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    The big gun used to blow up the plane in JP3 is a BAR .50 caliber BMG. The round used is a .50 cal explosive/incendiary tipped round, which go for about $1,500 to $3,000 each. (From: NuclearRaptor)
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    On 1/7/2014 at 5:50:57 PM, Neo The 1 started the thread:
    The only show actually worth watching (besides The Bachelor duh lol)is back on tonight, if you move your ass you can probably watch all 4 seasons before the 5th starts tonight.

    Wait, you can't.

    But you can try. This is the best show on tv, if you're not watching, well, what the fuck.

    Msg #1: On 1/7/2014 at 5:59:28 PM, Stealth Raptor2 replied, saying:
    Started watching this show a few months ago and got all caught up within about a week. It truly is a great show and I can't wait for tonight's premier!

    Msg #2: On 1/8/2014 at 7:57:47 AM, Adam replied, saying:
    Definitely one of my favourites, though I usually wait for each season to finish up and then marathon the shit out of it in a couple of days. I've done that past 3 years, though I'm tempted to break the tradition...

    Msg #3: On 1/8/2014 at 10:38:47 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    I usually marathon shows but I can't ever wait for this one. It's extremely rewatchable so I always do a marathon again right at the end.

    That said, this was easily the weakest season premiere they've had. But I do love how this show continuously builds up smaller roles only to kill them off completely without warning. Would love to see some gators eat someone this season.

    Msg #4: On 1/8/2014 at 1:29:11 PM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I liked it, but I hated how basically every bit of development for Boyd was pretty much destroyed immediately, he's basically back at square one it feels like, it all just happened so quickly.

    Msg #5: On 1/8/2014 at 4:50:21 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Boyd is perhaps the greatest element of the show, and I'd have to disagree with you there. Throughout the show we've been treated to the will he/won't he redemption to his time on the straight path, then his gradual pull back into and acceptance of his criminal ways, his ambition to use those criminal ways to better himself and get out of the life(ala Stringer Bell of The Wire) only to have those criminal elements ultimately pull him back down and cause his unraveling. The brilliance of the show is the tale of him going back to square one despite trying at every turn to escape that.

    While I love Boyd and Raylan as reluctant partners more than anything, we all know that it will end essentially as it began- with them throwing down against eachother. We're not back to square one yet, but we'll get there- at the very end, when they're ready to kill eachother again.

    Msg #6: On 1/9/2014 at 3:24:27 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    It just felt a bit jarring for me, with the whole Detoit thing falling apart immediately, and the stuff with the Canadians went a little quickly there, it just seemed like a lot of stuff happened in a short amount of time, whereas the show usually takes a bit more time for that

    Msg #7: On 1/9/2014 at 2:19:32 PM, Jackle replied, saying:
    Just watched the first episode because I read this. Seems alright so far I suppose. Don't really know where it's heading so I'm gonna watch a few more episodes to get the feeling.

    Anyway, what I really wanted to say is: you just fucking love Timothy Olyphant don't you...?

    Msg #8: On 1/10/2014 at 4:02:21 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    The first season is a little wonky, outside of the pilot it sort of stumbles a bit as a procedural for several episodes.

    The real area the show shines is in it's cast and script, you will not find a better written show on television.

    It's well worth the time to "Get into it" as each season has progressively fewer "Standalone" episodes to the point where it's essentially a serialized television show at this point.

    Even what feel like standalone episodes at first slowly build throughout the seasons and then later the show in it's entirety. Characters that show up for 5 minutes might show up again 20 episodes later and be important.

    And yes, I really fucking love Timothy Olyphant. But there's not a member of the cast I don't love, truly almost any speaking part on the show really gets a chance to shine. This show is an actor's dream, most guest star spots in other shows are a joke, here it is something to be proud of.

    Msg #9: On 1/10/2014 at 5:56:41 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Agreed to that. Hell, even in the season 5 premiere, the dude who plays the guy whose working with Givens, the guy from Anchorman and who has guest starred on everything ever? He was really good on here, way better than he usually is imo

    Msg #10: On 1/12/2014 at 8:37:53 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Yeah. One of my favorite performances of the entire show was in season 3 episode 1, The Gunfighter, with the guy who plays Quinn from Dexter. He sucked on Dexter along with most everyone else, but absolutely killed it on Justified.

