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    The helicopter used to take everyone to the island in JP crashed in Hawaii on March 22, 2001. No one was hurt, but the helicopter was destroyed. You can read the full incident report here.
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    Jurassic Park: The Followed - Chapter 1
    By sithraptor

    Jurassic Park: The Followed

    By Sithraptor

    Chapter 1

    Kevin Hildebrand stood in a grassy clearing. He was dirty and bloody, with small cuts all across his face and a slash across his broad forehead. He panted in the late afternoon heat, trying desperatly to catch his breath. The others were dead, that much he knew for certain. What he did not know was whether or not he could reach a place of safty in time. He glanced around the clearing. To his right, a thin tree, definatly not capable of supporting his weight. To his left, a game trail, leading back into endless miles of steamy jungle. He was about to reasses the risks of climbing the thin tree again when he heard it; the low hissing he had come to fear and dread. Kevin gasped as the animal bounded into the clearing. The seven-foot high velicorator snarled at the dirt-covered, weary man. Kevin was terrified, yet suddenly, he felt too tired to run. Then, he heard another hiss from behind him, and it occured to him he had just walked into a trap.

    Two Weeks Previous...

    Kevin Hildebrand sat in the dimmly lit bar, sipping a beer and half-watching the soccer game on the television set. He had received word of his brother's death a little over a week ago, and his mood hadn't improved any, and it wasn't likly to anytime soon. Ben Hildebrand has always been an adventurer; even as kids, Ben had lead expeditions to the very boundries of the neighborhood. As they had gotten older, Kevin and Ben had went seperate ways; Kevin to teach art at a college in up-state Vermont, and Ben...well, Ben just never really grew-up. He had continued his hobby of extreame sports; scuba-diving, surfing, competative skiing...and parasailing. Ben had always been a good parasailer, but this time he'd gone too far...this time, he'd gone parsailing at Isla Sorna. Kevin had been well aware that Ben had wanted to visit the restricted island for some time, but had never actually thought he'd do it.

    "I should have stopped him," Kevin thought to himself. "I should have stopped him from going. I just didn't think...didn't think he do it. But I should have known...I should have known."

    Kevin had received word of Ben's death from his sister, who'd heard about from the Costa Rican government. Kevin's sister, Laura, has taken the news particulary hard; the two of them had been close. Laura had told Kevin that she would never rest, until Ben's body had received a proper burial. Which is why, on that rainy thursday afternoon, the quiet art teacher from Vermont found himself plotting a way to get onto Site B. He knew that to let his sister be happy again, and to help the rest of his relations, Ben had to be buried. Which meant someone had to retrive the body. And Kevin was the only one who could do it. Getting up, Kevin payed his bill, and left to find a mercenary who take him to Isla Sorna.

    Chapter 2 Coming Soon!

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