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    The Raw Delight-----part 1
    By solidshoe

    The Raw Delight

    By SolidShoe


    They weren’t supposed to be doing it, but fucking in the Airplane bathroom was god-awful fun. Benson Page was on top of his woman, giving her everything he had, and she pushed back, giving everything she got, times three.
    Naked parts slammed into the port-a-potty walls. Jasmine squealed as Benson put it to her like a man, hard and strong. She was cramping up, but the fire in her belly made the pain in her legs more than bearable. She knew she shouldn’t, that it was against every fiber in her being, but what the hell.

    “Fuck me, damn you! Fuck me something good!”
    “Damn!!” Benson went right on pounding her into the plastic walls.

    The small plane crept over the Atlantic. The great expanse of ocean was dark blue in the calm night. Beneath the rolling waves, Giant whales swam gracefully. Stars shone brilliantly from space. The soft caw of the island birds could be heard. It was a perfect night.
    Except the plane was hexed. It was in less than perfect condition. A man named Hasel, the wing mechanic who’s job it was to oversee the maintainence of the plane, had skimmed on the job. Gas prices were rising too rapidly, and so Hasel had bet with the couples lives, putting too few gallons in the jet. Shit, he wasn’t gonna be on the plane, so what did it matter? Such was the mechanics thinking, and everyone aboard the small plane would soon pay for his greed.

    “Oh shit! Did you feel that?” Jasmine asked her heaving lover.
    “Baby, that’s called an orgasm.” Benson said, cheesing his heart out.
    “Stop it. We shook. You didn’t feel it?”

    The plane lurched violently. Both people could clearly feel the loss in altitude.

    Over the loud speaker, the Pilot spoke up.

    “Mr. And Mrs. Page, please exit the John and strap yourselves in. We’ve run into a bit of a problem!”

    “What the hell?” Benson said, pulling out of his girl and throwing on his clothes. “It’s not a storm. What the hell?”
    “Maybe an air pocket? Something like that, maybe?” Jasmine asked.
    “Don’t know, better find out fast though. We’re over the goddamned ocean. Where the fuck could we---“ His words were interrupted by a terrible lurch in the plane. Benson fell to his back, slamming his head into the toilet. “Ahhhhhhhhh” he moaned, filling the swelling instantly.

    The plane was lurching violently when the couple burst out of the John. The pilot was looking back at them with crazy eyes. He was clearly in a panic.
    “What’s happening?” Benson called out.
    “Fuel. Somebody fucked up bad, skimped on the fuel. Guess they didn’t anticipate us taking the scenic route. We ran out of fumes ten minutes ago. We’re practically gliding, and there’s almost no wind.” The pilot said in a shaky voice.
    “What? How the hell could you not know we were flying on fumes?” Jasmine asked in horror.
    “I…I forgot to check it. Figured we were doing good.” The pilot said, almost crying.
    “Bastardo! Fucking Bastardo! You’ve killed us all! We’re in the middle of the fucking ocean. Where are we---“

    Benson fell into a seat as the plane plunged. Jasmine, being very slender, began to partake of gravity, and floated to the top of the cabin. The pilot slammed his eyes closed. What the hell else could he do? Time flew by in a daze; slow and confusing, it was. The Page couple were on their way to get married in Grecko Isthmas, Rome, but it wasn’t ever going to happen. Instead they would die over the seas of the Atlantic.

    Jasmine was not surprised when the cabin lost pressure, breaking the plane in half. Suddenly she was floating, no flying! She looked down through the calm winds and saw the two broken halves of the plane as they plummeted to the water. She could even see the pilot, now a tiny figure, still strapped in his seat. She didn’t want to look at him. Instead, she turned to face the other portion of the plane. If she pulled her arms back, she could become less wind resistant and dive with the cabin, but she didn’t want that. Even as she saw her fiancé looking up at her through the crack with raw, blazing fear, she didn’t want to join him. Their love was not that strong, and she wanted to fly like a bird before she died.


