The Lost World
By Michael Crichton
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    Within King Kong-the way to the river tanxtlcloc
    By thatvfvodiadi

    Skull island. south hunting grounds of the fleshcarver tribe.
    The Quiet Dusk, the deep snow torn forest of the east Amatuko Ravine.
    From the tendril covered lee of his high hide, a mossy lichen coated Rock which overhung from the
    Riverside, Náahui, a young hunter initiate, cautiously watched the waking of the world. He had stayed
    like this all night round, though for this vigilance his eyes hadnt grown any wearier; Alertly, he kept
    a constant watch on the clearing below him. He lifted his fur covered head, the ornament on top ending in a makeshift beak, releasing his breath carefully, trying the scents on the air. He squinted his eyelids, and recoiled his brow.

    Strange winds were passing through the Mountains all of a sudden again, and the scents of the recent ice and snow, though now mostly melted, had covered everything in and around the Area--since the past month, when they were brought to colonize this new rain-drizzled Place this weather had started for him, it had negated even the nearest smell of any hostile presence in this place.

    the rain was unpleasant for him. With it now pattering constantly onto his back, his uncomfortable position made his a difficult way to keep watch; but Risk of being caught off guard was high, and he knew he needed to keep his eyes on the edge of the waters. By his original vantage point, where he was seated in the thick of the fog upon a lower stone by the shore, he wasnt able to see at all(,and here he could see slightly better); impossible to spot anything in that place he chose to move up, high above the misty ground floor.
    In eaither place, Fairer weather wouldve served him better-- at least allowing him to see more efficiently. To this thought, Naahui gave a low, agitated snarl. On bloodsore mountain, it never stopped Raining.

    He sniffed now; still the smell of cold and moisture loomed all around.
    The sun had nearly completed its way down to the earth again. He now shifted his gaze to the space behind him, to the group of large trees which had formed on the slope up to his seeing spot. He made a drawn out, breathing hoot in that direction. shortly after, from beneath the branches belonging to the closest of the large trees there came a series of chirps and quick raspy, chittery growls.
    Unsurprised by the answer, he snapped his face back to the look out position and stared hard against the fog. This was threatening: he felt that strange stench of the metal skinned, beast trainer warriors lingering somewhere behind all the cold. he knew well of how the expedition by these creatures to their private lands had fared; months on from their arrival, having lost many of their numbers to perils and traps of the dense jungle already, that they still yet remained despite all this read as strange and very senseless to the watcher Tribesman.
    That they were to take the river path seemed stranger still;by his sources from across the river, their band would be arriving at the glade onto which he was peering within the hour. he was eagre to witness their purging from this planet, not to mention going to a nice dryier place at least partially indoors.

    He Listened Sharply at the sounds of a now dark Place; for if there was one sense that wasnt somehow dulled or clouded by the natural chilled weather of the highlands, it was his hearing. focusing hard, his eyes darted about his patrol area, then up and down the pathway underneath him. It was then that he picked out a peculiar series of semi-bird, sounding calls, sudden and abrupt, distincly irregular of the real birds which, as a Mountain animal himself, he knew very well. Gradually the patternless calls became closer and louder.
    The trunching and branch bereaking that followed soon later were unmissable evidence and led to the realization: It seemed The Ghordl, the name he and his kin used for an enemy tribe whoha learned to tame the immense crab like beings of the deep easts' jungle, were upon them at last, he triumphantly thought; though wether they knew that, he had yet to make certain.
    stepping ahead of the mat of large wet leaves which were nearer the back of the tall stone, he shifted ever
    closer to the thick screen of leaves and branches inches infront of his snout. staring through the leafy canopy he could now clearly see the forms of the mounted eldar moving through the dense shrubbery.
    Slowly and cautiously, and in the intervals of his movement Pricking up his ears to listen intently for stray sources of noise, he moved to rouse the rest of his cohorts for the ambush.

