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    While the t-rex's "suspicion" may have been based on movement, scientists believe his sense of smell was excellent -- Grant and the kids, therefore, would have been lunch. (From: velocirapteryx)
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    Grand Theft Auto ch.3
    By tobycompy2.0

    ToByCoMpY FaN FiCs

    G------------------- T ---------------- A


    Ch. 3
    Anthony Price walked out of the hospital and looked up at the sky. It was a clear day for killing. He was going to make a trip to Shoreside Vale.

    Mafastada Englacious sat back sun bathing on his deck as he watched beautiful women swimming in his pool.

    "Ray, would you go out and pick up a copy of Newsweek for me?" He said.

    "Yes, sir."

    "Thank you." Said Englacious.

    Ray, Mafastada's assistant walked out to the Sentinel and got in with the windows rolled down he felt a gun to his head.

    It was Anthony. Ray looked up at him with the gun still pointed at his face.

    "Smile." Anthony fired the gun and blew Ray's brains all over the car.


    Mafastada heard a distracting bang, he took off his sunglasses revealing a small tan line around his eyes.

    He paused for a moment with his mouth half open, a little curious.

    Englacious put back on his sunglasses and lay down again.


    Luckily for Anthony, Mafastada lived at the top of a hill, probably the top of Shoreside Vale. Anthony rolled the car down to where he could push it off, with the body of Ray still in it. And gave it one more prod. It sailed down the hill and hit the bottom crushing it. With car parts going everywhere.

    Anthony broke open the door to Englacious' mansion. And walked to the back door.

    "Englacious! You owe me a club."

    Mafastada looked up and grabbed his gun and stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. He fired at Price, who dodged it and two more mafia men came out with uzis.

    "Shit!" Anthony ducked behind a couch in the house as the two men fired.

    Anthony poked up his head up just barely and pulled his 9mm's trigger which hit one of the men in the chest which sent him to the floor.

    He ducked back down again as the other man fired, his face turning red with anger.

    The mafia man saw nothing happening with the couch. He walked over to it and flipped it up. There was no one there.

    Anthony walked up behind him. Put the gun to his head. The man knew he was finished. Price blew a hole in his head and he fell to the ground.

    Mafastada looked as Anthony walked out the door, he fired his small gun at Anthony, but he easily dodged it.

    "Alright, listen. I'll make you a deal. You spare me and I'll employ you." He said.

    "Not enough." Said Anthony walking closer to him with the gun pointed at his chest."

    "I'll get you a new club!" The fat italian man said. "And you will be under my employ! Big money!"

    Anthony nodded his head back and forth thinking for a moment. "mmm...Deal."

    "Alright... Jesus, I could use it too after all my men you just did." Said Mafastada.

    Anthony couldn't help but laugh.

    "I will have some of my friends down at Pan-Lantic construction, the non-Cartel ones, start construction on a new place down in Staunton Island next to Donald Love's place." Said Mafastada.

    "Alright, I'll be around when you need work."

    "Actually, I need work right now. I have some friends down in East Portland who are having trouble with some bastard who jacked their car. We do not care about the car anymore, but we do care about finishing off this fellow. His name is John Lantan. He's driving around one of my Mafia Sentinels. We have a radar on him. Go find him and finish off the car along with him."

    Anthony looked at Mafastada for a minute, five minutes ago he was planning to kill him, now he was under his employ. Oh, well, he'll be getting money.

    Anthony walked out the door and saw a station wagon parked across the street, that would work.

    He walked up to it and busted the window and got in the car. He hot-wired it and drove away. John Lanton was as good as dead.

    to be continued...

    9/24/2002 2:51:11 PM
    (Updated: 9/24/2002 4:34:09 PM)

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