    Pretty much everyone who's spent time in Boyd's crew is also fantastic, in particular I loved Devil and the new guy isn't too shabby either.

    Finally Tim manages to steal every scene he's in more or less, loved last season where he had something significant to do and a nemesis.

    Msg #11: On 1/15/2014 at 1:41:20 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Second episode was balls to the wall awesome every second, loved seeing Barksdale show up and the deadwood shoutout with the revolver was fucking priceless. I was worried about Amy Dipshit but even she was fine in this show.

    And in THE WORST NEWS EVER TO BE REPORTED EVER, FX Pres. just announced that the upcoming 6th season will be the last for the show.

    Msg #12: On 1/15/2014 at 3:00:07 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    I am actually really happy that next season will be the last, go out on top, don't let it go to shit, if they tried to force it as long as possible, it could end badly. This also lets the showrunner/writers/creative team plan out the final season knowing it's the end, and not having to wonder while writing it and plan for either or.

    It might be better that way

    Msg #13: On 1/15/2014 at 10:27:08 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Supposedly it was Yost and Olyphant that wanted it to be 6 seasons, the FX pres. is quoted as saying he tried to convince them to run for longer and they refused.

    Yeah, I know, integrity, but fuck man.

    Msg #14: On 1/15/2014 at 10:27:00 PM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Not to mention, they're probably going to go fucking insane in the last season.

    Msg #15: On 2/9/2014 at 1:00:32 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Jesus CHRIST forget the last season, they just went balls out with one of the finest episodes of television ever closing out what would in any other show be the largest arc of the series.

    Here of course they're trading off epic for personal, but son of a bitch. What an episode. I would watch this for a hundred years.

        Replies: 17
    Msg #16: On 2/9/2014 at 8:06:56 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Boyd's gone off like the loaded gun he is, and it is glorious

    Msg #17: On 2/11/2014 at 10:47:23 AM, dieterstark replied to Msg #15, saying:
    Justified. That show is too good for you. Plus, it is on past your bedtime.

    You act like Dewey Crow; a coward with empty threats.


    Msg #18: On 2/11/2014 at 10:59:18 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Dewey is far from a coward, he's deep down a decent person that has been shoved around by criminals his entire life. There's a reason Dewey had never actually hurt anyone until recently, and it's not because he was afraid to, it's because he doesn't want to. This is one of the endless great things about the show, no doubt lost on you because you're a fucking moron.

        Replies: 19
    Msg #19: On 2/11/2014 at 12:43:15 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #18, saying:
    No, it is because he is a pussy and was afraid to. Maybe he was afraid to because he knew inherently that murder was bad, but so did/do people like Boyd Crowder, and the others in Family Crow for that matter, I mean that didn't stop them from taking that extra step to pull the trigger.

    You don't think Dewey wants to hurt people?
    -Didn't he tie Gibbons upside down to a tree and prepare to beat him (presumably to death) with a poignant baseball bat before Boyd stepped in to save Gibbon's ass.

    Any and all of Dewey's sense of confidence was DESTROYED when Rayland destroyed his knee during baseball season when they were in high school; after that accident, Dewey's limp is only a shadow of the pain which resides inside himself due to the following insecurities that slowly mounted as he continued year by year to where he is now as a limp leg. That answers the why of "why he's a bit of a pussy".

    But come on man, really...Dewey is cowardly by nature. He is getting a little better, and more assertive due to his cousins influence, but without his brothers and mamma he was on an aimless path of mediocrity.
    Maybe he is finally manning up, but in the past, he's been a pussy who'd rather shoot you in the back than risk a straight up fight face to face. (Hence the hanging of Gibbons, rendering him helpless, before Dewey messed with him).
    Name one thing in the past three seasons that Dewey has not done out of cowardice.

    And it takes one to know one; ya fucking moron.