    Naahui released the branch that he had been hanging from, and crouched from his watching alcove behind the branches. He crept down the hill, keeping low and far from the direction of the strange, mechanical, chirpings, himself releasing a series of whistles, clicks amd hushed growly roars from his throat to his fellow watchers, and soon after calls from the other points around the area circulated back to him.
    he quite nearly forgot of what he had to do next, slowly Unwrapping the Stone bomb from his tunic robes and pressing the large rectangle shaped part on the end of the cyclidrical shape to his lips. In the bushes far to his west the sign began, from its regular burning of red, then to, green. Finally it started blinking blue. what he'd been wating for.
    Naahui hissed loudly and mightily as he Gave the order ambush.
    The time for attack had begun.
    At this he loped up the slope and onto the rock, un-twining his blowpipe from his side, burst through the
    leaves and leapt into the air, descending onto the lead, a mounted warrior, knocking the elder
    and his mount into the muddy ground and causing a great commotion as its carriage and its resevoir of venom toppled, impacting into a tree. As the torso flew from the charred remains of the crab so did Naahui leap off the frontpiece just before it impacted with the trunk.
    as he stalked over to the body Naahui smeared the torso of the downed one through with his clawed boot, the force of the stomp puncturing the breastbone. Looking on at the wails and shrieks and cries of
    the dying enemy Men, he gleefully grunted as he strongly trampled the still living held chief-elder to death.
    just as He brought his knife weapon up from his first kill a half dozen enemies had slid past the tree cluster beofre him, Brandishing chains, sword pikes and Bow, But Naanhui was already on the move.
    Cleaving the Attempted block of the sword hilt of the first attacker lengthways in half with his running strike,
    as well as the accompanying limb of the unfortunate enemy soldier.
    Thrashing and slicing about in the chaotic melee that was now in full upon the small glade beneath the watch hill, he hacked and jabbed at the intruders, ferocioulsy bursting the head of one with a close range blast from his fist, while collecting the dead one's needle like blade, which he used subsequently to impale then wrench both blades into and out of the body, making for a large explosion of sinew and blood, as the wretched Enemy was torn apart by the two blades. About him already the others of his Flesh craving troop had similarly taken Ghordl-men sword-blades to the tresspasser force, using their downed comrades weapons against them. awkwardly their close combatants struggled to weave and dart, to keep the multitudinous others of his tribe within their sight, only to end up
    spinning and twirling into yet another foe's path, thereafter being cut to a pile of chunks or ribbons,
    or swiftly decapitated and eaten.
    suddenly there was a sound.
    fast approaching from the far southern edge of the clearing came a pair of the enourmous tree-medin, the walking hulk reptiles, slave-kind now of the Ghordl.
    Naahui knifed the closest foe in the side of the neck, hooking him before him and slicking the now limp
    body of the eldar crudley in two with his other hand weapon, when he Howled loudly to his east. as was expected, and a good part of his plan to better worm out the pallid eldar out of cowardly hiding, there now came out from the there lying bushes, bounded the slobbering, bloody faced form of Ha-lmut,chief of the gargantual and frenzied bloodmen, craving berserkers in want of the foes organ blood, the most valuable for the concoctions back at the walls of the stronghold, now busy tearing at the flesh and armor of the enemies now presented before them: Now cleared, he fast and heavily trod a straight path to the two towering tree-mnein, his straight plan to be to impede the giants in some way so that they wouldnt cut too deep
    into his forces as they battled already.
    He drew closer faster, closing the distance while all the while raising his weapon, his foot falls the thuds of wood on stone, resounding in an echo around the battleground, as he frenziedly attacked the first snow covered walking-giant, with a complete executed two handed vertical hack, shearing off the twig-like protrusions on each right and left arm, the latter being struck with the folllow up strike witch swooped around in an arc, Crippling it severley.
    both these creatures now conspired infront of him, lashing more angrily now with their branche and whip covered arms, But Naahui had already twisted and swerved free and, clear of the one whose arms he had splintered through, he threw up the rectangle artefact into the air.
    It exploded with a large wail and the debris glowed orange as the signal was sent.
    fire from the hidden blowpipe snipers reduced the two giants to look like little more than dead, drying broken sticks, what wasnt burned of the projectiles with the fire and blast from the cannon embedded now into the still wood; spikes and axe heads, as well as the darts, among the projectiles scattered onto their wooden forms.
    His allies were pleasantly punctual, he thought, and fearsome; he glanced to their position, where their blasts had obliterated the once-daunting Demon lizards Walking there.
    He uttered a small aprreaciatve hoot to the warriors he knew were there, the phantoms of the
    Fleshcarver Tribe's finest, and the battle raged on as the remaining intruders were mowed down, by his own 'Bulls',tribe warrior-initiates, and the covert Snipers alike.

    12/6/2005 6:57:27 PM
    (Updated: 12/6/2005 7:20:04 PM)

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