’d quickly removed
    As the tenant lay on the ice bleeding, RaptorVinny proclaimed "RaptorVinny 21, Tenants 0!" He quickly fled the scene, his mission of vengeance finally complete.

    But as he left the rink, he quickly passed by NHL legend Todd Gill arriving. Gill was a native of Brockville and owner of their junior league team. He was shocked to find his dead player on the ice and scratched his head, saying "Well, isn't that something."

    As RaptorVinny fled the scene, he couldn't help but wonder if there was a better way to seek justice and make amends for his past mistakes. But for now, RaptorVinny was just relieved to have survived his final confrontation with the lead tenant, knowing that he had finally brought his mission of vengeance to a close. He had got revenge for them burning his Tesla!”

    Meanwhile, over on the Discord server for Dan’s JP3 Page, the scene was chaotic as its members tried to process the news that just come in of RaptorVinny’s murderous rampage. Jon was the first to break the news to the group.

    "Guys, have you heard about RaptorVinny? He's been going around Brockville killing people!"

    Rez's eyes lit up with excitement. "RaptorVinny finally snapped?! It's about time someone took out all these entitled women and minorities."

    PaulSF barely acknowledged the news, he had more pressing concerns. "Did you see the latest tweet from Konami? They dropped some vague hints that may be about a new Silent Hill game coming out soon."

    Ostromite was pretty dismissive of the news, feeling that RaptorVinny's rampage was derivative of an obscure '80s Norwegian slasher film. "Uninspired. Unoriginal. A total rip-off. I give this rampage one pumpkin."

    Rick Arnold snorted. "I doubt RaptorVinny will be able to keep it up for long. He's way too fat to be running around town murdering people."

    Rez nodded in agreement. "Yeah, fat people are just a drain on society. They should all be destroyed."

    CJ shook her head, concerned by the callous remarks of her friends. "I can't believe you guys are saying this. It's not right to joke about something like this. I'm not surprised RaptorVinny snapped, though. He's always been a bit unstable."

    Trainwreck chimed in. "Maybe if we had more efficient city designs and embraced mass transit completely, this whole thing could have been prevented. We’re doomed as a society."

    Just then, Phily popped into the chat, seemingly out of nowhere. "Hey guys, have you checked out the new offerings on Peacock? It's got some killer content. Sorry, bad choice of words."

    Everyone was shocked by Phily's insensitivity and poor timing.

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