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    AgEnt Compy 2X01 - Freak Show
    By tobycompy2.0


    [Starring tobycompy2.0]

    The man was lying down on the floor, he had been drinking all night long, he had puked all over the floor, and lastly, gutted a man and tossed him out the window.

    [Seth Rex]

    He had a deformed face and an arm with no hand, he was very sad. He had lost everything when he was young and caught in a fire.


    Agent Khan took a long puff of his pipe. He was looking at his paperwork. "How many people has this man killed?"

    [And The Host as Agent Khan]

    "Sixteen so far, and the DSF members have not been able to find him anywhere," said Agent Seth Rex.

    Agent Khan looked at Seth. "Rex, it's the DSF, they can't find crap. We need to send Co—we need to send PN out on this."

    "Khan, wait a minute, what if I went out there?" said Seth.

    "You?" said Khan staring at Seth. "I, uh, okay."

    "Great, I'll go out and investigate it." Seth put his coat on and started to walk out the door.

    Just then, Pn walked in and said Hi to Seth. "Hey, Khan, am I going out to check out what's going on?"

    "Well, no." said Khan, smiling a little bit. "Seth is."

    Pn paused from looking at one of Khan's plaques on his wall. "Seth?"


    Seth drove his Mustang toward the site of the last killing. He pulled up and got out of the car.

    "So, Officer, what have you and your team put together?" said Seth.

    "We don't know why we can’t find this guy, the knife was even left here and we can’t find any finger prints on it."

    "Oh, man, you guys are morons." Said Seth, now understanding exactly what Khan meant.

    "Sir, that is unnecessary."

    Seth didn't answer him and got in his car and drove away. He looked up at the top of a few buildings and watched as he drove, he kept the corner of his eye on the road. Something, for some reason, was really entrancing about these buildings, Seth had just gone off to a stare and got his eyes back on the road.

    And suddenly he saw it, again, out of the corner of his eye, he looked up real quickly and saw a man in a blue suit. He stopped the car immediately and jumped out, with his 9mm.

    "Stay there!" he yelled.

    The figure in the blue suit looked at him for a moment and then turned and ran off.

    "What the..?"

    He lay at his bed, laughing his brains off. He is filled with glee, terror and hatred all at the same time. The man had a suit on, but it didn't fit him, it was the one he wore to church when he was thirteen, it was ripped in certain places and torn purposely.

    When he was young he went to his catholic church every Sunday, until something happened, the priest, the one he had loved so much, had molested him that one day, he was scared that his foster parents wouldn't want him back. But he knew he had to do one thing.

    The following Friday he went to the priest's house, with his foster father's .22, and knocked on the door. He hid it behind his back, but he didn't know that it was sticking up behind him.

    The priest answered the door. "Oh, hello, Jimmy, what can I do for you?"

    He swelled with anger, the priest had acted as if it had never happened he swung out the .22 and shot the priest in the stomach, it didn’t kill him, but he fell to the ground and started bleeding, grasping his stomach.

    The boy walked over looking down on the priest, sad that the man he looked up to had fallen to this level. He was also sad that he was doing what he was doing, but it had to be done.

    He raised the .22 and shot the priest in the neck, and started smacking him with the gun until he couldn't recognize the man's face.

    James looked up, he could remember it so well, but wanted to pound it out of his mind. It was like a scar in his memory, he wanted to end it all. He didn't want to exist anymore, how could there possibly be a God when his own priest had done such a thing?

    He sat back on his bed, rocking back and forth curled up. He was no longer laughing manically.

    It was raining in Dan's city, the sign pointing to Dantropolis and Dansville was soaking wet. But that didn’t stop the traffic coming through the sleek roads.

    James walked on the street covering his face up. He couldn't tend with himself much longer, he was going to have to do it someday. James stopped. He thought to himself, not unaware of the people still continuingly walking past him and bumping into him.

    He smiled. He had an extraordinary idea, he wasn't going to commit suicide, but a genocide. Seek revenge on the world that ruined him, he was going to kill as many people in Dan’s City as he could until there were no more left, or until the Dan’s Security Force caught him.

    He grinned again. And looked at an old lady approaching him. He grabbed her neck and started shaking her head back and forth, people around didn’t seem to notice until about thirty seconds after it had been happening.

    James kept shaking her and tightening his grip. She choked out words like "Help!" and "Please stop!"

    A man grabbed James and tried toss him off of her, but he took her with him. He fell to the ground and she fell on her chin.

    "Hey, get off of her, you freak show!" The man said.

    "Freak show? FREAK SHOW?" James screamed, he pulled off the hood that was covering his face and showed his gnarled-up mug. "I'll show you freak show!"

    He grabbed the mans face and bit his cheek, as hard as he could gnawing at it and pulling away, the man punched James in the nose and he fell backwards.

    The man grabbed his face, stopping the blood and helped the lady up as a few other people assisted the two. James got up and started running towards a nearby alley.

    "Get him!"
    "No we need to get these two people to a hospital."

    The dark figure stood at the top of a building, holding a shotgun and an uzi in each hand. He dove off of it and flew towards the ground taking out a rope at the last minute and lassoed a pole about one story down from the ground.

    He did a back flip and landed on his feet. The rain hit his face and his blue suit. He took out his gun and started firing.


    7/13/2003 4:33:50 PM

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