Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Grand Theft Auto Ch.2
    By tobycompy2.0

    The man walked out of the club, he had a black suit on that matched his dark hair. He was italian, and no one would doubt with his features. He held a cigar in his hand. He had just taken over a club/bar that was going to help him with the plunge of the stock market. He had his investor tell him to take the money out, because he knew it was going to go down a chute.

    This certain italian man's name was Johnathan Antinion, he was a part of a mafia, he was just under his crimelord, Mafastada Englacious, but when he got around to it, he was planning to kill him.

    Johnathan smiled as he finished up his cigar, about to walk back inside when he saw a volkswagon speeding down the road towards him. A gun firing at him.

    "Aghh!" He screamed diving for cover taking out an uzi.

    Anthony stuck his head back in his car laughing. But then he felt one his tires flatten out. Back right one to be exact.

    "Bastard!" He stuck his 9mm out of the window and shot it one more time. Damn, it had one shot left after that.

    Lucky for Anthony Price the last shot had pierced Antinion in the leg.

    Antinion got back up clutching his bleeding leg with a bullet inside of it.

    "You son of a...!"

    Price backed up the car and fired one last shot, missed.

    He then slammed his foot on the gas. As Antinion fired away with his Uzi, his face red, sweat dripping down his forehead. Mouth open teeth showing.

    "Aghh Aghh Aghh Yahh ahha!!" He screamed as he relentlessly shot the firearm.

    It hit the windshield making glass go everwhere. Price just kept his head down, still driving full speed. He had a sadistic look on his face. Finally he slammed against the brick wall of the club. Air bag popped out hitting Price in the face, it made his nose bleed.

    Price pushed the air bag out of his way. And put his on hand on the handle of the door as he pressed it, the car door fell off. All crushed up.

    Anthony got up and looked at the car. The entire front of the car had been smashed in. Price walked up to it and pushed it away from the wall.

    There beneath where the car had been he saw a mangled, bloody Johnathan Antinion.

    Anthony Price walked around to the other side of the Krazy Kitty, which was his.

    He opened the door to it and saw three tux-dressed men with machine guns pointed at him.

    "Oh, shi-!"


    Anthony dived for cover as the guns shot through the brick wall making pieces of brick going everywhere. Why were they doing this? They stole the club cause it was nice.

    Anthony saw a garbage can, he had no choice.

    The three men walked out still holding their guns out in front of them. A hummer pulled up and stopped.

    Then another man walked out, this man was Mafastada Englacious.

    "Antinion should be in his private office in the back. He went out for a cigar but I'm sure he's back in now, there is a lap-dance waiting for him. But he's not going to need it. The explosives will set in 2 minutes and 3... 2.. 1 seconds. His plans for killing me to take over did not exactly succeed. This club has no more use to us now.
    "As for that Price fellow, I trust he was just taken care of now? This club has no more use to us now."

    "Uh, yes, sir."

    "Thank you." Said Englacious. "Let us be off."

    The car drove away. And Anthony's head popped up out of the trash can. "Not the club!"

    He busted open the door with people still dancing despite the fact of what just happened. A few girls recognized him. "Hey, baby long time no see, wanna go for a f--."

    "Get out! There's a bomb!" He said.

    Price must have known every single secret compartment in the place. The Krazy Kitty had neon lights everywhere with a bar and dancers everywhere. A few booths and one back office where Antinion was supposed to be.

    Price ran into the back office seeing the gigantic crater the car had made. Where was the bomb? Where was the bomb? Anthony looked everywhere in the office. Was it even in here? Then he stopped really slowly. His panicked breaths he held back... beeping.

    He followed his ears, closer... closer.

    He stuck his head under the Antinion's office chair.


    The bomb! Thirty eight seconds! No! Anthony picked up the chair and jumped through the hole in the wall and slid the chair across the street, then he let go as it rolled down. And finally hit a fence by a barber shop.


    The chair desecrated and half of the barber shop was as well.

    But then two seconds afterward the club blew up from the other side.

    Anthony Price flew 15 feet in the air and landed on the destroyed Station Wagon he had stolen.

    He was bleeding badly. The club was in ruins... two bombs, there were two bombs.

    Anthony looked up, he sure hoped that the people had gotten out, he did yell that there was a bomb.

    Anthony got up and wiped off his face and arm from the blood. A few shingles were in his skin. He walked over to the front side of the club. Everyone had gotten out... even his girls.

    They all ran over to him in their sexy outfits holding him.

    "Oh, are you alright, baby?
    "Oh, we'll make you better."
    "Well, until the Ambulance gets here, babe."
    "By the way, Somebody call an ambulance!"
    "Oooh, baby."

    Anthony couldn't help but smile a little bit, but his club was destroyed and he was going to get vengeance, if it took him forever...

    T O B E C O N T I N U E D. . .

    9/14/2002 6:54:53 PM
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    (Updated: 9/14/2002 7:00:24 PM)
    (Updated: 9/14/2002 7:02:33 PM)
    (Updated: 9/14/2002 7:05:02 PM)
    (Updated: 9/14/2002 7:07:43 PM)

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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