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    When Lex says, "It's a UNIX system, I know this!", she's right! The 3-D graphical interface shown in JP is a real program (the "Virtual File System") that users of SGI's high-end graphics workstations (that run on UNIX) can actually use to navigate their computers.
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    The Saints III (Chapter I)
    By tobycompy2.0

    The Saints III
    Chapter I

    Bob Klein looked up at the crumbling buildings of UFX, thousands of flooder ships, everywhere.

    “Megaladon! We have to evacuate this place!” He yelled.

    “Bob, all of the pods for escape have been destroyed! We have no choice left but to flee to the ruins of InGenNet!” Yelled Meg.

    “Then it will happen! We’ll make an announcement to the city from the office!”

    “The office has been destroyed!” Said Meg.

    “I’ll do it right here, then.” Bob stood up on a knocked-over statue. “Citizens of UFX! Citizens of UFX! We are going to flee to InGenNet! Flee to InGenNet!”

    Guilty Spark ran through the scrambling crowds of UFX. He wasn’t going to InGenNet which had been destroyed. He was going to Dan’s Jp3 Page and seeing what he could do there. UFX was no more. The site had been destroyed. There was no hope for the page now.

    Spark looked up at Flooder ships zooming around destroying the city and killing people. He would be able to get to Dan’s faster if he had one of those ships. But the only way he could get it out of the air if he had a sniper rifle. And the only place that had them was the Park Tower over by the Paleontology section. The rifles were perched onto the roof to guard them from flooders running loose. He looked for it to see if it had been destroyed yet.

    It was still standing! He had a chance, but it would be a risk. He began running towards the tower, looking up at ships zooming around firing away towards innocent people. Spark picked up more pace, he was breathing hard, running as fast as he could before it would be tumbled over by a Flooder.

    He ran past someone laying on the ground who he recognized. Chaos Edge CZ.

    “Rob. Are you okay?”

    His legs had been blown off. “I’m… I… can’t believe this has happened. How did it come to this?” He wheezed out.

    Suddenly Spark saw a ship fly towards them shooting its machine gun towards him and CZ.

    Guilty Spark jumped out of the way, but Rob lay there, being shot up, through the torso and then the head. He was dead.

    Spark turned around and started running towards the tower. Finally he made it. He opened the door and walked inside. Now he was going to have to climb 25 floors to the top.

    The elevator would be faster than the stairs but if the building was attacked, he’d have a harder time getting out. But the stairs would take much time.

    Spark stood for a second. He didn’t have time. He ran into the elevator and pressed 25 on the button scheme.

    As he went up he looked out the Elevator window in which you could see all of UFX. The city was in flames. Giant fire balls blasting up every ten seconds. The elevator stopped and opened to the roof, Spark quickly went over to the Sniper rifle and manned it.

    He put his eye in the Scope and looked around for a ship.

    “Ah!” He said as he saw a nearby one. He aimed at the pilot’s head. It was so shaky and the ship twisted and turned around. He pulled the trigger and took the shot. “Dammit!”

    He had missed. But now the flooder knew he was trying to shoot at him. The ship did a barrel roll and flipped back to start flying towards Guilty Spark.

    Guilty Spark only had one shot left before the Flooder ship would hit him. He aimed at the windshield once again and fired.

    A hit! He could see that he had only hit the pilot’s shoulder. But it made the ship lose control and make a rough landing on the roof. Perfect for getting in and flying to Dan’s.

    But first he had the flooder to take care of. The door slid open from the top with a press of the flooder’s button. He crawled out and stood up looking at Guilty Spark.

    The guy was ready to fight. He charged forward heading to Spark, the flooder grabbed ahold of his head and kicked him in the face. Spark stumbled back and re-manned the sniper rifle, turning it around and leaning off the side of the building so he could do so.

    He clicked it and aimed for the man, who ran towards Guilty Spark and dived as if he was going to tackle him.

    Spark pulled the trigger and blew a hole through the flooders neck, who was still in the air as he plummeted off of the building and hit the ground below.

    Raptorhunter22, Dax and the Saints had arrived at Dan’s. And it was a mess. Ships were flying everywhere, there had to be two thousand.

    Ghustan scowled and looked at 22. “I received word before we met that UFX was also being attacked by a Grand of Flooder ships. I also… received word that they have.. they’ve fallen.”

    “No.” Said 22.

    “It has come to pass,” said Giant. “That Dan’s is going to be next if we don’t do something.”

    “I am still waiting to hear from Bob Klein to see if he will gather his surviving people and come help us in this fight against Samnian,” said Ghustan.

    “They will not fight.” Said Maela. “Sure, maybe Bob would want to help. But his site is stubborn against this page. They will not help.”

    “It won’t hurt to ask, Maela.” Said Ghustan, angrily. “We have to ask, otherwise all of this will be gone and soon there will be no other sites in this World Wide Web. And all that will be left will be evil.”

    Dax was looking through his binoculars. “Bad news.”


    “There’s an army of flooders headed this way. There must be 6,000 of them.”

    8/31/2003 8:30:53 PM

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