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    Demented Dinosaurs: Special Edition
    By tobycompy2.0

    Ben was checking his wallet for any clues on who had found the DNA on an island called Isla Something. That's what he was checking his wallet for. He knew he had some news in there, there wasn't anything in in. Jamie, his girlfriend, must have taken it or something. Oh well some scientist went to the island to look for missing embryos so he could expirement with them. He had lizard DNA samples to fill in the links. He was trying to mix them in his lab with other dinos. He had the technology to do it. He was one of the scientists that worked at the first Jurassic Park. He had stolen some of the things to create a dinosaur egg. But he still had a missing sample to create his Tyrannosaur egg. So he mixed the samples with a tryceratops. He has 2 eggs and is waiting for them to hatch and is nurturing them. John Hammond who was killed before the second disaster happened on That island. One of the other scientists who worked on Jurassic Park with them. Lost his leg to a Tyrannosaur and was begging the scientist not to hatch it and to destroy it before something else happens. But he didn't listen he kept nurturing it. Right here I was thinking of Ideas for cool mixed dinosaurs I could do.

    Dr. Livingstone was working in his lab and started to see his egg move he let out a little yelp of excitement as he ran over to watch it hatch. He saw the egg shell start to break through and then he thought to himself how wonderful it will be to have created a new breed of dinosaur that will go down in history. A triceratops mixed with a tyrannasaurus rex! The 2 eggs were extremely large and he looked at the other one in displeasure why wasn't it moving? He watched as his creation slowly got his way out into the light. The other egg still no movement. He took his Triannasaur and put it in a cage. It looked amazing it had the face of a tyrannosaur and two horns sticking out of it's head like a triceratops and instead of small forearms he had big sturdy ones. But what about the mixing of a carnovaur and a herbivore? What would it want to eat? He decided to see what side that would be on by giving a test he put a buffalo leg in and a plant in the cage. The triannosaur quickly devoured the buffalo leg and looked at the plant in hope that he would get another peice of meat. Definately a carnivore. I was wondering how I was gonna explain what the dinosaur ate, but this just became easier.

    Two hours later Ken Livingstone checked on his other egg and it still had no movement what so ever. He decided to open the egg to find what was wrong, deciding to himself that it was probably dead. He had opened it and found the remains of his other dinosaur. Dead. "Damn!" Livingstone screamed. I wasn't going to have the dinosaur die, but I thought it would be more simpler to have one Dino.
    2 Months Later

    Ben was driving down a street in Los Angeles and saw a Building that said InGen on it. That was where the now famous Triannosaur was being raised.
    He decided to go in to see if he could get a peice of the action. He walked into the building to find a lady young and blonde hair who was quite attractive ask him. Believe me she WAS attractive. LOL
    "May I see your InGen passport please?"
    Ben replied that he didn't have one and that he would like to go on a tour and see the triannosaur. The cost was expensive 88.00. He joined one of the tour crowds and followed them up the stairs into the arboretum where the dinosaur slept. He could only see the tail and the top of it's back it was middle sized. Probably full-grown in about 1 more month. I didn't really know how dinosaurs aged back in my first fan fic, so...
    Then the tour guide stopped and everyone saw the tail and its back go down and then come up they saw a human leg hit the glass. This was where one of my readers got confused. I forgot to add a scene in here which if you scroll down is in the deleted scenes. It was 3 meters thick but still easy for a dinosaur like a triceratops or T-Rex to get out of. Everyone ran down the stairs running to get safe from any harm. Then to everyone in the building's horror hear the glass break and a few stomps and then a loud long roar.
    Ben saw the face come through the ceiling as the triannosaur gobbled up the tour guide lady. Yup the cute tour lady got killed. Sob. :) People ran out of the building onto the streets and the dinosaur following after them. Ben was infront he quickly jumped into his car and got it started and drove off looking in his rear view mirror to see the woman that was next to him on the tour to become a snack for the Mixed Breed Rex. Ben saw the dino look at his car in a smiling way. Ben drove off as fast as he could, the rex ignored the car and started eating more tourists.
    Dr. Livingstone came by in a helicopter when the Demented Dinosaur had reached a hotel. The man in the chopper with him took out a shotgun and looked at Livingstone and said that he was sorry and shot the creature 4 times and then it fell to the ground. I wasn't exactly sure about this but oh well.

