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    "All message boards are dead."
    On 5/1/2017 at 1:13:24 PM, Colin started the thread:
    I realize that this place has been effectively "dead" for years now and the new bizarre domain name only helped solidify that, but isn't it interesting how message boards are kinda dead everywhere?

    Gone are disparate and specialized boards for given interests in movies, video games and what-not. They've all been supplanted by more centralized hubs with different factions under the same umbrella. Recently, the IMDB boards were shut down. (Reddit, Facebook groups, even Tumblr.)

    I'm feeling mildly sentimental about everything being so homogenized on the internet, but I guess it's best that way? Then again, I don't really recognize any of the same usernames popping up on Reddit the way I used to here.

    What are your guys' thoughts on the death of message boards? Good riddance or melancholy or just a shoulder shrug as that's the way things go?

    Msg #1: On 5/7/2017 at 2:55:00 AM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Melancholy. I had about three loyal friends before these kinds of boards/chats. As loyal as those three were, I could only blabber endlessly about my love of movies and all their technicals pretty much right here (or IMDB back in the day). Since then, various youtube personalities I really appreciate and have met, like Chris Stuckmann, have shown up and sort of filled a void, but the acual conversations have dwindled. I even miss the fiery debates.

    Msg #2: On 5/7/2017 at 5:08:04 PM, PaulSF replied, saying:
    Guardians Of The Glaxy director James Gunn tapped into this not long after I responded, pretty much. There's more than this, but here's my favorite part.

    "When I was young I felt utterly alone, at times to the point of suicidal thoughts. I never felt like I belonged, had an incredibly difficult time connecting to other people and, despite having love around me, I had an impossible time experiencing it, or taking it in.

    But I found my respite in popular entertainment - Marvel comics, science fiction and horror films, the music of The Sex Pistols, The Replacements, and Queen. Suddenly I could see past the bland suburbs where I lived into a more magical world, a world more aligned with what I imagined. Sometimes these works were simply escapist fantasies that distracted me from the difficulties of my internal life. But other times, in the strongest moments - maybe through the words of Alice Cooper or Freddie Mercury, through Cronenberg films, or even in Chewbacca's growl, I experienced something deeper - the realization that I wasn't completely alone. Someone out there was as weird and strange and whacked out as I was.

    They're a group of heartbroken misfits whose lives have been bereft of tenderness and connection and who have a nearly impossible time trusting themselves or others. But they're learning, one step at a time. They are me. They are you. We are Groot."
    - James Gunn

    Msg #3: On 5/8/2017 at 8:30:41 AM, fordprefect replied, saying:
    Message boards definitely died. I used to spend a lot of time on SomethingAwful, but the activity has gone way down, and GBS is entirely shitposts. Reddit is not that great for discussion because of the voting aspect.

    Msg #4: On 5/17/2017 at 4:41:17 AM, Dac replied, saying:
    I miss them. I've met several people in real life that I met on message boards and that was a great experience. I can't see the Facebook groups or similar generating the same sense of camaraderie as even we had way back when

    Msg #5: On 5/17/2017 at 7:43:46 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    I don't think they're completely dead. It's just that you have to go to very niche fansites for discussion and community.

    I think a lot of people have just moved on to social media. And with that comes ironically more anonymity in a lot of cases even if your name and picture is plastered beside your posts. Because there's so many replies that they get lost in the sea and nobody will recognize you from post to post.

    Msg #6: On 5/17/2017 at 7:45:43 PM, Raptor Vinny replied, saying:
    You a really great thing that has filled that community void for me?

    Discord. The chatting app.

    Unfortunately for some of you it is much more centred on fostering gaming communities. But I bet there are movie communities on there.

    Msg #7: On 5/27/2017 at 6:09:59 AM, Compy01 replied, saying:
    I'm still a bit gutted this site has died, so I guess it makes me feel better that it wasn't the site alone, but rather part of a trend.

    I learnt a lot growing up on this site, about politics and science and everything, and really felt at home. I never liked any other message boards because I found they had too many users. This site always maintained a steady number of about 50 users, and so it was easy to keep track of things.

    I don't know why but I just 'remembered' Dan's again today and clicked to check it out. I'm glad I did. There's a comments thread in the news section where some of the 'other' users post annually, and have been for years. It's heartwarming and both sad to see them comment about love interests coming and going, and about how fast life is going.

    In hindsight, I wonder how the disappearance of message boards is affecting the mental health of some of its users. I don't think social media has anything on, as Dac said, the camaraderie that message boards can provide.

    Msg #8: On 7/4/2017 at 8:44:33 PM, Trainwreck replied, saying:
    Social media is so lame compared to message boards. Without echoing all that's been said already (I agree), it's just apparent to everyone that the idiots and their echo chambers have caused the world (most visibly America) to take a dark turn for the worse. The quality of interaction on FB is definitely worse, and people usually just abuse each other on it.

    In 1996, when I first logged onto the internet, it was a place where people would go and discuss ideas and interests with each other. Abuse and bullying happened, but was not usually toxic or part of the everyday experience. Now that stupid people - let's call them exactly what they are - are comfortable using the internet in large numbers AND have a single website to gather, these unfortunate qualities have effectively been built into the user experience.

        Replies: 9
    Msg #9: On 7/6/2017 at 9:12:36 AM, spinorextor replied to Msg #8, saying:
    It's not that people are stupid, it's that they are slowly created that way through shitty pop culture and brain candy programming.

    But there are still one or two of us still around that can think for ourselves.

    *EDIT: Man I remember so many amazing things about this place...wish it was still active... :(


        Replies: 10
    Msg #10: On 7/9/2017 at 12:58:44 PM, Raptor Vinny replied to Msg #9, saying:
    Most people have every opportunity these days to educate themselves and not fall victim to brainless shit.

    The fact that Trump is president and Hillary was the alternative speaks to how braindead America is right now.

        Replies: 11

    Msg #11: On 7/13/2017 at 5:44:08 AM, spinorextor replied to Msg #10, saying:
    They have to know that they need to educate themselves though.

    Problem is that most of the idiots out there don't know how idiotic they are.


    Msg #12: On 10/4/2017 at 7:33:57 PM, Vinsfeld replied, saying:

        Replies: 13
    Msg #13: On 10/9/2017 at 4:48:39 AM, spinorextor replied to Msg #12, saying:
    I'm still around. I check the boards everyday.

    So much action...


    Msg #14: On 12/5/2017 at 7:23:04 PM, RaptorHiss replied, saying:
    Still alive and kickin'! Hard to believe this site is still here to witness the 5th installment of the Jurassic Park saga. It's wild huh?

    Msg #15: On 12/12/2017 at 3:38:22 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Stuff like Discord has kind of replaced it, and is very similar, just servers dedicated to specific things like entertainment rather than spcific threads

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