    Msg #20: On 2/11/2014 at 1:07:56 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    Lost on you...

    because you're a fucking moron.

    Just in case that shotgun is obscuring his face too much for your drug riddled brain, you are talking about the wrong character. You can't even keep major characters straight in it's five season run. You'd think making yourself look like a dipshit would get old, but you just never seem to tire of it. Next.

    Oh, and might as well just address this here: You may think that because I go around breaking every goddamned spammy thread that you make that you can then come in to any thread I make and try to spam and derail it. You would be wrong. The reason I can, have, and can continue to derail every thread you make is because you are a joke, everything you post is a joke, and people either a) actively hate you or b) actively ignore you. I post maybe 4 threads a year total, and even then don't really care, so enjoy your fun while you can!

    Msg #21: On 2/11/2014 at 4:59:39 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    Rez, I think Dieter started a thread about possibly doing something to you in real life over in the Politics and Religion board but then edited it out. I didn't see it before he edited it, but right now it says:

    "Consequences of Slander, Breach of Security, and Breach of Anonymity "
    On 2/11/2014 at 12:13:33 PM, dieterstark started the thread:
    Edit: please disregard this post which was deleted due to legal implications.

    Msg #22: On 2/12/2014 at 2:00:44 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Rez and Dieter in a cage for 5 minutes would equal shut up and take my money

        Replies: 23
    Msg #23: On 2/12/2014 at 3:02:59 AM, JPController replied to Msg #22, saying:

    Msg #24: On 2/12/2014 at 5:22:52 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    LOL spoiler alert John C Smarr of Columbia SC who lives at (REDACTED FOR LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS), your entire case falls apart when every inquiry into this website shows that you break more rules* than everyone else here combined and everyone constantly tells you to stop, and that you come here at will on a public forum and have your internet information publicly available on multiple social media websites that you have posted about on said forum.

    Bottom line, you subject yourself to this place as your own choice, despite the fact that many members have told you to stop your behavior or outright leave, and that other websites really do exist for exactly what you're looking for. Seriously. You could absolutely post 5 posts a day about Jurassic Park at a few other JP oriented websites, and as long as you didn't start spamming violence and death and religious propoganda and drug posts like you did here, you'd be just fine. The irony in all this is that you are actively ignoring other communities that would, in theory, welcome you, because you didn't burn every bridge and piss everyone off time after time. Yet you still come here. By choice. At will. And I've had to do absolutely nothing to know who you are or where you live or point out all the dumb shit that you do except have a fucking memory. GOODBYE CASE!

    Rez 9179099901 : John Smarr 0

    *Board Rules: This is where the rules will go when we decide what they are. Until then, please try as best you can not to be an a-hole.

        Replies: 26
    Msg #25: On 2/12/2014 at 12:16:59 PM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    So, all fun aside, the latest episode of Justified was incredibly intense but not the masterpiece of last week.

    My one complaint is that there were far too many times where I was asking myself why the hell these people weren't getting arrested on the spot. Granted, it holds up when you think about it, but there's only so many times I can see someone get threatened with a knife before asking questions, even if it wouldn't hold up in court.

    Never thought another character had the drop on Raylan like the Crowes in the cabin did though. Despite him being the star of the show I had a moment of panick that he would get stabbed in the chest.

    Msg #26: On 2/13/2014 at 6:15:46 PM, dieterstark replied to Msg #24, saying:

    May you live in interesting times...Raptor_Kid@go.com

        Replies: 27
    Msg #27: On 2/13/2014 at 11:15:16 PM, raptor2000 replied to Msg #26, saying:

    Msg #28: On 4/9/2014 at 1:55:25 AM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Damn, that finale was great. Was actually kind of cool to see the end where it wasn't Raylan that pulled the trigger, he just loaded the gun this time. Cannot wait for January for the final season. Raylan vs. Boyd, just as it should be for the end.

    Msg #29: On 4/9/2014 at 9:51:51 AM, Adam replied, saying:
    So I avoided any recently said in this thread as I've yet to watch a second of this season. Just came in here to announce; now that Season 5 has finished, LET THE MARATHON COMMENCE.

