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    The strange characters that are seen projected against the raptor during the JP finale are actually the letters A, C, T, and G, the letters used for describing sections of DNA code. (From: 'MegaRaptor')
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    Toby the Compy Enters the Matrix
    By tobycompy2.0

    Bear with me this is something new,


    The Matrix Has you, Toby.

    Toby the Compy woke with a start. "Whoa!" He sat on his bed for a moment. "Whoa." Toby looked at his clock, it was 9:49, might as well get up anyways.

    Toby walked into his kitchen and Jake had already helped himself to cereal, pop tarts, oatmeal, a Parfait, eggs and ham, bacon, more cereal, pancakes, an omelet and some yogurt.

    Toby searched the cupboards for any signs of food. And then he saw something... Califoster's Weat Grain Bran Hycuk Hyuck.

    "Bleghh.." He fixed the wheat grain and sat down next to Jake who was stuffed full. "Dude, you ate so much."

    Jake rolled over on his belly. "It's... hard... to breathe.. Ehhhhhh."

    "Um... okay, are you alright? If you are, I think I might die from this wheat grain... I don't think I ever bought it, I remember it being here when we moved in 2 years ago." Said Toby.

    Jake eyed the bowl of wheat grain... "You gonna eat that?"

    "You're gonna kill yourself if you have anything more to eat... this week."

    Toby went out to get the mail, he saw a package in the mail that looked suspicious. He took it back inside and opened the yellow package.

    A phone. He looked at it for two seconds and then it rang.

    "Whoa." He pressed the button and held it up to his.. uh.. whatever compy's hear out of. "Hello?"

    "Hello, Eno."

    "How do you know that name?"

    "I know about more about you than you can imagine."

    "Oh.. well if you knew that much about me you could have just called me on my home phone, you didn't have to send me one."

    "Meh? What're ya gonna do? Anyways, there are men after you, I don't know what they want with you but you have to get out of there!"


    "Listen to the knock, knock, Neo.. I mean Eon."

    "You can.. just call me Toby."

    "Uh. okay. But listen."

    Suddenly Toby heard footsteps up to his front door and then he heard it.

    "Actually they rung the doorbell."

    "Okay.. well just look in the peep hole." Said the strange voice.

    Toby looked. Three weird looking men with sunglasses, suits and little phone jacks in their ears.

    "Now get out of there!" Said the man in the phone.

    Toby ran out the back door and saw a truck.

    "Don't worry. That's us get in the car."

    Toby walked up to the car and got in. A whole bunch of people with rain coats and sunglasses were sitting down in there.

    A man, a woman, and an african american man.

    "Hello." Said the black guy. "I am Morpheus... of the Nebuchadnezzer and this is my crew, Neo and Trinity."

    Toby pointed down. "This car.. is this the Nebuchadnezzer?"

    "No.. no. Don't worry, it's a really cool looking ship."


    "And now we are taking you back to a strange building." Said Neo.

    They started to drive away.

    "You know." said Toby. "When I was little my mom never told me to get into cars with strange people."


    Before he knew it, Toby was looking at Morpheus holding two pills at the building.. A red one and a blue one.

    "I'll take the red one."

    "But I haven't even told you what they do yet." Said Morpheus.

    "My favorite color is red."


    Toby looked at the fields of other humans.. and dinosaurs hooked up to the Matrix... "Whoa."

    When he was taken back up by the Nebuchadnezzer he went through a lot of tests. Extreme accupuncture and many other things.

    They downloaded Kung Fu, Ju Jitsu, Hibbity Dibbity Du, Loppity Loppity, Sushi Ushi and finally the ability to withstand playing the board game Risk.

    "We have to go find out where the Keymaker is at the Merovingian's."

    "Hey, Morpheus." Said Toby.


    "Why does everybody here have philosophical names that have to do with the Bible, Greek Mythology and stuff that Stephen Hawking has said."

    "Oh.. because it sounds cool, aren't those cool names? Persophene, Morpheus, and don't forget Niobe."

    "Oh, neato, can I have a cool name like that."

    "You already have one, it is Eno."

    "What??? That name sucks, all it is is my Screen name for the AOL Chatroom."

    "Well that's your name outside of the Matrix!!! OKAY??"



