Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Besides being TLW's writer, David Koepp also supervised the direction of some scenes as the "2nd Unit Director". (From: SeanArcher)
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    Site-Man (Chapter 1)
    By tobycompy2.0

    Dan's Jp3 Page: A quite corrupt city at the dark times. Filled with flooders, spammers and good mods gone bad. During the time between JP3 and a possible Jp4 people are becoming evil and hate-filled and only those are weak start leaving.
    But protecting the site from flooders and spammers and rogue-mods, is Site-Man. No one knows who he actually is. His identity remains secret for if It was to be known, those who he loved would be in great peril. His actual name is Tobycompy2.0 but when peril strikes he logs off and logs on again to become SITE-MAN!

    Site-Man stood on the roof with his sky blue mask and the rest of his costume silver. Quite like Spider-Man's except no netting or web designs on it. He looked down and saw a flooder thug. He jumped down to see what he was doing.

    The Flooder was messing up Seth Rex's story about Site Wars: Crash and Burn. It was suddenly filled with cuss words and capital letters.

    Site-Man had seen enough he jumped down on top of the villain and lifted him up.

    "Naughty, naughty boy." Said Site-Man holding him by his collar.

    "Site-Man, Site-Man, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Said the flooder almost crying.

    "Well, then, I'm guessing since you can edit that you'll change it, right?"

    "Uh, yeah, yeah sure." Said the thug, now weeping. He went to the nearest MB booth and edited it out and then, smiled back at Site-Man.

    "So, I'm guessing that you won't be doing that anymore, am I correct?" Said Site-Man smiling under his mask.

    "Nope." Said the flooder thug. "Who are you anyways?"

    Site-Man didn't know anybody who could be this stupid. But he hadn't anything to say to that. He hadn't made up a phrase yet. "Your friendly neighborhood Site-Man." And then he took out his swinging whip and swung off.

    YOU IDIOT, he thought to himself. Friendly neighborhood Site-Man, how unoriginal is that? Hmm, what could it be. Site-Man to the rescue? Oh... gosh I need to work on this!

    On top of a building, Rogue Mod sat on looking at Site-Man. He had a red hood on and his yellow eyes blazed with evil. "Site-Man, Site-Man, meet your newest enemy. Heee Heee Heee Heee." He deleted a few posts randomly and then ran off into the night.

    To Be Continued...

    4/11/2002 12:05:56 PM

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