    I will return shortly.

    Msg #30: On 4/10/2014 at 10:09:04 AM, Neo The 1 replied, saying:
    A whole lot happens this season, but overall the Eva story was long, plodding, and unnecessary. Given where it winds up she'll be an interesting player for next season, but they could have easily cut many of her scenes and extra prison characters and shown us her sadness and desperation through the visits with the other characters and maybe a beatdown or two.

    Weakest season since the first because of that whole plot line, other than that everything was great. Can't believe how many recurring characters bit it.

    Msg #31: On 4/10/2014 at 2:48:02 PM, Cameron replied, saying:
    Agreed, the Ava stuff dragged. It was a case of having about three episodes worth of material and dragging it across an entire season.

    Msg #32: On 12/3/2014 at 8:20:51 PM, Ostromite replied, saying:
    I finally started watching this show. I'm about halfway through season two, which is significantly better than season one, which was pretty shitty most of the time when it was just going through the motions of Elmore Leonard Brand® Imitation Pulp Crime Drama Product. It's frustrating because a lot of the writing is very good, but only the male characters, and everything with Ava (a terrible character), Winona, and the black lady cop is awkward, unbelievable, and, ultimately, very boring. It's better so far in the second season with the Bennett woman, but that's canceled out by that ridiculous Loretta character.

    I also seem to be in the minority in that I think Timothy Olyphant is horribly miscast - in fact, he's the only actor on the show whose performance I don't like. It's hard to explain exactly what about him bothers me, but his overly restrained way of speaking and his handsome Hollywood face and his constant mugging and quipping makes him seem phony. I mean, over here you have ugly ass Walton Goggins with this incredibly complex character just absolutely stealing every scene he's in, even when he's just sitting there drinking or pacing around with his hands in his pockets, then, over there, you've got this smirking lead actor in a big dumb hat with a fake accent spitting out these cutesy one-liners. I actually feel embarrassed for him when he's sharing screen time with grizzled Southern actors like Goggins or M.C. Gainey or even Nick Searcy. I also find it oddly out of character that Givens, this Wild West anti-hero type guy who kills someone every other episode, uses a cheap ass Glock instead of something with some heft or craftmanship.

    Msg #33: On 12/4/2014 at 1:38:29 PM, RezForPrez replied, saying:
    It took a while to find it's footing but is without a doubt my favorite show. No season is perfect but they all have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Season 3 is a lot lighter than season 2 which annoyed some people. Season 4 probably has my favorite moments of the show, but is hampered by everyone searching for not one but two characters for the entire show. Having every character ask "Where's person x!?" 12 times an episode got super annoying. Season 5 has their lame ass orange is the new black subplot but sets up the final season well.

    Both extremely excited and sad to see it ending.

    Msg #34: On 4/7/2015 at 2:47:28 PM, RezForPrez replied, saying:
    The show is wrapping up and while last episode was pretty fantastic and I'm excited to see how it all ends, I've found much of the final season wildly uneven and fairly limp. It comes down to a simple problem: They've sidelined Raylan in both character and action for much of this season. He hasn't done much or had much to do, and while I know they got rid of him killing people every episode or 2 because it was unrealistic, one of the biggest draws(ha) of this show were the intense and witty conflicts between him and the various bad guys. They also killed off and moved away all of his family, not giving him much to do outside the job, and he hasn't done any extra curricular activities this season either. It's an odd choice, given that Givens was such a well rounded character for much of this show, to be content to coast off of what has come before and reduce his life to a single focus for the last season.

    Boyd is a full on ruthless killer backed into a corner now, who trusted no one around him for the entire season. This is ultimately far less interesting than his conflicted bad guy trying to be better for the first half of the show.

    The real winners of this season have been the henchmen- Choo Choo, Boone, and Mikey are the easy standouts and Duffy(He loves guac!) has had a real chance to shine. It's just a shame that the core of the show which has always been the most interesting part of a fantastic series has became the most drab.

    Msg #35: On 4/15/2015 at 4:49:15 PM, RezForPrez replied, saying:

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