    4 hours later the news reporters were there trying to interview Dr. Livingstone he walked inside with a few microphones in his face and sat in a chair and put his hands over his face and thought they killed my creation, they killed it.



    Seth Rex=Silver

    SR: What was your inspiration to write this story?

    TC:Well when I first came onto Dan's page, I was a lurker and I clicked on Fan Fiction, and read stories all day, I liked it and always loved writing stories, plus I always thought it would be cool if the next JP was about mixed dinosaurs. So then Demented Dinosaurs was born.

    SR: Any Favorite Authors? And how did you create your storyline?

    TC: My Favorite Authors had always been Mike Crichton, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, and Orson Scott Card.
    I basically created my storyline on making it up as I go. It was very fun to think of combinations of dinosaurs as and many other things today. I had fun on this fan fic, which is probably why I still write today.

    SR: Of all the Demented dinosaurs series which is your favorite one?

    TC: I would have to say the first, I had a blast writing it, and It was my very first fan fiction.

    SR: Now each of your stories includes a demented dinosaur or 2, which of the dinosaurs themselves are your favorite?

    TC: Well now that I've heard of your idea with the PteranoRaptor, I think that is my favorite, but I really liked my Bracciaraptor. Because it seemed almost impossible to comprehend.

    SR: Any plans for A new Demented Dinosaurs story?

    TC: Really, no. I said that number 4 is my last and its my last. Also I am retiring this Summer, and I proabably wouldn't have any time. So I am simply passing it on to you, Seth.

    SR: How do you think the Demented Dinosaurs series has effected you?

    TC: Well, its what got me into the fan fiction phenomenon.

    SR: Any You'd like to state for your fans about the upcoming Demented Dinosaurs?

    TC: If I know Seth Rex is writing it I know it is going to kick ass!


    Ben looked around in his car. He saw all of these helicopters flying back to where the Triannosaur had gotten out. He decided to drive back.
    When he arrived he saw the gigantic Triannosaur laying on the ground, and Dr. Livingstone with his head in his hands.
    Then suddenly the Triannosaur started to get up bleeding horribly. It ran around the corner as dozens of helicopters flew after it. It ran into a nearby forest. Everyone saw the trees rustling, then the rustling stopped.

    1 hour later.
    No one could find the dinosaur. They thought that it had died when the rustling stopped.
    It had completely disappeared. For once scientists didn't have a theory.


    1. Dr. LivingStone was sitting staring at his dinosaur bite down on the slab of meat he had given him. His dinosaur was so great. He loved it. It was his creation.
    He got another piece of steak to give it. But as he put in the cage it bit him. It looked at him almost as though he was sorry for doing it.

    2. The triannosaur feeder carefully walked into the habitat. With a bigger thing of meat than him, a cow. He hoped the triannosaur would go for it. The triannosaur got up and looked at the feeder and then at the cow. Suddenly it lunged for the small man.
    I don't know I why took this out. It explained the human leg hitting the glass.


    Some very new scary demented dinos are going to star in this fan fic.


    Spinociraptor: Spinosaurus, Velociraptor

    Tricerataur: Triceratops, Tyrannosaur, Carnotaur.

    Pteranoraptor: Pteranadon, Velociraptor

    Microcompy: MicroRaptor, Compy

    PLOT: Finally a park has been made with Demented Dinosaurs as the main attraction... but two don't trust the decision. When inside the park visiting the dinosaurs, sometimes goes wrong and one of them gets loose, after that, certain chaos takes place, letting all the other dinosaurs loose as well. The only real dinosaurs are the most dangerous of all...


    3/29/2002 4:22:30 PM
    (Updated: 3/29/2002 4:31:28 PM)

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