    Jasmine was flying; flying like a bird. The wind was perfect beneath her. The water seemed to be taking its sweet time in rushing up at her. Good, she thought, I can be a bird for a few seconds still. And she was. Jasmine was also not alone. Twisting her head to the side, she noticed that a curious seagull had taken interest in her. It soared by her side as she fell. Every so often, the bird cawed at her. Jasmine was sure it was the angel of death. A single bird had come to her in the dark stillness of the falling sky, and it scared her.
    Then the bird was flapping, then it was gone. Half-heartedly, Jasmine tried to flap her arms. She broke her stride and began falling much faster. Feeling stupid, she opened her arms again to the catch the little wind, and she was steadied. The ocean was getting closer now. It would hit her like a ton of concrete slabs. At least she wouldn’t feel it. The death would be quick.

    Below her, there was an explosion. Jasmine looked down into the flames of the airplane. The updraft of heat pushed her up a bit. She could fly again! The roaring flames that had claimed her soon-to-be husband and dirty pilot, now amplified the ocean a deep red. It was beautiful. Then the heat was satiated, and Jasmine was falling again. She was going to slam into flaming wreckage. So much for being a bird, she thought, and then closed her eyes.

    “Well hello there! I say, might I lend you hand?” Came a strange voice from the east. Jasmine turned her head in surprise.

    The man in the hot air balloon was not really a man at all, but a talking dinosaur. Jasmine knew a raptor when she saw one; her kids had seen Jurassic Park numerous times. Only this raptor was wearing a top hat and spectacles.

    “Hahahahahaha! I’ve died! God is a fucking dinosaur!” Jasmine laughed into the wind.
    “Now, now, you haven’t died, not yet. Give me your hand, let me take you away from all of this.” The dinosaur said. Jasmine was sure she was dead now. Somebody above had fucked up royally, and now she was going to animal heaven. Oh well…Jasmine extended her hand. A scaled claw grasped her, then pulled her against the wind. She giggled again, amazed by the silliness of it all. How could the afterlife be so silly?

    She was inside the hot air balloon then, standing face to face with a talking dinosaur.
    “Looks like those flames will give me all the lift I need. Here, have a seat.” The dino said, pulling up a stool. “Looks like we both had a rough day. Amazing rescue I say!” The dino said, extending his claw again.
    “So this is heaven. Strange…” Jasmine said, looking down at the wreckage of her former life.
    “Heaven, no! We’re alive. I just barely escaped with my life as well. Don’t let the appearance full you. I’m not what it looks like.”
    “You’re not a talking dinosaur riding a hot air balloon?” Jasmine said, giggling.
    “No, my name is Radimus Dixon, and I’m running for my life. Be thankful I found you before they did. Be very thankful!” The dinosaur was serious.

    Suddenly Jasmine wondered if she might not be in hell.


    Radimus told a crazed story, but damned if he wasn’t sounding believable. He was running, he said, from an island off the south of the Atlantic. It was an island called Groyd, hidden by the whales, he said, because the whales the domesticated animals of the Baha clan. At first, Jasmine had laughed. Radimus continued with his tale, however, and it was no laughing matter.

    “I used to be human, you know? Like you. I had a wife, not so unlike you. We were in my hot air balloon, taking a trip around the islands. Done it plenty of times in my youth. But this time they found us. I think it was because I had my woman with me. You see, they really want the women. Don’t care for the men, just turn us into beasts. But when it comes to the women, especially women like you, they have other things in store.”

    “What? Like what?” Jasmine said, becoming alarmed. Now she was sure she wasn’t dead.
    “Pray you never find out girl. Pray, and hope the real god doesn’t see fit to throw you their way. God didn’t help my wife, but you might come out of this ok.”

    As it turned out, Radimus wouldn’t talk about his wife. Said he couldn’t put himself through it again. Said he would rather die than talk about the horrors. So Jasmine asked how he got like he was, and it seemed he could talk about.

    “The ancient practice, that’s what they call it. Horrific stuff. They have a way of turning men into animals. How I survived the art, is beyond me. Must be magic, because I should surely be dead.”
    “Yes, but how, Radimus. How?” Jasmine asked, getting annoyed.
    “The brain, dear. They took my brain from my human body, and put it in this one.”
    “I’m supposed to believe that?”
    “How else do you explain a talking dinosaur? I assure you, you are not dead. Not by a long shot. So how else child?”

    “Fuck,” Jasmine said. “When the fuck do we reach the real world?”

    The balloon soared out into the empty night.

    7/30/2002 11:51:34 PM

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