    They arrived at the Merovingian's place and walked in. After talking for awhile, they realized that this was not going to come easy.. until Neo got to make out with Persephone.

    The Keymaker was a tiny oriental man. Neo and Toby ran around the place and suddenly a whole bunch of weirdo looking guys appeared.

    Then the Merovingian came out.

    "Vello, vittle man and Neo, I have survived vour predecessors and I vill survive you!!!"

    "Run, Eno!" Said Neo.

    "You don't have to tell me twice." Toby said starting to book it when he stopped suddenly. "Don't call me Eno!"

    He ran down a hallway. He looked back at Neo owning the other guys. Suddenly he hit something.

    He looked up and saw a gigantic werewolf staring at him. "Hi." It said with a beastly voice.

    "Hi." Said Toby. The werewolf grabbed and tossed him across into a room through the door.

    "Ow." Said Toby. Then the werewolf walked in growling.

    Toby did a flip into the air and landed on his feet. "Alright." He slipped on some shades. "Let's do this thang." He snapped his fingers and some Matrix music came on.. the one wher Neo fights Morpheus in the first movie in the little karate outfits.

    The Werewolf swung at Toby, but Toby bent over backwards and the wolf missed.

    Toby elbowed him in the face and then kicked him into the wall.

    The wolf grabbed a piece of wood that was now showing because of the hole in the wall that it had made. It grabbed Toby and smacked him in the face, Toby grabbed onto the chandelier and swung back and kicked the Wolf's head.

    It did a back flip and jumped off of the wall to fly up towards Toby, who unholstered his gun, firing at it as it soared towards him.

    It dodged every bullet and grabbed Toby's little feet. Toby kicked, trying to get him off. Then, Toby remembered, he was a compy, he didn't need this Matrixy crap, he bit the Werewolf and it fell off of him clutching the wound.

    The Wolf's eyes became red and it ran towards him Toby ducked and the Werewolf dived at that precise moment the wolf fell asleep.

    He went through the window and Toby shut it and opened it again. The Mountains...

    "Nighty night, wolfy."

    Toby ran back to where Neo was and saw everyone lying down, knocked out or dead, while Neo stood there filing his nails.

    "Geez, and I had trouble with one guy."

    "We need to get out of here." Said Neo.

    "Yeah, we do."

    "Hop on my back, we've got to get to the Highway."

    They soared out of the Chateu with breakneck speed. "Whoa," said Toby.

    Neo flew by the Highway and dropped Toby onto an SUV, suddenly an Agent jumped out of nowhere and hit the hood of the car and soared away. The car went flying, Toby hopped off of it onto another car.

    He needed to follow that Agent, he was going to get the Keymaker. The Agent smashed another car that came cruising towards Toby in the air.

    He dodged it and took out his gun hopping cars as he went towards the Agent. He saw it leap onto a semi and attack Morpheus.

    "Oh, no!" Said Toby, just then he saw Ghost and Niobe driving up in their car. "Wait for me!" Said Toby, who sprang over to their car and got in through the window.

    "Hey guys!" Said Toby.

    "Hi, Toby." Said Ghost. "So how you been?"

    "I've been okay, you know, it's not that great being outside of the--."

    Suddenly Morpheus' body hit the front windsheild and he jumped back off of it.

    "Whoa," said Toby. "Didn't see that coming."

    "Go kick his ass." Said Niobe.


    When all the run-amok was over, Toby decided to sneak off.. the Matrix was a little too scary for him. So he just decided to stay with Jake inside the Matrix.

    He walked back in.

    "Hey, Toby. Where have you been?"

    "Sleeping inside of a pod for my entire life, and so have you.. and ALL OF US!"


    "Oh.. nothin'." Said Toby.

    "Hm, well the Matrix Reloaded came out today, wanna go see it?"

    "Why see it? I lived it!"

    "What are you talking about, Toby?" Said Jake with a scrambled look on his face.

    "Nothin', yeah, let's go get tickets."

    "Okay... dude." Said Jake.

    "Whoa." Said Toby.


    Written and Directed by
    The Wachowski Brothers

    with a little help from tobycompy2.0

    5/28/2003 5:03:28 PM
    (Updated: 5/28/2003 5:04:20 PM)

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